PC 84-238~-~•, I2ESOLUTION N0. PCt34-238 A RESqLUTI~N OF THE ANAHEIM rITY PLe1NNING COMMISSION THAT PI:TI'~IU:1 F'Ok2 C~NDITTONAL USF PERMIT N~. 2632 BE GFtANTf~~D WHEREAS, the An~heim City Planning Commission did r~ceive a verified Petition .Eor C~nditional Use Pecmit from ANGF;LA t~. K. LIU, 12052 Garden Grove Aoulevard, Gar~en Gr.ove, Cala.Fornia 9264~, owner, and NTCK RANIERI, 620 North FiraQkhurst 5tre~t, Anaheim, California 92~01, agent for certain real property siL•uated in tt~e City of: Anat~eirn, Countf ~f orange, State of C~lifarnia, describecl as: THAT PORTION OF THE SOU'PEIWEST QUAfiTER OF 'PHE NOR`rfiWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTE{, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LQS COYOT~S, AS SFIOWN ON A MAP THEREOt~ RECORDED IN BObY 51, PAGC 10 OF MTSCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORD5 OF QRANGE CGUNTY, CALIF'ORNSA, DESCRIBED AS FULLOWS: BEGtNNSNG AT A FOINT UN THE WF~ST LTNE OF SAIU NORTHWES'P QUARTE.R, 306.92 I'E~T NORTI3 OF 'i'HE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAiD NORTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH ALQNG SAID WEST LINE, 167.75 FEET TO Z'HE PUTNT 16 FEET SUUTH UF THE SOUTH LINE OF THE NC,rrH 25 ACRES OF THE; SOU'PHWFST QUAR'.C~R OF 3'HE NORTEIWEST QIJARTER OF SAID SECTION 8; THENCE EAST~ PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTH 25 ACRES, 238 FEET; THENCE SOUTH, PARALL~L WITN THE WFST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ~UARTER, 168.15 FFET TO THE NORTHEAuT CORNER OE' THE LAND CONVEYED TU I'RANCES L. MC NEILL BY DE~'D R.ECORDED JANpARY 21, 193t3 IN BOOK 924, PA~E 176 0~' .?E'ICIAL RECORDS IN THE OFE'iCE OE THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ORANG~: COUNTY; TEiENCE WEST ALONG 7.'iiE NORTEi LINE OE SIAD LAND CON~JEYGD TO MC NEILL, 238 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, t~e City Planning Commission did hold a public hearinq at the Civic Center in the City of Anak-eim on November 14, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said pub.lic hearing having been duly given a~ required by law an~3 in accordance w~.th t~,e provisiong of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and again~C said proposed conditional use permit and tu investtc~at~e and make findinys and recommenda~i~ns in connECtfon therewith; ~nd WHERBAS, saici Commis~ian, after du~ inspection, inveskigation and study made by itself and in its b~half., and after due con~ideration of ~11 evidence and reports of~'eced ~t said hearing, does f~nd and determine the foll~wing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly or.e Lor which a~:onditfonal use perrnit is authurfzed by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectiona 18.06.O~U and ]. to wit: to retain an employment ac~ency in the FIL (inc],astrial, Gimited) ~on~ wiCh waivec of khe following: 3ECTION 1E3.06.050.031 AND - Minimum numbc±r_of parkinq spaces. (37 spaces reguired; 2U spaces propused) ~ ~0369r PC84-238 ~ ~ 2. That the pr~posed waiv~r is gr~nted ~n the ba~is that the uss is approved for a peri.~d of 6 months only and that ~h~~ ~arking varianae wi11 not cause an increaye in traffic congestion in the i~^mediate vicinity nor adversely ~ffect any adjoining lancl uses; and that the yranting of the parking variance under the conc]itians impr~sed, if ariy, will not be detrimental to the peace, healkh, safer.,y or g~neral w~lfare of the citizen~ uf the City of Anaheim. 3. That the proposed use will not adv~rsely affect the adjoininy land u~es and the grawth anci develop~nant of tt~e area in tahiGh it is propo~ed to be located. 4. That L•he size and shape of the sit~ proposec7 ~'or the use is adeguate to allow t.he fu11 development of tl~e pro~osed use in a manner not detrimental to the particul.ar area nor to the peace, healt,h, safety and genecal wPlfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. ~. That tt~e g:anting of the ~:onditional Use Permit under the con.iitians imposed, if any, will not. be detrimenta~. tc the peace, heaZth, saEety and general weJfare o.E ~h~ Citizens of the Citx o~ Anaheim. 6~ That one persoc: indicated his presence at said public hearing in oppoaitiun; and that no correspondenc:e was received in ~pposition to the subject petitiono ENVIRONMFt~TAL IMPACT ~'INDING: That the Anaheim City Plann3.ng Commission ha:~ revi~wed tt~e prouuyal tu retain an ~mployment agen~y on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting 4f approximately 0,68 acre locate~ at the southeast corner of Grr~rtiercy Avenue and Brookhurst ~treet and furtiher described as 620 North Brookhurst Street; anci daes heceby approve the Negative Declaxation upon findiny that it has considered the Negative Declaration tugeth~r with any comments recefved d~ariny the public review pcocess and futther fin~ing on the basis of the initial study a~d any comments received that there i~s no substantial evicience ~ha;. the project wi11 have a signi.ficant efFect on the envi.ronment. NOW, THEREE'OR~, BE YT RESOLVED tt~at lhe Anah~im City Planning Commi~s;on does hereby grant subje~t Petitian far Conditional Use Permit, upon th~ £ollowing conditions wk~ich are hereby foun~ eo be a necessary prerequisite to the propos~d uee oi the subject property in order to preserve the saEety and ~~eneral welfare of the Cit.izeng of the City of Anahei~r~: 1. T.hal• the own~er of subject property shall irrevccably offer to dedicat~ to the City of Anaheim a stri.p of land 32 feet in width from the centerline oF the street along Gramercy Avenue for street widening purposes. 2. 'Phat the proposal sha11 comply with all signiny requirements of the ML ZunP, unless a variance allowing si.gn wa.tver~ is approved by the Planning Commission or r.ity Council. 3. That thECe shall be no outdoor storage whal•soever on subject pcoperty and alI exist.ing outdoor storage shall be remuved. ~;^;{ L _2- PC84-23a :, i i :Y,. ,,,~ ~~ m:i` p ` ~ . . ~~'.i4f ~ ~ 4• That the par.king areas on the suk~ject pro~erty shall be restr.iped t~~ clearl.y indicate the parkiny spaces. 5• That CondiEion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 9, 5, and 6, above-mentioned, sha=. ue cornpleted within a pt~r.iod of 6C~ days £rom the date of this resolution. 5. That ~hE use is ~~proveci for a p~riod of six i 6) mont.hs to expire on May 14, 1~85. f3i: Iz~ FURT.iER RFSULVED that tne Anaheim ~it1~ Planning Commission does he~eby find and determine L-hat adoption of khis Re~olution is expressly predicated upon ap~~licant's cornpliance with each and all o,' the conditiona hereinabove set forch. Should an,y such conditions, or an,y part thereof, be declared i.nvalid or unenforceable by the final juclgment of any c~urt of cornpe~ent ;juri:~diction, then this Resolution, and any approvals ~erein contained, sha11 be deemed null and void. THE ~'OR~GOING FtESQ.LUTTON is sig~ed and a of November, 1984. ~ Px-9ved by.,,me lhis 14th day .~,--~~'=~~ '%l- ~;;.~Cf=.;;, `~ /~~,~ /?, ATTE5~ . CHAI~2MAD1, P.NAHEII+~ CITY PI~ANNING COMMISSION '~' -~~ .~ .~ f~, : C.~ . ~ _ Il/1 nE- ~ .~ SECRETARY PRO T~MPORE ANAHEIM CI'~X PLANNING COMMTSSIOIV STATE UF CALIEORNIA ) COUI~TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AIdAHEIM ) I, Pamela Starnes, Secretary Pro TPmpore of ttie Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission, da hereby certify that tt~e foregoing resolution was ~assed artd adopt~d at a meeting of the Anaheim Cit~~ Plannzng Cornmission held r: ~ Novembe~r 14, 1984, by the following vote of the m~ambers thereof: AYE~: COMMISSIONERS: E~OUAS, BUSHURE, FRY, HERBST, KiNG, LA CLAIKE, MC BURNEY NGES: COyMISSIONERS: NONC ABSENT: COMMTSSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WEiEREOe, I have heCeunto set my hand this 14th day of NovembNr, 1984. .~ ~ ' ~~---- 7~' SECRETARY PRO TEMPORE ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISStON -3- PC84-238 I .~µ~i . ~ : ;~