PC 84-248~ ,;; ;; ~"° ,--~. ':; RESOLUTTON N0. !'C~34-24f3 A RESOLUTTON OF THE ~,NAHEIM CITY PLANN1Nr, COMMISS]:ON THA7.' PETITION FOR CONDITIUNAL UaE PEF2MIT N0. 2607 BE (3RANT~D WHEREAS, the Anahei.m City .P].ann-:ng Commission did recei.ve a ver~f.ied Peti.txon far C~nditxonal Use Permit £rom ANAHEIM CITY SCHdUL DTuTRICT, 890 South O.live Street, Anahei.m, Ca~iforni.a ~2805, owner, and CHIN~SG BAFTIST CHURCH, 1275 East Broadway, Anahei.m, Californxa 9'1805, ATTN: ANUY CH~UN~, agent for certa5.n real property si.tuated in the Ci.ty of Anahexm, County of Orange, State of Califori~~a, descrzbed as: PARCEL 1 F~S PER MAP FILED IN BOGK 185, PAGE 37, RECQRDS OI' SAID COCNTY. PROPOSk:D PARC~L MAP N0~ 83-242, 6E:ING A SUBDTVISIUN OF; PARCEL 1; LOTS 24 TO 29 BOTH INCLUSIVE AND liOTS 42 TO 58 BOTH INCLUSTVE, IN RLOCK D OE~ THE HOTEI, D~L CAMPO TRACT AS S:IOWN ON A N1AP RECORDED tIV BOOK 2~ PAGES G9 AND 70 R~CORDS OF ~QS ANGEL:S, CALIFORNIA, TQGETHER WITH THE ALLEY ADJOINING SAID LOTS BOUNDED UN THE EAST BY TH:~~ SOUTHERLY PI~OLONG;ITION OF EAST LINE OF LOT 48, BOUNDED UN THE SQU7.'f3 BY THE 4VES'PERT~Y PROLONGATION OF TEIE SOUTFT LINE OF LOT 24, BOUND~A ON TE;E WEST BY THE SOUTH PROLONGATION QP' THE WE~T LING OF LOT 58 A.ND ON 'rHE NOFiTfi BX THE SOUTH LINES OF LOTS 48 THRU 5R L'OTH INCLiJSIVE AS ORDERED CLOSED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEE OE CITY OF ANAHEIM, IN THAT CEFtTAIN RESOLUTION A CEkTIb'IED COPY OF WfiICH WAS RECORDED S~PTEb1BER 30, i904 IN SQOK 108 P1~GE 265 OF DEEDS. WHEREAS, the City Planni.ny Commi.ss.ion did I~o1.d a public hear~ng at the Ci.vi:: Center zn the Cxty of Anahexm an Novembec 26, I984, ~t 1:30 p.m., noti.ce of sai.d ~,i~blic hearing havzng been duly g'ven a.~ requzr~d by 1aw and ~n accordance with the provisions of the Anat~exm Municxpa: Code, Chapter 18.03, t~ hear and consider evidence for and aga:inst said proposed condi.tzonal use permi.t and ta investigate and make fa.nd:ings and recommendations in connecta.on therewith; and WHEREAS, sa9.d Commxssion, after due inspect..ton, investi.gatzon and ' study made by ~tse.l~ and zn its behalf., and after due consi~erat.ion of all `~ evidence and regorts offerecl at said hearing, does find and determi.ne the followzng facts: ~`' 1. That the proposed us~ is properly one for whi.ch a conditi.onal. use permit xs authori.zed by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to wi.t: to construci: a chureh faci.lity wi.th wa.iver of the Follow~ng: SECTION - Mini.murn landscar~ed setback. AND (15 &__20 ft~ required adjar.ent to Broadway; 1 to 5 feet proposed) ~0382r PC84-248 '~,~1 `-,"f . ,._. 2. That tnc requesled waivFr i.s hereby yc•anl:~d un tt~~ bas.i.s ~hat there are spHCial circumstances applicable tu th~ property stzch as si,;~e, shape, topography, locati,on and surroundi.nys which do not appl,y to other xdent~.ca].'ly ~oned pcoperty i.n thc same vicini.ty; and tha' ~trtct applicat.ion of the Zoning Cor~e deprives the ~roperty of privi.le~~es enjoyed by other pro~.~ert.tes :tn the xdentical zone anc] classi.fication .ir the v.icin.i.ty. 3. That the proposed use will ~~ot adueryely affect the adjoi.n.ing land uses and i:he growl•h and developmE~n~ oP the are~ .in whi.ch it t~ proposed to be loca~ed. 9. That the size anci shape of the site proposed for the use i,s a~equate t~ a11ow the full development oE the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to ~~!-,e ~articular area nor to the peace, he~t] tn, safety and general welfare of the c~tizens af ~he City of Anahe.im. 5. That +~he g~anti.ng of ~he Conditional Use Perm:tL under the conditiuns xmposed, .if any, wi.ll nol be deeri.mental to the ~ea~~e, health, safety and general welfare oE the Cit.i~,ens oE the City of Anatieim. 6. That the traff~c generated by the prop~sed use will not imposQ an undue bucden upon the streets and t:iyhw~ys desi.gned and i.mproveci to c~cry the traffic i~n the area. 7. That no one incicated their preser.:•~ at sa.id pul~.lic hearing i.n opposit.ion; and that no carrespondence was rece.ived ~.~ apposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTI,L IMPACT FINDING: That the Anahetm Ci.ty Planntng Commi.ssion has reviewed the proposal to construct a church facil~tX wi.th waiver of. mtni.mum landscaped setback on an irreo~aldrly-shaped parce: ef. land consisting of appror.~mately 1.6 acres located at the southeast corner of Droadway and Olive Street, and further described as 412 East Broaciway; and d~es h~:reby apgrove the Neg~tive Declarati.on upon fi.r.ding that i.t has considered the Negt~tive Ueclaratton together with any comments receiven during ~he public revi.ew process a~:d Eurther findiny on the basis of khe init.i.al stuc~y and any comments received that there xs no substantial evidence that the project will have a signi.ficant effect on Ghe environment. NOW, TH~R~~ORE, BE IT RE3UI.VED that th~ Anah~.im Ci.ty Planninq Commisr~~on does hereby grant subjecl• Petition Eor Condi;:ional UsA Permi.t, upon the foll~wtny condttions which are heceby found ~o be a necessary prerequi.site to the pruposed use o,f the subject ptap~rty in order to preserve the safet,y and g~neral welfare c~f the Citiz~ns~ of the City of An~hei.m: 1. :'hat prioc to f.,~suance ~f a b~[ld~ng permit, the appro~ri.al•e txaff.ic ~i.gnal as~s~ssment fee abdll t,e ~aid to the City of Anaheim tn an amount aa deter.mined by the City Council for new commercia~ buildi.ngs. 2. That the nwner of subject property $hall irrevocably offer to dedicake to the Csty of Anahei~m a strf.p of land 28 feet in width Icom the centeKline UE Cl~e ctr~eet along Broadway and 44 Eeet in widtl~ from the centerl.fne qf tt~e street along Olive StreQt for stceet wida_ning purposesf and that ext~ting street tacilitte~; Along Broadway and Ol.ive $treet su~h as curbs an~d g~:tters, sidewalks, srre~t gradi~ng cnd -2- ~ PCB~-248 ;<:; :~ p.avement, sew~r and ~,atnage Eactl.lti.es, and olh~r appurCenant work sha11 be re7.oca~ed as requi.ced by the Ci.ty Fngineer and in accordance w.ith specifi.cat.tons on file in the OFfi.ce ot the Ci,ty Engineer; and rhat security i.r~ tt~c form of. a bond, cect.if:icate of. deposit, 1ett~r of c.redit, ar ca~h, in an amounh and form yati~taccory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted wi~h the C.ity ~o guarantee khe 3atts~actory com~letion of sa.td impr.ovements. Sai.d security sha11 be posted w;~th the Cxty prior to issuance of buildiny p~rmi.ts, to guarantee the xnstall~t.ion of the above-~required ~mprovements upon demand of the Ci,~y Cngineer. 3. That dra.inage of subje;.t property shall be disposecJ of in a manner sati.sfactury tu the City En~tneer. 4. That trash stor.aye areas sha11 be prov:~ded and ma.intaine~ in accordance wtth approved plans on ti.le with k:he Street Mai.ntenanc2 and Sanitatxon Division. 5. Tt at E.ire sprinklers shall be ins~alled as requ.ired by the Ci.ty Fi.re M~~rshsll. 6. That street lzghti.ng facili.ties along Oli.ve Street sha11 be .installed ~s requ~red by the Ukiliti.es Genecal Manager zn accordance w~th ~pecificati,ons on ftle .in the Off.ice of Uti.li.ttes c,..c-eral Manager, and khat yecurity ir~ the fvrm of a bond, cert3.ficate of depos~t, le}ter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the Ctty of Anahe.im, shall be posted wi.kh the City to guarantee the sati~~zactory completfon of the above-mentioned improvements. Saxci security sha].I be posted with the Cit,y of Anahetm prior to approval of building permtts. The above-required improvements shall be tnstalled pri.or to occupancy, 7. That a perpetual easement agreemenk for electri.cal purposAs shall be ~ submxtted t~ the planning Department and th~n be transmitted to the ~'~ City Attorney's 0£fi.ce for review and approval. The prects~ l~cattcn of sa~d easertiPnt syall be determtned by the Electri,cal Engineering D~v.tsio,n, The appruved agreement ~hall then be fi.led and cecorded i n . the Off [ce of the Orange County Recorder, and a cop y thereof shall be , provi.ded to the Planc~ing Department. 8. That subject property sha11 be served by undarground ~iti~littes. 7 ;~ 9. That prior to commencement of structural framing, ftre hydrants sha21 ~ be installed and charged As requfred and determi.ned to be necessaiy by ~} the Chief of the Fi,re Aepartment. ___i 10. Thot ali air cond.itioning faci~lf.t~PS shall be propecly sh~.~l.ded from ;' vtew, and Che ~ound buffered Irom ar]jacent properttes. ~~ ~ '~ 11. That the proposal shall comply w.tth all signi.ng requi.rements of the ~ RM-1200 7,one, unles~ n variance all~w~ng sfgn waivers is a~proved by 1~ th~ P1Anning Commf~aion oc C~.ty Council. ~~ -3- PC64-248 ~~..,ezi[a» e.vciT..µ:'~.,,~tt4 ti ~...~.i,..;: ~.,, , . ' r~.. i . .. . ~ .~.tJ~ 1 Y; aZ• That any proposed ~ parkinc area light.ing fixtures sha11 b~ d~t,n-),tc~hted with a maximum height oE 12 feet. directed dW~y ~rom adjacent Sa~~ ltgh_ing f.ixture~ sha],1 be integri.ty ot the arpa. Aroperty li.nes ~o protect the resa,dept~,al 13. That sub 'ect ~ Px~ptrty sha11 be dpve.laped substanti.all wikh plans and specxf.ic:ations on fxle w.tth the Ctty of Anaheim~narkCe Exhibit Nos. 1 ~hrough 3. ed 14. That prior to the commencement of the acttv.i.ty aul-hor.izer~ unde reaolut~on, or ) priar to is ~uance of a bui.id~n r thi.s perxod ~f one yea: fr~m ~he da~e of rhi.s res~lut.i.qn,mWhxchev C•lOCCUCB first, Gond.it~un Nos. 1, 2, 6 and 7 complied w.ith. Cxtensions for ~ above-menti.oned, sha11 be cond~t.ior-s rnay be granted in accord nce hwith S ctton~1~~03p090eo~~atd Anahe.im Muntcipal Code. the 15. That pr.tor to L•he commencement of the acti.vit resolut.ion, or fiRal building and zonin y aUthorized under this Pirst, Cond~t.ion Nos. g~l~~p~ctipns Whxchever cccurs shall be compli,ed with. 3~ 4~ 5~ 8~ 10' 12 an`~ 13. above-mentioned, 1~• That no schoal activities of an classes, sha11 be permitted, unl~sa akc:r~ndit onal uhen Sunday Schoal such use .i,s apprcved by the Planni ig Commiss.ion or Ci.ty C unc{~allow~tnq BE IT FURTHER RESOLVF,D that the Anaheim C.ity P1a~;ni.ng commisston does hereby find and determ.ine that 7Pred~[cated upon a ~ adoption uf th.t, Hesolu~:ton is pplicant s complxance w~th each and all of the condi,ti.ons here:in~bove set furth. Should any such condit.ions declared ~iivalxd or unenforceab~c by the f.inal ~ or any part thereof, be competent juris~ict;on, then th~s Resolution ~udymenk of any court ~f con*~,ined, shAll bE deemed null and vo.td. ' and any aPProvals here~n THE E'OREGOING RCS~LUTTON is s.tgned an~ approved by me th.ts 26th da ~f November, ),9gq, ~ `1 y . ,` , _ ~ .; ` ;: .. ~ \ ~~ - _._ ATTEST: , °-CqA7 MAN,'ANAHEIM C T~PLAN~TNG GOMMISSION SECRETAlty, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ~ i ,, f ~ ~!. -4- ~:;` PC84-248 n~,: ~ Fn rr ,tF~ry~-r; v~ ._,;;: ~u„i t ~.~n~ ~. !i~.' /'~ ,~-^•~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OR.ANGE ) ss, CITY OE' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci,ty P].anr~~ng Comm~ssian, ' do hereby certify that the £oregoi.ng resolution was passed and adapted at a meetzng of the Anahexm City Plannzng Commisszon held on Novembec 26, 1984, b,y the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMIS~IUNERS: BOUAS~ BUSHQI~E, FRY, HERIISTi KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BUP.NEY NOES: COMMTSSIONERS: KONE A9SE~19'a CdMMISSIONERS: NONE IN 47ITNES~ WHGREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th~s 26th day of NovPmber, 1984. --'~~ , ~C.. - . SECRFTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL'ANNING COMMTS~SION ..r ;;~ • ;,~ ~ ,~ .°,'~~ ~ -•5- PC84-248 ,; ;,,r~ ,--•~:~x+~u..