PC 84-254~- ~ ; i !'~ RESOLUTION N0. PCB4-254 r~ RESULUTION OF Z'EI~ ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN THAT PETITION r'OR CONDITIOfJAL US~' FLRMI'!' NO. 2635 BE GRANTE]) WHEREAS, the Anaheim C.ity F~lanninq C~mm.t~s.ion d.id recei.ve a veriFied Pe~ition fnr Cond.ikional Use Perrn.it from COUNTX OF ORAiJGE, GSA/~2EAL ~;STATE AIV~ISION, P.O. Box 4106, Santa Ana, Cal.iFornia 92702, ATTN: "_'HOMAS HO~PER, PRUPERTY MANAGEMEt4~.C SEC~l'ION, owcier, WCS xNTERNA'!'IdNAL, 3200 ~;as~ Frontera Stree~, Anaheim, c;alifornia 92$U5 and ORANGF COUNTY STEFL SALVACG, INC., 3200 ~ast F'rontera Street, Anaheim, Californ.ia 92806, agent for certain real property s.ituated in the Cit.y of Anahei.m, Caunty of Orange, State of California, described aso A PORTIOI~ UF :~pTS 2£3 ~ 29 AND 30 OF` OI2ANGE GRpVE ACREa^ TRACT N0. i, AS SHOWN ON ~1 M~~,P RECORDED IN BOOK 7, AAGE 36 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RFCORL)S OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FiHFRsAS, the City P1ani~.tng Commission did hold a publ.ic hear~ng at the Cxvir_ Center in ~he City of Anahei.m on November 26, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., not:ice of said public hearing hav:tng been duly g.iven as requi.red by law and in ~ccc~rdance with the provi.sions of the Anahe:~m Munic.ipal Code, Chapter 1$.03, to hear and cons~.der ev.icience for and again~t sai.d proposed condzt.~ana.l use perm.it and tr~ invest.igake and make finU%nys and recommend~~tions in connect.i.on therewith; and WHEREAS, sa:id Commiss:ion, after due inspectXOn, invest.ia~tion and study made by itself and i.n its bc~half, and after due consxderation af all ev.idence and reports offe~e~ at sai.d hearing, does find and determzne the Follow.ing facts: 1. That tt~e proposed use i,, pruFerly one for wi~ich a cnnditional use perm.it is authori.zed by Anahei.m Munici.pa]. Code Sectton ].8.21.05p.300 to wit: t~ permit tempcrary outdooc s~orage of scrap steel. 2. That tl~e proposed use i.s hereby c3ranted for a period of une (1) year, to expxre on November 26, 1985. 3. 'rhat L-he proposed use will not adversaly aftect the a~jo.ining land uses and the growth and deve3.opment of the area in wh~ch ~.k i~ proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use .is adequate to allow ~he full develorment of the propo~ed us~ tn a mann~r no~ detr:itnental ~o the parttcular area nor to the ~eace, health, safeky an~ generAl welfar~a of the C.ttizens of the C.fky of Anaheim. 5. ~rhat the granting of the Conc]itfona.l. Use Permit undPr the condit:[ons imposed, i.f any, will not be detrimental to ~he peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens oF the City of Anah_~~no 6. That thp traEf.ic generated ~y tF-e proposed use wi11 nat tmpoae an undue burden upon khe shre4ts and highways desi.gned and improved to carry the traEfic in the area. PC84-254 "\ ; '`°`, 7. 'rhat no one tndicated thexr presence at ~ai.d ~ubli.r. heari.n7 in oppos.it.ton; and that no corresp~~ndence was rPCexvQd i.n opposit.i.on to the ~ubjzct pet.it.ian. ENVIRONMENZ~AL IMPAC7~ P~INDING: That thE Anaheim City Planni.ng Commzssion has reviewed the proposal to permi.t temporary outdoor storage oE scrap steel o~i a rec~angularly-sha~~d parcel of 1.and cons.ist3.ng of approxzmately 5 a~res lacated approximateYy 200 ~eEt south of the centerline of Fr.ontera Street, approximately 17Q0 feet easl• of the centerline of Glassell ~~treet; and do~s hereby approve the Negative Declar~ti.on upon finda,ng that i.t has considered the Negative Declaration tog`ther w.ith any comments received ciuring the public review process and fuzther finc~ing on the basis o.E the init:ial ~tudy and any comments rece.ived that there .is no subsrantia]. evidence that khe proaect will have a signiL-ic:ant effect an the environmenk. :JOW, TEiER~FORF~, BE IT RFSULVEll that the Ariaheim Ciry Planni.ng C~mrnissi.on c]oes hereby grant ~ubject Petition for Condit.ional Use Perm~.t, up~n the fallowing cond:it.ions which are hereby found ro be a necessary prerequis.tte ta tl~e pro~osed use o.E the sub ject property i.n or.der to and yenezal welfare o~ the C.itizens of ~he City of AnahEim,p~Pserv~ the safety 1. That primary water main :Eees sha11 be pa.id to the City of Anaheim, .in an amount as determined by the O.f£zce of the Utilities General Manager. 2• That the aPpropri.ate traff.ic y.ignal assessmen~ fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim .in an amount as determined by the City Counci„l for outcioor uses. 3• 2'hat fire hydrants shall be installed ar~~~ charged as r~quired and dekerrnzned to be i~ecessary by trie Ch.ief of the Fire Department. 4. That vehicular access shall be provided to subject prcperty as requxred by the C.i.ty of Anah~i.m Fire llepari:ment. 5. That no cunstruckion whatsoever, shall ~ccur on subject property. 6• That drainage af subject prop~rty shall be d~tsposec? ~f in a mann~r satisEactory tu the City Engineer. 7. That storage sha11 not uccur at a he.ight that would be visible from any public ri.yht-of-~va~~ i,ncluding the Riverside Freeway. $• '.Phat subjeck praperty shall be developed substant.ia,lly :in aacordance with plans and specifications on file w.tth the C.ity of Anaheim marked Exhibtt No. 1. 9. 'Phat pr.ior to the commencement of the activ.ity auth~rized unc?er th.is resolution, or wir.h.in a pPriod oi on~ year from the date of this reyoluti.on, wn.i.ehever occurs first, Conditi~ci Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8, above-mentioned, shall be comp2ied with. ~;xtenstons for turther ttme ta camplete satd conditi.Qns may be granted i.n ~ccorclance w~th Sectton 18.03.090 of the Anahe:tm t4unici.pal ~ode. -z~ PC84-254 ~j . . . .... ....... .. .. ..... .. ... ::ki ~ . ~ . =;~dtU r~ '',,;~ , ~~ - :~: 10. That thiy p~rmit shall expire .in one (1) ye~.r on November 26, 1985. .11. That ~his use perm.i.t ~hall not become effeci:ive unt.il follcwiny approval by the T.naheim Redevelopm~nt Agency. BE IT FURTHEIt RESOLV~D that the Anaheim City Plann.ing Commiss:ton doe~ her~:by fi.nd ar~d d~~termine that adoption o£ this Reso~ution i.s expressly predicated upQn anF~lzcant's compli.ance witti ~ach and a11 of the cond.it.i.ons herea.nabove set forth. Should any such c.~nd.itions, or any part ~hereof, be declared znvalid or unenf.orceabl~ by tne final jucigment of any court of competenl jur.isdiction, then thi.s Resolut~.on, and any approvals herein contained, sha11 be deemed nu11 and void. THL FOREGOTNG RE~OliU't~ION is s:igned and approved by me this 26th day of November, 1934. ~ ~', _ ~:~' ~ ~ - -- ' J ... ,i' /4~':~ ~ = -- ,.* r! ~ ~'- ~~... ~ CEiAIRMAN, ANAF~1Fr'.~M ITX k'LA NINC COiNMISS?Or1 ATTES'.~: ~ ~. SECRETARY~ ANI~HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STA'PF OF CAL'!I'ORNIA ) COUNTY QF ORANGE ) r,s. CITY OF ANAEIEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Harri.s, Secretary of the Anahei.m City Ylanntng ;~ Commissa.on, do hereb,y cerk.if:y tFiat the forEy~ing resoluttan was passed and `' adopted at a meeting of the Ar~ah~~im City Planning Commi.ssion l~e1d on November ~ 26, 1984, by the following vbi:e of the members thereof: ; :; AYFS: COMMZSSIONERS: BOUAS, BU;SE(ORE~ FRX, HEHBST, KING, LA CliAIRE~ ~ MC BURNEY ~ ~~s~ NOES: COt1MTSSTONERS: NONE - :~ ABSENT; COMt9ISSIGNERS: NONE °.Z TN WITNESS WHEKEOE, I have hereunta set my hand this 26th day of November, 1984. --- !~'~~-~i .~ ~~.:.~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PI~ANNING COMMTS IS ON -3- PC84-254 ;; ; _._ , :~