PC 84-260....,,. RESUT,UTIUN NU. PC84-260 A R~:SULU`rION UF 7.'HE ANAFI~;IM CITY PL'ANNING CQhIMISSIUN TEIA'1' PE'~ITION COR VElI2IANCE N0. 3~39 E3F GRANTGL~ WHERGAS, the Anahe.im Cf.ty Plann.i.ng C~mtnission did recei.ve a verifted Petition For Variance from GEOI:GE T. RADOUMIS, F;T A~,., c1o MAPT~E GARDENS 12GCREATION ASSOCIA'PION, 1021 South l3ettes P]acF, Anaheim, Ca].ifornia y7.804, owner oF cerla.in :eal pr~~perty s:itu~lted i.n the Cit,y of Anaheim, County of Or.ange, Stats of Cali:'urn.ia descr:ik~ec~ as: LUT 35 OF TR~1c:T 5053, TN 'sHF CITY OE' ANAEIE:[M, CQUNTY OF ORANGE, STATG OF CALTFU22NIA, AS PGR MAP RECORDED IN IIUOK 18:3, PAGES 34 TQ 38 TNCL' USIVE, MISC~LLr1NE0US MAPS, IN TElE OFE'ICE OF THE COUNTY RRCOROGR OE 51~ID COUNTY. WHExEAS, ~he c:iky Planning C~mmi.ssion di~] hold a public hearing ~t the Cicic Center in the City of Anaheim on December 10, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce o~ sai.d public hearing having been duly given as xequired by law anc~ .~n accordance with the provisior.s of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Cada, Chapter 18.03, to he.~r and consider evi.dence for and against sai.d ~roposed variance and to inv~stigate and makt findi.:gs anc] recornm~ndat.i.ons in r.onnect.ion therewith; and WIiEREAS, said CommisGi.on, after due inspection, investigation and ~tudy made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evi.dence and reports offered at said he«r~tng, does find and determ.ine the following fa~ts: 1. That the petitioner pcoposes wai~era of the following to convert an existing recreati.on r~om to a security guar3 residence: SECTIUNS 18.06.05U. U121 - Minimum riutr.ber and tvpe of parkina spaces. AtJD 18.34.U66.010 ~153 spaces wtth 122 covered requi.r.ed; 77 Sp~ces! 75 covered and 2 ~pen proposed) 2. That the above-mentt~ned wai.ver is hereby granted on the basts that thP proposal conststs oE une additional dwelli.ng untt in an existing apartment complex, and that the parki.ng var.i.ance will not cause an ~ncrease in tratfic congestion in the immediate vicintty nor advArsely affect any adjoi.ntng land uses; ar.d that the granting of the p~rk:ing vari.ancA under the condittons imposecl, ;tf any, w.f'l1 not ~e detriment~l to the peace, healCh, safety ~r general welfare o£ the r.ttizens of the City of Anaheim. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary cizcumstan~:e~ or conditi~ons applicable to the propercy involved or t~ the tntended use of the property that d~ not apply geneKally to i:he property or cl.asa of ~se in the ~ame ~icintty and zone. 4. That the requ~ested vartance is necesaary Cor the pr.eserv~tion and enjoyment of n substantial praperty right posses~ed by 4ther property i.n the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questi.on. 5. 'l~hat the requestec3 variance wilJ. not be m~terially detrfinental to the pub2ic welEare or inju:iuus lo the property or improvemPnts fn such victntty and zone S.n whtch th~ property is located. #0396r PC84-260 - . ., ,,.~, !~wr.,-. v.n:r ...~.~:..:,y..:~ . ~-:. ~ ~ '~.~-'~~ r ,. ~ ~ `~':. . . . , .... ~~. . . . . . . .. , .. . . . . .. . -~r - . 6. Th~-~t no one ~tnd~.c~xted thei.r ~resence at sai~3 publ.ia hear9.ng i.n opposi~i~n; and that no corresponder-ce was CE'Ct•?.1VP.C3 i.n opp~sitton to subject pet~.ti~n. FNVIRONMGN~i'AL IMPACT EINDING: That the Anaheim City Planntng Comm:ission has rev.tewed the proposal ko c~nvert an exi:~ting recrEaCian roam t:o a s~curity guard residence with waiver of. mi.n.imum numb~r and ~ype af parking ~pace~ on an .irregularly-shaped parc:el of land consist.ir~y uf approx:tmately 3.2 acres located between Brookhursr and Valley Streets, and Brownw~od and Cat~i~ina Avenue:, and further described as ?.176 Wcs~ Brownwoor~ Avenue; and does hc~reby approve the Negati.ve Declaration upon find.i.ng th~t it has cons.idered the NPgative U~claration together with any comments receive~ dur.ing thE publtc review process and further. findirig on the basis o.f the initial study 1nd any comments receiv~d tha~ thEre is no substa.~t.ial evidence that the project wi.ll have a sign:if ica~~t ePfect on tt~e environment. NOW, '.CHEREFOkE, DE IT RESOLVED that t•he Anahe.im City Planning Cotnmxssion does hereby grant st~bject Pet.ition f~r Variance, upon the following conditi.ons wP~i.ch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequ:tsitt to the praposed use of the subject property .in order to preserve the safety and gene.ral welfare nE the C:ikizens o.f the City of Anaheim: 1. Thal prior to issu~~nce o£ a build~ing permit, apprcpriate park and recreation in-l.ieu f~e ~or one new apartment dwelltng shall be paid to the City oF Anahe.im in ar. amount as determineci by the City Counc~il. 2. That pr.tor to issuanr,e of a bui.ld.ing perm~t, the appropriate traffic sxgnal assessment fee for one new aparEment dwelling shall be pa.id to the City o~ Anaheim in an a~riount as determ.ined by the City Counct~. for the converhed dwelling un.it. 3. That plans sra11 be submi.tted to the Building D:vision show.ing compliance with the minimum stan~ards of the City of Anahei.m, tncluding the Uniform Building, Plumbi.ng, Electrxcal, Housi.ng, Mechanical and Ff.re Codes as adupted by the City uf Anaheim. The aoproprtate permits shall be obtained f.or any necessary work. 4. Ti:~t the existing strurture shall be broughe up to the mtni.mum standacds of the City c,E Anaheim, including 1:he (3nifoem Bu.ilding, Plumbi.r-~, Electrical, Housing, Mechani.cal and Ftre Code~ as adopted by the City of Anaheim. 5. That pri.or ko issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pre~cent: evidence sat~sflctor;~ ko the Chief f3uilding Inspector that the resident.tal untt will be in confurmance with Noise Insulation Stiandards specifted ~n the Cali,fornia Admtnistrative Code, Title 25. 6. That prior to tssuance of building permits, the ap~lic~nt shall present ev4dence satis~actory to the r_h.tef Bu.ilding Inspector that the propr~sed un.tt ts i.n conformanc.e wi.th Counctl Policy iVumber 542 "Sound Attenuatton in Residential Projects". -2- PC84-260 ;;; ~a~ 1' 7. Thai: the recr~ation building converteci rn an ~QartmFnt sha11 be OCCU~L@d exrlusive]y by the security yuard far the sur.rouncii.ng resiclential complex and h.is oc hcr .mm~diate farnily, and that prtor to i.ssuance of a building ~~rmxk, th~ owner of the propecty sha11 execute and record a covenant iiz a form approved by the Ctty A~:.torney ~greeing that the converted unit sha.13. be occupiec] exclusi.vely by a securi.ty ~uard and hi.s or het i.mmed.i.ate tami..ly. 8. That subject pr.opErty shal]. be deveioped substantial.l.y in accordance wi.th plans an~ speci.fications on L-ile with the Ctty oL' Anaheim marker~ ~xt~ihit Nos. 1 through 6. 9. That pra.or. to issuance of. a building pQrmi~t, or within a peri~d c~f ore year from the date uf this resolution, wh~ick~ever occu.s Fi.rst, Cc~ndition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 'i, abave-mentioned, sha11 be com~7.i.ed with. Extensions for further t.ime to complete said condikians may be grar.ted in accc~rdance with Section 18.03.090 or the Anat~eim Munici.pal Code. ].0. That prior to fi.nal buildi.ng and zoni.ng inspections, Condi.~ion Nos. 4 and 8, above-mentioned, sha'l1 be c:omplied wxth. BL IT FURTHER REa01,VED tnat the Anahei.m Ci.ty Plan;:i.ng Cammission cloes hereby Einc3 and determine that adoptior. of this Resoluti.on i.s expressly predic~ted uPon appl:icant's complian.^.e with each and all of the condi.ti.on~ herexnabove s~t forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be d~clared invalid or ~anenforceable by the fi.nal juc~gment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Ftesolutton, and any approvals herein contair~ed, shall be deemed null and void. THE FGREGOING RESaLUTION is si e~~d anc~ apu~o ed by ~me t~jis lOth day of December~ 1984. j ~ --~ _ r ' _ _ _ , J ~. ~ ~.___. . ,__CH• IRMAN, ANAHEI C-YT. PLANNINC COMMISSION ATTEST; ~ ' ~ , . '=' ~~ ~ ~ ~ r SE;CRE'PARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINU COMMISSIQN STAT~ OF CALIF'ORNTA ) COCNTY OF ~~RANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Eiarris, Secretary of the Anahetm City P~anntng Cor~:missi.on, dc hereby cert.tfy that the Ec~regotng resolutior, wa~ passed and adopi:ed at a me~ting ot the Anahetm C~t.ty Planni.ng Commissi~n held on December 10, 1984, by the following vote ot the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: dO~JAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KI[dG, LA CJ,~.LRE, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS; ~IONE ABSENT: COMM? SaI0NE~2S : t~GNE - IN WITNES~ WH~REC~F, I have herPUnto ~et my hand this lUth day of December, 1984. ~' ' ' , ~ ;`. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL~ANNING COMMISSION i -3- PC84-260 i: ~