PC 84-35~~~\ .
1ZES~~LU'1`IUN NO. PCA4-35
`I'HA'i' ti~G'P.L`1'IUN FUR IZECL~ASSTE'iCA':IC~N NO. :33-t~4-~19 CiL GRAN~r~:n
WHFit[;A:;, the l:naheim rity P1an~ i.ny c~ornmiss.t~n did receiv~ a verified
p~:tition far Recl~~ssiLication Er~m GE~f~1~,4I. AMi,RICAN 1:,TFL; INSUR[1NCL•' CUh;PANY,
163t; Soul:h St,nlcist, Suite B, ~~naF,eim, California 92£3G6, owners, ~~nd RICH~1FtD E.
OGLFSBY & JOSEPEi `l~. WALTHOUR, 17631 1~i:cY~, Irvin~, C~~lif-ornia 9"l'I14, ag~nt, oE
certain real prop~~rry sit~aked in the Ci~y ot Anaheim, Cuunty of Urange, St,:te
uf~ California~ described as ,fo.l.low:;:
1~AItCGL 1, AS SHOFIN C~td A h1AP i~ IGL•'D IN BOOK 17~1, PAGES 2~1 ANU 30
WHERf'AS, the City I~lanni.ng Commission did hol~i a publiC heariny at
the Czv.i~ Center ir~ Che City vf t,r~ahei-n un I'ebruary 2i, 1984 a~ ':30 p.m.,
notice ot said ~ublic hearing having been du.ly given as rec~uired by law and in
accordance wi.th the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.~3,
to t~~ar ~nd consider evidence for ar~d again~L saa.d prapo~ed reclas~if.ication
and to .invc~stigate and make Eindings and recommen~]ations in c:onnection
ehecewith; and
WEiEftFAS, said Commission, after due insper,tion, invest.igation and
study made by itse.l.f ~znd in :ts behal.;:, anc] aftPr due consic~eral.ic.~n of all
evidnnce and report.. off.ered at said hearxng, does r'i.nd and determine the
following Pacts:
1. ~'hat the ~:etitioner proposes rec.lassification ot subjFCt
pro~~erty from the ML (Industr.ial, Limited? Zone to the C~ (Cornruercial, Uffi.ce
and Profc~ssional} zonc.
2. ihat the Anaheim Ge~eral Plan aesignates 7ubjec~: E~roperty for
general industrial land uses and de:~i~nates the acea for general. indus`rial
and ~on~mercial recreational land i~scs.
3. Tt~at the proposed reclas5ific:ati~n of subject property is
necessary and/or deslr.~blP .Eor the order.ly and proper development oE the
4. Tt~at Lhe pr.o~osed reclassiEication of s~lbject property da~s
pr~~pErly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally Nstablished in
close proximity to subject prapecty and to *_he zor~e~ dnd their acrmitted uses
genecally established throughout the canmunity.
5. That thc pr~posed reclassification ot subjecL propert.y r~quires
the im,pravement of abutting ~rcec~ls in accordance with tlie Circulai:ion E;lement
of L•he Gene:at. Plan, due Cu th~-~ anticipated inc:reasc in traffic ~~t~ich will be
gen.~ratea by the inteasiEication uf l:~nd u~e.
h. That n~~ o~~e indicaced their p[eit~~~ce at ~aid ~uhlic hearing ir.
opposition; ar~d tha~ no corr.es~and_nc~.~ ~ras rec:eiveJ in oppc~ition to sub;;ect
NU159r E~C84-35
<;~. ~
LNVIRUNMEN'1'AL iMPAC2' E'tNll.ING: That t:he An~~heim City P1~nning
cor~mission has r.~:ui~wed the~ pr.cE~usal ..o change the current t~eneral Industr.fal
land use desiyn~~t.ian t:~ Carnmercia.l E~rc~ies~ional and to recllsst£y subject
prope~ty trom the MI, (industr~eil, l~imited) zone to ~he CO (Commercial, GFEice
and i~roies~ional) Zan~ l•~ const~'uc:l: a 6-story con~mercial ntfice bu:..lding on an
irregularly-shaNed p~rctl ol 1at~ri c~nsisring o.t approximately 3.24 acres
located ut ~he nort:heast c~rner ot Katella Avenue and Howe11 Avenue, and
Eurther dc~c:ribed as 2~01 E;~st Katel.la Avenu~; and docs herek~}~ approve the
Neg~tivW Declaration upon f'lllC~].Ily th~t it t~a:~ c:onsid~red tt~e Negative
neclaration tageth~r with any comments r~ceived durir~g the p~ab'lic revlew
nrocs~s anc~ L-urther :Einding un th~ basi~ of the ini.tial :,tudy and ~ny cnmmenls
receiv~:d that ~here is nu substantial evicicnce that the projec~ will have a
signific~nl: eF£ect on tt~E environment.
NOW, THEREFOftE, Bf, I'I' R~'SOLVE~ lht~t the Anaheim (:.iky Planr~ing
Commissian does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassification and, b,y so
c3oi.ny, that 'i'itle 18-7,oning of ttie AnahPim Mur~icipal Cocl~ be ame-icled to
exclude the above-described pco~~rty from L-h~ ML (Iridu~trial, Limited) Zon.e
and ta inr,orporal:~ saic! described ~rc~ptrty into the CO (Cumm~rcial, Office and
Professional) Zone upon the fol.lowrng conditions which are hereby fou~nd to be
a necessary prerequisite to thc proposcd use of sub;ect p.roperty in arder to
preserve the safety and qeneral weJ.tare o~ th~ Citizens of ~he City of Anaheim:
1. That the ownet ~f subject property ~hall pay to thc City of AnGheim
a fee for tre~ ~lanting ~~urpases along Katella Avenue, Howell Avenue
and 5i.nclair Str.eet in an amount ~s c;eterrnined by the City Cuuncil.
2. 'I'hat prior to issuance of. a bui:lding permit, apprapriate water
assessment fec~s si~a11 be paid to the Cit•y of Ar~aheim, i.n an amount
as determinecl by the Office of ttie Utilities General Manayer.
3. Z'hat pri~r to is:,uance of a bui..iding ~~ermit, the appropriate traff.ic
signal assessment f~e shall F~ ~a~.d to ;:he C.ity of Anaheim in an
amount as cletermined by tt:~ City Council f~r new commerci~l
4. Z'hat all enyineering req~ir~ments cf: the City of Arahe.im alonq
Katella Avenu~, Howe.ll Avenu~ and Sinclai.r Street, includiny
pre~dration of zm~rovement plans and installation oP all
improvement:s such as curbs es:-~ gutters, siderralks, st~eet grading
and pavement, sewer anil dr~inage Eaciiities, or other ap~urtenant
work ~hall be complied with as c~qui.rcd by the City EnqinEer and in
accordar-ce wiCh specific~tions on file i.n the Of£ice oF the City
Engineer; and that security in the Eorm of a bond, certiFicate of
deposit, ].etter of cr~dit, or cash, in ai~ amount and f~rm
satisfactor,y to the Cit~ of Anaheim, shal? be pusted with th~ City
i:o guarantee the sati~Lactory completion of sai.; improvec~ents. Said
sec~rity yhall be E~osted with the City ptiar t~ approval of
imi~rovemen~. plans, to guarantee the installation ot th~.~
above-requi.red imprcv~;ments prior, to occupancy,
5. Thar_ stre-_c lighting Eacilitie:, along Katella Avenue and Howe.ll
Aver-ue r~hall be instal:~ed as reyuiced by ~he Utilitie~ General
Manager in ~ccordanc~ with sF~c:ciEicati~nu or~ Eil~ in the Office of
Utilities Genecal Manag~r, and that secur;~y in the form of a bond,
-2- PCB~-35
~ i~-
c~rtif:icate of depusi.t, 1ett.er ~~L credit, or. ca~h, :in an amuunL- and
Corm satisL-actory tu khe Cii:y ot~ Ariaheim, sh~al..l be posterl with the
Ci~y L-o guarantee ttae satisE~~ctory completion o~ tl~~e ahave-menl•ioned
ini~~rov~meril-s. a~7id ~~,~r.ur.ity shal]. be posted wikh ~he City af
Anahsim prior ~0 4pproval of impr~vemenk ~1~~ns. 7'he abovc•:-rec~uir.eci
i.rnprovements sh~il.l he insi:~lled }~rioe to o~~cupancy.
6. That drainaye ot su~ject pro~aerty shall b~ d:is~osed of in a mann~z
satisfackory to thc~ City Lnginr~er. No storm water from thi~ ~rc.j~ct
shall bE alloweu t~ c7:~.in to Kate17.1 Avenue,
7. That subj~_ct propcrty sha.l]. be ser.v~d by ur~dergtound utila.kies.
8. Th~t prior to commencenzent of strucl•ural framing, f.ire hycarants
sha11 be ~nsl•al.lyd and ct~aryed as required and determined to be
necessaz'y by ~.:r-P Chief of the ~ire llepackment.
9. `~hat trash starage areus shall be provided in accordance with
~ppr.oved plans on fi.le with th~ Street Maintenance and Sanitatiun
10. T.hat 1~rior tn issuance of ~~ bual.ding ~~rmit., ~t plan indicating the
.location oP required trash ~nclosuz~s an~ ade~7uate access for
emergency a~:~.i fire vehiclPS shall be submitted f.or review and
appro~al, by the S~r.~ee~ Maintenance anct Sanitation Di.vision and the
E'ire Marshall.
11. "2'hat withi-~ 6Q days ~f Ci~e dat~ hercin, l-he owner of the subje~t
proptrty :ha11 fund (or participate in the funding of) a
comprehensive land use study, to be direcced and controlled b,y the
c:ity, at ~ cost not to exceecj $70,QU0 for the Stadium Industrial
Area to identify tE~e estimated er.teni: and intensi~y of developm~nt
ancl servi~e constr~ints and opp~rtunitie~ associated therewith
incluc~ing infrastructure and circul~tion. In the event such ~tudy
"r-as been funded by another ~arty pursuant l:o a similar condiL-ion of
approv~l attached to a c~ifferent Nr~j~ct, d~ve~.oper shall pay i:o Che
Ci.~y thirty-six percent (368) di tr~e cost of such stiidy, or $25,000,
whichever is less, prior to the iss~~ance of building permits, wt~zch
sum shall be in lieu of the requir.ement Eoc funding such study
cnnta:nea in this condition anr~ which sum sha11 be reimbur.sec3 hy th~
City to the narLy initiatir.g and funding such study. In the evenL
the clevel~per is l-he ~arty ircitiating ~nd fundiny such study, the
Cfty shall reimburse to dPveloper any ar~uunt collected frorn any
other party as such other party's shace oP the cast of such study.
In ordec to achieve timely com~letion of .improvPments which may be
found reasonably necessary by the Ntudy, L•he owner oE the property
shall, prior. to the introduct:on of an orciinanc.e rezoning the
aubject ~roperty. reccrd a cavenant ayainst the property in a form
app.roved by the City Attorney lgreaing tt~at in the event such sCudy
result: in r.he cr~~ation of. an impr~~vErn~nt distric~ or benefit are~
whic:h incl.udes suct~, ~rop~rty a-~d wt~ach would ~t!~erkis~ require the
payment o£ a£ee as a condition of builc~ing perrnit issuance for the
constr~lction ~f public improvement:~ ~f_ benefit to, or reasonab:ly
necessitated by, such devc~lopmer-t, r_he o~~ner snall pay to the City,
-3- PC84-35
~+`,11~' I
a ..i!
upon dEmarid l•.herel`or, the ~pp.licable fec oth~r.wi~c payaUle as i~
iair ~harc oL the r.ost oL sucl~ improv~~m~n~s notwithstanding the
g~rior approval of: building perrniL-s for such d~velopments. Said
covenanL sha11 conGain a waiver of tric: right to contes#: the creati~n
o.t any such impruvement district or benefi.t•. arEa buL• neii:her this
cunditio~i i,or sa.ic~ coven~lnt sh~a11 constitut~ ~ waiver by +~he owner
of any right such owner would otherwise have had prior CU issuanc~
oi building ~er~r,il,~ ~o contest i i. i tr,e dekF~rmirial:.ion of benefit c~f
such im~.~rovements to L•he subject prop~rty~ {ii) the properties
inc.lucled in ~aid ralStt'1Ct or arE~a, ( iii ) the manner in which satd
fee is ~lel-ermined or (iv) the manner in whiati sa.id improvement costs
are sFre~~d. In tt~~ event tt~e subject propert,y is hereinafter
included in any ;~uch district or area, any costs of the aforesaid
sl-udy paid by th~ owner and not othc~rwise reimbursed to owner, shall
be cred.ited ko owner.'s obligations under ~ur.r~ diskrict or ar~a to
the extent ~~ermitted by law."
12. "'rllat the own~r(5) of subj~r.t prop~rty rha.il execul:e and record a
covenar,t ir~ a for.m ap~,roved b}~ the City Atturney's Offir_e ~rherein
such owner(s) agree not to contest the formatinn oF ariy assessment
d.istrict~s) ~n~hicti may hereafter be formed pursuant to the provisions
of .Dtvelo~ment Agreement No. 83-01 between the ~ity oF Anaheim and
Anaheim 5tadiur:~ Assc~ciates, ~~rhich district(s) could in~Iude such
owner's property. In t:he evenZ tl~e subjer.t property is l~ereinafter
included in any s~icti ass~ssment district, any costs paid by the
owner pursaan~ tn Cor,dition No. 11 above, and riot o~herwi.se
reirnbursed t~ owner, shal.J, be credited to owner's obliyations under
such assessment ~istrict, L•o the extent permittE~d by 1aw."
13. That prior to issuance of a building permit, the dNV~loper shall
submit to L•he City TrafPzc H]nyinc~er for review and approval, a
traf.fic study that. will determine whether subj~ct prcposal will
~enerate a need f.or a iraffic signa]. at the intersectiun ~f Hawe11
Avenue ari~ Skate College f3ou.levard. If thP submitted traf.f.ic study
or the City TraEE.i~: Gngineer d~termine it to be ;~ecessar,y, the
deve~nper sha11 install the traffic signal and/or other required
tra.Efic in-provemer,ts priar to occ~iparicy of. the building.
14. ~'hat subject property sha11 be develo~~ed substanti.ally in accurdance
with pla~ts and specifications nn f.i1e ~;ith the Ciky of Anaheir~
marF:~d Exhibi t Nas . 1 ttir. ougtl 6 ~
1.5. 'tt~at prior to Lhe intcoduction of an ordinance rezon.ing subject
prop~rty, Conditior~ Nos. 1 and 12, abov~-mentioned, sha11 be
completed. The provi~ion:~ or. riqhts yranced l~y tl~is resolution
shull become nu].1 and void by action of the Planning Commission
unlESS s~id conditions ar~ coniplied with within ~ne year from ~he
date of this resolution, or such turth~r ~ime as the Plann~ng
Commission may yrarit.
16. That ~xior to fina.l building and ~,i,:iing inspections, ConciiLion Nos. i
6, 7, 9 and 14, above-inentioned, st-a11 be complied with. i
-~ PCf34-35
I3G l'7.' EURZ'EiJ'sR RESOLVEb triat lhe Anaheim City ~1a~lnii~g Commissiun
does her.~eby f.ind and deGerminc that acioption oi this Resolut.ion is expressly
predicaFed upon applicant's com~'li~~nce wit5 ear,h and a11 of the canditions
heceinabove CEt Earlh. Si~au.l~ any such c~nc.~itian, or any part khcreoE, k~e
dc~clared iuv~l.id or. unentorccaable by the f.in~~l judgment ~F ar_y co~irt of
c~mpetent jurisdicti.~~n, then thi:; F2eso.lution, and any appxovals herein
con~ained, sha.ll be dee~7ed nu.ll and vo1d.
7.~HE FURE~OTNG I2~SULU`I'I~N is ~igr.ed and approved by me L•his i?.nd d~ay
of E'ebruary, 1984.
.~ ~'
,~~' ~'l_.~.! ' r1r~ ~t' ~~
dL~..~C~ z.°___~~,L36~..c.~
CI7.'Y 0'r' AP~AHElM )
I, Edith I~. Harris, Secretary o£ the Anaheim City Planning
Commission, cio heret~y certify that the foregoing resolutian was passed and
adopted at a meetin~a ot the Ana'r~eim City Planning Commission held on February
22, 1984, by the fallowinq vote ot- the members thereoF:
TN WITNESS WBF~REOF, I liave hcreunto set my hand this 22nc1 day of
February, 1984. (~~~, ~, r-_~~ , .
C '
:x~. r f.l.c.:.t,~
's P~(i4-35