PC 84-224,~-~, TtLSOi,UTION N0. P~84-i24 r•. A RESOLUTTON OF THE ANA[iETM CI'I'Y' ALANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITIUN FOR VAKTANCE NO. 3434 BE GRANTGD WI~EREAS, the Anaheim City Planning ~Commission did receive a verified Petiition f~r Variance from CENTURX AMERICAN CORPORATION, ATTN; ROGER C. HOBBS AND DAN J. MOORE, 1428 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, California 92666, agents for certain real praperty situated in the Cily oF Anaheim, County oE Oranr..~~, S~ate of California described as: LOT 1 OE~' TRAC'i' N0. 1Q585, AS SHOWN ON P. MAP REC0~2DED IN BOOK 478, PAGES 20, 21 AND 22 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECO't2DS pF ORANGE COl'JNTY, CALIFORN7A. WHEREAS, the Cxty Planning Commissi~n did hold a pi~blic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Uctober 29, 1~84, at 1:3p p.m., n~tice of said public hearing having k~een duly yiven as required by law and in accordance wi~ch the provisions of tt~e Anaheim Municipal Code, Chap~er 18.03, to hear ~nd consider evicience for and agair~st ~ai.d propr~sed variance and to i.nveskigate and make fi.ndings and recommenda~.ians in :onnection th~rewith; and WHFREAS, said Commissicn, after due inspection, investigation and ~tudy made by itself and in its behalf~ and after due consideration of all evidenc:e and re~or~s of£erpd at ~ai,d hearing, does find and determine the followi!'lg faCts: 1. That the petiti.oner praposes a waiver of the fol~owing tc~ retain the di,play of ten (10) temporary flags for a new residential subdivision: SECTION - Permitted deys ot di~ 1~ av• (Saturdav~, Sundavs and leqal holidavs germitted; Seven davs a week,pr~po~ed) 2. That the above-menti,ned waiver is hereby grantcd on tt~e ba:~is that there are spec:ial circumstanc~~ ~pplicable to the propert-y such as si2;e, shape, topography, location and surroundings which do not apply to ott~.er identzcally zoned property i.n the same vicinity; and that sttict application of the Zoning Cod~ deprives the property of privi].eges enjoyed by other properties i.n the identical zone an~9 classiEication in the vicinity. ~. Tr~ati there are exceptional Qr. exl:raordinary cir.cumstances or conditions applicable to the praperty involved or lo fihe int~nded use of the Ax~Pert~' that do not apply generally to the proper~y or cl.ass of use in the same vicinity and zone. ~• That the requeste~ variance is necessary for khe pre.ervat,ion ana enjoyment of a substantial prop~rty right possessed by uther propert,y in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to Lhe property ir~ question. 5. That the request~d variailr,.e will not be materially detrfinent«1 to the public weltare or injurious to the propertv or improvemPnts in such v~cinity and 2one in whiah the property is located. ~0356r PC84-i24 ,~ .-~•~. 6. That no one indicated th~ir presence at sas.d public heaxing in opposition; and tti~t no correspondence was received in a~~p~sition to subject petition. ENVIROfdMENTAL ITIPACT FINDING: The P].~nning Director or his authorized representative has determinEd tha*_ the proposed proiect fal].s within the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 11~ as ciefinzd in the Skake EIR Guidelines and is, ther~fore, categorical].y exempt from the requirement to prepare an ET.R. NOW, THEREFORE, ~;~ IT NESOLVEU that the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission does her~by yrant subject ~etition tor Variance, upon the fallowing condi.tion~ which are h~reby found l•o be a nFCessary prerequisite to the proposed use o£ the subject property in ordPr to preserve the satety and general welEare of the Citizens of. the City af Anaheim: 1. That subject property ti~hall ~e developad substantiazly in accordan;.e with plans and specificati.ons on file with the City of. Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1; prot~~ded, howevez, that onl,y ten (10) temporary fZags may be displayed on-site. 2. That this variance, permikting a maximum of ten (i0) temporary f.lags, is yranted for a term co~erminous with the permit issued pursuant to Anareim Municipal Code Section 18.05.085 plus any e~;tersions ~f time which may be approved by the City Council. 3. That Condition No. 1, ab~~e-mentioned, sha11 be c:ompleted within a period o:E thirty (30) days fr.om the date of this t•asolution. BE IT FUHTHER RESOI.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hAreby find and determine thak adoption of this Resolution is expressly predic~ted upo-: applicant's compliance with each and all af the conditions her~inabove sPt forth. Should any such cor~dition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid ~~c unenforceable by the £inal judgmenk of any court oF competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cont«ined, sha11 be deemed null and vc,id. TH~ FUREGOING RES~L'J7.'ION is signed and approved by me thi~ 29th day uf Octaber 1984. ~y , ~ ( ' ,~~y.,r G..G.,.~,~L ~- ~~-~.~ CFiATRWOMAN, PRO TEMPOF.E ANAHEIM CI'.CY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ,. ~ ~ . ~!~ f~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CI'r: PLANNING COMF'.SSION -2- PC84-224 ~ ~ ;~~~ ; ~ ; `~'~i j,a P31 f k i i ;'~~S ~ ~~ 1 ~.~ ~r~ STATF: OF CALI['OItNIA ) COUNTY OF URANG~ ) 8~• CITY OF P.NAHEIM ) I, Edith 1~. H~rris, Ser.retacy ~f L•t~e Ar.aheim City Planning Commission, du hFreby certi~y tt~at the for~sgoing r.esr~luti~n was pa~sed and ~dopte~ at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held ~n Octoqe* `l9, 1984, by the followiny vr,te of t.he members thereof; AYES: COMMISST~NE,R.S; E30UAS, CRY~ KING, LA CL~A1R~, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIUNERS: BUSHURE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER5: EIERAST IN WITNESa WHEREOE', I have heceurit~ set my hand this 29th day c~f October 29, 19dA. ~ . • ' . SECRETARY, ANAf~.EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ l. ;1 -3- PCdA-224