PC 84-24F'W\ RF,SOLU`i':IUI~ NO. pC8~3-2~1 ----.____._ ,~.._ A RESO','ITSON UI' Z'HG 1~NAHEIM CTTY PLANNING CUMMTSSIQN T[,FtM~.NA7'ING ALL PROC~E,DIN~S IN CONNFC`i'.l'OI~ W.I'I':i ~'~RIANCE N0. 19 !5 WHEREAS, on May 6, 19G~, Variance Nc~. 1°75 way granted unc~er ttFSa.lu~ivr~ No. ~~Cbg_141 by the Anaheim City P7.~Znniny Commission to p~rmit expansion r~i an existing non-conEorming use t:o co-:str~~ct a new aui.omobile showroom on a rect~ngu:larly-st~ap?d parcel of land consistiny of a U.34 acre. having a Erontage of a~~prn~;,~m~tely 150 fect on the ~asL•~ 5 de eof Anaheim Boulev,:~r.d ~.nd loc~~ted a~proximut~.ly 2~50 f~eL :;outh oF the centerla.ne ol Watet- Street. WHER~AS, W. U. Guthrie, ~~resident, U-Eiaul of~ Or~nqe County, t~as s~~bmitt.ed a letr.er reque:;tiny termination of VariancEa No. 1975 in satisfaction ~F a condxtion of the granCing of Conditional Use Permit No. 2515 December ll, Z9~3, to permit expansion of a truc;c and trailer rentalr~facility with a waiver of rhe minimum numbPr of parking spaces on subject pt•opexty. N~~Wr THk;RFEORk;, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planni ng Commission does hereby terminate a11 proceeding~ ir~ connection with Varisance r~Q• 1975 on tl~e basis of the f~regoirg ~ir~d.ings. THE FOItEGOIt~G RFSOLUTION i:~ signed ,~rd approved by me this 6th da,y of FebruarY, 1934. , ~ ~~" .; '-~ l. ,~ .~}~-,'t ~ _r _...._. CHAIRW~~MAN, ,~tdAHEIM r.IR~ LANNIDir, -'-'-- ,,- CUMMISSION AT7'EST; ~~~ ~ tiEL"RETARY, ANAHEI~Ty pLANNTNG CnMMI~SION STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OE' ORANGE ) ~;5, CITY GN'' ANAHEIM ) zr Edi.tl~ L. fiarris, Secretary of tbe Anaheim City Planning Commission, do herE certify that the forego:.ng resalution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Analieim City Planning Commission h~eld on February 2:3, 190~, by the following vot: of the members thereof: AYG5; CGDIMISSIODi~KS: BOUAS, BUSEiORL•', FFtY, H~RE3ST, KING, LA CLAIRE, ,. S: COMMISSIUNERS: NONl; ABS3NT: COMMISSIONEI2S; MC BURNL•'Y IN W1TNF.SS SvH~REOF, i have hereur~~;o set my nand '~his 6th day of February, ~yga. - ~~t~~~-~- _ ~ SECREI'AR.Y, AN.Af?EIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSIQN i0152r PCE34-2~