PC 84-5~ti f2CSU1.,U'I`ION [J0. Pt;~3~}-5 A RESOI,U`.['IUN Oi' TME: 11NAHE;IM C];'!`Y P1.ANNING CUMMI55TON 11ML'NDING CQNL' I'L':IUNS UF APPROVAL OF VA~2I ~t~':1~ NU. 2$q9 WHL~REAB, Var.iance ~o. 2849 to per.mit khe r.etail sales uf sand~aiche~ in the ML (Indu~L-ria.l~ Limi.ted) Zone with w~iv~~r.s oi the minimum number. ~F par'~.ing spaces an~ per.mii:ted uses was gr.~nted by the Planning Commission on Se~tember. 27, 1976, ir. conne~tion with Kesolut.ion Nc~a PC%6-lay ,ubjec.t to the ~Qllowing conaitions: 1. That siclewalks sha11 be ins~alleci along La Pa1ma .~venue and F~untain Way as r.Gquzr.er] br r.he City Engineer. and in dCCbT.'dF111C~ with s~andard plans and apec:ifica~ions an Ci1e in the Off.ice ~~F the Cit~ Eny:In~er.. 2. ThaL subject pr.operty shall be devel~ped ~ubstantially in accor.dance witt~ plans and specif.ications on file with lht City oC Anah2im mar.ked Lxhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3. 'l~hat Conciition Nos. 1. and 2, ab~ve mentioned, sha1.L be complied with prior. to final bui.iding and zoning in~pe~tions. 4. 'I'hat thEr.e shall bP ~o sitdowci fac~iities provided on the pr.emises and nc~ F.ood shall k~e consumed on the pr.emises, as ucipulahEd ta by the petitioner.. 5. That L•hNr.e snall be no CU~k.111~J of Eood on the premises, as stzpulaLed to I~y the petiti~ner.. 6. That r,he Fiour.s of oper.ation shalt be fr.om 9:00 a.m. to 4:U0 p.m., as stip;alai:ed to by the petitioner. 7. That this var.iancc; is granted tor a tim~ per.iod oC one (1.) year., subject lo review ~-~nd cor,sideration for. an extension of time, uPon wr.il•ten r.eque~t by tt~e petitioner.. PiHEFtEAS, the petitior~er. has ~:eques~ed cielel•ion of Condition Nos. 4, 5 aRd G per.taining to a pr.ohibiL•ion or. sit-down dining and cooking and a limitation to ~he hour.s of opezaL•ion £or. an existing sanuwich shop; ~nd WHEREFia, the Anaheim City Planning c:ommission did hold a public hpar.it,y at ttie c:icic Center., Council Chamber., 200 South Anaheim ~oulevt~r.d, Anaheitr., Ca:~ifor.ni.a on Januar.y 9, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been clul.y given as r,equir.ed by law and i.n accordance with the provisiuns oF lhe Anaheim Municipal CoJe, to hear. and consider. eva.de~;ce for ~ a7d agai.nst amendment t~ the condition~ af a~pr.ov~a1 of said ccnrJitional use ~ pexmit 4nd to invesr.i~3ra~.P and make f.indings and r.ec:ommendation, in connection a ther.ewith; ~r.d !: R i W~iEREF.~, the Commission, after. duc-~ ir~~~EZCtfon, inv~stigation ~nd ' ~tudy ~ade by itr~~lf at said public h^ar.ing, nGFS FiEREBY ~IND: ~ i' f ~U13;sr. ~ PC84-S ~ n~ , ••ti 1. 7.'hat Condition Nos. 4, 5 anA 6 wer.e ~tipcanttisar qu st~ 9 th~ or.iginal. applica;-t and thaL- th_ cur.renk a~p cieletion in ur.cl~r. ta beL•te~. 5~r.v~ the existing industr.ial cl~.eritele .~nd r.emain c~mp~titive with ut~,er. taod :,er.vices in ~he vicinity. ). That ~he r.equir.ed par.king wou.ld not be ~tfeCt~a i.t rhe request is ~pproved sir~ce pazking for. r.est~a~ar.ants is based an t~~tal squaz~e f:oot~gc and not seatiny capacity. 3. Thr~l•. tihe hours o~ ~p~r.ation sha11 l~e fr.om 9:DU a.~~. r.o 6:00 p.m. q. ~.~Y~at the a~nendment to the conditions is neces~ary to permit r.eason~~bl~ oper.ation under the conditiona]. use per.tniL pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Code Sect:ion 18.03.072.Oo0. ENVIRONMf:iJ7'AL TMPACr~ H"INDING: Ti~at th~ direr.tor. of the Planni.ng De~ar.tment dete~mined that tthe Ci ~o of An~heim Guide' ines tt~on~he~e equir.em.ents of Section 3.01, C1ass 1 of exei~~ t for. an "r:nvizonmental Iiopact r.epor.t and is, ther.efor.~, categor.ically P £r.om the r.eqix~.z~ment to f.ilP an EIR. NpW, THCREFURE~, BE IT KESOLVED tha~ the Ana~~va1 C i~ psubject Cammission d~es hereby amer-d the co;-dition.~ of app - conclitional use perrnit to read as ~ollow::~ wt~ich ar.e n~r.ebyP~t u~ Qrder. to nece~sazy pxer.eyuisite t~ ~he pr.oposed use ~t thc subject rxop- y pr.eserve the safety and gene~'a1 welfare of the ~i.4i.zens o~ the City of. Anaheim. 7.. That sidewalks sha].1 be installed along La P%?ma Avenue and Fauntain Way as ceq~.~i.r.ed by r.h~~ City Engineer. and in accor.dancF wii:h stancl~zd p].ans and spcr.i f icati.on: on f i le in the Of f ice ~f thP C:it~r Engin~er . 2. That subject ~~rop~r.ty shall be r~~~veloped substantially in accox~dance with plans and sp~cificati.ons on file witri the City of Anahei.m mar.k~d Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 3, That pr.ior to final building and zo~iin~~ inspections, Condition No. 1, above-mention~d, sha1J. te comp.li~d with. E3E I'C EURTHER FtESOL~h~D that the Anahei.m Cit;y Planni:-g Commission does her.eby find and deter.mine that adopt.ion oP thZ~ Resolution is expr.esslY ~cedicated upon applicant's complian~p w.ith each and all oE the con~~itions such r.~ndition, or, any par.k th~r.eoE, be her.einabove set forth. Should any declar.ed invalid or unenfor.ceable by thP £inal judyment of anv Gaur.~ of ~ thF~n this Re~olukiori, ar-d any ~~ppr.ovals he~:ein compefPr~. jur.isdiction, contained, sha.Ll be dc~emed null a7d ~~oid. THE EUREGUING RESO[.U'rTON is si9~!?d ancl appr.aved by me thi , 9th ~aY fl~ Januazy, 19~iA. , ~ ,,~, / /.,, ~ ~ ~'%~~ ' , ~~~ ~ /~ l/.~,c.^va-~ •~ i CHAIFZWOMANv' NAHEIM CITY ?LANNING C~3MMI:-SIOt1 ATTG5T: ~ =~ SECRCTARY, ANAHETM CITX PLANNIIJG COMMIS~ION PCE34-5 _?.~ ~ ;~w~ N' SZ'ATC ~F CALIE'QRNIA ) COUNTY ~F' ORANGE ) :~s . CI'1'Y OF ANAHE:[NI ) I, Edith L. Har.r.is, Secre~ary o[ th~: Anaheim City Planniny commi~sion, clo her.eby cpri::ify that th~ raeegoing r.eso~~.tt~ion was p~ssPd and ad~pted at a meeting o.E the Anaheim City Planning Comm•ission hPld on Jan~aaxy 9~ 1J84, by the fol.lowing v~te at thr: member.~ tht~r.eof: Al~k~.~.~: CUMM:[SSJONFRS: DOUAS~ BUSfiC~RE~ E'RY~ HERC3S'I'~ KING~ LA CLIIIRE~ NOE5: COMMISSIONFRS: NONC .~11~S~NT: CAMMISStON~R5: MC f3URNEY IN WITNESS WEIEF.EOE', ! have her.eunto set my l~anci thi.~ 9th day of Januar.y, 1184. ~ r `,~ .~ ~..~~~~~- ,^~ECRE'rARY, ANAHEIM CIZ'Y PL~~,lJNING i:OMMI5SI0N -3- G.. ~.. .~,._ . ,.., , PC$4-5 ,,~:.;~a~;~.