PC 84-36RE~;OLU'I'ION N0. f?C84-3G A RL50T,UTI.ON nL' THL ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI,,STON '1'FIA`J' k'IsTT'.P:CON 1~C~R REC:1~11SSIE'TCAT.IC)IV WO. 83-84-21 FG GRAN'1'LD WEILREAS, th~ Anaheim C.ity Plann.ing Com~r~.~ssion did receive a:~~riEiea petltion tor Re~;lassification fr.om E;A'z'HRXN H;TSG, 25%G West Lincoln 1~lvenup, Anahtim, California 92801 and E3ER~]ARU L. BLUt+IE & MARY G. BLUMG, Pa O. Rox 158, I.a Mi rada, Ca.liL~rnia 9Q637, owner:~, an<~ KUO-•RANG CEIANG & KUC-CHI CEiANG, P. 0. k3o:t BGbA, Anaheim, C~~lifornia 9?8G2, aqen~ of c?rtain reZ1 property situ~~ed in the Gity oi ~1n~t~~im, Caunty of qr:inge, StaL•e of Califor.nis, Uescribed as foliows: `t'HA`1' ~'ORTIUN UE THE NORTE? 5.00 ACFtES nF TEIE WEST 20.00 AC:RES OF THE NO~2TH HALF Or 7:'HE t~~R'i'HWES'r QUAFtTGR OI' SECTION ].8, Z~~ANSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 W~S~l~y IN THE RP.iVCHO LOS COY~JTES, AS SE30WN 0~ .A MAP RECORUFD IN aUOK 51, F~AGE 10 OP MIS~FLLANEOUS MAPS, RECURDS OF OI~ANC~I; CGU[~TY., CALIEORNTA, DESCRIBED A5 i'OLLUWS: PARCEI, NO. 2, '-S SEiOWN UN A MAP FII~Lll IN F100K 41, ~AGE 44 OL' PAkCEL NAPu iN THE UL'F'ICE nF THE COUN:'Y RECO.RDER 0~ OItANC,E CqUNTY, CAL7tC)RNIA. PARCCL 1: THE EASZ' 76 E'~E;.~ UF Z'H~ W~,ST 418.97 FEET Or' TEIE [VOR'PH 5 ACRES OF THE WLST 20 ACRES UE' TEIE NORT'ri HALF Gk' THE t~ORTii`1~;GS'I` QUARTER OF SE~.`1'ION 18~ T~ WNSEi.I:P 4 SOUTH~ :tANGG 10 WES'P~ Tt3 THE RANCHO LUS COYO`PES~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP 2tECORDED IN ~UrK 51, PAt~~ 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECOI2DS OE ORANGE CUUN`rY, CALIl~ORNIA. EY.CEP'r TH'r, NvR~'H 1f39.98 FEET iHE't2C0I'. PARCEI, 2: TH~ ~AS'1' 99.97 FEET Or' 'I'HE FIE~T ~18.97 FEE7' OF TH~ N't7Ft'I'H 5 ACRES UF `?'HE T/7Ea'i' 20 ACRES OF THE NOR`I'H HALi U1~' 'i'I~~ NORTiiWES2~ ~UARTCFt ~JF SECTION lti, TOWNSHIF~ ~I SOU`i'H, RANGF, 10 WEST, IN T['~ RANCHO ~OS COYG7'E ;, AS SHOWN UN P. MAP ~'HEREOF Rk;CORllGD IN IIOUK 51, FACE 10 OF MISCE;LLAN~UUS MAPS, F.ECORllS CF ORANGE COUNTY., CALIEURNIA. EXCEP'x `~'HE NURTH 189.9f3 FEE~T ANI) TfiE EAS`i' ?6.OC E'FE'1' iEiEkEOF. WHEREAS, tt~e City Pyannir~g CommiSsion did ho.ld a public h~ariny at the Civic Center in t:he Ciky o£ Anaheirn on FEbruary 27., 1984 at 1:3U p~m., notice ~f said public heariny havi.ng been ciuly given ::~s r~quired hy i~tv and in accordance with the pr~visions of the Anaheim Municip~l Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear ar~d consider. evic~enc~~ l:or and against s~~id pro~:osed r.eclassiFicatian and to investigate and make find.i:~gs and re,:ommendations in connection therewith; and WEiEREAS, said Cnmmissicr~, afker due ins~eckion, investigation and stu@y maCP b~+ irse]f and in its bchal:~, and after duc considera~fon of all evidPnce 3ncl raports ofEer.ed at said hearing, does Cind and determin~ l-he fal:~owf.ng facta: 1.. That the petitianer ~ropo,es recZassifi~atiort of subjer.t propsrty from the RS-A-43,000 (xesidcntial, Aqricultural) arid CL (Commercia]., Limited) Zones ru the RM-1200 (ResidPn~cial, Multi;cle-Family) Zone tc construct ~ 3~-unit apartment com}~lex. ~0160r ~C8~1-•36 ~ ~ 2. That tt-~~ Anahcim Gen~ral Plan clesignakes suUject ~roperly far Comir~erci.al Professionral and/or medium-ciensity residentia]. land uses. 3. 't'hat the ~roposed r~classificatian of' subject property is necessary anci/or ~esiraule Eor the or.•der].y and proper clevc~lopmHnt af ~he community~ ~}. Tnat the proposec.9 zecl~:issi.f:ication ~f subjecl- property does properly rel~ate to the zories and their permitted uses lacally establ.ishec~ in cluse ~roximif:y L-c~ sizbject pr.operty and ta the zones and their permitted use5 g~~~erally established throughouk the community. 5. 'rhat thE propused reclussiFication ~F subject property requires the improvement of abutting str.eets in accordance with the ~'irculation Element of th~ General Plan, due to the ~~nticzpatecl increase in tra£f.ic wYiich wi11 he generateci by the intensifical-ion of land use. 6. '~hat na one indicated tl•~eir uresence at saad puk~lic heari.ng in opposition; and tliac n~ correspondence was received in oppesitiun to Sll~]P_C~ petition. Et7VI1ZONMLNTAL TMPAC'I~ b'INDING: That the Anaheim City L~lanning Gommissinn has reviewcd the proposal to reclassiLy subject pruperty from the ~~-A-43,ODU (Residential, Agricultural) an~l CL~ (Commercial, Limited) Zones Ho tt~e RM-120~1 (Residential, Multipl~-~Family) Zone to consi:riict a 32-unit apartrnent complex on a rertangularly-shaped parcel of tand consisting of approximately 1.2 acres, having a frontaye of approximately ].8~ f~et on the south sicle oE Linc:oln Avenue, and f:urthPr clesr:ribed as 2.566-2570 West Lincoln Avcnue; and d~es hereby appr.ove the Negative Declaration upon findi.;~g that it has consider.ed th~e Negativ~ Dec:larati~n together with ~ny conunents received duriiig 1:hQ publi~ revzcw pCOC(GSS and fu~ther finding un the basis of L-he initial study and an,y comment~ received i~hat i:hee~e ia no substantial evidenc~ thak the pr~ject will have a signzficant effect on the enviror.men~. ~IOW, TNGR~FOFtE, BE IT RESOLVED thai: the Anaheim Ci.ry Pla.nning Comt~ission does hereby gran~ subj~ct Petitic~n for Reclassificntion and, by so doing, Lhat Title 18-Zoning of the Anah~im Municipal Code be ar~ended to exclude the ahove-d~scrib~d property from the RS-A~43,000 (Residential, Agcicultur_~1) and CL (C~mmercial, Lirnited? Zones .~d to incor.p~rate said described pru~er.ty into the Rt4-1200 (Itesidential, Multiple-Family) Zone upon tt~e ,`.ollowing condition~ w}~ich a,re hereby found to be a necessary prerequisitE to the propo~ed use o~' suLject property in order to preserve tne saf~ty and general wel£are of the Citiz~n~ of the City af AnahEim: 1. x'hat the ownPr of suaj~ct property ~hall pay to thE CiL-y of Anaheim a fee ~~or tree ~lanting purposes alunq Lincoln Avenue in an amount as determined by the City Council. 2. ThGt pcior to issua~~ce ~£ a building p~rmit, ap~ropriate park and recreation i.n-.l.ieu fees sha11 be paid to the City of Anaheim in an ama~int as cletermined by the City Council. 3. That priar to isauanc:e of a bui].dir~g perr it, the ap~ropriate L•ra.ffic si.gnal assessm~nt fee sh~].1 be pai.c ta thF City uP Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Cour,cil for each nc~w dwelling unit. -2- PC84-36 ;,4r . - ~ ~, 6.: ~ 4• That a1:1 c~ngine~ring requirements of ~he City o.f Anaheim Zlong Lincoln Avenue, including prPpa.ration of i,mprovement plans and installatio;~ of. a11 improvem~nts :;uch as curbs and gut:ters, sidewalks, streel grad:irig azd pavement, s~wer an~ drainage facilities, or otP~er appuri:enant work shall be complied with as x~quired k~y the City Engin~er ancl in accordanr.e with speciEications on file ir~ t•h~ UFfic~ of L-he C.ity Engin~er; anc3 that securi~y in the farm oE a bond, cert:ificate oF. depasit, leL•ter oP creciic, or cash, in an amauni: anc~ forrn satisfac:.ory to the City of Anaheim, sha11 be posted wit•h i:he c:iry to guzzantee th~ satisfactory completion of said improvem~n~~. Said securitX sh~x.ll be posted with the City prior t~ a~proval of irnpravement plans, to guarantee th~ installation oi the above-required i.mprovements prior to occupancy. 5• That drainag~ o~ sttbject properl•y s1;a11 be disposed of in a mariner satis~act~ry to th~ City Engineer. b• '~'hat subject ~ruperty shall be served by underground utiZities. 7• 'I'hat prior ~o c~mmenceme~t of skructural framing, fire hyc~runts sha11 be installed and charged as required and determi.r~ed k~ be necessary by the Chief of the k'ire DepartmPnt. ~~ Tl~at trash storage areas sha11 be ~rovided in ac~ordance with a~proved plans on f.i.1e with the Str~et Maintenance and San:itatioii 1)ivision. 9• T'hat prior to issuance of a b~iilding perm~.t, appropriate water assessm~nt fees shall be paid to the City ~f. Anah~im, in an amaunt as detNr~rined ~y ~he Off.ice of th~ Utilities General Manager. lq. That street lighr.ing facilities along Lincnln Avenue shall be ins~alle~ as req~rired by the Utilii:ies General Manager in accordance with specifications on fi.le in thp Office of Utilities General Manager, and that security in tl~e fozm of a bond, certi.Ei.catP of depc~sit, letter of credit, or c~~~h, in an amount and form satisfactor,y to the City of Anaheim, sk~a11 be posted with the ~iLy to guaranLee the satisfa~ti~r~ completion of ttie above-mentioned improvements. Sai,d security shal.l be posted with the City of Anaheim prior i:a appro~val ot• improvernent plans. improvem~nts shall be installed ~'he above-required prior to o~cupancy. 11. Thai: prior to i.s~uance of a building permit, a tr.ash r.emovil p1ar. ir~dicating the location of required trash r_~nc:losures ~ha11 be submi*ted to a:~d approved by the Slxeet Maintenance and Sanitation Uivision. 12• That prior to isUuance oE a buil.di.n r location oi the 9 peLmi.t, a plan indicatir~g the ~ proposeci entranee gates shal1 be submitl•ed to anci `` approved by the City Traf~i~ ~ngin~~r. Said gates shall be ec~uippE~cl ~ with a remote control opener, a"not box" device, and sha.11 be digitally opErable. ~ ; 13. ~~hat prior i:o issuancE uf a bui ldin ~' i indicating ade~~uate fire anc~ trash vehicle access shall be submittedn ` 1 -3- ~ PC84-3F, }~ f C ~ ~ •, to and approvP~ by the Cily E'ire Marshall and the Street Maint.enance and San:itation Division. 14. That prior to issuanc~ oi a building permit, th~ ~pplicant sha1~. present e~vidence satisf.acCnry to the Chief i3ua.ldiny Inspector ~hat thE propused pr~ject is in cnr,forrnanre witl~ Counci.l Po.li.cy Number 542 "Sound ~1ti:enuar.ion in Resic3ential Proiects" . 15. That. prior i:o the introduction c~f an orc~inance rezoning subject property, Condition No. ~., above-menkianed~ shall be c.~mplei:ed. Th~ provisions ar rights granted by ~his r~solutian sha11 become null and void by aci-.ion of ~he Planning Com~aission unless said conditions are caniplied witti with~n one year from l-he dat~ af l:his resolution, or such further ti.m~ as the Planning Commission ma,y yrank. 16. That :;ubjacl-. property sha].1 be developEd s~abstantially in acc~.rdance with pl~ns and specificatioi~s on f.ile wil-h the Cii:y af. Anaheim mar~ked ~xhibit Nos. 1 and i. 17. That prior to final building and zoning inspections, Condi~ion Nos. 5, 6, 8 and 16, above-mentionecl, sha11 be complied with. ~3E IT FURTEiER RESULVED that the Anaheim Cit.y ~lanning Commission does hereby Finci and determine that adoption ~:f this Resolution is expr~ssly predicated upon applicant', r:ompliance wi.l-h ~aGh .~nd a11 o.f the c~~nditi.on~ hereinabove set forth. Sl,oul~ any such con~iti.on, or any part therEOf, be declazed invalid or unenf-orceable by the final juclgment of any cour~ of competent jurisdiction, then ~his Resolution, and any approvals herein contair~ed, sha11 be de~med r~ull and void. THE FQREGOI~IG RFSULUTION is signed and approved by me this 22nd dzy of. February, 198~. , r ~~~~' 7~1~-~~-r ~ ~ CHATRWOMAN, [VAH~TM CI'!'X PLANN:[NG COMMISSION T.TTEST; t. - '~ . . SECRETARX, ANAEIETM CI'1'X PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N STATE (JF CALIFORN'!A COUNTY OF ORANGF; ) SS. CS`~Y t~F ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Elarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Pl~~nning Commissio~n, do her~k~y certiEy th~t the foregoing res~lution was passed and ado~ted at a mee~i.nc~ of the Anaheim City P1anr.ing Comrr,issiun he.l~l on February 22, 1984, k~y ~hE followiny vote ~f the memb4rs thexeoF: AYES: COMMISSZONERS: E3UUAa, BUSH~RE, FRY, KING, L?~ CLAIfiE, MC BURNEX IdOLS: COMMTSSIONERS: 1vONE ABSENT; COMMISSIONE.RS: H~RBST IN WI7'NESS WNEREAF~ I Have her_euntn set my t~and this 22nd c~ay ~£ February, 1984. `~ , ~ ~ ti1.Gv SE(;RETARX, ANAHEIM CTTY 1~'LANNIN~ COMMISSION -4- PC84-3Fs