PC 84-33RESOLUTIUN N~. PC84-3:3 A RES~I,U`rIUld OF TH~ ANAHETM CTTY PLAIVNING COMMTSSION '1'HA'i' PBTTTION b'Oft VhRIANCE NOo 33"/4 BE DGNIED WEiEREAS, the Anah~im City Planning c:ommissi.on did receit~;: a verified Petition for V~riance troni RE'i'TFtEMENT FUND Z~kUS'1~ Ci1 THE PLUMBING, HEATiNG & PIF~ING INUUSTRY OF ~OiJT[iCRN CALII'l~RidIA, 50~ Shatlo P1ace, Fifth Floor, Los Angel~~, Calif.orn.ia, 90U20, owcier, ~n:~ 13ROWN DEVELQPMEiVT CORPOR~,TTON, 3595 PrPsley Avenue, HivR~rside, California 9'2507, agent of certain real property situated in the Ci.ty of: D,n~.heim, County of Ur.angP, St~t~ o:f California described as: F~ARCEL 3 O1~ PARCEL MAP N0. 79••2.79 AS SH(?WN UN A MRP REC~RDED '2N BOOK 143, PRGFS 34 AND 35 ~JF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE pFFICE OF Z'h~ COUN~'Y RFCORDER. WHEREAS, the City Flanning Cornm~ssion did holci a pub].ic hearing at ~he Civic CenteX in th~ City of Anaheim on Febru~ry 22, t,904, at 1:30 p.m., n4tir.e oF said public hcaring having been duly given as reguired by law an~ iri accurdance w~.th the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 18.Q3, to hear and consic:~r evidc~nce ~'or and against said proposec! v~riance and ~o investigate and make findings nnd recomm~ndations i~i connec~ion thexewith; and WHEREAS, s~id Commission, after due inspection, invest:~~ation and study made by itself and in its behalF, arid after due cansideration of a:ti evic]ence ~~nd xeports ~ffered at sazc! hearing, does find and determine the followzny facts: 1. That the petition~r ~rop~~ses waivers of. the foll~wi,ng ta ~onstruct a 25i)-~unit apartment cc:nple:c: (a) SLC'1'ION 18.34.062.U1i - Maximum srructural hei~ht ~ (o_ne storv germi.tL•ed within 150 feet of single-f.ami'ly zo~aing; two stori.c~ proposed) ~r (b) SECTION (c) SECTION (d) SECTION AND 18.06.0_40_.U20 Minimum £loor area of dwellinq units Minimum distance between bui..lciinqs (~1 to 29 f:eet required; 15 _feet ~+r•oposed) Minirtium di.mensions of parlcinq ~Aace~ (10 _feet bv 20 .feet coverF~d spaces required; 9 feet b,~9 feet proposed) (~) a^ECTION - RequirPd enclosure of carpurt~ AND 18_06.040.025 (rriinimum 50$ s~lid enclosure on 3 sides required; unenc:Loscd ~roposed) 2. That thc~ above-mentioned waive:s are hereby denied on the basis *_hat there are no special circum~tanc:~s applicable to th~: prop~rty such as size, shape, to~ography, location or surcoundings, which do not appiy to other. identically zoned pxoperties in the viciniky; that scrict aFplication af the #0158r PC84-33 Zoninc,~ Co~le does not deprive the pruperty o~ ~r.ivilzg~s en;joyed by other p,:oper.ties ~n identical zoning classif.i.c~tion in L-h~ vici.nity; and that the conjunctive ::eclassifica~.ion lo RM~:I?.00 Zoning way denied. 3. `.Ch~t +.:her~ are no txception~al or extraordinary c:ircumstances or conr~itions applicab~.e to the property involved or to the intended ttse of the property that. do not apply gpnerall~• i:o the properl.y oY~ class of. use in L•he same vicinity a;zc~ zone. 4. `i'hat the rEqu~::~ted variance is not necessar~y for lhe preserval:ion ~znd enjoyment of a suustantial property right poGSess~d by other properi:y in Ltle same vicinity and zone, and ~eni~cl to the propert:y in question~ 5. That tt~e requested variance will I~e rnaterially detrimentaZ to the ~ubl.ic welfar~ or injurious to the p*_'opnrt~ or improvemerits in such vicinity an.d aone in whirh the property is located. 5. That 25 pcr:;c~ns 1RC~1CatC..'Cj their presence at said public h~aring in opposil•ion; anci that a~etition containing ~pproximately 184 signatures was r.'eceived in opposition to subject pEtitian. EtdVTRONMENTAL IMPAC:' FINDING: That the Anahei~~ City planning Commission has reviewed the prc~posa.l to chann~ the current los~-medium density residential designation to medium derisity resid~ntial and to reclassify sul~ject property from ~he CG (Commer.r.ial, Gen~ral) Zone to the RM-1200 (Resi~ential, Mu1ti;~le Family) lone to canstruc.t a 2~0-uni.t apartment complex with waivers ~f maximum structural height, minimum distance between buildings, minimum dimensions of parki.ng s~aces and required enc].osure of c,arports on an irregularly--shaped parcel of ].and ~cansisting of appruximately 9.6 acres having a~ron~age of appr.oximat~ly 920 feet on the south side of Plilken Way, and being located approximately 615 teet east of tr~e centPrlinP of Harhor Boulevard; ~nd does hereby disapprove the Negative Declara~ion upon khe findin~,~ that it has considered the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review ~rocess and further £inding on the basis of the initial sti.~dy arid any comments recei.ved that there is no substantial evi.dence that ::he project wi11 have a significant ~ffect on tk~e environment. NOW, THEREFURE, k3E IT I2ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Ylannin~ Commission does h~reby d~ny sub~ect Petition for Variance on tt~e basis of the aforementionecl findings. '~ilE FUREGOING RF,SOI~U'r.tOtv is signed and approve~~ by me this FPbruary al, i9a~~ ~/ Ll,c.c. ~ ~~c.,rC.--~.i CfIAIRWOMA[~,,~ AHEIM CITY PT,ANNING CUI~IMISSION ~ ATTFST: v ~it~t.e^~' c:;CRE`PARY~ ANAHCIM CI'1'Y PI~RNNIT1Ci COMMISSION ~ _2_ PC84-33 ~^ STA`rG CF' C:ALI['ORNIA ) COUNZ'Y OF QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, ~Secr.etary of ~he Anaheim Ci~y Planning Cammission, do hereby certify L-hat the foregai.ng resolution was passed and adopteii at a meetinc~ of the Anaheim Ci.i:y Plannirig Commis~ion held cn February 'l?. 1984, by the fo].lowi-1g vote ~f th~ members therEO£: , AYES: COMMISSIQNERS: AOUAS, BUSH~RE, F'RY, K~NG, MC BURNEY iaOES: COMMISSIONPItS: ~dONE; ABSENT: COMMISSIONE.RS: HE12BS'i' ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: LA CLATRE IN Y~IITDIESS WHGHEOF, z have hereunto se~ my hand this 22nd day ai Fe}aruary, 1984. ~ ~'~__~..._ :~ECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI~SION ,.~ _3_ PCt34-33