PC 84-37?~°i ~1~ ,', . ~. '+',4,• RESO'LU'1'IUN NO. PC:t39-37 'a;~~ , ~~`i`~~•~ A RESOI,U~!'ION OF TEIE ANAHEIM CTTY P.TANN7NG COMMI;iSION F.~~: ~: ~ ~°''` ' `.CH"T PE;'1'I~i'ION FOR REC;LASS:iEICATION N0. 83-84-20 BE GR}1N',CED WElEkEAS, the Ar,aheim C~ity Planning Cammi.ssion did receive a veri.fied petition Eor Rec'lassification fram EIL,EEsN A. DIZUIFF, 31G North ~.iasta, Ana.heim, California 92801, owner of c~rtai~i r.eal ~ropert1 situated in the Cit;~ ot Anaheim, Cattnty of Urange, S~at~ of Califor~lia, describe6 ~s f~l.lows. PARCEL 1, PARCEL i~i.Ai~ 79-234 ''•,; 4dHE12EAS, the City .~lannin~,~ Cemmission did hold a publa.c hearing ~t ~:;,r the Civic Center in hhe City of Anaheim on Febr.uary 22, 1984 at ~:30 p.m., !'• natice or said pul~li.c heari,n~ havin~ been duly given as req~!ixed by law and in ,°',;~ accord«nc~ with the prov~sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ~;~ to hear and considpr evidence for ancl again~t said proposed reclassification and L•o i-:ve~tigate an~ make findings ai~d recommendations in connPCtio~n ~ Lhere~~ith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after c~ue inspection, investigation and study mai~e by it self and in its b~half, a,id axter clu~ consideration of a11 evidence anc~ re~orts offarec~ at said hear.ing, does fiiid and determine the £~llowing .facl•s: 1. 'rhat the petitioner p~~oposes reclassification ot subj`ct propercy from the RS-7200 (22eside:4ia1, Singl~-Family} Zone to the RM-2~~00 (Residential, Mu].tiple-Family) 'Lone . 2. ~'hat the Anah~im General Plan designaL-es subject proper~y for mec3ium-density residential land uses. 3. That the proposed reclrxssifi~ation of suuject pzoperty is necessary and/or desir~ble for the orderly and proper develap~nent oi thp c~mmunity. 4. That c:tie proposed reclassification of subj~ct. pr.operry does properly relate to tk~e zories and their permitte~ uses local.ly e~tabli~hed in close proximi.ty to subjeat property and to the zonus and their permitt~ed usea generall,y establi~hed throughou~ th~ comniunity. 5. That the ~:roposed xeclassificatiun of subject property requires the improverrienL- of abutting stre2ts in accordanc:e with the Circulation E~emec,i: of t-h? General Plan, due to th~ anticipat~d iric:rease in traffic wt~ich will be gene.rated by the intensiftcation of land use. 6. That one p~rson i.ndicated their pres~nce at said public hearing i.n opposit.xon; and ~that no corr.espondence was received in oppositian :;o s~zbjer.t peti.ti.on. #0161r PC84-37 ~ ~,'- ~ f"`~ LNVIRONMENTAL :CMPACT FINllING,: That the Ailaheim City Planning Commission has revipwed the pr.opas~l to r~c.las:~ify subject praperty £rom t.he kS-%J.OU (Resider~tial, Single~Family) Zane to the RM-2400 (R~si.clential, Multiple-Family) Gor~e ta const.ruct. a dup1~M with s~~~i.ver of minimum sideyard seL•back ~n a recL-ang~~larly-shape~3 ~arce?_ ~£ 7.and c:onsisting of approximately 0.16 acre, tiavi.ng a fros~tage of approximately 50 feet on the east side o~ Harding Drive, and further dc~~cribed as 124 Soutl~ Harding Drive; and d~es her~by approve the N~yativc: lleclaratian upo-1 fir~ding t~ha~ it has considered Lhe Negat~ve Declaration loyether w~.~h any comments received ~uring the public review procesa and further finding on the basis o~: the initial shudy anc~ any comments received l:hat th~r~ is no subskanti.aJ. evidence that the pc•~j~c~ wi11 have a significant eFfect on the envirnnment. NUW, THERF.FOR~, EE IT RESOL'V~D that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission does hEreby grant subject Petition ;Eor Reclassification and, by s~ doing, that Title 18-2oning o.E th~ Anaheim M~anicigal c'ude be amer,ded i:o exclude tl~e aL•~ove-described ,property from ;tS-'7200 (Resicl:;ntial, Single-Family) Zone anc] to incorparate said described ~roperty into the RM-2400 (Residential, t4ultiple-Family) Zorie upan the following c~tidition: which are hereby found to be a necessary prPrequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and ycner.al we:lfarE ~f the Citi.zens oi the Cit~~ of Anaheim: 1. '.Ptiat completion of_ these r.eclassifi.cation proceedin~;s is c.ontingent upon the g.ranting of Variance Na. 3375. 2. That th~ owner of subject property ~hall pay i:o the Ca.ty of ~~naheim a f.ee f~r t.ree planting purposes alor~g Har~.ing Drive in an amount as deterr~ined by the City Council. 30 '.1'hat the owner of subject pr~perty shall pay to the City oi Anaheim a fee for~ street lighting along fiarding Drive in an amount as d~termined by the City Council. 4. That subject property shall be devFloped substantially in accordance with plan~ and specificatio~ls on file with the i:ity o£ Anaheim mar.ked Exhibit t~os. 1 rhrough 3; provi~e d, however, that che carport roofs and all c~merxt pads and ~ariveways shaJ.l b~ designe d ~o as to pr.eclude any run-off water frum clrai.ning onto any adja^ent propexty. 5. 'rhat prior to the i.ntroduction of an ordinance rezoning sub;jact proper~.y, Condition Nos~ 1, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall bP comp~eted. 'Phe provisions or righty granted by this resoluti.~n shall Uecome null and void by actio;~ of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are compli.ed with wi.thin one year Prom the d~te oF tYiis resolutio~i, or such Eur.ther tim~ as +:he Pianning Commission may grant. 6. That prior ~c, fina.l bui:lding and ~.oning inspections, Candition No. 4, above-mer~tionPd, shall be romplied with. -2- PC84-3i ~~ ~~ ~ ~`~. gE I2' F'URTHEI2 RESOLVED that the ~naheim Ci~y Planning Commi~slon does hereby fi.nd and determi.nF that adop~io~i oF this Resolutian is e~;pressly predicated upon app.licant's compliance with ~ach ~nci all of the conclitioris hereinabave set forth. Sho~~lcl any suc:h cundi~ion, or any pazfi ~hereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the fi.nal iucigmen~ o~ uny c:ourt af competenL- jurisdicti~n, then this Re:oluti.on, and any approva7.s herein contained, shall be deer~ed null and void. THE FOR~GOIDJG ktESOLUT:CON is signec7 ani~ approved by me this 2.2nd day oL- b'ebruary, 1984. ~~,f~~• i ' ////~,~L'/ .~ . .~~ ~'~-r£._/ CHAIRWONIAN; A~fHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON ~ aTTEST; """`"'f`-~, ^ • ~ T~^~~'1.t'`ti- SECRE'PARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSTON ST~1TE OF CALI~'ORNIA, ) CUUNTX OF ORAIJGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Edi'th L. Harris, secretary ~f th~ Ar~aheim CiL•y Plann~ng Commission, do hereby certify that. tr~e for~going resolution was pzssed and aciopted at a me~tinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commission he'ld on February 22, 1984, by the following voi:~ o~ the members thereof: AYES: COF1MIaS70NERS: BUUAS~ BUSHORE~ ICING~ LA CLAIRE~ MC BURNEY NU~a: COMMISSI~NERS: NONE ABSEN~': C!aN,MISSIONE;RS: FRY, HERBST IN WITNESS WHEF.~EOF, I Have r-ereunto s~t tny hand ~his 22nd day oI Eebruary, 1984. ~//7 /~ ~Y i'~~~~'4'~J / ` . ' S~Gk~7'ARY, AtIAHEIM CIT: ~LANIVING COMMI.~',SION -3-. PC$4-37