PC 84-51~ ~ RrSOLU'1'TUN N(:). PC84-51 A RESOLU~l'IUN UF '.t'HE ANAHGIDI CI'i'Y PI~ANNTNG CQMM:ISSJON 7.'HA`l' PFT1:'Z'IUN TUfi VARIADICE N0. 3382 I~E GRANTED, IN PAR'.P WH~Rf3AS, i:t-ie ~nahei.m CiL-y ~lanniny Cornmission dic! receiv~ a vezif.ied ~~eti~ion ior Var.iance Erom h1YlJtJG-SH:IK YUN ~rin ICUM OK YU~I, 7?.7 South t3~ach F3oulevard, Anaheim, Cal.ifor.nia 92t304, owners of certain rr-_a1 ~roperty situated in the Cit,y ~f Anahei.m, County of Orange, State of California dcscri~a~d as: PAFtCELS 1~ 2, & 3 OF' PARCEL MAP N0. 79-275, ?N THE (;ITY OF ANAHETM, AS P13R f4AP FILLll IN BOOK :154, PAGES ~7 :,ND 48 OF PA.k~rL MAPS, TN THG OFIICE GF THE COUNTY RECORDGR UF SAID COUNTY, WHF;REAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Ciui.c Center in the City of An~heim on Mar~h 19, 193~, at 1:30 p.m., nolice of• sa.i~ public f~earing haviny been duly given as requir.ed by law and in accor.dance ~va.th the provisions af the Anaheim Munic:ipal C:~de, Chapter ].8.03, to he~r and co~nsider evidence for and against sa.id praposed variance arld to investiaate and make findings ~~~d r.ecommendatior~s in co~-ra~ction ti:erewith; ar_d WHEkF:AS, saicl CrR~mission, a.fter dua inspection, investiyation and study made by ikselt and in its behalf, and after. due consideration uf al'1 evi~ence zncl repor.t~s otfered at ~aici hearing, does find anc~ determine the f~llowin,y facts: 1. That the ~etitioner proposes ~aaivers ~f tt~e~ follo~•~ing to retain a freestanaing sign and an entrance canopy: (a) SLCTIONS .l8_._05.u93.U241 - Maxirrum sign heighl-. AND 18.~~.U67 (?.5,.Eeet permitted within 750 f~et of. re~idential zonir~g; 43 fe~t existing at approxi.mately 300 feet) (U) SGCTION 18.44.U63.010 - Minimum scructural setback. ~rr~ (lU feet required for entrance canopy; 2 feet exish.inq ) 2. 'rhat the above-mentioned waiver (a) is hereby denied on tr,e basis that L•he si.gn was .:anstrur,ted exceeciing the height specified ori the buildiny permit issued by the Buildiny Diviaion; an.i i:hat strict applic:ation of the zoriing Code do~s not deprive l-he pro~.~erty of privi:legps enjoyed by o~.her pror~erti~s in identical zoniny classi~ical-ion in the vicinity. 3. That thF• above-meritior~ed waiver (b) is hereby granted un the bas.is that there are :~pecial circumstances applicable to the pr~perty su~h as size, shape, tapograpP,y, locatiori and surroundings which clo not apply tu other identicall.y zor~ed pruperty in the same •ricinity; ~nd ~hat strict application oE the Zoning Code depr.ivPS the properfy af pri.vileges enjoyed by other properti~s in the identical z~ne and classificati~n in the vici.nity and ~ubject to Interc~epar.tmerttal Committee recomrren~ations. #U177r PC84-51 `; ::~':a~;~ `'';~`e 4. That there are exc:eptional or ex~raordin~ry circumstances or cor.~i~ion~ applicablP t,o the pro~erty invo.lved or to the intende~l use of the property tha~ c1o noL• apply gnnera.lly to t;:~ property or class of us~ in ~he same: vic:ini.ty and zon~. 5. 'I'hat th~ reque:~ted variance i~ necessary f:nr L•he preservatio,n and er:;joyrr~~c7t af a substant.ial ~.~roperty right gossesUed by other propert•~ in the same vicin~~y anc] zone, and denied tc, thc pr.opert-.y in question. 6. That. ~he rcquested variance will not be mal•erially detrimenta]. to the public welfar~ or injur,iou:~ i:o tk~e property or improvements in ::uch v~cinity and zone in wl~icti thc proper~~ i~ locai.ed. 7. That no one indicated Lh~air. pres~nce at said public hearing in oppo..ihion; and tha'c no corr~sponderice was Cec~ived in opposition to subject petii:ion. ENVII2UNNENTAL IM~ACT F:INllING: The Planning Di.r.ector or tlis authorized representative has determ..ined ~hat `hs proposed pro.ject falls within the definition ot Categoric~l E~xempi:i.ons, Class 11, as defined in the State EIR Guide].ines and is, tht:refarc, categoric~lly exempt from the requirem~nt to prepar~> an GIk. NUW, Z'EiLREt'OR~, f3E; IT RESOLVED that the Anaheiru Ci~y Planning Cammission does hereby yrant sul~ject Per.ition for Variance, upun the following conditions which ar~: hereby found to be a n~cessary prerequi.site to the praposed use of th~ subject property in order to preseLVe the sa£ety and general welfare of the Citizens of ~h~ City of Anahei.m: 1. That pla~ts sha11 be subrnit~ed to the T3ui1~]ing Di.vision showing compliance with Lhe minimum stelndards oF the City of Anaheim, inc].uding khe Uniform Builc7ing, Electrical, Mechanic~l ancl Fire Codes as adopted by L-he c;.ity of Anaheim. The appropri.at~ ~ermits shall be obtained for any necessar,y work. 2. 2'hat tkie owner of subject properi:y : hal.l submit a letter requestiny Lermination of Uariance Nc. 3092. 3. Ti~at subjecL• property shall be d~veloped substantial.ly in accordance wi~Y~ plans and specificatzons on file ~,~zth thE City of Anaheirr marked Exhibi~ Nos. 1 through 3; pr.ovided, however., that t'tie height of the freestanding sign as sk~~wn ~n the plans shall be reducec3 to twenty-Eive ~e~t in compliar~ce with maximu~n t~eight requirements of the I~naheim Municipal Codz. 4. That Condition Nos. 1 through 3, above-mentioned, shall be completed withi.n a period ~f 60 aays ~rom the date of this resol.ution. II~: I'P FURTHLIt RESOI~VED thak the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine th~zt ~r~opLion of this Resolution is axpressly predicated tapon applicant'~ compliance witii each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Shou.ld any such condition, or any nart thereo£, be declared xnvalid or unenforceable by the Final judgment of any court of competent j~irisdiction, then this Resoluti~n, and any approyals herein ccntained, shall. be deemed nu11 and vo~d. -2- YC84-51 2'HE E'OREUOING RESOLUTION is signed anC appr.ovtd b,y me this 19th day of March, 1)r3~}. , '~ C~~ . ~ •~~.r~,,,L,~ ---.-_____._.-- CHAIRWUM ~ ANAHE:CM (:IT1' F'LANNING COMMIaSION ATTFST: ~ /^ `-(' ~ ` .i r~ ,f~ j~t..Z~z, ~BCR~TAI2Y, ANAHLIM CITX PLANNIIVG COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFpRNTA ) COUNTY OF Oi~ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harxis, Secretary of the An~heim City Planning Commission, do h~reby certify tl~at the foregoing resolution was passed and adopt~d at a rreeting of the Anahei.m City Planning Commission hcld on March I4, .198~}, I~y the followiny vate of the members thereo.f : AYES: COyMTS8I0N~RS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FkY, HEF2BST, KINU, LA CLAIRE, MC BURNEY NU~S: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CObiMTSSIQNERS: NONL IN WITN~S:' WHEREGI', I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of March, 19840 ~ l~ %) ~~~r-'Gc.~ . .~1/L-~ ,.. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PZ~ANNING COMMTS,~TON t ~ j. a i ~. s -3~ PC84-51