PC 84-259,~-., r~~, RESOLUTION NO. PC(34-259 11 RESQLUTION OF 2'HE ANAH~IM CIT~ PLANNZNG CUMMTSSTON Tf1A'P PETI~rzor~ FOR VAI2IANCE N0. 3446 i3~ GP,ANTEU WHERF'~S, the Anahe~~n City Pianning Commissi.on did rece.ive a verified Pet.itiun for Variance From RAFAFL E'ERN7~NDEZ AND ESTH~R FERNANDEZ, 1534 Camden Place, F.~ullerton, Calif~rnia 92633, ownprs r~f certain real pro,perty situated in the C~l-v of Anat~e.i.m, County of Orange, St~te of California described as: LO~.' 23 IN BLOCK C OF TRACT NO. 247, AS PE~t MAP RECORDFD ID' BOOK 13, PAGE 51 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECOFtDS Or^ SAIn ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORRIA. WHEREAS, the Cxty Plann.ing Commiss.ion dicl hold ~a public heacing at the Civ.ic Center i.n the Ci~ty of Anahei.m on December 10, 1964, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heari.ng having been duly given as requirec7 by law and in accordance wi.th the provisiQns of the i~naheim Mun.icipal C~de, C~aprer 18.03, to hear and cons.ider evidence £or and against said proposed var~iance and ~o investigate and makN findings and r:F_commen~ations in connection therewith; and Wf?EFtEAS, said Commission, a.Eter due 9.nspection, i.nvestigati~n and study made by itself and xn its behalf, and after due consideration of al? evxdence and reports offereci at said hear~ing, does find and determine the fo110WiAg facts: 1. Thdt the petitioner proposes waivers o~ the following to construct one detached szngle-family dwelliny and to expand a second existing single-family dwelYizg: (a) ~ECTIONS 18.2~.OG1.O1Q AND (b) SECTIC~i~S 1a.27.062.030 AND (c) SECTIONS 18.27.063.i72n AND M~nimum bui.id.i.ng site ar~a. i5000 sq. f t. per ctwelling required; 2676 sct. ft. proposed) M.inimum floor area. (1225 sq. #:t. r~quirecl; 677 sq. Et. proposer3 foz one dwe].la.ng) t9in.t_m~im side yard setback. (5 ft.,requ.ired; 2.5 ft. exis~ing & propnse~~ (d) SECTIONS, - Mi.nimum nur~ber & tv e of parkincL~a,ces. (8_spaces wi.th ~4 enclosed in a aaraQe AND 18~32.020.0'10 cequired; 5 spaces with 2 enclos~ ed ~n a garage proposed) i. That the above-mentioned wa.ivers (a), (b) and (c) are hereby granted on the basis that there are spec.ial circumstanceG appZi.cable to the property such as sx2e, shape, topo~raphy, 1,ocation and surroundings which da not apply to other ident.icay].y zoned property in the ~ame ~~i.cini.t:y; and thak ' strict ~ppl.ication of the Zc;ning Code depr~ives the property of privileg~s enjoyed by other propQrties in the identical zone and clas~ification f.n the vici.ni.ty. #0395r PC84-259 ~ =i . ., . :,<I Ii t' . ... . " . 1~~::~ . , ....~ r"~ . 3. That t;~e above-mentioned waiver (d~ i.s h~r.eby grantf~d on the basis that the parkiiig variance will fl~Jt causc~ an in~r.eas~ in traffic ~ongPStion in the i.~;n~; ~iate vic.inity -ior adversely a£f:ect any adjo.ini.ng land uses; and th~al• the g_~nti.ng of the park~.ng variance under t:he cond:itions i.mposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety or general welfare of the citizens Af th~ Ca.ty of Anaheim. 4. That this variance :is hereby gr.anted subject to the pet.i.tioner's stipulat~~on at the public heari.ng that the proposed addi.t•io~~ to ~he existing ~w~1:ling shall h~ve no exteri.or doorways. 5. 'i'hat ehere are exceptional or extr.aordinary circumstance~ or condita.ons a~.olicable to the proper~y i.nvolved or to th~ intended use of the property that do not apply generdlly to the property or alass of use in the same vicinity and zone. 6. ~'hat the requa;.te3 vazia~nce is necessary fQr the preservation and enjoyment of a substant:ial property right possessed by other ~raperky in the same vi.c~ir.ity and zone, and denied to th~ property in gue~tion. 7. '.Chat the requested varzance will not be materially detri.mental to the public welEare or i.njurinus to the property or improvements i.~ such vxc;ni.ty and zone zri which the property i.s located. 8. That no orie i.nd.icated their presance at said publi.c heari.ng in opposa.tion; and that no corresponde:~ce was received in opposit:ion to subject petition. E~IVIRONM~;NT_A_Z~ IMPACT FINDING: That ~he Anah~im City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to c~nstruct one single-family dwell:Lng and ~o expand a second existing s.ingle-fami.ly dwel].ing with waiv~r.s of mi.n:lmum builti.ing site area, mi.namum floor area, m.ina.mum side yard setback, and m.fn~mum number and type of pari;ing spaces on a reckangula.r.ly--stlaped paXCel of land con~isting of approximately 5352 squace feet, havtng a frontage of approxi.mately 48 feet on the west side o.F Pauline Stxeet, and Lc,•rther descrilaed as 737 Nr~rth Pau].ine Street; and does hereby approve the Negat~ve peclaration upo~~ £i~d.ing ~hat i.t l~as considered the Negative Declarati4n together wxth any comments received dur.ing th~ public rev.iew process and fucther finding on the basis af the initial study and any comments received that theze is nc subst:antial evidence that the ,prcject wi.ll have a s.i.gnificant eEfect on the environment. NOW, THEREFURE, BE IT FtESOLVED that the Anahetm City Plann~ng Cottimi.ssion does hereby grant subject Petition .for Variance, upon the Fo.ilowin~ cond.i.tions whzch ar~ hereby F.oun~ tu be a nPcessary prerequisite to the proposecl use of che subject property xn order to preserve the safety and genFral welfare oE the Citi.zens of the City of Anat~ei.m: 1. That pr.iar tp issuance oF a bui.ldi.ng perm;t, appropri.ate park and r~•creation i.r lieu fees st~a11 be paid to rhe cir.y of Anahetm in ~n amount as determined by the City Council. 2, That pri.or to xssuan~:e of a bui.ading ~~ermiL, the appropriate traffic sxgnal assessment £ee shall be paid to the C.ity of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Councii fo:: each new d~relling unit. -2- PC84-259 ,,~,,:~~ . :~ ~ s ~;~;,.~~ ~;~°~ j. That the own~r oE aUI)]~Ct ~roperty ~ha11 ded.ir.ate to the C:t~y og ~'' ~'~ Anahei.m a str.ip of land 9.5 Leet i.n ~oi.dth Lrum Che cenLerli.ne of the ~,~ ~ a11ey Eor alley w.idening purppUe~. ~;,~~ 4' I ~' ' 4• 2'hat subject Nroperty shull be ser.ved by u~~derground utili.ties. }~,~.., i ~:!,; ~ vr 5. ~1'hat the c~riveway sha17 be ~9esiyned to accommodate ten (10) foot '~~~' radius curb ret.urna as r~ uirFd b th~ ';~ ' `~ Y City Tr~Efic Engi.ne~r. •,,; ; 1~f , ~` 6• That drainage oE subject property shall be disposed of .tn a manner ~,~~.; yati.sf~rtpry to the Cicy Engineer. 7. Th~t al.l ai.r conditi~sning faci.lit.ies shall be prop~rly shtelded £rom view, and the sound b;:ftered from acljacent properttes. ~• That the existing structure shall be brought uP t~ the min~mum standar.ds of the Ci.~y of Anaheim, including the Un.tfotm Bu.ilding, Plumb.ing, Elecwrical, Eiousi.ng, Mec;~an.ical and Fire Codes as ..~~pted by the Citv of Anah~im. ~• That prior to issuance of auilding pecmits, the appliCan~ shall ~resent evidence satisf.actory to ~he Chief euilcling tnspector that the re~idential Ulli.tg will be ~.n conformance wi.th N~ise Insulation Standards specit•Leo in the Calf.fornia Adm.inistrative Codr., T.itle 25. 10. That prior l:o issuance of buiJ.ding permits, the appltcant ~hall presen~ ev.idence satisFacrory Lo the Chx~f f3u~ld.ing Inspeckor that the proposed project xs in conforman~e with Counci.l Policy Number 542 "Sound Attenuati~n .in P.esident.ial Frojects". l:l. That subject property shall be developed substuncially in accordance with plans and specificatians ~n file wtth tlie Ctty of Anahe.~m marked ExhibtC No. 1; prov{ded, hnwever, that the addi.ti.on to the extsting dwelltng stiall have no ex,.erfn: daorways. 12. That pKfor to issuan~e of a building permit, or within ~ pec.tod pt one year Erom the date oE th{s re~olation, whtehever occurs fi.rst, Conditiun Nos. 1, 2, ;i, 5, 9, 10, above-mAnt{.oned, shall be compl~ed wtth. ~xLens.tons for further time to complete aaid conditions muy be gcanted ;.n .3ccurdance with Secttun 18.03.090 of the Anahetm Muntctpat C~de. 13. That g:i.or to fina.l buildtng and zontng inapections, Conditton Nos. 4, 6, 'l, 8 and 11, above-mEnttonee3, shall be aompltec3 with. 8E JT F'UE2THER RESOLV~D that L-hc Anahei.m Ci.ty Flanning Comm[sston doeg hetebv find and der.~rmine that aaopkion of thin RPSOlution is expressly pre. ~~atec~ upon applicant's compli.~nce wi~:;~ eacl~ and a11 of the ~ondtti.nns h~reinabove set focth. Should any ~uch condit.t~n, ~r ar~y pact tnereof, be declareci invali.d or unenforceable by th~ Etnal judgment of any court df comp~tent jurtsdtction, then thts Resolut.t~n, and any ~pprovala heratn ccntatned, shall be deemed null and votd. r~+ PC84-259 TH~ FOREGOING R~;SQLUTIGN is stgnE~ of December, 19g4. f~ ~ ~:; , * -' , ~ ~E~AI- R~ , ATTEST: > ~ ~,./~~'L[,c.. ____r- SECRETARX, APIAHEIM CITY PLANNI[VG COMMISSION STA~E; OF CALI~'O~tNTA ) COUNTI' OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) . . .. .. . . .~. i~~. . anci approved k~y me this lOth day ..~~ ~ ~ ,,,• %~ ~ ~ J. i ~ _.. ! . . ~: l c~_. .•.. - .~ ANAHEYM C TY FLANNING CGT1MISSION I, Edtth I,. Harr ts, Secretaey of tlye Anahe.~.m Ctty Plann~ng Commi.ssion, do hereby certify that the Eoree~oinq resolution was pasaed and adopt.ed at a meet~tng of thP Anahe:m City Planr.ing Commission held on December 10, 1904, by the follow.ing vote of the members *hereof: AYES: COMMJSSIGIJ~RS: BOUAS, BUSHOHE, FRY, HBRBST, KING, LA CLATRE, ~1C BURNEY ~lOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSION~FtS: NONE IN WImNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntn set my hand this lOth day of December, 1984. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' . ~ SECFtETARY, ANAHEIM CI:'Y PLANNING COMMISSION ,, -~- PC84-259