PC 84-247 ~ RESOLUTION ~10. PC34~247 A RESOLUTION OE THF AP~AHEIM CZTY PL~INNIDIG COMMISSION 'rHAT PETITION .FOR VARIANCE NO. 344:L BE GRANTED IN PART ' ;: ; ~~" t WHCREAS, the ~naheim Cil:y Plann.ing Commiss.ion di.d cece~ive a veri.fi,ed ~;;~- j Petit.iun for Var.iancE ~rom CHARLCS E'. MASS & VIVIAN FLLE[~E MA~S, 1185 Tr.opzcal ~~' Aven;ae, Pa~adena, Cal.i.forn:ia 91107, owners, and CENTURY CAPTTAI, DEVELOPMENT ;"1,~ CORP., 17581 :Crva.ne Aot~levarc3, Suite 211, 'Tttstin, Californi.a 926E3Q, ATTN: M. ''7 fIUSSAIN FiASHIM 0~ RAX KRHN, a~ent f~t certa.in raal ~" propezty situated 3.n the ~.i• City ot Anaheim, County of Urange, State ~.f Californi.a descri.bed as: ~~;; THAT PORTIUN OF "DREYFUL AND OTHEF2S" LAND IN THE CITY GI' ~ AN~H~IM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATr~ OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP ~F "ANAHEIM ~,XTENSION" Au SURVEYED BY WILLTAM HAMEL, ; DECEMBER 11, 1868 ANO FILED FUR RECORD IN ~1'HE UFFICE OF THE i COUNTY RFCORD~R QF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALI~'ORNIA, A COPY ~ THEREUF BEING f.t~CORDED IN THE OFFSCE OF THE COUDITY RECORllER OE' ~ ORANGE COUN~Y, CALIFORNIA, IN BOOK 3, PAGES 163 AND 164 OF i "LOS ANGELES C:OUNTY MAPS", DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING A7' THE MUST WEST~;RLY CORNER OE LOT 19 OF TRACT N0. 16f31, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THE~EC~F RECORDF~D TN BOOK 125, PAGES 28 A~~D 29 OF MISCE'LLHNEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THF~ CAUNTY Rk:CORDER OF ORAN~L•' COUNTY, CALIF'ORNIA, AND RUNNING '1'HENCE SOUTH 15° 24' 03" EAST, ALONG THE SOi1THWESTFRLY T30UP~DARY OE SAIll TRAC:T N0. ~651, 1U6.12 FEET T~~ THE BGGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE, CqNCAVE TO THE NORTHEAST AND HAVING A RADIUS vE' 85 FEET; TI3ENCE SOUTHERLY AL~NG SA:ID CUkVE, THROOGH AN A~VGLE ~JF 'll° 02' 2~" AN ARC DISTANCG OF 31.21 FEET TO THE BEGINNING Ob' A REVERSE CUk~~E, HAVING A RADIUS OF' 65 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERI~Y, ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH AN ANGLE OF 21° 02' 22" A DIS'PANCE OF 23.87 FEE'P~ TO A LINF TANGEN'C; THENCF SOUTH 15° 24' 03" EAST, 50 FEET TQ AN INTERSEC'.PION WI'rH THE SOUTE:EASTERLY L7NE OF LOT 17 OE SAiD THACT NU. 16$1; 'CHENCE SOUTH 74° 27' ~7^ WFST~ ALONG THE WESTFRLY EXTENSION THEREOF, AND ALONG THE NURTH~JESTERLY LINE QF LOT 16 OF SAID TRACT N0. 1681, 127.91 FEET "~'U THE EASTERI,Y L~INE OF L~OT 5 OF THE WEIGIiT FREEMAN AND MC CLOUGHAN SUBllIVISION, AS SHOh'N ON .A MAP FILED IN BOOK 1, PAGE 2 OF ~2ECORD OF SURVEYS, IN ~HE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ~tECORDEFt OE ORANGE COUNTY, CALII'QRN7.A; THENCE NORTH 15° 55' 00" WEST, AI~ONG SAID EASTG:<L1' LINE, 210 FE'~;T TO THE SOUTHGRLY LINE OF SOUTH STREET, AS SAJD STREET IS SHQWN ON THC MAP UF SAiD TRACT N0. 1681; THENCE NORTH 7~° 27' 57" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINF, I20.07 E'EE'I' TO TFiL' POINT UF BBGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Plann.~ng Commission d~.d hold a public heari.ng at the Civic Center in the City of Anahe.im on November. 26, 1984, a~ 1;30 p.m., noti.ce of sai.d public hearzng having been duly given as required by 1aw and .in accordance wi.th Che provisi.on~ oF the Az~ahezm Mun.ic.ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to heax and consi.der eviden~e for and aga.inst saZd proposed variance anc7 to investigatp and make findings and recommendations in connectian thPrewith; a ncl ~q381.r PC84-247 ~a; ~2~SO.LU2'TON N0. I~C84-247 A RESOLUTION 4E' THG ANAEi~TM CI`rX PLANNING COMMISSION 2'HAT PETI`I'IUN fOR VARI:ANCE Nu. 34~1 BF' GRANTEU, IN P~RT " WHEREAS, the Anaheim City P1ann.ing Com[nissi.on did receive a vt~rifted Peti,ti.an for Vari.ance Erom CfiARLES F. MASS & VIVTAN ELEENE MASS, 1185 Tropzcal Avenue, PasadPna, Cal.if.ornia 91107, owners, and CENTURY CAPITAL~ DEVELGLM~NT COkP., 175a1 ]:rv.ine Doulevard, Suite 211, 'Ilastinr Cali.forn:ia 92b80, AiTN: bl. HUSSAIN HASHIM OR RAY KAHN, agen+~ f~r. certaia~ real property situated in the c:i.ty of Anaheir~~, County of Orange, St:ate of Cali forni.a de~crxbed as; 7.'HAi PURTION OF "DREYFUL ~ND OTHERS" LAND Itd THE CITY OF ANAfiE;IM, COUN'PY OF ORANGE, STA'rE OF CALIFORI~?A~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF "ANAHEIM EXTENS:i:ON" AS SURVEYED SY WJI,~,IAM HA~1.^•,L, DECEMBER 11, 1868 AND FILED FOR RECORD IT1 THE OE'FICE OF TFIE COUNTY FtECORDER OF li0S ANGFLES COfJNTY, CA.LIb'ORNIA, A COPY i~n~Ki;~F 3EIN(; RBCORDED IN THE OF'FICE OF THG COCJ*~'.['Y RFCQRDER OF ORANGE COUrii~; CAI,IFQRNIA, IN BOOi{ 3, PAGES 163 r1ND 164 OF "LOS ANCELES COUNT'Y MAk''S", DESCRIBED AS F'GLliOWS: BEGTNNiNG AT THE MO5T WES'1'ERLY C:ORNER OF LOT 19 OF TRACT N0. 1fi31, AS SHOWN QN A MAP THEREOF RECORDr~D IN BOOK 125, PAGLS 28 AND 29 CF MISCELLANGUUS MAP~, IN THE OFFICE OF~ THE COUNTY RECORDE.R OF QRANGE COUIvTY, CALIFORNIA, AND RUNNING THENCE SOU'~H 15° 24' 03" BAST, ALON~ THE SOUTHWESTERLX BOUNDARY OF SAID Tk2ACT N0. 1681, 106.12 F'EET TO THE FiEGINNING OF A TANGENT GURVE, CONCAVE TO '.CHE NO}ZTHEAST ANll HAVTNC A RADIUS OF 85 F^cET; THENCE SOU'.PHERLY ALONG SAID CORVE, 'CHFtOUGH AN ANGLE UF 2l.° 02' 22" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 3]..21 FEET TO '.CHE BEG:CNN7NG OF A REVERSE CURVE,. HAVING A RAUIUS Ob' 65 FEET; TFIENCE SOU'1'HERLY, ALONG SAIll CURVE, Tf1R0UGH AN ANGLE OF 21° 02' ?2" A DISTANCE OF 23.87 FEET, TO A LIN~ TANGENT; THENCF SOUTH 15° 24' G3" EP_ST, 5U FEET TO AN INTERSECTIQN WI'rH THE SOUTHEASTERLX LINE OE' LOT 17 OF SAID `i'RACT NU. i681; T~IENCE SOUTE3 74° 27' 57" WEST, ALONG THE W~;ST~RLY ~XTE~iSI0b1 THF'.2EUF, AND ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY L'IN~ OF LGT 16 OF SAID TRACT NO. 1681, 127.91 b~EE'C TO THE FAS'i'L•'RLY LItd~ OF LOT 5 OF' THB WEIGHT FREEMADI ANA MC CT,OUGHAN iUBllIVI.°iION, AS SHOWN ON A MAP k"IL~D IN F300K 1, PAGE 2 OF R~CORD OF SUKVEYS, TN THE OFFICE OF THE CUUNTY RECORllER OF ORANGE CQUNTY~ CALIFORNIA; THEI+CE NORTH 15° 55' 00" WEST, AL~NG SAID EASTERLY L2NE, 210 FF;ET TO TEiE SOUTHERLY iINE OF SOUTEI STREET., AS SATD STREET IS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT N0. .',681; THENCF.' NORTfi 74° 27' 57" EAST~ ALONG aAID SUU7'HER:LY LTNE, 120.07 FEET TO THE POINT nE AEGII~INING. WHEREA5, the City P1111::' ~ir,~ Comm.issxor- dxd hold a publir heari.ng at the Civi.c Center in the C.ity of A,-u,.~ i.m on t~ovember 26, 196~, at :1:30 p.m., noticp of said public hearxng havi.ng bec~n duly given as required by law and in accordance with the ~rovi.sior.s aF ~he An-,.t-~~i^~ Munic.ipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear. and c~nsxder e~ixdence ~'or and against sai.d praposed vari.ance and to xnvestigate and make f.indi.ngs and rec~mmPndations in connection therewith; and ~ ~0361r PC84-247 .... WHrRE.AS, said Cornmis.~i.on, after due .inspecL-a.onn investxgation ~nci study made by i,tself and i.n its behalf, and afcer c~ue corisidcration ~f a11 evidencE and reports affered at said heari.ny, does find and determine the foZ~owi.ng fat:ts: 1. Tl~~at th~ petitic~ner proposes w~zivers of the follo~aing to conscruct a 21-uni.t apartment complex: (A) S~CTIGN 18,U4.0~~3.05U - Pe_rmitled encroachment i,nto sid~ vards. AND 18.34.0b4,020 (none permitted; 10 to 14 feet dpep balconies and exterior stairways proposecl) (13) S~~TIUN - Perma.tted l.or.ation of open parkinq spaces. ~NL~ 18.34.q66.010 (C) SECTIUN 18.34_.062.020 - Maximum site cov~raqe, (5S$ permx~ted; 68$ proposed? (D) SEC~ION •• Maxi.mum number uf b.~chelor units. (5 p~rmi.kted; 6 proposed) (E) SECTION 1E.34.Q63.012 - Mini.rnum front landscaUed setback. (].5 feet requ:ired; parking spaces at 0 to 15 feet proposed) (F) S~;CTSON 18.34.C~63.021 - Mxnimum structural setbar.k. (19 feet requ.ired from east property line; 3 to 19 feet, propostr~) 2. That tFi? above-mentioned wai.ver (b) is hereby denxed on the basis that the peti.tioner revised originall~~ submit~.ed plan~ subsequent to ].egal adverti.sement an~ pr.ior to the pubiic heari.ng, deletina sa9.d wai.ver. 3. That thP above-menti.ot~ed waivers (a), (c), (d), (e) and (f) are hereby granted on the b~~sis that they are ma.ni.mal and furtlcer on the basi~ that there are special c:lrcumstances ~~ppli.cable to the property sucri as size, shape, topography, locata.on and surr~undings which do not apply to other iclenti.cally zoned property i.,1 the same vi.cinity; and that str.ict application of the Z~~ni.ng Code depri~ves the property of przvi.lege~ enjoyed by othsr prapertxes i.n the identical zone and classxf.icati.on zn the victnt~y. 4. ~'hat there are exceptional or extraor.d.znary circumstances or conditions appl~cable to the property inv~lved or to khe i.ntended u~e of kP~e property that do not a~~ply yenArally t~ the property or r.lass of usN .in tl~e same vicinzt~ and ~one. 5. Th~~t tt~e r~quested var~iance xs nec~ssary for the preservatio~ and enjoyment of a subst~-nti.al property right ~ossessed by ol-her property in the same vic.in.ity and zone, and denxers to the property in question. 6. That khe tequested vari.ance wxll not be materially detriment~I to tne public wel~are or injuri.ous to the property or i.rnprnvements in such v.icinxty and zone .in wh:ich the pruperty xs located. 7. '~hat three persons 3.ridtcated their presence at satc3 publ.f~ ~> hearing xn opposxti~on; anc3 that no correspandence was received i.n o~pos~.t~on i, to subject petiti.on. ~~;, '"2.' PC84-247 ~', _ 's . ~~ra~: ~; -- ~ „,~ , •~-~. E~VIRONMENTAI~ IMPACT FINDING: 7.'hat the Anahei.m City Planning Cam:na.ssion h~s rev.iewecl the proposal to construct a 21-unir apartmen~ compl~x with waivers of permitter~ encroachmer,~ .into side yarcls, permi.tte~ location of ~pen parki.ng spaces, maxi.mum si.te ~overagP, max9.mum number of bachelor. untts, mi.nimum front landscapec] setback and minimum structural setback on an irrectularly-shaped parcel of land consisking of approximately 0.59 acre havir.g approx.i.mate fruntages of. 120 feet on the south si.de of South Street and 8 f.eet on the narth side of Dakota Street, and furthe.r clescribed as 514--516 East South Street; and does hereby zpprove the Neyati.ve Declarati.on upon fi.nding that i.t has considered th~ Negative Declaration togekher wi.th any comments rece.ived duri.ng t:he publ.ic rev~ew proc~ss and furkhe.r ~i.nd.ing on ~he bas.i.s uf. the i.nitxal study and any comments rec~zved tt~at there is no substanti.al evi.dence that the project will have a signi~icant effect oti ~be envi.ronment. NqW, T'rIE12EF'ORE, BF IT RESOLVEA that the Anahei.m City Planning Commission does hereby grar.t :aub~ect Peti.ti.~n ~or Vari.ance, upon l•he fol].4wing condi.tions wti~r.h are hereby found to be a nECessary prer.~qui.si.te t~ the pror 5ed use of i:~j~ sizbject property in order to preserve the safety and ge~;~ al welEare oE the Ci.ti.zens of the C:ity of Anahei.m: 1. That the owner of subjec~ pr.operty shall irrec~ocably offF~ to dedicate to the City of Anahe~m a strip of land 32 feet in width ;from tt,e centerli.ne of the street along South Si:reet for street widening purposes. 2. ~.Chat pr.ior tc~ issu~nce of a buildtng p~rmi.t, appropri.ate park and recreat:ion in--lieu f~es shal.l be pai.d to the City of Anaheirn i.n an amount as deterrni.nea by the City Counci.l. 3. That przor to xssuance of a buildi.ng permi.c, th~ appropriate traff:tc signa~ asse~sment fee shall be paici to the C.ity of Anahe~.m i.n an amount as cleterminec! by th~ ~ity Ccuncil for each new dwelling uni.t. 4. That the proposed parking sL-ructure desi.gn shall coaform to Engi.n~eri.ng Standard f~lan No. 402 pertaining to standard details Eor parka.ng struct~ure~. 5. Tha~ all driveways shall be de~xgned to accommodate ten (10) foot radi.us curb rPturns as r~qui.red by the.C9.ty TraEfic Engineer. F. That ~]rainage of sabject propert.y shall be disposed of i.n a manner satisfactory to the City Eng~.neer. 7. That subject property shall be served by under~3round ut.il~ties. 8. 2'hat Fri~r to c~mmencement ~f structural :Eraming, firp hydrar~ts sha11 be insL-al].ed and charqe3 as requ.ired and determi.ned to be necessary by khe Chie~ of the Fire Department. 9. That trash storage areas sha11 be provi~ded and mai.ntained i.n accordance wxth appr.~ved plans on fi1.e wi.~h klae Street Mai.ntenance and Sanitation Di.vision. -~- PC84-247 ~.w -~~~Ei , _. _ ,. _ .::.:44 t, _~...r. > >.. ~,,,. ,,. ~. ,. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . :, „-: . ... .. . . _ . . .. . . . ... ... .. . .. ......_.. , ~.~e 10. That street lighting Fac~liti,es along South SLreet shall be installed as required by th~ Uti.l.~ties Gen~ral Man•xger in accurdance with ~pec~fica~zons on fi?.E~ in the Office of Uk~lxtzes Gener.al Manager, and that security ~n the f~rm of a bond, certificate ~f d~pOSL~~ letter of cred~.t, or cash, in an amount and form sat.isfactory to the City of Anahe.im, shall be poste~ w.ith the City to guaran~ee the sati.sfactory complet.ion o£ the above-mentaoned improvements. Sazd securi.ty sha11 be posted with the City ot' Anahei.m prior to a.ssuance of buildinq permxts. The above-requ~.red improvements shall be i.nstallec~ ~rior to occupancy. 11. That the owner oP subject property shall pay to the City of Anahei.m a fee for tree plantir!g purposes along South Street and Dakota S~reet zn an arnount as deter.mirted by the City Counca.l, I'l. That a perpetiial pas~rnent agreement with the owner of th~ property to the east, prov5.ding for circulata.on o~ trash t~rucks from one parcel to the other. and provi.d~.ng £or vehi.cu].ar access over said property, sha11 be sub.mitted to the Planning Departmenk and then be tXansmi.tted to the Cxty Attornel's OfF~ce for review and approval. ~~Che appro~ed agreement sha11 then be filed and iecorded in the Offa.ce of the Orange County Recorder.. 13. That gates sh~~l not be i.nstalled a~ross any driv~way in a manner whict~ may adversely aFfect vchicul~r ,:raf.fic in the adjacent public streeL-s. Insta:~lat.ion of any gates within a distai~ce of forty (40) feet From sai.d public stXeet rights-of-way sha11 be subject to the review and apgrava]. of the City Traf£ic Engineer. 14. 7~hat all lockab].e pedestri.an and veh9.cular a.:cess gates sha11 be equi.ppecl witn a"knoY I~ax" device to the sata.sfacti.on of the Ci.ty Chief af Poli.c~ and Czty I'ire Ch:i~:f. 15. That all air condi.tianxng faci.lities shall be properly shxelded £rom t~i.ew, anc? tk~e sound buffered from adjacent ~ropertie.;. 1G. That prior to zssuance of buildiny p~rmxts, the appJ.icant sha1l present evi,dence satisfactory to the Chief Bui.lding Inspecfior that the res~.denti.al units wil~ be zn conformance wi.th Noi.se Ir~sulat~lon Standards specif.i.ea i.n the Cali.f.ornza Adma.nxstrative Cod~, Ti.~t7.e 25. 17. That pri.or to issuance of b~~ildi.ng Fermits, the applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the Ch:ief Bui.lding Inspect~r that the proposed projec.t :is i.n co~nformance wxth Council l~o'licy Number 542 "Sound Attenuat~ion i.n Reside-iti.al Projects". 18. That ~ 6-faot ha.gh masonry bleck wall shall ba constructed and maa.ntain~d along the ~aest property l.ines . 19. That the owner of subj~ct property shall submit a]etter r~questing termi.natxon of Variance No. 1948-24 tr~ the Planning Department. -4~ PC84-297 ,,: .:, ~, 'l0. That subjert property shall be developed substanLially in accordance w~.th plans aud spec.ific.~t.ions or~ file w.ith the City of Anahe.im marked Exhibi~ ^los. 1 through 3. 21. That prior tu issuancE of. a bui.ldi.ng perm~.t, or cvzthin a neri.od of one yeat Ero.m the dai:e of this resolutxon, whichEVer occurs fi.rst, Condi.ti.on Nos. ]., 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17 and 19, above-ment~.oned, sha11 k~e cumpl.ied with. Ext~nsi.ons for ftirther time to canplpte said conditions may be granted in accordance with Sectzon 18.03.09U of l•.he Anaheim Municipal Code. 22. That prior to ~a.nal building and z~n.ing i.nspectionsr Condi.tion Nos. 5,, 6, 7, 9, 13r 14, 15, 18 and 20, above-menti.onedr shall be camplied withe BE IT FUR~'HER RESOLVEI? t}~at the Anahei.m C.ity Plannzr,g Commission does herehy find and determine that adopti.on of thi.s Resolution xs expressl~ ,predxcated upon applicanl-'s compliance with ~acr and a11 of the aond.iti.ons here,inabove set f.orth. Should any such condxt.ion, or any part thereof, be declare~c'. a.nval.id or unenforce~ble by the final iudgment of any cour.t of cumpetent jurisdict:io~, then tha.s Rasolut:ion, and any approvals herei.n contai.ned, shall be deemed null and vo:~d. THE COREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me thzs 26th day of Nouember, 1984. ~ ,, _ `_; ~~ , ! ~1 _ _ ;C: '~ ~~^~~. ~;.~ ~~GHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CIT'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: . ~ ~' ~~~~~. ' SECRETARY, ANAHEIN, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COU*:TY OF ORANG~ ) ss. CI'i'Y. OF ANAHEIM ) Iv Edzth I,. Harris, Secre'tary of the Ana;~eim City Planntng Commxssaon, do hereby certi.fy l•hat the foregoxng re;o'lution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the .4nahe:im City Plannina Comm.issi.on held on November 26, 1984, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: bOUAS~ BUaHO,RE~ E'RX~ HE?BST, KING~ LA CL'AIRE~ MC BURNEX NOES: , COMMISSIONEP.S: 1VONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WEiEREOF, I have h~zeunta seL my hand th.is 26th day of November, 1984. , ~~ ~ L~ ~~~/V"~ V~ SECRETA.RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAr1NING COMMISSIQN 'S- PC84-247 ~~ .~ ,