PC 84-30._.,,~, FtESOLiJZ'ION NO. PC84-30 A RESOLUTION OI' THE .ANAHL•'IM (:ITY Pi,ANN]',NG COMMTSSION TI3AT PrTl'1'ION I~OR C~NDITIUNAL USF~ PERNITT N0. 2540 13L DCNI~D WHEREAS, the Anal~eitn City P.lan[~ing Commissiori dicl recei~e a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit Erom SAM J. WILLaAMS, 11'l East rommonwealth AvEnue{ L'ulleri:on, California 92632, owner, and TONY MA1tGEFUM, 535 South Ranc.hview Circlc, #?l, Anaheim, California 92807, ag~nt of certain re~71 propezty situated in the City o£ Anahei.~ri~ County oi Urarige, State of i:aliforn.ia, descl ibed as : BEGINNIN~ AT A POIN1' ON 2'HG SOU`.CH LiNE OF `I'(IN SOUTEiWEST QUARiER OF THE SOUTEIWES'1' QUARTER Or~ SECTION 8~ TQWIdSHI P 4 SOUTH ~ RANGE 10 WES`r, S1~N BERNARDrNO BASE AND MERIDIAN, IPa TH~ CI,'Y OF '.NAHE;IM~ AT A POINT 392 FTET ~4ES2' Ok~ '.i'HE SOUTHEAST CURNER OF TElE SOUTHWEST QUARTER QF THE SOU:"HWEST QUARTER GF SAip SECTION, AND RUNNING THENCE WEST 168 Fk~ET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE; THENCE D]ORTEi PARALLEL TO TH~ EAST LINE Ok' SATD SOOTHW~ST QUARTER OF THF` SOUTHL~I~ST QUAR'i'ER, 654 FEET; THEIVCE EAST PARAI~LEL `i'0 THE SOUTH LIIVr OF SAI.D SUUTHWEST uUARTER OF ':CE3E SOUTHI9k,ST QUARTER, 168 FEET; THFNCE SOUTH PARALL~L `!'U THE 1~'P3T LINE OF THE ;;AID SOUTEIW~ST QUARTER OF THE SOIJ`t'HWEST QUA.1tTER, 054 FEET TO THF POINT Or BEGTNNING. EXCEPTTNG THEFtEFROM THF SGUTH 40 E~'FGT THEREOF INCI,UDED WI'1'HIN L'lNCOLt~ AVENUE. r~HEREAS, the CiL-y Plann'ng Commission did hold a public hearing at ~he Ci.vic Center in i:he City of Ar~aheim on February 22, 1984 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public heariny haviny been du_ly given as required by law and in accordance with t:~e pruvisions of the Anaheim Muriicipal. Code, Chapter 1~3.03, to hear and ~onsicier evidence for and against said pro~osed conc~itional use permit and ~o investiqai:e and n,~1ce findings und recommendations in connec~ion therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissxon, after due inspect:ion, investigation and study made by ii:,elf ancl in its behalf, and aft-.er due consideration of all evidence and re~ports c~ffered at said hearir.g, c~oes find and determine che following facts: l. That t.he proposer~ use is properly orie for whi~h a conditional ~.~se permi.t is a~:thorized by Anaheim Municipa3. Code Section 18.06.i)50.0251 and 1F3.44.U50.010 to wit; t~ permie on-sale beer in a proposed L•amily amusement cPnter with 102 ~arkinq spaces. 2. That the ,pro~~osed use is h~reby denied on the basis tha~ the servi~ig of beer :.n a family amusement c~nter wi~! 1 be detrimenfial to the peace, healkh, safety and general welfare aF -ti~~: citizens of Fhe City of Anah2im, and that the s~ecitic site could create a security problem Eor the Police Department because this '.ype of use including amusement devicE.:s (video games) would attract a large n~.~;rb~r oE young people who co~ald congregate at the rear of the Auilding. 3. That the proposed use w~ll adv~rsely ~cfect the adjoining land i.:ses and the gro~vth and r~evelopment of tre arec-- in which it is proposed to be locai:ed. #015Sr PC34~-30 ~~~\ /~~~h\ 4. ~1'hat the s.ize and sh:.ipe ot Ll~e site proposed Eor the u~e is not adWyuah~ to ~tl:low the Cull develoE~ment of the pru~o<.;ed us~ in ~i manner not r~n~rimental to ~he parti.cular area nor tc. tt~e pe~ce, health, :afe~y and general weJ.f~-~re of r.he CiL•izens aE lh~ CiL-y ~f. Anat~eim. 5. 'i'hat r,he grantiny oE l•he Conditional Use Permit undee the condit•ions impos~~cl, i£ any, will be detrimental L-o tl~e peace, health, satety ana gencral wclLare ot the ~itiz~ns af. thc Ci_~ ut Ana}~eim. 6. '1'h~aL the traflic q~~i~~rated t~y t:tie proposed use wil]. impose an undue burd~n upon th~: s*_reets ancl highways deJiyned and improved to carry ~h~ traf;Eic in the area. 7. That no one indicateci their presence aC said public heaz•iny in oppos:l~ion; and thak no ccrrespor-dei~ce wa~ re~eived iri oppositi.on to the sub~ect petit..ion. ENVIRONMENTAL TMPAC'1' EINUING: 'l~hat t.he Anaheim City Plar~n.:ng ~:omrnission has review~d the proposal t~ permit ~n-sale b~er in a propo~ed family amusement center wi~h 102 parhing spaces ori a r.ectangularly-shaped parcel of. land cunsisL•ing of. aPproximately 2.4 acres having a frontage oF apPcoxzmately 168 feet on the north s~ide of Lincoln Avenue, and further described a~ '1131 We~t I,.in~oln Avenue; ancl does hereby approve the Negative Ueclaration upon f.inding thu~ it has considered the Neyative Declaration tog~thet with ariy comments rece.ved during th~ public review process and f~arther finding on the basis of tt~e initial sL•udy and any comments recei.ved thar. there is no substantial evidenca ~hat t:~e project will h~ve a ~ignificanY. effect on the environment. NOLV, THEKL•'FORE, E3k; IT RESOLVED rhat the Anaheim Citiy Pl.anning ~ommission doES hereby deny subject Pe~iri~n f.or Conditianal qse Permi~, on the 5asis of the aforpmenkioned findings. TH~ G'OREGOING RESOLUTION is siqned and approved by me this 22nd day of February, 1984. ~ %" / ~ / :, i: -i~~ ~ , )~:fi- ~ _~"- ~ i Cf~AIRWOMI~. ANANETM CTTY PLRNNING C(iMMISSION ATTESZ': ~ • , ~~-~. ~ .;~~..,~..., 5ECRETARY~ ANAHE~N CITY PI,ANNING COMMISSION -2- PC84-~0 ~',~'`` . -"`+, .~ S'.CA`i'~ C~H' CALIF'ORNtA ) CQUN7.'X Oi~ OItANGPa ) ss. CITY Ob' ANAEILIM ) I, L•`dith 1~. H~rri~, Secretaey of the An~l~eim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify L•hal: the ~oregoing resolution was pay~ed ~nd adopted at a rr,eeting of thr Anaheirn City Planning Commzssion held on I'ebruary 22, 1984, by hhe f.ol].owiny vote of the members thereof.: AYES: COyMTSu.I0NER5: f30UA5, E3USHORL, I'RY, KTNG, LA Ci,l1IkE, E9C BURNCY NOES: CUMNiISSION~R:i: NONR ABSE:NT: COMt7ISSI0NERS: H}sRB5'.I' IPl WITNF~uS WIiCREOI', T have hereunto set my hand thi.s 22n~ day of. Fetaruary, 1984. ~~~~ .•C~ . S~CRF`.CARY, ANAHEI:M (;ITY PLANNING COMMiSSTON -3- ~cs~-3o