PC 84-58~~ RLSOLU'1'IqN NU. l~C:~34-58 A 1tL'SULU'i'IC)N O!~ '.PI~L ANAHEIM CI'.['Y PLAN`IING CUMMISSION t THAT ~~L'1'I't'TUN E'nR CUNUT'1'IONAi, USL•' I.~CRM:[T N0. 2554 EiE GRAN7'Ell PJHEkP:AS, the Anal~eim C.ity P~.anninc~ Commi~sian did receive a veritied P~~titior tcr Concii~ional t~s~ Parr~it .Eran i'E;RRELL A. WLR~12 AND KAR[;N k. WEBGR, ~?80 Via Vi~t;-~, Anaheim, Cal.ifor.nia 92807, owr~ers oE cr~rt~in real pro~er~y situ~~ed in thE Cil-.y o[ Anaheim, County oF Orange, State oF Califocnia, dcscribed as: LOT 3 ANll `rHG W::STEk~LY 6.57 F1;~`I.' UE' LOT 2 Ui' TRACT N0. 1843, AS SHOWN UN A M.'~P RECO:tDED IN BOCJK 53, PAGES ~5 AND 4. r OF MI;;CGLLANEUUS MAt~S, REC:ORDS Oe 012ANGE COUNTY, CALIEOFP~)IA. EXCEPTING FRQM SAID Lp'P 3 TE1F: WESTEF2LY 6.57 FEE`P 2'NEREOF. WHEREAS, tt~e City ~lar~ning Comnission did ho.ld a p~iblic hear.in5 al•. the Ci.vic Center i.n the City of Anaheim on April 2, 1984, ~t 1:30 g.m., natice of sai.d public hearing having been duly given as required l~y law and in accordance with the provis.~,:is of the Anah~im Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.03, to hear and consider evidence for anc] againat~ said proposed conditi~nal usc Fermit and to investigate and n;ake finding~ and recommen~ations in connection tner~wi.th; and WHLREAS, said Cornmission, after due inspec~.ion, investigation ~nd study madz by itseif and in iL•s hehalf, anc~ after due consideration of. all. evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does Find arid determine the ~o].lowiny ta~ts : 1. That the propased usca is prop~~rly one f.or which a conditional use permit is authorizecl by Anaheim Munici.pal Code Section 1a.41.p15.03~ & 18.41.C15U.130 to wit: t~ permit a professional ~ffice use i.n a residential structure. 2. 7'hat the pcoposed use will not adver.sely aifect ~l:e adjoininy land us~s and the growr.t~ and d~~~elopment of tf~e area in whi~h it is proposed to be located. 3. That the size and sh3pe of tt~e si te proposed f:~nr the ii~e is adequate to a11ow the F.ull development of the proposed use in ~ manner not detrimFnLal to ttae particu~ar area noc to the peace, health, safety and genera?. welface of the Citizens of Che City o£ Anaheim. 4. Thal- the yra;,ting of the Conditional Use Pe:mit «nder the condirions impo~ed, iE any, wi.l.l no~ k~e deCrimental ro the ~e~~ce, health, safety and yeneral weltare oi th;: Citizens of r.he Ci~y of Anaheim. 5. Z'hat th~e traffic generatied by the pcop~sed u; e will not imposc an undue burden upon the str.e~r_s ana h.ighways designed and xmproved tc? carry ~he traff~c in the area. G. That no on~ indicated th~ir pre~ence at said public hearing in oppositicn; and that no u~rrNS~ondence was rece;.ved in opposition to thh sa;,je~t petition. ~iU183r PC;$~-58 /'~\ r,NVIItONMGN~rt~c, :[MPAC't' ~IND.~NG: Tha~ the Anaheim CiL-y Planning Commis~ ion h~s revieweci th~ pr.c~posal to rec:l.-~ssify ~ubject property Lrom Y.he RS-720f1 (Sing.l~-l~ami.ly, Resid~ntia].) 7~~ne to th~ CO (Cnmmercial, Offic~ and Prof~::~sional) zon~_ to per.mit a ~rofQrasional afCice use in r.esic3enti.al structute on an ircegularl,y-shapFCi parcE~l oE ].and r,onsisting of ap~r~ximately E35U0 square feeL- l~ava.ng a front.age of. app.roximal:e:ly 5A tcek on ~he nortr~ side of Lincoln Avenue, ancl f.ucther described as 2'1.03 L'as~ Lincoln Avenue; and does hereb,y ap~rove l-.he Negat;ive lleclaration upon L•inding tr~~t it~ Y~as consider.~d the Nega~ive DEC.laration toyether w.itt~ any cornments r?ceiv~d during the piiblic review proctss ancl furL-her finding an rhe basi.s of the ini~i.al srudy and any i:ommer~ts raceived that there is no substantial evidence t:hat the projec~ w.ill have a si.ynificanl: efi~ct on the en~~ironmc~nL-. NOW, THEREE`ORE, aE ZT RL50I.V~D that the Anaheim Ci!~y S~J.anning Commissi.ori does tZereby grant subject Petitiun £or Conc9itional ~Jsc: Permit, uporl the followi.ng con~iitions wt~ich are her.e~~~ found tn be a neccssary prerequisite to the proposed us~ of the ,ubjecL ~roperty in or.der to preserve the safety and general welfare of tt~e Ci.t~z~ns oF the City o.f An~~heim: 1. Z•hat L•his Conditional Use Per.mit is granted subject to the cvmpletion of Reclassificatiori ~]~~. 83-84-25, now pe.nding. "l. Th~~t prior to issuance of a buiiding perrnit, the appropriate traffic sign~l assessm~nt fee shall be paid to the City of Ariaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council for new commercial buildings. 3. That trash storage areas sha11 be provided in accurdance with a~proved pl~~ns ori ~i.le with Lhe Street Maintenance and Sa~itation Divisior. 4. That the existiny strucl-ure sha.~.l b~ brought up to tl~~ minimum standards of the Ci.ty of ~nahei.m, incl~~~ing the Uniform Buildiny, Plumbing, Electrical, Me~haniral and Fire .:od~s as adopted by the ~ity of Anaheim. 5. Z'l~at the proposal sha.11 compll with all signing :-equirements of the CO Zone, unless a varian~•~~ pcrmittic~g otherwise is approve~:] by the Planni.ng Com~nission an~]/o~ City Cou~lcil. 6. '.t~hat ~ 6-fuot hi7h masunry block wall shall be consl•.ructed al~ng the east and west property .lines. 7. ~'hat any praposed parkir.g ar~a lighting fixtures sha11 be down-lightecl with a maxi~num t~eight of 12 fezt. Said iight.ing fixtures sr,all be dir~ctec~ away from adjacent ur.operty lines to protect the restdential integrity of tne area. a. That sub j~,ct property sl-~a.l:l k~~~ develo~e~l substantially ir accorc7ance wil•h p?an: anrl speciti.cataons an E~le with the City of Anahefm marked Exhibi` "~os. 1 and 'l. 9. Tt~at prior to Ein~il bua.lding and zoni.ng in~~ections or co;nmencement c+f the activity herain ~ppcovPd, whichever occisrs f.irst, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, 5, 7 and 8, whove~tne~:itianed, shall be complie~ with. -2- PC84-58 ,,., ,~ r~^+~ L~L IT b'[,~P,TH[;R RTSQLVED L-hat l:he Anahe.im Ci.t;y Planning Commi~:sion does h~reby i:ind ~nd determine thal ~dopki,on o~~ thi, pre~iical•ed u~on ap~licant's compliance with each and Ra111 f~the~condit~i.ons t~ereinabove set forkh. Stiou.ld any such conditi.ans, or. any part l:hereof, ~~ declared ;nvalid or uner~Eurceabl~ by the final competent jurisdicl-.ion, then thiN RESOluti~n ~U~`~mznt of any court o~ cont~i.;~ed, sha11 be deemed nu.11 ancl void. ~ and a~~y approvals hez~~~.n THE ~'OREc;pING 12ESOLU~ION is signed and approved by m~~ i:his ~nd day of Apri1, 19a4. . i~s ~ ~IJ ---. ~~f ,~lfr.'.'.~...,t,r-ax--~ CH?1:[RWOMAN,~~ NAHEIM CI'i'1 PLANNING COMMI~SION A!i'7' E S'.1' ; C.. ~ - ~ ~-,~L~E~ ~ `'[G i=- f <.c. SECRE'1'AR1,, ANAHEIM CI~i'y .p~,AD1NiNG COMh]ISSION STATE OE' CALIFORNI~ ) COUN`~'Y OF p?~ANGE ) ss. CITY pF ANAtIE1M ) z- Edith r~. Elarris, aecretary of the Anaheim City planning Cominissi.~n, do hereb~~ certity that the foreg~i.ng resol~il-ian was gassed and adopted at a meeting oF the Ansheim City Planning Commissi~n h~ld on April 2, 19~~, by t:he follawi~ig vot~ of t,he members ; h~reof. ; A'tES: COE1MISSION~I~~; BOUAS, BUSHOItE, ERY., HGRBS'.C, KING NOES: C(JMMIaSI0NEf2C; NONE r LA CLAIRE ABSENT: CQMMISSTUNERS; MC g(;HN~;y ' IN WZ'I'NESS WHE;REOt , I hav~ hereunL~ set my hand this 2nd c7ay o~ April, 19~4. '"'~~ ~~~~ ~ . SECRE'I'ARY, ANAHEIM CI /~~ ~-~~ Tl' PLAN1VIPIG COMMISSION . . . . . "~Vi~;+ -3- PC84-5Fi