PC 84-48. °°~ RESO'LUZ'TC?N NU. PC84-•~38 f~ RESOLU'i'TON OE' THE ANAHGIM CITY PLAIJN:ING CUMMISSION T~lAZ' PF'T'.T.TION F'OR CONllTTIONHL USE P~RNiI'1' N0. 25~5 B~ DENIEI; WHI3REAS, the Anahei~r~ City Planning Commission did receive a verified ~eLiti.on tor Conditio:~al. Use Perrnit Lrom SANTA BARPARA SAVINGS & LOAN A6~UCIATION, P. O. $OX 30290, Sailta 3arbara, California 93105, awner, and AME;LIA R. LEWIS, 831 "D" Las Lomas Driv~, L~ Eiabra, Califoc~nia 9Ci631, age!~t af cer.tain real property situa~ed in the City af Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali.fornia, described as: PARCEI'., 1: PARC£~I~ 9, 1D1 THE CiT CALTFOR~~TA, AS SHUWN 28 AND 29 (~F PAkC;P:L SAIll COUN'i'Y. PAkCEL '_: Y UF ANAHEiM, CUUNTY OF ORANGF, ST}1TE OF ON A PARCEL i~AP FILE IN BOOK 153, PAGES MAPS, IN TH13 U1 F:ICG QF T.HE RECORDF~R OF NON-EXCLUSIV~, EASEMEN'rS FOR ACCESS~ INGRESS~ EGRESS, ~NrFtnACHMEN~, 5UPPURT, MAINTI~,NANCE AND OTHER PUR.FOSES, ALL AS SHOWN IN 2'HL DECLARATIUN UF COVENANTS, CONDITI.ONS, RE:~7`RICTIqNS A1JD R~,. ~RVATIONS 0'r' EAS?;MEN'~S L•'OR RI~~ERBEND INDUSTRIAL (;F,'N'!'E.R ASSOCIA7'ION~ REC02~Dr'D IN I300K 13895, PACE 1333, ET SEQ. OF OFE'IC~AL RECORDS QL' SAIll OR~NGE C.qUNTY. W:~ERFAS, the ~ity Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the C.ity of Anaheim on MaCC~l 19~ 1984 at 1:30 p~m., notlce of said public h~ar~.ng having been du.ly yi.v~n as required by law arid in accordance with the provisions oP the AnahEim Munici.pal Code, Chapcer 18.G~, 4o h~~ar 3nd c:onsider evidence f.or and agains~ said propr~sed conditional use permi w~.~ to investi.g~te and make Eindings ancf zecommendations in coiir,~ction L•here~ith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invescigation and study m~de by itse~F and in its hehalf, and afte.c due eonsideraticl of all ~videnae and reports offered at. ~:~id hear.ing, does finc? and deterrnine the tallowing facts: 1. That the proposed ~.~se is prc~per. iy one f.or which a conditional u~e ~ermzt is authorized by ~naheim Municipal ~ode Section ko wit: to permit a take-our sandwich shop with off-sale b~er and w.ine in tne ML (Tnduskrial, Limiteci) Zone. 2. That the pr~~pused use is tiereby deni.ed on the basis that the Planning Comtnission considers a take-out s~ndwich shop with a£f-sale bee: anc~ wine a Xetail sales business and th~~t the approval of Canditinnal Use Permi~ No. 2109 in conn~ection wi.~h this c~mplex speci.fically prot~ibited retail sales of dny kind. 3~ That thP pr~posed iise will advers~ly affect the adjoining land uses and the yrowth and deveJ.opment of. the area in which it is proposed to be located. #0174r PC84-4$ 4. Thal the size and shape ot thN site proposed foc t:he use is not adequate ~o al~.ow thE full development of the ~aroposed use in a mannpr not detrimental ~o the particu.lar area nor to the p~ace, h~a1tY~, sa~ety and yenera:l welfare o.t the Citizens of the Ci.ty of Anahtirn. 5. Z~hat the granLin~ of the C~ndition.al Use Permit under the cand9.i:ions impo:~ed' if any, will be detrimental to the peace, h~alth, ~afety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City o.f Anaheim. 6. That thE trzt:fic gcnerat~d by the proposed use wi.ll impose an undue burclen upon tnP skreets and highways design~d and im~roved t~ carry the kraff~.c ~.n the area. 7. ~l'hat one persun indicat~ed his ~resen~e at said public hearing i.n opposition; and that a petition containing ten i10) sigtlat-.ires was received in o~:positicn to tY~E suk~ject pctition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPAC:7.' rINDING: T'lat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal tc permit a take-oui: sandwic.h shop with off-sale beer and wine in the M.G (Industrial, Lir,~ited) Zon~ on a rectangularly-sr~aped parcel of. lancl co~sisting oL ~pproximately 6.5 acres locaked at the northeast c~rner of Coronado Street ancl Jefferscn 5tr.eet, and further c~escribecl as 1200 "K" North J~fFerson Street; and does hereby approve the NegativE Declaration upon ~inding that it has considerecl i:he Neg~tive Declaration tngeLhez wi;;h any comrtients rec:eived during th~ public review process and fur.ther finr~in~ on the ~asis c:. the initial study and any commenty receivFC! that there iN rio substantial evicience that the project will have a significant effect on the ~nviron~nent. NOW, THEREFORE, BG IT 12ESOLVED that the Anah~im City Planning Commi ~si.on does hereby deny subjec* Petition for Cc>nditional tlse Permit, on lhe basis of the aforemer~tioned Lindings. ~'EiE FOR~GO:ING RESOLUZ'IC~N is yigned and approved by me this 19th day of March, 1984. ~ -~~~~ i~~Q•f.~ , `~.%~-.~e-+c--i CHAIRWOMA~', ANAElEIM CI'.CY PT~ANNIN~ COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~ ; ~ ;-+ ,~,~~~', . ~/_~ . ,, ~ ~ ~`J S~r_HETARY, ANAHE;SM c:ITY PLANNING COMDIISSION -~- P~84-48 ~,r ,~ ~~ _ ;,„,~z~; ~ j~ r'` r ~ ~„- ~a' ,. ~!'~'~~ `.i;' ~, ~.( . . '1~~i , ,. S'1'ATF~ OF Cp'LTE`ORDIIA ) ,' '`~ ~ COUNTY UF URANGE ) s s. ' 1~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) -;,;~ ; ~.: ~~ -,~ I, Edith I~. Har.ris, S~~cretary of the Anaheim City Planning ~; Commission, do hereby certify that ~:he Eoregoing resolution was passed and ,l adopted at a rneeting of the .Anaheim City Planning ~onimission held un March 19, ~ 1984, by the followinq vote of the member~ ther«~o~: ~ 'u ~F' AYES: COMMISSI~JNERS: BOUAS, $USHUl2E, FRX, EIERF3S'r, KIN~, Lc~ CL~A~IRF~ ~`' `':A MC BURNEY NpES; CQMMISSIONERS: NO[~E ~'' ABSENT: COhMISS:[ONERS: NUNE ~~ ' ;~ IN WI`.CNi:SS WHEREOF, I 1~ave herewzto set my hand this 19th day ct !~'b~ ~'~~ 's': Mar~h, 1984. ._ ~ :~„j , ~../L~~ fI ~~ ~~`~ ~G~ ; `' S~CRFTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ` ~~ .,F~ :'r ' > , . `~. ',~,, ' ;,.;{ ~.i•,~ ;ar ,, ,~id ~,~,, ; %i '?+i F `` , ~'~ :~ 'f~ ;''t~ ~~ ~;' I !!.', J;{~ ~ ~ ~;t. ~~ ~~ ~ 1 :1~ .~E ,,, '' ' ;''j~ ,;, ~~ i ~, , ~ i ~ + ~; i l.; .~ ~~ 3- PC8~!-~8 .l, ~ ;1 ` ' tS t1 ,~ . , .. .... ..^,!t~wwl