PC 84-45:r~ RGSO'LUTI:UN NU. L~C$4-~5 A RESULU'i'tUN OF THE 7~NAHEIM CITY PLANN2NG COMMISSION '1'HAT PF`l'ITION F'OR CUNDITTODlAL USE PERNT'i' NG. 2508 BE GRANTE.D WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did teceive a ver.if9.2d Petition fo~ Condi.tional Use Perrnit Erom EQUTTEC 80 R~AL ESTATE INVESTORS, P. O. Bax 1.10~, .Lafayette, CaliFornia 9~549, owner, and L~AWRENCE P. BELLOMO, 18952 Mac Arthur Boulevard, Suit~ ;.00, Irvine, California 92715, agent ~.~~ certain real proper.ty situatec] in the City of Anah~im, County o~ Orange, State uf California, described as: '!'HA']' POFZ7.'IVN OE' THE NORTHEAST QUARTGR t~F SECT?ON 26, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAtd CAJOy DE SANTA ANA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOF2DE]) IN BOQK 51, PAGE lU OF MISCEi,i,i,NE0il5 MAPS~ RECORDS QF ORANGE COfJNTY, CALTL'ORNIA~ llESCRIBGD AS FOL,LOWS: PARCEL ~~ AS SHOWN QN A MAP RECOI2D~D IN BOOK 81o PAGES a2 OI' PARCEL MAPS, IN THE Qr,[~ICE OE THE COUN~Y RECORDER OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY. WH~HEAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hear:ng at the Civic: Center in the City of Anaheim on Mar.ch 5, 19a4, at 1:3U p.m., nokice uf said publi.c hearing having been uu.Zy giv~n as required by 1aw and in accoidance with the provisions of khe Anaheirn Munir.ipal Code, Chapter. 18.03, to hear and consid~r evidence fQr and against said propasec] condi.tional use permit and to investigate and make findings and rerommendations in connection therewith; anl WH~REAS, said Comniission, aiter duE inspectio~~, investigation and s~.udy mad~ by i~self and in its berialf, and after due consideration of all evic3enc~ and re~ports offerer] at said r~earing, does firid and determin~ ~he following facts: l. That the proposea use is properly one Cor which a conditional use peLmit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sec:tion 18.03.U3Q.010 & 18.06.080 to wit to permit a retail baseball card shop in the ML" (Tndustrial, LiinWted) 7one with waiver of: SECTIONS 18.06.05Q.p22 ~ Alinimum number of narking spaces AND 18.61.G66.050 (671 s ac~s required; 5io spaces ,pro osed) 2. That the request~d waiver. is hereby grante~] on thE basis that ~here ar~ special ci.rcumstances anp.l.icable to the propPrt,y such as size, shape, topography, l~cation or surroundings, which do iiot apply ~o other identically zoncd properkies in the vicinity; and that strict application of the Zoning ~ode dEprives t:he property o~ privileges enjoyed b~• other proper~ies in i~lentical zoriing classification in the vicinit~y. 3. ~~hat the proposed use wil.l noi: adversely aff.ect the adjoining ~and uses and the gro~ath and d~vPlapment of the area i.n which it is pro~o~~d to be locat~d. ~0171r PC84-45 ''"'1 ~ ~~ That the size and shape of the site pro~os~d :Eor the use is adequate to allow the Eu11 dev~lupment a£ the pro~osed use in a tnanner r-ot detrim~;ntaJ. to t:he pa.rticular ~rea nor L-o ~he peace, health, safety and general w~lfar.c of ~.Y~e Cit.izens ot tt~n Cii:y of A:ial~~c~.im. 5. ~h~~t the granting of the Conditional Use Permi.t under l-he conditions imposed, if any, will not be detriment~l to l:lie p~ace, health, safety and general we.l~are of the Citize-1s of the City o~ Anat~eim. 6. That the traftic generated by the propos~d use will not im~ose an undue burd~ci upon the streets and highways designed and impro~ved to carry the traftic in the ar~a. 7. That no one indicated Lheir presence at said public hearing in op~~osii.ion; and that no cerrespandet~ce was receivEd in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONhi~NTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim (:ity Planning Commission has r.eviewed i:he proposa~ to per.mit a retail baseball card shop ;in th~ ML ( Indtastra.al, Limited) Zone witl; wai.ver oP minimmm ~umber of park~.ng spaces on a rectangulaLly-sha~ed parcel o~ land consisting of approximately 18.9 acres located at tihe southwesi: corner of Dacifico Aver.ue ~nd State Colleg~ Boul~vard (1973 Sou~h State College Bculevard); and does herek~y approve the Neyal-ive Declarati.on upon findin~7 tha~ it has consic~ered the Negative Declaration i~ogether with any cr~mmen~s received during the public revi.ew process and fur.ther finding on ~he basis of the initial study ~nd any comments received L•hat there is no sut~stantial evidenr.e that tt~e pr.oj~ct v~i.ll have a signiticant effec~ an the envi.ranrnent. NOW, TEIFREFORE, L~E: .iT FtESOLVED thar. the Anaheim City Plan:iing Commission cioes hereby grant subjerh Pet.ition L-or Conditional Use PPrmit, up4n the following conditions whic;h are hereby found ta be a necessary prere~uisite to the proposed use af t!~e subj~ct pr~perty ir. order to prEServe th~ safety and yener~~l. welfare oi the Citiz~ns af the Cit.y of Anahei.m: 1. That due to the change in use and/ar occupancy ot the building, ~lans shall be submitted to th~ Building Division showing cornpliance with the minimum standards o:E th~ City o~ A.nahcim, including the UniForm Bui:lding, ~lumbing, Electr~.cal, Meci~anical and Fire Codes as adopted by the City of Anahei.m. The appropriate permits shall b~ obtained for ~any necessary work. 2. That prior ~o issuance of a building permit, a traffic sig~1~I assessment fee egualing the difFerence hetween the i.nduskrial and commercial assessment f.ees sha11 be paid ta the City of Ar~aheim in an amount as determined by the City Council. 3. That subject pr~perty shall be develnped substantially in acc~rdance with plans and soecifications on file with the City of I~naheim markad ~:xhibir Nos. 1 and 2, 4. That the proposal st,a11 comply with all signing requirements ~i the ML (Indus~rial, Li.mited) Zone. _2. PG84-45 -- ~ a -- ,~~, ~~, 5. That Concii~ion Nos. 1 througl~ 4, above-mentioned, shall be completed wikhin a perioci af 60 days from th~ daLE of L-hi.s resalukion. BE IT FUR2'ElER RESULVED that the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commission doES hereby .firid and c~~tercnine that acloption of this Resolution is expressly prEdicated upon applicant:'s compliance with each and all of khe condi.tions hereinabove s~t forth, Should any such conditions, or any parL• theteof, be c~eclared invalid or ur~enf~rr_eable 5y the fir~~l judgment oF any court of compeLent jurisciiction, th~n this Resalution, and a.riy ap~LOVals herein contained~ sha.l7. be deemed null and void. THE FORGGOTNG RESOLU`1'IOC~ is signed and appraved ~y me this 5th day of March, 19$4. ~r~ '/f ~ `l'•i ~'~'~ r~f ,~..~r:. ~-~'-r~!.~_~ ~ CHAIRWOMA~3, ANAHEIM CI'I"1 PLANIVING COMMISSION ~ ATTES'.C : ~ ~~ ~,? ~%i C~lc, f J / t1-~.%L ~. -L 2 SECkE'.I'ARY,~ ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING CbMMISSIQN ST.A:I'~ OF CALT_FOIZNIA ) COUNPY OF' ORANGF ) ss. CITY Or' ANAHEIM ; 1, Eciith L. EIazris, Secr.etary of the Analzeim City Planning Cornmissiou, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was Dassed ancl «dn~ted at a meetir,g of the Anaheim City Plannirig C~ammissior~ held o~i March 5, 1984, by the ~ollowinq voi:e of the member.s th?reof: AYES: COMMI~STONERS: BOUAS, BUSFiORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE N~ES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE AHSEN'r: COM[dI.S~~TUNLRS: MC BURNEY TIV W:CTNE~S WHCFt~OF~ I have hereun~~ set my hand this 5th day of r9arcr,, 19A4. ~.~' ~ x..~ . , ---1 ~ ~, ~,.~C ..~= ~.. -~ ~ ~ . ~!~'ir~c..~~ SECkETARY, Af7aHETM CITY 'f~LANNING COMMISSIC.?N -'~- PCB~-45 ~',