PC 84-22~? r~I~<, ftGSOL,UTl'ON NU. S'C8h-2? A R1350LU'i'IUN UF T1lE ANAHEI~4 CZ`1'1C PLADIN.ING COMMIS..''iIU~ 7.'IlA'.I' PE'PI'1'lON I'CR CONLII'.PtO[~AL USL~' 1'GRMI`I' N0. 2532 F3E GRAN`!.`L'~D WHEREAS, hhP Anahei-n Ci.ty Planning Co:nmi.ssion d:id rer.eive a verifi~d Petiticr- f:or. Conditional U~e P~rmzt fr.om M.I NG-YIJAN HUANG & MEI-I~T YEN HUAtdG, 31~1 Via Dtondo, Campt~n, California 9U221, owner•s, and MERVIN ,J. YOUNG, 5'G2 South San t.iago, Anahei.ri, California 928G7, agent of certain real property situated in the Cii:y af Anaheir.i, Couni.y o~ Orange, State of Calif~rnia, ~3escribed as: PATtCEL A: PARCEL 2, A:i SH04~'N UN A MA1~ F~ I.LEU TN BOOK 90, FAGES 5 AND 6 OF' PARCGL MAP~ , iN 'l'HE OF [']:C'E pF THF COUNTY. REf_'ORULR ~E' SAID C:OUN`1"'. WHEREAS, tha (:ity Planning c:ommission did holcl a pubyic heari.ng at tkie Givic Cent.Pr in the City oF Anahei.m o~i Fel.~ruary G, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice ~f saicl pub].i.c heari~ly having k~een du:1y giv~n as required by law and in accordan:.e wi th tiie provisions oi" tr,e Anaheim ~Iunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider eviuence for ancl ~gainst sai.d proposed c~riditi.ana.l use permit :nd to i.nvestigdte anc~ make :Eindin9: ~:,nd recommendations in aonn~ction therewith; and WEIER~AS, said Commission, aft~c due in.~~ection, _nvestigation and study ma~e by its~lf and in its behalf-, and aL-l-~~r due consicferation ~f al1 eviclence and reports ofrered at said hearing, does ~ind and det•erminn the followiny fa~:ts: 1. That th~ proposed use is propecly one for whi.ch a conditiur.al u;;~: per~r::t is authorireci by Anaheim Municipal Co~~ie Se~ction 18.06.08Q & ~8.61.U5U.601 t~~ wit: ta germit a~i automotive body r~pair and restoration shop in ~he ML (Industrial, LimiLed) ~one with waivet of: S~CTIONS 1£~.06.U50.022i - Minittium number of parkin~ spaces P_T~D 1ti.61.066.05U (77 spaces required; 62 spac~s proposed? 'l. That the request:ecl waiver is hFreby yranted on the basis khat the parking vara.ance will nok cause an i.ncrp~~se in traffic congestion in the immediate viciniky nor adverse.ly afEect any ldjoa.nin~~ land uses; ancl that the yrat~ting o~ the parking v:zriance under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimentul to the p~ace, health, safety or ge7eral wE~lfare af the citizens of the City of. Anah~im. 3. Zhat the proposed use will not adverse].y affe~t Fhe adjoining land uses and tne growth and developme~:t of the area in which it is pr~posed to be located. 4. That t.he size and shape o.E the ~ite proposed for the use is adequate to a11ow tE~e full d~velopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental Lo the parti.cular arQa nor ~~ tl~~e peace, healtt!, saFety ancJ general welfare of ttie ~:1t1Z@il^a of thn City of Anaheim. #0198r PC84-22 ~' i, ~ ~ ~ ~ 5~ Triat L-he ~1:c1I1t1Cl~ 01 th~ Condit:ionua. t1:;~ Yermit; under the aonditions imposed, if any, wi].1 no~ be ~~etrimenta7. to the peace, h~allth, ~afety and ~aenera.l. welrar.~ ~~E h.he Citizens of the Cii~y of Anaheim. 6. `rhat the trlf~ic generated by the proposecl use ~vi11 not impo~e an undue burden u.pon th~: str.a~ts ancl higr~ways clesignec:3 ancl improved to carry Lhc traffic in the area. 7. ~l'hat no one iridicated theic pres~nce at s~.id gublic hearing in o~positic~n; arid tha:. no ~:orrespondence was receivec9 in oppositi~n to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTA~, IMP~ICT i INllING: That the Ar-aheim City Planning Commissi.on has teviewed the proposal to permit an automotive body repair and restoration shop in the ML, (Inciustzial, Limited) Zone with waiver of minimum numbe.c of pa~king spaces on a rectanqularly-stlaped parcel of land consisting of appr.oximately O.aG acr~ having a frontage of approximately .173 f2et on the north side of La i~~lma Avenue; and furth~r ciescri~ed as 3421 East La Palma Avenue; an~ does hereby approve ~he Neg~tive lleclaration upor~ f.inding that it has ~onsidered the Negative Declaration together with ~riy comment~ rec;eived during the public review ~cocess and further ~inding on the basis af the initial study and any comments received that. there is no substantial evider~ce that th? project will have a significant ~ffecL- on the environment. NO~rI, THER~FO~2E, BE IT kESOLVED that the Anaheim Cit.y Planning Cornmission does hereby grant subject Petition for Condition~l Use Pt..~»if, upon the following conditi~ns which are hereb,y iound t~ be a necessary prere~~~.l&1tP_ to the propaseci use oF the subject p.roperty in order L•o pres~rve tt•,e sai~t:y and genEral wel£are oi Lhe Ci.tizens af the Cit,y oi" Anaheim: 1. That~ the awr~er ~P suk,ject ~roperty sha11 pay to L-he City of Anaheim a fee for street :lighting a.long La Palma Avenue in ~~n a.mount as dAtermir1ed by the City C~-zncil. 2. That sidewalks shall be installed along La k'alma Avenue as required by the City En~ine~r ~nd in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of. the City En~inPer. 3. That due to t.tie CYl~lllg~ in use and/or occupancy of. the builditig plans shall be :ubmitted to the Bui.lding Division showing complianc~ wi~h the minimum standards of the City of. Anaheim, inc].udinq the Uniform Building, Plumbing, E:iectrical, Mechanical and Fire Cod~s a~ adopted by thP City oL- Anaheim. Z'he appropriate permits sha11 be obtairied for any necessary work. 4. That subject property sha11 be dPVe].oped substantia.lly in accordance with plans aad specifi~:ations on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit• No. 1, 5. That pra.or tc the commencement of the activity authorizeci under this resolutior-, or prior to the time that a building permit is issued, or withir~ a period of one year fcom the da4e o£ t;his resolui:ion, ~ ~ V ~; ~2_ PC84-22 -~._..,~,~ ~ , ~,;~;r.T~ w~~.i.chever occurs firs~, Condirion Nos. lr 2 and 3, abovP-mentioned, ~ha].1 be c:omp.licd w.ith. E.cr~nsions for further time to eomplete s~~i~~ coilditions may be c~nted in accorda~R<~e wi.th Secti~n 18.03.090 of the Anaheim P9unicipal Code. 6• 'i'hat prior to final builainy and zoning .inspecti~ns, Condition '~o. 4, above-mentionecl, shal]. ~e complied wit.h. BL IT FURZ~HEP. RESOLVED that the finat~eim Ci.ty Planning C~mmissiori does her.eby find and dEtermine that aduption ~f this RF~solution is exprc:ssly prer~icat~c7 upan appli~ar~t's compliance wi-:h ~ach and a11 of the conditior.s herEinabove set for.th. Should any such conditions, or• ;an~~ t;art thEre~f, be d~clar~d ir~valid or unE~nforceable by the ~inal judgment ~f any court of cunipeter~t jurisd~ction, thPn this Resolu~ion, arid ~ny approvals her in cont~iined, sha11 be d~~mec~ nu11 and void. 7:'HE FOREGUING 12ESUL~U'PION is signed and approved by tne this 6th d~y o.f b'ebrunrY~ 1.984. /~,~~~ ''i,~'~ ,.~~ ~ ~"` ~-'.t"~c---.; CHAIRWOMAD};' ANAHEIM CIiY PI,ANNZNG COMMISSIODI A'I"!'EST : ~~ _~ ~ . SECRETARY, ANAHEINI CI`~'Y 1~LANNING COMMI3SION STATE OF C,ALIFORNIA ) CUUi~7.'Y OF OIZANGF ) ,;s. CITY pF ANAHE~M ) I~ Ec~ith L. Harris, SPCretary of the Ariahzim City P.lanning Gommission, do hereby certify ~hal: the forego.in~~ resolutior~ was passed and adoptt~d at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission held on Febru~ry 6, 1984, by hhe folluwing voke of the memhers thereof: AY~S: I:OMMISSIONERS: BOU,AS, BUSHORE, FRY, H~TtBS`:, KING, I,A CLAIRE NUES: COf4MISSIONLRS: P10NE ~ASENT: COMMISSIQNERS; hIC HUI2NEY IN WI'.i'N~SS WHEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand this 6th day of February, 1984. ~ ~.%~ ,~'_~~~,.,,~. 6ECRE2'ARY, ANAFi~IM CITY ,PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC84-22