PC 84-237RESOLUTION NO. p~`23~ --'---__.__ _,,,.,.._ ~ R~SOLU'!'ION OF THE ANAHEIM CTT~' P~,~NNING COMMISSTpN THAT P1;TITIpN FpR VARIANCE N0. :3437 13G GFtANTED WH~;REAS, the Anaheim Cit Y Planning Commission did receive Petition for Varianae from SOUT.H BROOKHURST DEVELOPMENT Cypress~ California 90630 a ~erified ASSO;;TATES INSTITUTE an~ EDUCATIONAL DESIGNS ' 6415 Katella Avenue, agent for certain red~~'~'8 'relegraph Road, Cit~ of Commerce•~ DBA CHAVEZ & Oranye, Skate of Ca].ifornia~ describeduased ~~ the Cit ' ~alifornia 90040 Y of Anaheim, Count~r of PAFCEL 1: THE SOUTH 100 b~EET OF THE N:1RTH 212 FEET OF THE SnUTH ONE-HA OF THE N(~RTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTI~iEAST ONE-Q~ARTER THE SCUTHEAST LF ONk;-QUART~R pF SECTION OF RP.NGE 10 WESTr IN THE RANCIiO LpS ~8~ TOWNSHIP 4 uOUTH, ZN BOOK 51, AT PAGE C~Y~TES, AS PER MAP RECORDED 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MApg, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTy HECORD~;R OF S~,ID COUNTY. ~~I.~ LAND IS SHOWN pN A M1~P FILED 0~' SURVEYS, IN TH~ zN S~OK 24, PAGE 40 COUNTy, OFFICL OF THE COUNTy R~~ORDER~ FECORDS SATD PARCEL 2; THE NORTH 112.U0 b'EET OF THE SOUTH ONE-HALF OF THF NORTHEA ^ ONF,-Q~ARTER OF THE NORTkIFAST pN~_ ONE-Q~~T~R OF SECTIUN 1fi, TOWNSHIP 4USOUTEi, RANGE 1~SWETHEAS'r x'HE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, AS SHOWN UN A PAGE 10 MAP RECORL~EA ST~ rN r MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS q? IN BOOK 51, SAIA CO(1NTY, EXCEPTING THEREFROM 7.'FiE WESTERLY 263.60 FEET. ALSO EXCGPT~NG Z'HEREFRUM THE EASTERLY 2g],.29 FEET. WH~REAS, the City Plannin the Civic Cent~r in the Cit g Commission did h~1r~ a notice of aaid y ~f Anaheim on November public hearing at accordance with ~he c hearirig having be~n dul 1`~~ 1984, at 1.;30 Y gi.ven as r~ P.m., to hear and consider~evidence$For and against sa' ~ ~u~rpd by 1aw and iR Anaheim Municipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, investigate and make findings and :ecommendations in connect• ~ro osed variance and to ton therewith; and WHERFAS, said C~mmission study macle by itself and ' after due inspection evidence and reports offered at saici,hearin ' il~vestigation and , and aftet due considezaEion of all following facts; 9~ does find and d~term.ine the 1• That the petitioner establish a vocational trainir~g schoo proposes waivers of th~ following to #0368r PC84-237 ~ ;~:; i`i~ SECTION 18.06~050~0212 - Minimum number o~ uacl~in G - ~ races. (17~ Spaces require~; 137 s~aces existing) AND 2. That the above-mentioned waiver is hereby granted on th~ basis th~t ~he parking variance will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immediate vicinity nor adversely a~fect any adjoining land uses; and that the granl-ing a.f the parking variance under th~ conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimc~ntal to the peace, health, saf_ety or general welfare of the citizens of t1~e City of Anaheim. 3. That no one indicatec3 thPir preser~ce at said public hearing in opposition; and th~t no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. ENVIRONME_NTAL IMPACT FINDINC.:; That the Anah~im City Planning Commissian has reviewed the proposal to establish a vacational tzain.ing school on an irr~gularly-sha~ed pa.rcel of land cunsisting oF approximately ~.67 acres, having a maximum Crontage of approximately 100 feet on trie west side of Brookhurst StrEet and being .located approximate:ly 445 feet sou~h of the centerl.ine of Urange Avenue and further ~escribed as 631 South Brookhurst Street; and does hereby approve the Nega~ive Declaration upon findiny that 1.k has considered the Negative Declarati.on together wi.th any commen~s received dtariny thE public review proces~ and ~urther finding on the ba~is of the initial sL•udy and anv c4mments received t.}~at khe~e is no substantial evidence that the project will t~a~~e a signi£icant effect on the environn~ent. r10W~ THEREFOR~, 8E IT RESOL'JED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the followi~g conditions which are hereby found ~o be a necessary prerequisite to the ~roposed use c~f the ~uuject pr~perty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner of. subj~at property shall pay to the Cit,y ~f Anaheim a fee fr~r street lighting along Brookhurst Street in an amount a~ determined by thE City Council. 2» That the owner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for tree planting purposes alonr~ Brookhurst Street in an amount as determined by the City Cc~uncil. 3. That in accordance with the recommendation of the Cit~,y Tr~ffic Enqineer ~her~ sha11 be a minimum of one (1) hour b~tween the end of ~ny c~asses and the beginning o~ the n~xt classes to prevent the overlanpir~g of vehicles entering and e~titing the property. 4. That trash stocage ~~reas shall be provided and mainkafned ;.;+ acc~rdance with 3pproved plans on file with ttie Street Maintenance and Sanitation Division. -2" PC84-237 . - .n~~ _ ~ ,;w+1&d r~, ;:; ~ ~ • ~,,'r; ~;,~i ii SECTZON - Minimum number of~arkinQ spaces. 18.OG.050.0261 (_].79 s~~~~s r~quired; 137 spaces existingl AND 18,44.066.050 2. That the abov~-mentioned waiver is hereb that the parking variance a,a11 not cause an iiicrease in r affi a c ngestion Sin t:he immediate vicinity nor. ~clversel y af f e c t a n y a d j oining land uses; and that t h e g r~n ta.nq of the parking variance under. the conditi.ons :.•~ wil,l not be de~r.imental to the peace, healtt~, saFet or ~~~posed, if any, citizens of the City of Anaheim. y 9enera]. welfare ot the 3. ~i~hak n~ one indicated their presence at said opposition; and that no correspond~nce was rec~ived ~n o public t~ea~ing in petition. Pposition to ~ubject EtJVIRC~NMENTAL IMFACT ['INAING; That tk~e Anaheim Cit Commissioil has reviewed the Y Planning proposal to es~ablish a vocational training school on an irreg~;lar],y_shaped parcel of land consisting of a acres, having a ma~imum frantag~ of a PProximately 1.67 Brookhura~ Streek and bein pproximately 100 feet on the west ai~e of centerZine of Orang~ Avenue andc furtherp described as4~631e Southu$r of the Street; and does hezeby approve the Negative Declaration upon finding othalt rit has considered thF Negativ~ Declaration tugether with any comments receiv~d during the ~.~ublic review pro~ess and further Finding on the basis af the initia.l study and any comments received that there is no substantial e~~i.dence that the projQct will have a signiEiaa.nk effect on the e~,vironment. NOW, '~HEREFOR~, BE IT RESO~,VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does here.by grant subject Petitian for VariancP, upon the fo17.o~aa,nq conditions which ar~ hereby found tc be a necessar pro,posQd use ~f ct~e subject Y prerequisite to t:~e yeneral welf~re of the Citizens~ afptheyCity oidAnaheim p~eServe the safe~y and 1. That the owner of sub'ect J property shall. pay to thF City of Anaheim a fee £~r street lighting a.long Brookhurs•t Stree{; in an am~unt as determined by the City Council. ~• That the owner of subject p~operty shall fe~ fur txee plantiri pay ~n the City of Anaheim a g purpos~s alony Arookhurst Street in an amount as determined by the City Council. 3• 'rhak in accordance with the recommendation of the City Traffic Engineer tnere shall be a mic~imum of one (1) haur between the end of any c].asses and thE beginning of the next classes to preven~ the overlapping of vehicles entering and exit:ic~g the property. 4• ~'""`Tk~at-..prior L•o the commencement of the ackivity autharize~I- uncler this reso].uticn, or pzior to issuance of a -~-~~" p~rtod of one __.bui~.ding"~-permit, or within a year from .the dai~e..-of~"this re3olution, whichever occurs fi.rst, Condition N~s. i._ana~ 2, above-mentione:, sha~l be complied with. Extensions.~for"~further time to complete said. conraitions may be granted_in._-Q~cordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Ar~aheim Municip_a]. Co~e,. _ , , ~ ~ .: 7 ~ . , ' ' l. r' ..{~ ,~ ~' c C i.. ~ ~ ~ .~~ ~ ~: ._ • ~ - • v~- -2- PC84-23~ E~ 0 ., 5. Tl~at the proposa), sliall comply with ~~11 signing requtrements of the CL Zone, unles; a variance allowing sign waivers is a~proved by the PY~nning Commission or City council. G. '1'hat any Proposec: parking area lightin~ Lixtur~s shall be down-lignted with a maxir~um height of 12 Eeet. Said 1i.ghting Fixtures shall be dizected away from adjacent Froperty ],ines t~ protect the residential integrity of the area. 7. Tha~ subject pcoperty shall be dcveloped substanl.ia.lly in accor~]anae with plans and speciEications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 8. That prior to the com.mencement o~ tl~e activity authorized un~er thi~ reso.lution, or prior to issuance of a build.~ng permit, or wit.hir~ a period of one year from the date of this resolut:[or,, t,~hi.chever occurs first, C~ndition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. Extensions for turthet time to com~lete said conditions may be Qranted in accordance with Sectian 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. 9. That prioc to the commencement of the activity autho.rize~ urder thi~ resalution, or. firial bui,tding and zoning inspeckions ~~+hichevtr occurs first, Condition Nos. 4, 4 and 7, above-mentioned, 3ha11 be complied with. BE I~~ FURTE?ER ItFSOLVED that the P.naheim City Planning C~mmisaion does hereby find and determine that adoptfon of t:~is I2esolution is expresaly predicated upon applicant'~ compliance with each and a11 of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any Euch condition, ur any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the fina.l judgmE-~t of any cc,urt of competent jurisdi~tion, then this Reso:lution, and anp apprnvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FORr^,GOING RESOLUTION is signed~and ap r ved by ~e this 14th dey o£ November, 1984. _ ; _ ~ t. - ;~ ~ ! CHAIRMAN, ANAHE4~S CITY FLANNINC COMMISSION ATTEST• , , , -._ ' "^ ~ '` ~~- ~ re-~_, SECRETARY PRO TEMF~ORE ANAEiEirf CITY PLANN~NC CAMMISSTON -3- PC84-237 ~...;:,_ ,. , 4'e.,~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANUE j ss~ CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Pamela Starne~, SecreL-ary Pro T~mpore of the Anahe_m City Planniny Cammission, c:u hereby certify that the foregoing r.esolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission r.eaa or~ November 14, 1984, by tha foZlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: C~MMISSIC)NERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, Ef2Y, HERBST, KTNG, LA Cr,,AIRE, MC BURNEY NGES: COMN,ISSIONERS~ NpNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS wHFxror, I have hereunto set my hand this l~th day of Novembex, 1984. ~jJ ~ ~,_. // ~'-h-r.c-~~C~ ~ -~~, ~~ ~ SECREZ'ARY PRU T~MPORE ~ ANAH~IM CITY FLANNING CUMMISSION ~;. -~- PcBa-237 ~. ~: ~~~