PC 84-40RGSULU'1'IUN N0. PCFt4-~}0 !1 RESOL,U'~ION Or 'i'HE ANAHETM CITY F'LANNING CC)MMISSTO J THA~' PE']'~1'ION 1~OFt VARIAPIC.L N0. 3379 BE (3kANTC.ll WHFI2EAS, t:he Anaheim City Plannii~~ i:ommission clid rE~ceiv~: a veri.fied l~etition Pc~r Vari.ance S:rom JOSE QUENG `i'IAMZON & FEGTCITAS B. T:fAMZON, ].031 No:th Baxter. SL•reet, Anaheim, Califa~nia 92~U5, o~oners oF cE:rtain r.eal property situated ~n the Ciry of 1lnaheirn, County of. Orang~, S+~at:e o£ Ca].iLcrnia described as: LUT 124 C)[' T12ACT N0. 8IIh6, AS PI~.R MAP RECQRD~ll IN BOOK 38? PAGL; 4! TO 50 INC.LUSIVE 4F MISCCLLANEOUS MAPS~ IN Tf~E OFFICE OF Ti~IE COUNTY RFCURDFR QE SI:Ill COUNTY. WHEFtEAS, the City Planning Cornnissiun did hold a public h~aring at the Civic Center in the City of Ana.he.im on February 22, 1984, ai: 1:3U p.m., notice of .;aid public tiearing haviny been duly given as rFquired by law ~nd in ~ccordance with the ~rovi~ion~ of t:~e Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapt.er 18.03, to hear. ai~c9 consicler evidence for and a~ainst sai.d proposed variance and to int~~stigate and mak~ findings anci recommendations in connecti~n tr~erewith; and WHEREAS. said Cornmissia~i, after due inspecl•i.on, investigation and study made by iL-self and in its behalf, and ~f'ter c1u~ cotis;.deration of all evidence anci Lepo~:ta oFfered a~ said hearing, cioes ~i.nd and ~etermine the tol].owinc7 facts: ].. `I'hat the petitic,r~er proposes a wa.iver uf the fo].lowing to construct a r.oom adc]a.wiun: SECTION 18.2I.06; .020 - Nlaximum l.ot covErage. ' (35$ mar,imum permit~ed; 43~ proposed) 2. Tha~ th~ abovP-mentionea waiver i~ eertby granted on the basis that there are special circumstanc~s applicab.le to the pc•operty such a~ size, sk~ape, topography, locat.ion or surruundin~7s, whi.ch do not apply to orl•~er id~ntically zoned properties in the vicinity; r~nd that strict application of the Zoning Code cleprives thP propert,y of pr~vileges enjoyed by other properties in i~Jentical zoning classification in the vicin.iky~ 3. 2'hat therF are exceptional or ex.traor.dinary circu~st.ances or conditions appli~able to ihe property involved or L•a the :intenc3~d use ot the prope._y that do not apply ~enerally to the pr.operty or cl.ass o.` us~ in the same vicin'ty and zone. 4. That the requested variance i:: necessary E~r the p--eservation and enjoyrrient of a subst~ntial prop~rty right possessed by other ~roperty in th~ same vicini.ty and zone, artd denied ta the F~roperty in queslion~ 5. '~i~at the requested vari.ance wi11 not b~ mater.i~lly detrimential to th~~ pub.l?c r~ellar~ or injurious to thP ~~toperty or improvement.. in such v~~.cinity and zone in whicn the ~roperty is located. 6. That no one i:-dicatecl their presenc~ :it said ~ubiic hearir.y in op~osition; anc? that no corr~spondence was received in c.~ppo~it.ion to s~bject pe..ition. ~0164r PC84•-40 ,,,,ti ~-~ ~NVIRt~NMEN'rAL IMPAC:`I' F:IND'lNG: Tt~~ Planning DirecL-ar ur his authoriz~d representative has determincd that the pro~osed projecic falls wzthin the definition of C:ategorical Exempl-ions, C1uss 5, as def:inec~ in the State ETR Guidelincs and a.s, khere.forn, categorical.ly exempt ~rom the req-airernenl• l:o prepare ~n E;TFt. Nc~W, 7'HEREFOItF~, AE IT REaOLVED t:h~t the Anahei.m City Planning Commi; sion cioes hereby grani: subjeet Petition .Lor Variance, upon the fol].owi.ny candi~ions which ar~ r,~r.~~~y found to be a necessaty preceqt:is+.te ta the pr~posed use oP th~ subject ~roperty .in order h;; preserve the safety and general wEl.fare of the Citiz~ns of khe City of An~i~,im: 1. Th~~t sub;ect property shall b~ developcad ::ubstantially in accordance with plans ar.d specific:atians oii file with the City of Anahei.m mar.lced Exhibit No. 1. 2. Ttiat prior I.o fin~~l bui'lcling and zon.ing inspections, COi1C31t1.011 No, 1, above-men~iuned, sk~a11 be complie~3 H~ith. BE IT FURTH~R 12ESOLVED that the Anaheim rity Planning Commission doES hereby firid and determine tha~ adoption ot I:his Resoluticn is expressly predicated upur~ applicant's compli~nce with each and a1.1 of +:h~ conditions k~erei.riabove set forth. ,Shou.ld any such condiL•ian, or any part therPOf, be r~eclared invalid or unPnforc~:able by the f~iiU~ judgment of any r.ourt of com~etent jurisdiction, theri this Resolution, and any approva]s nerein contained, shall be deemed null ~nd void. TEIE FOREG~JIN~ RESOLU'i~ION is signed and approved by me this 22nd day o£ February, 1984. _ ' ~~~ GC.L ~-__~ /.,~'~~~4''•-~.-~' CHA1~t1N, H~:CPi CITY PT_,ANNING ~OMMISSION ATTES7'; ~-~-~ .~°_ .~'~~~~. SECRETAkY~ ANAHEIM CT'.['Y^':.~LANNING COMMTSSION STATE OF CALI~'ORiVIA ) COUNTY nF CRANG~; ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEINI ) T, Fdith I.. Harris, Se~Xetary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certiiy tha~ tr~e foregoiny resoluticn was pas~ed and adopted at a meeting o.E the Anaheim City Planning Cumm.ission hElc~ on rebruary 22, 1984, by the f-ollowing vote of. the members ther~of: AXES: COMMISSIONERS: $OtiAS, l3USHORE, KI~]G, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNFY NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE F,BSEN'r: COMMISSION~RS: FIZY, HERBST IN WI'~N~,SS FIHEREUF, I hav~ hereun o set tny hand this 22nd day of Februar~, 1984. ~~ ~ -~ , .~itn~~ SEC12F'TARY, ANAHEIM CIT'1 PLANNING COMMISSION ~2_ PCa4-40 'F.~r.'' .: ~c . ~ : ';~~