PC 84-32~L;;;oLU'.CION No. z~cs~-.s2 A HE:SOLU`!'TON 0[' 'TkiE ANAHETM CITY PLANDITNG CONiMISSION 7'IiAT PE7:'I~'IUN 1 UR RLCLASSZFICAZ'IUN NO. 83-$4--17 BE; D~N:IeD WHEREAS, the P.naheim City P.lar~ning Commiss:ion clid rPCeive a veriEiPCi pe~itiari tor KPClassi.fica~.io-i fro~ri RETIR~MLIVT F'UND TRUST OP' THE PLUMBING, Ei~AT.ING & PTP:[NG I.NUUS`i'RY GF SOU'i'HERN CALI1?ORNIA, 5U1 Sh~:~tL-o Place, Fifth floor, Los Arigel~5, Ca:liLornia 9UU20, owner, an~~ BROWN DEVELOPMk~NT CU.RPURATION, 3595 Presley Aveniie, Riversicle, California 925U7, agen~ of- certain real p.ropeity sii:uated in the City of. Anaheim, County of Or,ang~, St~t~ of ~alifornia, described as fallows: PARCEL ;i OI' PAf2CLL M~1P N0. 79-279 AS 3HO~i~N ON A MA? RECORDED TN BOOK 143, PAGES 34 ANll 35 OF PARCBL MAFS, IN THE pE'FICE OF '"Hu COUN't'Y R~CORDE~R. WEI~FEAS, the Cily Planning Com~ni~sian did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in rhe City ot Anaheim ~n FEbruary 22, 1984 at 1:30 p.m., natice of said publ.ic heariny having b~tan cluly given as required by law ancl xn ac;cordance with the provision:; of- the AnahPim Muni.cipal C~de, Chapter 18.03, to l:eax and consider. avidnnce tor and ayain~t said proposed reclassification anci to i:~vestigate and make findirigs and rece~mmendations in connection therewi~h; and WHERE~IS, said Commission, after due inspecL-io~, investi.gation and study made by itsel.f and in its be~half, and after c~ue cons:ideration oF all evidence and reporL•s off~red al• s<<id hearin~, does fincl and determine the f~llowiny facts: l. 'i't~at the peti.tioner pr.~poses reclassification of sul~jcct proper*;, frotn the C~ (c;omnercia.l, General) Zone to the RM-1200 (Residen~ia]., Multiple Eamily) 'Lone. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates subject prn~ert,y for low-medium densiky residential iand uses; that General Plan Amendment No. 19U submitted in cnnjunction with this petition ~:,o redesignate subject proper~y for madi~a7~-density residential land uses wa:~ denier~ and, therefore, approval of this reclassification would be inconsistent wi~h khe Anaheim General Plan. 3. That the propased reclassification of subject propert~• is no~t necessary noc desirable r.~r the ~rderly and proper deve.lo~m~nt of t}~P cumnzunity. 4. That the pro~:useci reclasUific~ti.on of subjec~ property doe~ not properly relate to tlze zones and their p~rmitced use~ locally estab.lisl~ed iri close pro:cimity to yubject; propF~rty ~~nd to the ~~ones ~nd their permitted use~ generally ~stablished throughout the community. 5. That 25 persons indicare~ their presence at said piiblic hearing in oppositior.; and that pet~tions containirig 184 signal•ur~s wa~ ceceived in oppositio.~~ to s~abjc~ct petition. ~0157r PCa~-32 _.,., ~NVIRONMENTAL IMPAC7' EtNnING: That th~~ Anaheim City Plannin~ Commi.ssion r~as revxewed i:he proposa.l to change Ghe curr~~nt 1ow-medium densxty resid~nta.al lan~3 use designation to meclium clensity r~sidEntlal and Y.o r~classi~t•y subject pra~erty irom the CG (Commercial, Cyenerll) 'L~ne to the RM-12Q0 (Residential, Mulriple C'amily) Zonc to construct a 250-unit apartment co~np.lE~x witl; waivers ~f maxim~im structural height, minimum c~istance beL-w~cn ~uildin~~, minimum dim~nsions oF parking sp~tce~~ ~nd cequired enclosure uf carp~r.ts on an irregularly-shaped par.cel of. land consisting of ap~~roximate:,.y 9.6 ac:rts havi.ny a frontage of apProximately 420 feet on thF~ ~outh side of Wilken Way, and being located approximatPly 615 f.eei: east oE tt~e centerline of Harbor. E;oulevarcl; and do..s hereby disapprove i:he Ne~ative Dec.laration from the requirE~ment ta pr~apare an ~nvironmei:tal impact repc rt an the basi: that there wot~l.d be significant individual or cumulative ad~~e~rse ~nvi.ronmenY.al impacts involved in thi.s pr.oposal; an<i tY~at an environmental impact rEport would be requir~d prior to approval of this pro;jecL•. NOW, `.CH~RE:FORE, BL 1T F.E~OLV~D that tl~e Anaheim City Planning Commissio~n does hereby deny Petition for R~clussific~ation on the basis uE the af:oremeni;ioned fin~i.ngs. THE F'ORFGOING RESULUTION is signed anc~ ~~pproved by mc this 22nd d~y of Februai-y, 19~4. , , ) ~~~i GG ~ ^ lTZG~C-~.--! _ __~~ = CHAIRWCMAN~i yAHEIl9 CITY PLANNING COMMI~SION ~~r~r~s~~: : ~ - ~1,~~ _._--~u-~ - SECRE'CAR , ANAHEIM CI7.'Y PLANNING COMMSSSION STATE ~~F ,~tFORNIA COUNTY UE' URANGE 1 sS• CITY OF AhP.HFIM ) I, Edith L. Ha~:.ris, Secretary of l:t~e Anaheim City P.lanning Commission, do t-ereby certify tFat the ioregoing res~lution was passed and ad~Pted at a mseting of the Anaheim Caty Planniny Commission held c~n February 22r 1984, by the following vate of th~ members there~~: py~g; COMMISSIONERS: BUUAS, E3USEi0R,~, FRY, KTNG, MC BURNCY NOES: CUMMISSIONEI2S: NONE t1BSENT: CUMMISSIONCRS: EIi,RBS2' A$STAII`1: CUMMISuIONF.RS: LA (:LAIRL IN WI'.PNESS WHEFtEOF, I have h~reun--o set my han~ thi~ 22nd r!ay of Eebxuary, 19 t3 ~~ . '~ ~!~Q~,~--~~ ~`~ ,~t'~~`~' - SECRFTARY, ANAHEIM CI7.'Y PLANNING COMMI9SION -2- P:.Hn-3~