PC 84-56~ ~: ,;,; RESOLUTION N0. PC84-~6 A REa0LUT70N Gk~ `.CHE ANAH~TM CITY PLANNIIJG COMMISSION '1'HPT PETI'i'IC'' F0~2 VARIANCG NU. 3385 QE DENIfsB WHEREAS, the Anaheim City P1~~nning Commission did receive a veri.~ied PEtii:ion fur Varilnc~ .Erom I'RANK MIN:I5SALL AND SARAH E. MINISSALE, 111 South Mohler Ari.ve~ A~zaheim, C~~lifornia 928U7, owners, and EMIL }3ENFS, Z4081 1orb~, Tustin, Ca.lifurn.ia 9z680, agent oi cer.tain real pro~~:rty sittxatPd in the City of P.naheim, Cottnty of Or~nge, Skate r~f Ca.lifornia d~scribed ~s: PARC:EL i : THAT Pf~R'I'ION OF THE SOU~l'HEAS`i' Q[JARTER OF SECTI~JN 36, TOWNSH2P 3 SOUTH, HA~JGE 9 WES'i', SAN 13ERNARDINO BASG AND M~RIDIAN, DE;SC:RIBLD IiS FOLL~WS: BL'GINN:[NG AT THE SO;;THEAST CORI~LR OF SAID ~EC'1'ION 3n; THENCE WEST '~'0 A POINT, 195 E'EET EAST 0£' TEI~ SOUTfiWEST CORNER OF 'I'HAT C~~tTAIN PARCEL OP' LAND CONVEYED TQ WILBU22 E. RAS~Y AND WTFE BY DGE;D RGCORDEU IN BOOK 1230, YAGE 230 OF OFFICI.AL RECORUS; TEIENCE NQ1~TH ?6° O1' W~ST ALONG THE SGUTHWESTERLI LINE OF THF.T C~RTAIN PARCEL OF' LAND CUNVEXED TO M;~CHP.EL C. BTNI~ER ANll WIC'~ BY UEED RECORDFD IN AOOK 1492, PAGE 86 Or OFFICIAL RFCORDS '.PO A PUIhT 64.83 FEEZ' SOUTHE?~STE1cLY FROM AN IN'TERS~C'rION ThERFOI' WITH THE SOUTH~ASTERLY LINS OF THE 100 FOOT ST.RrP Or LAND DESCkIBLD IN 11EED TQ STATE Q~ CALIrORNIA, HECORDL'D IN Fi00K 680, PAGF 165 OF OFFICIAT.~ RECORDS, SA.ID POINT FiEIN~ IN AN ARC UF A CUI2VE, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OC 8454.00 FEE'.P; T,HENCG NO.R~'HEASTE~?LY ALONG SAID CURVE, ~ROM A TANGENT BEARING NOR'i'H 46° 29' 1]." E~ST, `.i'HROUGH AIV ANGT~E OF' 1° 41' 55"~ AN ARC pIS?'AIVCE Ur' 25D.Ei3 I'EET 'i'p TEiE INTERSECTIUN TH.FI2EOF WI7'EI '~HE 50UTH41ESTERLY LINE OF 'PHAT CERTAIN 60 r^OOT STHIP OF i,AND DFSCRIBEb IN PARCEL 1 OF DE~;D TO HENRY F'. AEL GIORGIO AND WIrE, RECUFnED IN BOOK 1682, ~AGF 36~ OF ~~F'FTCTAI, R~CORDS; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALnNG SAID SOUTHWFSTERLY LINE OF THE 60 FOOT STRIP CONVEYEU 'l'0 DEL GIORGIO, TU `rHE F.ASTERGY LINE QF SA:CT S.ECTIO~J 36; THENCE SOUTH~RLY A.LOIVG SAID EAS~ERLY .LID1E OF SAID SEC7'ION 36 TO 'i'HE POI~~T OI' BEGINNING. P~~I;CLL, 2 THAT PORTI~JN OC THE SOUZ'H~A:iT 1/4 OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 3 SOU7'H, RANGE 9 WEST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERTDIAN, ACQUIRED BY 7'H~; STAZ'E OF CAL~IEORNIA BY A AEED kEC~JRDED IN BOQK 2U79, }.~AGE 160 OF OF~TCIAL RECORDS IN THE OFFICE nF THE COUNTY fiGCORDER OF' SAIC1 COUNTY, BOUNDED NORTHWFSTERLY BY A LIIVE ])ESCRIE~Ell AS FO,LLOWS: BEGINNING AT A F~OIN'r IN 7'iiE SUUTH LIN~; OF SAID SECTION, SAID I~OINT Bk;ING DISTANT ALONG SOU'rH LSNE EAS`.CEKLY, ?.9.10 Fk;ET FRI~M THE NOR~HEASTERLY T~;RMIIVUS Or' THAT. CERTF.IN COURSE 17ESCRIBED AS "NORTH 44° 0?' 42" EAST,. G86.9G FEET" rN PA.,CGL 1 OF A DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 1731, PAGE 52.1 OF #0181r PCg9-56 OE'I`TCIAL FECQRllS IN SAIU OL'EICE; 'L'H}3NCE NOI2THEAST~RLX It~ A DIRECT L~TNE TO THFa SOUTHEAS7.'ERLY 'r.ERMlNUS OF TEfAT CFR`.PAIN COUI~SE ll.ESCRIBGD AS "SOUTH 25° 55' 'l7" f:'~S'I'~ A DIS'i'ANCG OF 64.83 FLET TU ~I'HE IN'i'ERSECTION TE•lEREO~~ WI'I'H A CURVE" IN A DEEA R~;C~RDL'D 7.N F1UU[C 2285, PAGE ~82, O~ OI'FICIAL RECORDS IN SAID OFFICE, WI3EREA5, the City Plan~ing Commissiun ~:'1 hold a public hearing at the Civic Center i.n kh~ CiL•y of Anaheim on April 2, 1984, al-. 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing haviny be~n dul,y given as requir.ed by law and in accorr~ance with tPie provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,03, t;~ hear and r.onsider evi.de-ice f~r and against said proposed vari.anee and to investig~te anci malce finding~ and recommenda~ions in cannection l-herev~.ith; and WEIEREAS, said Commission, af:ter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in iL-s behalL-, and after clue consideration oE a11 evidence and reports offered at ~aid heari.ng, ~~es find a»d deL-ermine t~ie following facts: 1. That tr,e pe~itioner proposes waivers of. ~he following to construct two (2) commercial office bu•ilciings: SEC~'ION 18.8~.U62.011 - Minim~~m landscape~~ buildin~ setback (lU0 feet required along Scenic Highways- S~nta Ana Canyon Road; 20 to 58 fePt proposed) SECTTON 18.~4.062.031 - Maximum buildiny height (3S fe~t permikted i.n the Scenic Corrid~r; 37 fEet proposed) 2. That the above-men~ioned wa~.vtrs are hereby c:l~~nied on rhe basis that there are no special ~ircumstances applicable to the pr.operty ~uch as sizef shape, to~ography, location or surraundings, which do nat apply to the 'Loning Codes does not deprive the property cf privilPges enj~yed by o~rEr properties in identical zoning class•i~ication in the vicini~y; anci an the Ia,~sis that the reclas;ificatiun to permii: oEfice buildings was denied, th~reby protiibiting this use in a residential zone. 3. That tl-~ere are r.o exc~ptional nr extraordinary circumsi.arices or conditi.ons applicable to the property involved or t~ the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of us~ in the ~ame vi~inity and zone. 4. 'rhat the requestecf variancF• is not necessary for the pres~rvaL•ion and enjoyment of a substa~iti.al property rigtit possessed ~y other groperty in thp sarne vicinity and zone, 1nd denied to the property iii question. 5. 'Phat the requested vari.ance wi11 he materially detrimental to the public welfare ar injurious i:o the property or impr~vements in such vicinity anc7 zone ~n which the property is located. 6. That 15 pe~sons indicated their pre,ence at said public hearing l:l o~pasition; and that petitions containir.g appro:tim~tely 24.3 aignatures were received in opposation ~o subjECt petii:ion. PC84-56 -2- ENVIRUNM~N7'AL IMPACT k':INDING; That the Anaheim City P1ar~ning Comm:is~ion has revie4r~c! the p,eoposa.l to chanqe tt~e current hillside e~tat~ density r.esi.dential zaning designat.ior, on ~he Gerceral Pl~an to CommeLCia]. Pro~es,ional and to r.eclassi.Ey subj~ct property from L•he 12S-A-43,OOp(SCj (Residential,lAgricultur.al, Scenic Corriclor Ov~rlay) Zone i:o the CO(SC) (Commercial, O~tice an~ Professional., Scenic Corridor• Overlay) Zone to construct two commercial oL•fice buildings with wai~~er o:E minimum landscaped bui.~ding s~tba,ck and maximum building height on an irregul~rly-shaped parcel of lr~nd consisking of approxamaL•ely 1.2 acres located aL the southwesi: corner oi Santa Ana Canyon and Mohler Driv~, and further described as 111 South MohJ.er Drive; and does hereb,y approve the Negative Declaration upon the finding that it has considerNd khe Negative Declaration together. with ~ny commen~s rec~ived during the pU.~11r revi~w process and further finding on th~ basis of the initial study and any comments re~eived that ther~ i,s no ~ubstantial ev.i.denc~ that the pro ject wi.l1 h~ve a significant ~ifect on the enviranment. ~~W. THLREE~ORE, HC IT RESO'LVED that the Anahcim City Planning Co~r;mission does hereby de: ~ subject P~tition far tlariance on the basis of t.he afocementioned findings. THE FORGGOING RESOI,UT2pt~ is signed and approved by me this 2nd day u~ Apz•il, 1984. ~ ~2'u ,~~l~z~ Ct1 CHAIRWUMA~Y ANAHPIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: - ~ ~.~~ ~ , - ~~ ~• ~„ SECRr~TARY, ANAHEIM CT'.PY F~LANNIP]G COMMTSSION STATL OF CA.L' IFORNIA COONTY Or ORANGE ) aS . CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commiasion, do hereby, certify that ~he forPgu?.ng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the An~heim City Planning Commissior~ held on Apri1 2, 1984, ~y the fo2lowing votc~ o~ the members thereof : ~xE`~: CUMMTS570NERS; BOUAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERA~T, K.T.NG, LA CLAIRE, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~N~.': COMMISSIONF.;RS: MC BURNEY IN WIZ'Nk~SS WHEREOF, I hav~ hereunto :;et my hand this 2nd day ot April, 19~4. ` ~~C~'"~_ ~ ~/~'~-~....~.=, SECR~;TARY, AN~IHEIM CITY PLAIvNING COMh1ISSI0N -3- PCE4-5G