PC 84-235 RESOLU'~ION N0. PC$4-235 A RESOLUTIO~~ oe THG AlVA[jETM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION THAT PETITION F(7R kBCLASSIFICATION NO. 84-8~-12 ~E GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anai~ei.m City Planni.ny Commis~ion did receive a verifiec] petition tor Reclassification from CITY OF ANAHEI~, P. 0. Box 3222, Anaheim~ California 9?.a03, owner of certain real prup~~rt,y sit.uated in th~e City of Anaheim, County of Oranye, StatF of California, describecl as £ol~ows: CGMMENCING Al THE SOUTHEi4ST COItNER OF LOT 9 OI' 'PH~ FLETCHER TRAC'!', AS SHOWh ON A MAP RECORllED IN f300:C 3, PAGE 320 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES, COUh'TY, CAL~IFORNIA; THENCE NORTH ALONG TH~; ~AST LINC OI' SAID LOT 9, A DINTANCF O~' 891.85 FEET TO AN IRON PIYE; THENCE NO12TH 89° 29' WEST 132Q F~;ET TO A 3" X 4" ~'OS'C; THENCE SOUTH J03.fi5 FEET TO A 2" X 4" POST BEItJG THG SOUTHWESZ' CnRNER OF SAID LOT 9; THENCE EAST 137.0 EEET TO THE POINT OF' BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THAT PO;:TION OF' SAID LAND CONVEYED BY W. E. S~OTT TO OitANGE ~OfJNTY W~ATEI? DIS'1'RICZ' BY DF.ED DATED SEP`rEMBER 23~ 2943 ANA RECQRDED NOVEMBCR 15, 1943 IN BOOK 1214, PAGE 535 OF UEF'lCIAL RECORDS Or ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO E~SCEPTING TEI~REFROM THAT PORTION D~SCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN FINAL ORDEI2 OF CONDEN;NATION, SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. 155746, A CEP,TtFIED COPY OF WHICH WAS RECORDED IN BOOK 8725, PAGE 11t1 OF SAID OFEICIAL RECURDS, WHEREAS, the City Planning ~:ommission dici hold a public heara.ng at the Givic Center in the City of Anaheim ~n November 14, 1984 at 1:30 p.tn., notice of said public hearing having been duly gi.ven as r~quired by law and in acc:Qrdance with the pr.ovisions uf r_he Anaheim Municipai Coiie. Chapter 10.03, to hear and consider eva.dpnce for ~and against sai~ proposed reclassification artd l~ inve~tigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewithj and WH~REA5, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation an~ study made by itself and in itr~ behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determin~ the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of subject property from RS--A-43,000 (ResfaEntxal/Agricultural) Zone to the ML (Limited Industrial) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim General Pian destgnate~ subject propecty for ge~era~ open space land uses but that General Plan Amendment No. 196 is pending and wuul~ redesignate the opere s~ace tc~ genexal industrial. 3. That the proposed r~classificat:t~n of sub~ect pro~erty ie nec~ssary ar~d/oc desirablF f~r the orderly and pr~per dev~lopment ~f the community. ~U366r PC84-235 ~~~\ 4. That the pr.oposed r~cla~si.iication of subject prc+perty doe3 properly re]ata to th~ zon~s and ~hcir permitted uses 1cca11y estdhlished in c1os~ proximity to subject property and to t~e znnes an~~ their permitted uses gsnerally established throughout the comrnur~ity. ~. 7'hat the proposed recl~~ssificati~n oi subjeck property requ~res the dedication u£ .ab~tting streets in ~ccordanc~: with the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated incrFase in traFfic which will be genet~~sd by the intensification of land use. 6. 7Chai: several ir~dicated their presence at said public h2aring in opposition; and ~ petition containing approximar.e.ly lU0 signatures wns received in ~ppos.ition to subject peL-iticn. ENVTRO:IMENTAL IMPAC'r E'INDING: Tne F.nvironmental Impact Report No. 267 was certi~ied by City C1erk on Ockober 23, 1984. NOW, THEREE'ORE, BT IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does here~y grant ~ubject Petition f.or Reclassification and, by so cloing, that Tit1e 18-Zoninq of. the Anaheim Municipa~. Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (Itesidential/Agricultural) Zone and to incorporate said described proger.ty into khe ML (Limited indu~trial) Zone upon tr,e following conciitions which are hereby found to be a necessary ~rerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That. the ~wner of subjec:t property shal..l irrevocably off~r to dedicate to the City of Anaheim a stri~ of land 32 £eet in width from the centerline of the street along Wrangler Trail, 32 feet in width from the center.tine qf Taft A~enue, and 32 L•eet in w.Idth from the cente:line of Gaton Way plus land necessary to con~truct a cul-de-sac at the northerly terminur~ of Eaton Way as requiced by the City Engineer for street widening purposes. 2. Thati prior to the inL•rnducti~n of an ordinance rezoning su.bject pcoperty, Condition No. 1, aCove-mentionPd, stia.ll be completec3. ~he provisions or rights granted by this resolution ~hall beco~r~e nu11 and void by action of the Nlanning Commission unless said conditions are co~plied with within one ~•:a~ from ~he date of thi~ resolution, or such Eurther time as the Planning Commission may grant. ~E IT PURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim t:ity Planning l:ommission doe3 t~ereby find dnd determine that adoption o~ this Resolution is expressly predicated u~,on applfc:ank's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set furth. Should any such condit~on, or any part thereof, be declared fnvalid or unenforceai~le by the f.inal judgment of any court of cortipetent jurisdiction, then thi~ Resolur.ian, and any approvals herein conCained, sha11 be deemed null and vaid. 'Z' PC84-235 ~~~. ,~"~. , `-. ~~`~~t~ ~".:i ',~ TEIE FOREGOING RESULUTIC~N is sign~d and ~zppzov, d by me this 14th day of November, 19f34. ~,. , '; , ~ , •,~ % f ,C . :.:; • / r,~ ,..~ " ~Y. '%~~ ~~ ` ~.~% CHA RMAN, ANAHErM ~ C. TY P~,ANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: _,-U ~ / ~ .~. ~~~'~~ ~ _.ll / ,~~~...-~ ,.'.,~ L.=, /r'Z~,~"_,,~ SECR~TARX PRO TEMPORE ANAHE:iM CITY PLANNING COMMI~SION STA7'E OF CALIE'OkNTA ) COtTNT'Y OF ORi~NGE ) ss . CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Pamela Starnes, ~ecretary Pro Tempore of tne Anaheim City Planning Commissi.on, do hereb,y certify that the foregoing resnlution was passed and adopted at a meeting oL• the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on November 1~, .L984, by the following vote of the r~iembers thereof : AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHURE, FRY, KING, MC E3URNEY NOES: COMMISS:[ONERS: HERBST, LA CLAIRE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NGNE ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONERS: Ei0UA5 IN WITNESS WHEREOP, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th da,y of November, 1984. , ) / ~",'!'~" ~.~':yJ't-~CJ1>~ ~~~ ~`~`~'L~eSZ~ SECRETAF2Y PRU `t'EMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COFiMISSIAI~ ,,, o -3- PC84-235 ^~.