PC 84-250. . '.,I.~t~~%S?H r.` ~\ . r. '`1~ ~~' .I C '`~~'; ! RLSOL[t'rION N0. PC84-"l50 ~F ~ !~;~;.,`;;' A R~;SOLf)'CI~'~N OF THE aNAFlEIM CI'~'Y YI,AtJNING COMMISSION "!'?' ~ THAT PETIZ'ION FOF CONllITIONAL USE F~I:RM:IT NC~. 26~}G f3F GRANTED ;:;, .,. ~ ~> WHEREAS, the Anaheirn Ci.ty Planni.ng Commission d.id recPa.ve a vertf3.eG 'u~. , ~ Peti.ti.on for Cond.iti.onal Use Permit from REDONDG II•~VBSTM~NT COMPANY, 296 ",i Redondo Avenue, Lony E3each, Cal.ttornia g0803, ATTN: C. F:OBERT I,ANGSLET, ownez of certaxn real proper:y situated in the Ci.ty of Anaheim, County oP Urange, '';' ; S~ate of CaliEorni.a, descri.bed as: PARCFL 11; BEGINNING A7.' THE MOST EASTERLY CORNE;R OF PARCEL 3 AS SHOWN AN A MAP FILE~ IN DOOK 122, PAGES 28 pND 29 OF PARCEL MAPS~ RECORDS pF SAln COUNTY. ;'PHH NCE ALONG Tf-!E SOUTHEASTERLY LiNE O~' PARCELS i, 2, ANll 3 OF SAIb MAP AND THE NOFtTHEAST~RLX LINE OF RIO G~2ANUE LRIVE (54 FEET WIDE) SOUTH 47° 57' 47" WEST, 365.70 FEET TO 'i'HE MOS~ SOUTHGRLY COkNER OF SAID ~ARCEJ~ ?.; '.rfIENCE r~LONG THr iv';:.:;'i'ERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 2 NOR7.'H 42° 02` 13" WEST, 2$.00 FEET; THENCE NORTEI 78° 56' 49" WEST, 203.27 h'GET 2'0 THE SOUTHWGSTERr~Y CORNER Ob' SAID PARCEL 2, SAID CURNER A~,SO BEING ON .4NGLE POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SANTA ANA VALLLY iRRIr,ATION COMPANY CANAL; THENCE GEAVING ;;AiD WESTERLY LING NOR'.CH 76° 25' S7" west, 26.7J FEET 'PO AN AN~L~ POINT TN THE CFNTERLINE O~ SAID CANAI,; THENC~ AI~ONG SA7n CENTERLINE NORTH 7° O1' 27" WEST, 146.57 FEET; THENCE NORTE~ 7° 17' a3" EAST, 127.56 FF:ET; THENCE N~RTH 27° 39' 18" ~AST, 129.77 FEET `PO A FUIN'I' 7N SAID CENTERLINE; THENC~ LEAVING SALU CENTERLINE ALONG A LINE WHICH TS FERPENDICULAR WTTH TH~ SnUTHEA.STERLY LINE QF SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD AS SAIA LINE IS SHOWN ON THE MAP FILED IN $OOK 9, PAGFS 1 TEIP.OUGF1 10 OF' HIGHWAY MAPS~ RECORDS UF SAID COUNTY, NORTH 28° ~8' 16" WEST, 28.00 FEET TO A PUINT ON SAID SC~UTHEASx'ERLY LINE OF SAN`i'A ANA CANYON ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID LIN~; NORTH 61° 11' 44" EAST~ 350.38 FEET 't0 THE B~GTNNING OF A TANGE;NT CURVE (IN SAID LTNE) CONCAVE NORTHWCSTERLY HAVING A RAnIUS OF 2110.00 F~£T; THENCE ALONG SF-ID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OE 2° 22' 51", 67.68 FEET TO THE AEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVF: CONCAVE SOUTHERLY HAVSNG A RADIUS nF 25.00 FEET; THENCF ALONG SAID CU12VE THROU;:~f A CENTRAL ANGLL' OF 8~° 04' S3", 3~i.69 FEF'P TO '!'EiE WESTERLY LINE OF FAIRMON'P BOULEVARD (92.00 F~'F'~ WIJE); TH~NCE TANGENT TA SAZD CURVE ANA ALONG SAID LINE aOUTH 37° 06' 14" EAST~ 338.50 r EET TO THE BEGINNING Ok' A TANGEN2' CURVE C(~"7CAVE WESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS QF 28.U0 FEET; 7'HENCE ALONG SAID CURV~ THROUGH A CENTF2AL ANGLE OF 85° U4' O1", 41.57 FEF;T TO THE NORTElWEST~RLY LINC OF RIO GRANDE ARIVE (54.00 FEE'P WIDE); ThENCE ALOI~G SAID LINE SUUTH 47° 57' 47" WEST, 196.11 E'EF.T TO THE POINT OE BEGINNtN~. WHEREAS, khe City Plar.n.iny Commxssi.on d~d hald a public t~er~rtng at the Cl~vic CentPC tn ~the City of Anaheim on November 26, ~984, at 1:3A p.m., notice o£ caid public hearing having been dul,y given aa requ~red by law and tn accordance with tne provt~;tons of thP Anahpi.m Munici~al Code, Chapl•~c 18.Q3, to hear and constder ev~dence for a~d a~atnst said propoa~d condittonal use p~cmit and to i~nvestigate and make findings and cecommendationa i~n connection therewit~i; and ~0384r PC$4-25Q !f l WH.~REAS, sa.id Comm.~ssion, after due inspection, investiga~~on and stuciy made by i,tself and in its behalf., and aft•er duP consideratton uf all evidence and reports offered at said h~ar.i,ng, docs ~E.ind and cleterm.tne thF following facts: 1. Tt~at the proposed use is properly one fo~ whz~h a cond.itional use permz~ is authorized by Anahei.m Municipal Code Secti.ons 1$.OS.080 and 18.~44.050.01(' to wit: to permxt on-sale beer and wi~ne in a proposed restauranE with waiver of the following: SECTIUNS 18.06.U50 AND - Mina.mum numl~er oi arkinq ~oacaa, 18.44.U66.D50 (cumula~ive 384 spaces required; `~ 3~a spaces existing) 2. That the reque~ted wa~v~r is hereby granted on the basis that the parking vac:iance will not cau~e an increase ir- traffi.c congest.ion xn the i.rnm~d~ate vicxnity nur adversely affecl any adja.ining land uses; and that th2 grant.ing oF the ~S~rk.ing variance uncier the conditions imposed, if an not be c7e~ri.mental to the Y- w~IJ. peace, health, sarety or general welfare of the c.itizens of the City of Anahe.im. 3. ~hat the pronosed use will. not adversely aff~ct lhe adjoin.ing 1an~ use~ and the growth and ~3evelopment of the area :in which it is orr~posed to be .l~cated. 4. That the stze and sl~ape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to a11ow the fu].1 cievelopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the parkiaular area nor t~ rhe peace, health, sa£ety and ~eneral wel~are of the Citizens af the City of Anahei.m. 5. 'rhat the granting of the Conditional Use Ferm~tt under the condi.ti.ons i.mp~sed, i.f any, will n4t be detrxmental to the peace, hea].th, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the C;ty of A~aheim. 6. That the tratfic yenerated by the proposed use wi..ll not impose an und~e bur~len upon the sCr~ets and highways designed and i.mproved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. '~hat no one indicated Cheir presence at satd public heari.ng tn oppos.itJ.on; and that no aorrespondence was recei.ved i.n oppositi.on to the subject pet~tion. ~NVIRONMk;N~rAL IMPACT E'INDING: That the Anaheim City P].anninG `~ Commission has reviewed the proposal to pecmit ~n-sale beer and wine i.n a ~ proposed restaurant wi.th waiver of min.i.rr,um number of parking spaces on an ' irregulariy-shaped parcel of land consisti~ng of approximately 6.6 acress located on the southwest cornpr oE Santa Ana Canyon Road and Fairmont Boulevard; and does hereby apurove the Negatave Dec:laration up~n finding thut ~t ha~ considered the Negati.v~ Aeclaration together wxth any comments recetved dur~ng the publ.ic revtew process and further finding on the basi~s ~f the ' in~~tal study and any commeni:s rece.ived ~hat ~here ts no ~ubstant.~al evtder~ce ~ Chat the project will have a significant effect on the envir.nnment. I -2- PC84-250 , "^~ ,...,,, NO~iJ, fiHEREFORE, BE IZ' RESOLVED that the Anahei.m C~try P,~anning Com~ni.ssi.on does hereby grant subject P~t:~kion For Condi.ti.onal ps~ Permit, upon ~he following r.ondi.tions wh.tch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequ.tsi,te to the proposed use of the subject property i.n arder t~o preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citize~~s of the City of Anaheim: 3.. Tha~ trash sr.orage ar.eas sha.ll be provi.ded and m~inta.ined in accordance with approved plans on file with the Street Ma.intenance and Sani.tation D'.v~ision. 2. 'rhat a11 a.ir conditinning faci,lities sha11 be properly shi.elded fzom vxew, and the sound buffered from adjacent properties. 3. Thak the proposal sha11 comply with all sign:ing requirem~n~s of the CL(SC) Zane, unless a vartance allow.in:~ sxgn waivers is approved by the Pianning Commission or Ci.~y Council. 4. That no alcoholic beverages, except beer und wi.ne shall be sold or consumed on the premi.ses of the suk,ject restaurant. 5. That subject property shall be developed subs~antially in accurdance with plans and spec.itications on file w.ith the City of Anahe.im marked ~xhi.bit Nos. 1 through 3. 6. That prioz ta the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or Ei.nal build:ing and zoning inspections whi.chever ~ccurs Fxrs~, Condition Nos. 1, 2 and 5, above-mentioned, ~hall be complied wa.th. 7. That the subject reytaucant's hours of operation sha11 be 11;00 a.m. Lo 10;00 p.m. Monday thcough Fr.iday, 5:U0 p.m. ~0 10:00 p.m. Saturday and closed ~n Sunday. SE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby ftnd and determ~ne that adopti.on of thZs Resolution is expres~ly pred.tcated upon applicant's cornpliance with each and a11 of the condzt.tons heref.nabave set forth. Should any such cond:ttions, or any gart thereo~, be declared invalid or unenforcaable by the fznal ju~3gment of any court of competent jurisdxction, then this Resr~lution, and any approvals herein contained, shal]. be de~med nu].1 and votd. 7.'HE FARGGOTNG RESOLUTION is signed an~] approved by rne this 26th day of November, 1984. / • ~ i_ . ti r:_ i ~ ~/. ~~ ~- _ ,, '~t ~ ~~-,~: CHAIRMAN~ ANAHGIM ITY FLANNTNG COMMiSSION ATT~ST; , ~ . c~ ' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING c;OMMISSION ~ -3-- PC84-250 ;, ..... v . ~:., . . . . .'~:.~~.:..~~rv..... ., .. ... ..._ ~.~ :.:',.'; .... ~. ~ ~ ~ .,. .. ~ t,. ' . . . . . . . ~ _. . , . ~ „ . ~,rWRti~68 ~i ' ' " . ~ - ..,. i ~;i~';', .~""~ i"""~ ~ STATE OF' GALIFORNI~ j COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHFTM ) !, Ed.ith L. Harr.i.s, S~r.retary ~f the Comm.i~si.on, d~ herebvi cer.tify that the ~OZ~ ~,~,~ An~~eim City Plann:tng adopted at a meet inq oP the Anaheim City Plann~.ngg Commxssionnh ld na No e and ZS, 1904, by ~he follaw.ing vote of. the members thereof; mb~r ~Y~S~ COM~1xSSI0NERS: BOUAS, BUSHO.RE, FRY MC Brt - HERBS'I', KING, LA CLAIRE, N~ES: COMMISSIONERS; NONE ~NEY ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS; NONE IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, I have hereunto :;et my hand th.is ?.6th day of November, 1984. ~ L , >~- _.__ ~~ _ S~,CRETARY, ANAHEIM CI~ry pLANNING COl~SMIS ' S1GN ~i -4- PC89-250