PC 84-219fr~~\ RGSOLUTION NO. PCB~-21~3 r~., A RESOLUT:IUN ~[' THE ANAHEIM CI'I'Y ~~I,ANNING r_OMMTSSION llENYtNG A RLQL~EST `r0 AM,GiVU THE T,EGAL AESCI~IP'.PION ANU TO DELETE COND2TION NO. 2 OF RF;SOLUTIUN IJO, F~C84-1'72 ADUP7'ED IN CONE(:TION WI'rH CONDIT~ONAL, U~E PEFtN1I'i' N0. 2613 WHrRLAS, L•he petitioner submitted a request for an amendment to the legal description and de.letion of C~ndition No. 2 contained in Planni.ng Commission Reaolution No. PC84-172 adopted in connecticn with Cot~ditional Use Permit No. 2613, whir.h was gr~nted by tt-~ Planning Com;nisNion on August 20, 1989- to permit a semi-enclosed restaurant wxkh on-sale beer and wine on pr~perty consisting o.f approximately 1.06 acres located on the s~uth slde of ~~ermont Avenue and the east side uf Harbor Boulevard, and further c~escribed a~ 406 West Vermont Avenue; WHEREI~S, the petitioner reguests to amend the lega,t description ~o pertain orily to the easterly 75-foot wide parcel which does not have Frontage on Harbor tioulevard; and WHEREAS, the petikioner requests deletion of the Eallowfng c~ndition contained in the above-referred to resolution; "2~ That the owner of subject property shall irrevocably offer to dedicate to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 5~ feet i.n width Crom the ce-iterline of tt~e street al~ng Harbor Boulevard for street widening purposes. WHEREAS, the Ananeim City Planning Comrnission did hold a publi~ hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 29, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., natice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as requir~d by la~v and in accordance with the ptovi.cians of the Anaheim Municigal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposal tn amend the legal description and conditior~s of approval of Conditiunal Use Permit No. 2613, and ~o investiqate and make f.indings and recommendations in connecti.on therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation anc' study made by itself and in its behelf, and after due con~ideration of all evidence and re~ort~ of~ered at said hereing, DOES HEREBY E'INA: 1• That no one indicated their pzesence at ~;aid public hearing in opposition; and that no ~orrespon~ence was received in apposition to the subject request. 2. That khe Commission could not find justiEication to amend aaid legal desc.ription and to delete said condition on the basis that t:~e properties are developed j~intly and combinec3 for tt~e purposes of sharPd parking and 3hared vehicular acce~s to and £rorn Eiarbor Boulevard and Vcrmont Street. Et3VIRONMFNTAL ZMPACT FINDING: That a Negativ~ Declaca~ion was prevfou~ly approved on August 20, 1984, ,~nd no further acti~n is necessary. ~0351r PC84-219 i ; i ~ ..; ,_. •~~•~ "'~_'• :t .trn ?}' ' y~ ':',:tiM1 NOW, TH~REFORE, BG IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City px C~mmiss.i,on does hereby denX amendment condi~i.ons remain as a ~f Reso.lut.ion No. PC84-17~ anning part of l:he resolution and must b~ complied With and the THE FOFtEGOING RESOLUTION is sign~d and approved b of Uctober 1984. Y me this 29th day /~j / L 1~ ~.1, j,r ~ /? . i ! 1 . / ~ ~ ~'C. G~~'~+~~.I~ CHAIRWOMAN, PRO Tu[y,pnkE ANAHFIM CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: c~ - i ~• SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY F~ ANNING COMMISSIOPI STATE QF CALI~'ORNTA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~; ) ~s. CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) x~ Edith L. Harris, Secr~tary of the Commission, do hereby certify tt~at ~he tore oin cAnahei,m ado ted at 9 9 xe,,o] ution ast passed nand 29~p~984 a ~neering of the Anaheim City Planning Gummis~ion held on 0 . by tt~e Eo11o~+ing vote oE the member.s thereof; Gt~ber AYES : COMI9ISSIODIERS : NOGS: COMFIISSION~RS; BpUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, KING, LA CLA7RE ABS.EN'P; NONE COMMISSIpNERS• hERg~T, MC BURNEY 1~ WIT~~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereu~~to set my hand this 29th da October 29, 1984. Y o£ ------_~~-~ ~ • SECRETARY, ANRH ~ FIM (;ITY PLANiVING COMMISSION