PC 84-50RL50LUTION [JO. YC8~-~i0 A R}350LUTION OE~ `C~IG I1NAFi[;IM CI'i'Y PLANNlNG COf4M:ISSION THA'1' PE~i'I'1'IUN E~UR CONDL'i'1UNAL USE PGkM:[`i' NO. 2548 B.E C,R~~NTEU WHERLAS, the Anahc~i.m CiL•y Petition for Conditional Use Pc:rmi.~ P~rkway, Mi~sion Viejo, C~:liEornia North An~hein~ i3oulevard, Anat~ei.m, pr.oper~y si.tuated in tt~e City c California, ~escribed as: P].anni.ny Commiss.ion di.d receiv~ a veritied LcUm f~1AEIN1OUD k. G. L. KANAWE;Y, 2h377. Aver,y 92692, ownE~r, and MASARU KANBAY~ISHI, 909 Cali.fr~rn.ia h2805, agen~ of c,ertain real ~f An~3hc~im, County of Or.ang~, State of THAT POR'!.'ION UF LOT 5 OF 't'ElE S~GCKWELL SUBDIVISION~ A^ PER MAP RECORDED IN SO()K 6, PAGL 1Q OF MI5CELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFTCF QP' `.CHE (:OUNTX REC(?12DER 01~ SAID COUN'!'Y, ll~SCFiTBED AS k'OI,LUWS : BEGINTIING A:C '1!~IE SCUTHEelS'Z' C012N~1t OF SAII) LOT 5~ IN '"HE ~:~NTER OF RAYMUN:~ AVLNUE; THLNCE NORTH 119.02 F'F.'ET ALONG '.PHE EAS'1' LTNE UC SAID LOT 5 AND '1'HE CENTGR OF RAYMOND AVENUG, 'PO THE TRIIE POTN'r ()F BEGINNING; THENCE PAKALLEL WI7'N THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LO'i' 5 N~RTH 88° 52' 20" WEST ].~5.0~ FEET; 'PHGNCL•' NORTH 180.0$ FEE'r T'0 THE SOU~HERLY I~.iNG OF SAIU L.AND llLSCRIBED A5 PARC:h~L 1 IN A DEED TG CATtL H~kDiAN WISE~ FILED APRIL 26, 1949 AS DOCUMEN`i' NQ. 17$99 IN THE nC'FTCG OF TE~E I2EGI5'1'RHR OE TITLES IN '.PHE OFFICE OE SAIU COUN'!'Y RECORnER; TEiFNCE SOUTH 88° 33' 54" EAST 195.U6 FEk;T ALONG SAID SOUT[iERLY LtNE TU 7'f1E Ei4S`rERLY LINE Or SAID LUT 5 AND TEIE CEN'CER LINE OF RAYMOND AVGNUE; 7'HLNCE SOUTfI 179.64 EEE1T TO THE TRUL PUINT ~~E' DEGINNTNG. NJHEREAS, the Ciky Planning Comm~ssi~an did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on M~rcti 19, .1984, at 1:30 p.r~., notice ot said E~ublic hearing havi.ny been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conyider eviclence for and against ~aid propo~ed canditi.onal ase perrnit and to investi.gate and make findings and recammendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, sai.cl Commissio;~, afte: c9uc-.• inspeclion, investigalion and study made by itself and i.n its behalf, and after r,~ue c:onsic]eration of a11 evidence and reports off~red Kzt said hearing, does F.i7~ and determine the followiny facts: 1. `Phat the pr.~oposed use is properly ~r,e tar wf~ict~ a condfkional uye Fermit is authorized by Anaheim !4unici.F~a1 Code Sec:tions 18.Q6.080 & :.~.61.U5U.050 to wit: to pArmit a rnotorcycle :~a].es ag~ncy and lot wihti waiver~ of thc, L•ol2owing: (a) SECZ'IONS ]8.06.05U.U223 - Minimurn number o: parkinq s~.~cQS. AND 1E~.61.Q66.050 (61 ~~aces req~iired; 2a spaces proposed) (b) SECTI~N - Minimum structural setback. (50 feet requirec] adjacent to Fast Str.aet); 10 feet proposed) #U17br PC84-50 2. That. khe r~qurstt~d waiver (a) i.~ l~ereby yrantcd on the basiy th•~t tt~e ~arkiny variance wi.1:1 not cause 43n increase in traffic congestion in th~ immediate vicinity nor aa~~er.se.ly ~aFEect any c1t~~01t1111C~ land u~;e:s; and that lhe gr~ir.~hing of trie ~~azkiny variance t~nder. the canditions impos4d, if any, wi11 nol• he deLrimental to ~he ~c~~ce, health, ~~,fety or yen~ral welfare of the citizzns of. the Cit~r at Anaheim. 3. That the r.e~quested wai.ver (k~) permitting a 2-Foot high unenc:losed show platfo~:m for the display of a maximum of. t.en (10 ) v~hic.les, is hercby granted un the basis tha~ there are special circums~ances ap~licable ~o L•h~ pr.operty such as sizP~ shape, topogr.aphy, location or surroundinqs, which ~o not apply to other identical.ly zoned pro~ert.i~.~ in the vicxnity; and that strict application of the Zoning Coc~e deprives the prnperty oF privilc~yes enjoyed by other propert:ies in identical zoning classificGtion in L•he vici.riity. ~• 2'hat rh~ ~r~posed use is hez~by gr.anted subject. to the petitioner's stipu.lations at i:he publ.ic l~eariny l-hat Ch~re shall be no testing of vehicles on Balsam Street in cunjuriction with sales or services; and thai: the number ot ve~icles l-o h~ aisp.iayed in the 50--foo~ setback area shall be limited to a maximum of tt~n (10) ~nd sha11 be displayed only on the show p.latform. 5• That the proposed us~: wi.]..l n~t adversel.y aft'ecl: the adjoining land u~es a-:d the growth ar-d development of the area in which ic is prepose~ to be IOCdtEd. 6. That thP si•r.e anc3 shape of the site proposed for thF use is adequate to ~llow thp full deve.lopment ot• the proposed use in u manr~er not detrimenta7. tc the p~rticular area nor t~ the peace, healkh, saFety and yeneral welfare af the Citizens of- tl~e City ~~F Anahei,; . 7. 'L'hat the granting of: t~~E~ Cunditional. Gse Per.mi+~ u~,der tne conditions imposed, iL any, will not be detrimen~al L-o tl~e peace, health, safety and general welfare of the C;itizens o.f the City of Anaheim. :3. That tl~e tr.~ifi:ic yenerated by the pcopused use wil]. not .im~ose an undue burden upon the strPe~s and highways c:esiyned an~ impr.oved lo carry the traffic ic~ the area. 9. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearirtg i.n opp~sitio;~; and that no r_orrespondence wa~ received in oppositi.on to thc yubject petition. GNVIl20NMEN'.PAL :CMPACT. rINDING: 'Z~hat the Anaheim Cily Planning ~ ~ Comn~ission has reviewed the pro~osal to permi.t a mo~urc~ ' lot with waivers uf minimuii~ RUfit~@r Q~ a~ cle sales agency and ~ parki~g spaces ~.nc, mi.nimum structural s~tback on a rect~ngularly-:~hap~d ~arcel oL land consisk~,n~ of approximately ~ O.b2 acre located at the northwest corner c;f IIalsam Avenue and E;ast S~reet, and furthet described as 1175 Nortt~ Cast Skreet; and doe: hereb~ approve the Negative I)eclaration upon f.inding that i~ ha:; coi~sidered the Negative Declaration together with any c;omments received ducinq the public review ' process and f.urther Eindiny o1 the basis ~.C ti~e initial study and any comments recei.ved that there is no substantial cviden~e that the projec,t wil.l have a signiticant effect on the environment. ', I i ~'~.. PC84--5Q ~ I' ~ ~1UW, '.PHFRE.F'UR.C., 8F :i'.C RESOT,VED that ~he Ariaheirn cir,y Plaririing Commi.ssican dues ti~r~by yrant subjecl- Petiti~i~ f-or Condi.tional Use P~rm,tt, upon the followirig c~ndita.or,s which ar.e hereby f.o~ind ~o be a nec~ss~r y prercquisite to the pr~~posed use o.[~ ~.he sub;jcc+_ ~roperty i~z order l-o preserve khe sa.Eel-,y anc~ yerieral weltare of: ~he C1f~1Z~lla^ of. the :;~L-~ ~~ Anaheim: 1. 'L'hat trash s~urage ~reas sha.ll be pi•ovicl~cl in accordance with approved p1~lZa an Li.le with the Street Mair.L-e~lcl,lC:c and Sanita~ion Division. 2. That the o~aner.~ of siibject property sha11 pay ~.o the City of nnaheim a fee f'or. L•re~ plantinq purpo:es a:4ony East Strett and Balsam Av~~~i~ie in ~n arnount as det~:er.mineii l~y thc Ci~y C'ouncil. 3. '.l'hat the ow~zer of subje~ t properL•y siia.ll pay to che City of. Anaheim a fee for stre~t liqht-.ir:~ a.long Balsam Avenue f.n an amount as determined by the City Counci~.. 4. That prior t~ issuanc~ o.f a buildinci Nermit, the appropriate hraffi.: signa.t assessm~rit fee shall be paicl ko the City ~f 7~nahe.im in an amc~unt as detPrmined by L-he City Counc:il fUr new comm~rcial buildings. 5. That subject property :;hall be served u;~ undergr.ound utilities. G. Th~t the ~roposal sha11 comply with ~~11 signing requirements of the ML Zone, unles~ a variance alluwing sign waiv~:rs is approved by the Planning Commi.ssion or City Council. 7. That the owiier oP subject property st~all subniit a letter requesting termination of Coriditional Use P~rmit No. 99 to the Planning Depar. tment . 8. 'i'hat subj~-~ct. property shali be developed substant.ially in accordance with pla: ~d speciFications on file crith the City oE Anaheim marked Gxhibit N~ 1 and 2. 9. That all motorcycle repair and/or serv;.ce wc~rk sh.a11 be conducted wholly within the buil.di.ng. 1~. That fire sprink.lers shall be inNtalled ~n the propo~ed structure as required ~;y the City uf Anaheim E'ire LQpartment. 11. 7l'hat all underaround yasaline storage tanlcs shal.l be :emoved as required by the Ciky oF Anaheim Fire Department. 12. 7~hat the existiny five (5) foot wide publi~.: ur..ility 2asemPnt adjacent to the northerly property line sh~.ll be abandoned or relocated elsewhf~re on subject pr~perty. 13. '~hat prior to the coinmencemenk of tt~e acti.vity au~horized undee this reso.lution, or p.rior r_o the time tnat a building permit iy is;~u~d, or wi,th.in u period ot one }•Ear from L•he date of this resolution, wtiichEVer occur~ .Eirst, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7 and 12 atove-mention~d, ; hall b~ ccmpl:ied with. Exteri^ians ~or further t.ime to complete said condition~ may be yrant~:d in accordance wiLh Section 18.03.U90 oP the Anahei.m Munic:ipal Code. -3- PC84-50 14. 'i'hat pri~r to final bui.ldir~g and zon:ing inspectiuns, Condi L-iun Nos. 1, 5, 8, 10 ancl 11, abav~~mentionE~d, ~ha1.l be compliecl r~iL-h. 15. ThaL• l.here shal:l be no testing oL- any vehicl~s on Aalsam Avenue in conjui~cti.on wil•h sales or services of the motr.~rcycle sales ageney. ].6. ~'hat no niore lhan ten (.1.0) vehicles (motarcycles~ jet-:~kis, dune buggies, etc. );;t~a.l.l be disF~].ayed on the raised plat.form ~r in the fifty (5U? Foot setback .from East Str~ct. BE I7.' FORTEIFR RGSO.LVLD ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herFb,y Einc1 and determ.in~ that adoption of this Resolution is expressly prec]icated upon applicant's compliance with each u~.~d aZl af thc condi.tion~ hereinabove set torth. Sho~~lci aciy such conditions, or any part t.hereof, be declared ;inva.lid or unen£orceable by L-he Einal i~.t~]gment of any court o:~ competent jurisdiction, then rhis R~snlution, and any a~pr~vals herein c~ntained, ~hall bc: deemed null and void. 'rHE: .F'OREGOING RE;SULU'L'ION is signsd and ~~~:proved by me this 19th day of March, 1934. / ~E/ ' !C/ ~C'~4.../ CHAIRWOMA , ANAHEIPI CI'rY PLANNILVG CQMMISSTON ATT~ST ; l; ,~ _ '~ CL~~~~~~~'%l. ~, SECRE'.CARY~ ANAHE?M CI'1'Y PGANIV:[NG COMMISSlON STATE Ob` CALIFOR~~IA ) COUt7TY OF' ORANGC ) ss. CI`PY O.F ANAHEIHI ? I, Edith L. Harri~, Secretary of the Aiiaheim City Plar-ning c:ommission, do hereby certi£y that the foregoing resolution was passed and ad~pted at a mEeting of the AnahPirn City Planning Commi~sion held on March 19, J.989, by tt~e follocoing vote of the memb~~rs khereof : AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, ~IEkBST, KTNG, LA CLRIRE MC BURN~Y NOF'S: COMMIS~IONERS: NONE ABSEN`P: CUMMISSIqN~R5: NONE IN WITNE.SS WHERE:O~ , I havP hereunto set my t~and ttiis 19th day ~f March, 1984. ir ~. , __ 1~~~`~ ~ ~~~,-~~..~.. SECRETAkX, AIJAFiEIM CzTY PLANN:[NG COMI4YSSION -9- PC84-50