PC 84-253~.~ RESULUTION h0. PC$4-253 A Ft55ULUTION OL `('HE ANAHE.[M CT'.CY PLAidNTNG COMMISSION TEIAT PF`.['I'i'IUIv H'OR VAIZIANCE N0. 3944 BE GItANTED WHEREAS, th~ Anaheim City .Planning Commis~ion did r~ceive a veri£i.ed PNt.iti.on fnr Variance f~om BRITISH MOTOR CAR D.IS'rRTBUTORS, LTD., 901 Vin Ness Avenue, San rranc.iscr~, C~l.iforn:ta 941U9, owner, and CAMT, INC., DBA ANAHEIM T0:!qTA, 1601 South A~~ahei.m Boulevard, Anaheim, Califorr~ia 92805, ATTN: JAMES E. CROWLEX, agent for certain real property sttuated in the C:lty oF Anaheim, County of Oranye, 5tate of California cjescribed as: PARCEL A: PARCEL NO. 2, AS SEIOFIN ON A b1AP EILED IN D~OK 131, PAGES .l AND 2 0[' i~ARCEL MAPS, IN 'PHF OEFICE OF '1'HE COUN~rY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUN'.CY, CALIE'~~RNIA. PARCEL C: PARCEL N0. 6, AS SHOWN UN A MAP FILCD Iy ROO:K 4, PAGGS 5 TQ 11 INCI.USIVE, QF STATE HTGHWAY RELINQUTSHMENT MAPS~ RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, C~LIN'ORNIA. ~XCEP`TING THEI2EFROM THAT PORTION LYING NORTHERLY OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF TRACT N0. 190, AS SHOWPI GN A MAP RCCORDED IN BUOK 23, PAGE 50 OF M~SCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OI' SAID ORANGE COUNTY. PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE NURTHWEST QUARTER OI' THE NURTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWFST QUAR'I'ER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 4 50UiH, RF.NGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCRU SAN JUAN CAJON UE SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED OE' uRANG~ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, AND '1'HOSE PO~TIONS OF LOTS 13, 14 ANA Y. ~E' TRACT NO. 190, Au SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED TN i300K i3, PAG~; 50 ciF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, UESCRIBED AS E`ULLqW5: BEGSNNING AT Tf~F. NORTHEASTERLY TF'~2MINU5 OF THAT COURSF DESI:RIBED AS "NORZ'Ei 28° 24' S0" EAST 173.55 FEE;T" IN A DEEA (STATE PARCEL NO. 152) TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, E'II.ED D~CEMBER 2~3, 1952 IN V4LUt1E b2, PAGE 15297 OE REGISTER OF TTTLES iN ORANGE COUNTX RGCORDS IN THE OFl'iCE OE T4iC COUNTY RECORDER CE SAID URANGE COUNTY; THENCE Ai.UNG THE NORTHEASTERLY PFtOLONGATION UF SA7D COURS~, NORTH 28° 24' 50" EAST 210.68 FEET TO THF. SOUTHWES'PERLY TERMINUS OF THAT Cnl'RSE SfidWN AS "NORTH 28° 24' S0" EtiST 101.57 ~'EET" IN THE AOUPiD.4RY OF PARC~L 6 OF STATE HTCHWAY RELINQUIStiMENT NQ. 492 RECOF:D~D DECEMf3ER 27, 1966 IN FsOqv 8136, PAGE 339 AF OFFICIAL F~~CORDS OF SAID URANGE CC~UNTX AND AS DELZN~ATED AIJD SHADED ON A MAP REGORDE~ JUNE 17, 1966, IN BOOK 4, PAGE 9 OF STATE HIGHWAY 40387r PC84-253 ~ ; REL'lNQUISHM~N'.C MApS IN SAI~ 01?i~ICE; TH~NCG ALONG SAID BOUNDARX '1'HE EOLLOWING COURSES: SOUTHWESTLRLY ALONG A TANGENT CURVE CON~AVL~ I~ORTHWES`i'ERLX, HAVING A RADIUS 0I' 67.UO FEET THROUGEi A CENTRAL ANGLL OE 61° 34' 35", AN ARC DtSTANCE OI' 72.01 EEET AIVD SQIJ`i'H 89° ,"~~3' i5" WEST 23.79 FEET TQ '.PHAT COURSE UES(:F2IBEA AS "SOUTH 6° 40' OQ" WE:i'T ~U%.30 I'EET" IN A DEED (STATE PARCEL NQ. 148-1) FILED ~)ECI:MBER 25, 1941 IN VOLUM~ 37~ PAGF 99, GRAtv'rEE' S llUk'L:tC:ATG 897U, NEW CEHTTEICATE 9].12 IN uAID OI'b'ICE; THENCE LEAVING SAID }30UNDARY ANU ALC7NG I~AST SAID COURSE, SOUTI~i 6° 40' 00" WEST 151.20 FFF.T `,CO TEiE POINT ~P BEGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissior~ did holci a public heartng at the Civic Centez :in the City of Anah~im on November 26, 198~l, at 1:30 p.m., notice oF said publi.c heari.ng having been duly gi.ven as requi.rer~ by 1aw and in accorclance with th~ provi.sions of ttie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cnnsider evid~nce for and aga~tnsk said prap~sed variance and to invest•igate and make Fi.ndings ancl recommendarions in connecki.on t'r~erewith; anc~ WHER~AS, sa.ic~ Comm.i.ssion, after due inspECtion, i.nve^t.igatian and study mad~ by itself ~~nd in its behalf, and after due ~on~.i.dera~ion of ~11 evxdence and reports offered at sai.d hearing, does Find and determi.rie the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the following to construct• an electronic £ree-standing sign: (a) SECTION - Ma_ximum hEic~i~t of a fla~hinq sfqn~ (50 feet perm.itted; 70 feet pr.oposed) (b) SECTIONS 18.05.093.U22 - Maxxmum area of a freestanding siqn. AND 18.05.098 ~ 1350 ~quace feet permitted; 5U1 sauare- feet proposed) 2. That the ~bove-menfi.oned wa.i.vers are hereby granted on the basi~ that there are sp~c;ial c~rcumsCances apglicable to the property such as size, shape, topography, location and 5~irroundings which do nor apply to other identically zoned aroperty in the same vici.n.l.ty; and that strict applicati.on of t!~e Zontng Code deprives the p.raper.ty of privileges enjoyed by other properttes tn the identic:al zone ~nc! cl~ss~tficati.on tn the vicintty. 3. That there arc exceptional or exrraurd.fnary circumsthnces or c~nditions appiicable t~ the proherty involved or Fo the intended use a£ tFie property that do not apply gener~lly to the property or class of use f.n the same ~ ic~ni~ty and zone. 4. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservatfon and en joyment of r~ substantt~.l ~,roperty r ight possessed by other. propert~r :tn the s~me vi.c.in.tty and zune, and de~:ted to tf,e proPerty in que3tion. 5. 1'hat the requPsted vartance will not be matertally detrtmental to r.hy ~ublic welfare or i~njur.ious to the property or impravements in such vir,.ini.ty, anc9 zone in wh:f.ch the pcoperty is locatEd. 6. That nu or.e tndi.cated tl~eir presence at satd public hebrin~~ tn opposit.ton; a;~d that no corr.e3pondence waa recei.ved in oppdsi.tton to subject petftion. -2- PC84-253 ;~;;; EN~IKONMENTAL IbiPACT F~IN` pzNG: The Planning Director or authorized representa~~ve has de~ermi.n~~ tha~ the hi.s ~~it.t~in the deiini.tion of Categur.ical Exemptioi~s, Classp 1 losas def~ned~ in ~tl~e State EIk (~U.i.d~l.'L-les and is, therefor~, c a t e qorica l ly exempt irom LY~e requarement lo prepare an EiR. NOFI, TH~REFURE, l3F; !~1' RESOLVFD th~~t the Anaheim City P1ann.i.ng Commass~on does hereby grant subject Pet.ition Eor Variance, upon the foilowxng c:ond.it:;ons which are hereby found to bP a necessary prerer~uisitp to the proposed ttse of the subject property in order to general welEa.re of the Ci.tizens oP thc Ci.ty of Anah~imppeserve the safety and 1• That th~ electrical ~ervice f~r subject s.ign shall be prc~vided und~r.ground. z. That plar~s :.ha].1 be submitked ~o the 6ui].d.ing Div~sion showing campl:iance wi.th tr~e ,ni.nxmum standards of ~he Ctty of Anahei.m, including the Un.iForm Building, Electri.cal, Mechanica:l and F~Ire Codes as adopted by the City of Anahei.m. The apprppriate permits shall be obtaxned for any necessary work. 3• That the owner of ~ub7ect property shall term.inatxon oi' Variance No. 3167 to the P1ar.nbngtDepartmen~,.requesting 4. That pri.or to c~mmericement of the actzv.ity author:tzed under th.fs resolution, or pcior to the ti.me that a b~a.tld.ing pPrmi.t .is issued, p: withtn a p~riod ur" ni.nety (90) days from the cia~e of th.is reso~utxon, which~ver occur.s first, the owner(s) of sub'ect execute and record a covenant in a form a~ Property sha~l At torney's Off ice wherein such owr-er ( s) agreep not pt o bconte~t cthe formation o£ any asse~sment distr:ict{s) whi.ch may h~rea£ter be formed pursuant ro the provis.ions uf Development AgreFment No. 8~-pI between the c;.ity af. Anahe:im and Anaheim Stad.ium Associ• ~es, whi.ch d.istrtc~(s) could include such owner's proFerty. Fa.iluce to comply witl~ thts condxt.ion within the specxfied time shali c3eem L•his varaiance ni.ill and voxd. 5• That prior to f.inal butldi.ng and zoning in::pections, the two (2) exi.sting freestanding si.gn;; on sur ect subject si.gn s~~a11 be the sole ~reejstandtnge~xg~sonlthe e removed and , property. 6. That prtor to issuance of a buildi.n rEVxewed and a 9 P~rmit, subject sign sha11 be submitted to the Pla n ng Department.A copy of sa~td approvAl shall be = 7. That SUbj@Ct property sha11 be developed wi.th plans and s~ecifications on fi.le withJthetCtty oF Anahe.i.m~marked Exhibxt Nos. 1 and 2. 8. That pr~.or to issuance of ~, bui.ldir~ on~ ye~r Crom the date of this resolution,~whichevert accursrf{rst£ Conditton Nos. 2, 3 and 6, above-menttoned, 3ha17. be compl~ied with. Gxtensions for Purther time to complete sa.td condtti~ns may be gcanted in accordanc:e with Sectton ;Q.03.090 nf the Anahe.tm Mtintcipal Code. -3- PC84-253 ~'' ,~r".~ i , . ' ; ~ 9. TF,at pr.ior to final build.ing and zon.ing inspec~ion~, Condi.tion N~c. 1, 5 and 7, abov~•-men~ioned, sha11 b~ compli.ec~ with. BE I~i' FUkTHER RESOLVED that the Anahei.m c:ity Planning Commi.ss.ion doe~ hereby fi.nd an~ determine that ado~l•.ion ~~f this Resolution is expressly pradicat~d upon applxcant's complianre with each and a1J. of the conditions hereinabove set Eorth. Shou.ld any such cond.it.ion, or any part thereof, be declGred invalid or unenforceat~;.e by the f.inal judgment of any court of competent jurxsdiction, then thi.s Res~l+lti.on, and anX ~ppr.ovals hereir. contained, shall be deemed nu11 and voi.d. TIiE FOREGOING RESC~LUTIGN .'ts signed and apprc,yec~ by me this 26th da.y of November, ].g84. /- ~ _~ ,! , ~ ~/ ~ ~ , / ...1=-~ / ~>v=ir.~~.. ~~~ ~_-- f',~:, ~~ r ; - --C~IAI~tMAN, ANAyiEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN AZ'TEST: ~P.r~ ~.r' _ ti,..~,~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COhiMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) SS. CITY OF ANAHEIM } .t, Ed.ith I,. E~arris, S~cretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commi~s~.ori, do her~by certi.fy that the forego::ng resolution was passe6 and adopted at a meet.ing of the Anahei.m Ci~:y Alann~ing Cornmisston hp:Ld on November 26, 1984, by the .follow.ing v~te of the members therenf: AYES: COMMISSION~;RS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, ~'RY, HERB~3T., KING, MC BU2tNEX NOES: COMyI$SIpNERS: LA CI~AIRE 6 ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ~et: my hand thi.s 2bth day of November, 19E~4. [~~~-f,~ ~ ' . SCCR~'rARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING CONMISSION ^~ PC84-253 i ~ l:: i'^