PC 84-243r~ RESOI,U`.CION N0. 1~(;84-243 ~~ti A RFSULUTIUN OF Y!'IlE ANAHGIM CI'i'Y PL~ANNIN~ COMMISSION xHAT PETITTON b'OR RECI~ASSIFICATION DIU. 84-85-13 EiE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anal~ei.rti City Plann.ing Commissi~n petit.ion for ReclassiE~cation from DUNP.LD M. P7ile.y ~nd Iio1t Avenue, Tustin, Calxforn.i.a 92GaC, ow~ers, and J Batavxa Street, Oranye, California 92668, agent f~r si~uated in the Cxty ~f Anaheim, Cour.ty uf OrangP, ciescribed as followN: did recnitre a verified A~,EENF E. WII,EY, 1481I AMES MOHLER, $74 North c~rr,~tn real proper~y State of Cali..forni.a, '~HE WES`.i' 337. 52 FEET ;F THE SOUTH 134. UO FFET OF THE WES'P Ur1E-HALF OF THE NORTH ONF-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE D10RTHEAST QUARTER OF' SLCTION .14, 'POWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGF 1'1 WE,~iT~ IN THE RANCHO LUS COYOTFS, AS SHOWN 0~7 A MAP THERI:OF RCCOR.OED IN .BOOK 51, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAP~, RECOF2DS OE' ORANGC COUNTY, CALIEORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comm.issi.on d~~ hold a publi~c hear.ing at the Civic Centsr in the Cxty oE Anahe.im on Nove~;~raer 26, 1984 ~t 1:30 p.m., notire of sai.d public hearing having been duly g.i~~en as required by law and itl accordance witt~ the provisions of l•.hF Anaheirr Munic~pal C~de. Chapter 1.8.03, to hear and consider evidence ~or anc9 against sa.id proposed reclass.ification and to a.nvestzgate and make Eindi.ngs and recommendat~.~ns in connect..ion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissxon, after due •inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration ~f a11 ev.idence an~] r~:ports offered at said heari.ng, does find and determtnN thN follow~[ng facts: 1. That tt~e petition~c proposes reclas3tftc~tion of subject property from the CL (Commercial, L.imited; to the RM-121;0 (Restdent~al, Multiple-Fami]y) or a less tntense zone. 2. That the Araheim General Plan designates aubject property for medium dens.ity resxdent.ial land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassiFtcation of subject property i~c necessary and/or desirable for the order.ly an~i proper d~velopment Qf the community. 4. That the pro~osed reclassi.fic.ztton ot subject proper~y does properly relate ta the 2ones and tt~ei.r permttted uses locally establ.ished in close proximtty to subject property and to th~ zones and their per.mttted uses 9~~~rally established throughout the communfty. 5. That: r~o one tndicated thetr ~re3ence at satd public hearing in oppo~ition; and that nq car~espondence was received tn oppoai~ti.on to subject p~tit.ton. ~037br PC84-29.i ; + :.~}•~~'J,. '. ~NVI~20NMFNTAL iMPAC:`C FIyllIfdG: `rhat the Anahei.m C.i.ty Qlannxng Commisui.on ha~ rev9.ewed ~h~ ~roposal to rec:las~.i.fy subj~ct property Prom the CL (Commerczal, Li,mited) to the RM-1200 (Resi.ciential, Multiple-E'amily) or a less intense zone to const:ruct a 24-un.it ap~zrtment compl~x with wai.ver~ oE maxxmum sL-LUCtural height and mi.nimum landscaped setback on a rectangularly~-shapec! parc~l of land consisl-ing of approx.imately 0.89 acre, havi.ng d Frontage of a~praxxmately 134 fGet on ~he east side o:: Western Avenue and furtk~er descri.bed as 134 Sauth Western Avenue; and doe~ he~eby approve the Negati.ve Decla::atzon upon .finding that it has considered the Negat~ve Aeclaration kc~gether with an,y comm?nts recei.ved duri.ng the publi.c review process and further findi.ng on the basis of the initial stu~y and any commeiits received that there xs rio substant.ial ev9.cience ~hat the pro j~~ct wi11 ha~re a significant effect on the environment. NOF1, 'rHEREE'ORE, BE TT RFSOLVED i:hat the Anaheim City Plann.ing Commissi.on cloes hereby grant subject Pet.ition for Reclassi.i-i~cation artd, by so doing, that Title 18-Zon.ing of. the Anahe.im Munic:ipa.l Cocle be amended to eaclude the above-described propect,y From the CL (Commercia7., Limited) Zane and ko ~nc:orporate sa.td c~escri.bed property i.nto Lhe RM-120G (R2si.denti.al, Multxple~Family) 'Lone up~n the follow:iny condi.ti.ens which arE P~ereby found ta be a neces~ary prerequi.s.ite to the proposed use of subject pra~erty .in orcier to preserve the safety and general welfar.e uF tt-e C~.tizens c~f the City oE Anaheim: 1. That the owner of su~ject proPQrty shaYl submi.t a l~tter request.tna termznation of Variance No. 11F39 to ~he Planning Department. 'l. Tt~at prior to the introduct.ion of an ordi.nance rezon.ing subject property, Condition No. 1, abuve-mentioned, sl~all be c~mpleted. The pr.ovzsions or righcs granted by i:his resolutiun sha"11 becorne null and vo~d by action of the Planni.ng Commissior. un~e~s ~a3.d conditions are compli.ed with w~thin one y._ac from the date of thi.s res~l~kzon, or such furtl~er ti.t~~ as the P1ann.ing Comn;.ission may g.rant. BE IT F'URTHER FESOLVCD that the Az~aheim City r~ anning Cc,mmi,ss~.on does hereby f~End and determine r_hat adogti.or. of thi.s hNsoluti.on i.s expressly predir.ated upon applicant's compliance with ea~t~ and all ~f the condi,t.tons h~reinabove set farth. Should any such conditzon, ~r any part thereof, be declared tnvalid or unenfc~rceable ay tt~e fi.nal judgment of any c~urt of competent jurxsdiction, then th:~s kesolution, and any approvals herein contai.ned, sha1l be deemed null and void. THE E'OREGOING RESULUTION is si.gn~d and .~,proved by me this 26th day of Navember, 19a4. ,~. ~ ~.._....~ <'~~ ~ - / ~ i ..~ ~,- ~ '~ f ,- ~ ~ "--- .~.~,,,,~1 ". :; ~':-. • , ~~ CHA~RMAN, AI3AHEYM ~E[TY PLANNitJG CG~IMTSSION ATTEST: .1~t,c~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANN.ItVG COMMI5SION -Z- PC84-243 .Y~i~ , -. STATE Ob' CALIE'ORNIA ) COUIJTY OF ORANGG ) ss . CITY pE ANAEiEIM ) ~" I~ EQith L. Harrxs, Secretary of the t.nzhei.m City Planni.ng Cot"mtission, do hereby cert:ify that the faregaing rPSOZut.ion was passed and adoPtE~r~ ~~ d meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commiss.ion held nn November. 26, 1y84, by l•he fcllowinc~ vote af the member.s thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIGNERS: BOUAS, -B~',[3Q1~E, I'Ry, H~SI~g~T~ KING, LA CI~ATRE, I~E-9~RN•E'f NOES: COMMISSIONERS: N0N•£- ~~~S~j'4fc''~,, ~~~„~-`-',,~,J,~; ;f, ~~jc~.',~:7~,~/,~ ~ ABSEN~: GOMMSSSIONERS: NONL IN WIT~VESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto sFi: my hanc9 this 26th day of November, ].984. ~ - - - r~ ~ ~ x~f ~ ~~'~,J., ~, - SECREZ'ARY, ANAHElM C;ITY PI~AhNING CGMMISSIAN ~3" PC84-243