PC 84-59,~'^~ Rt,SOLU'i']:ON N0. PC:84-59 wr A RESOLU'i'I()N Oi~ TFIL; ANAH~TM CI':PY L~LANtJING COMMISSION T[•lA'.l' PL;`1'T'L'ION L'C~R VARIIINCB NU. 3:387 BE GRAN`TED WEIEREAS, th~ Anaheim Ci.ty Plann:ing Commissic~n dic~ receivc a verified Petiti.on ~ar Variance from NORMAN Po GLU'i'~l ANI~ BARBARA Se Gluth and MIRIAM ,7. I,ANDSMRN, 8491 I'ox E~lill.s .~veiZUe, Buena Park, Ca.lif~rniu, 90621, agent, of cerL-ain re~al pror~erty situated in 1:he Cily o~ Anahei.m, County of (:ran~e, St.al•e ~f Califor.nia described as: LO`1' S OF TFACT 3398~ AS PF~R MAP I2ECOFtDF.D IN BOOK 12~, PAGES 47 AND 48 OF MISCEI~LANEOqS MAPS IN THE OkFICG OF '1'FIE COC~NTX RGCOFtDER OL' SATD CUUNTY. WElERLAS, th~ City Plcnning Commi~s.ion dici hold a public hearing at• the Ca,vic Center in the City of An~-~heim on Apri.l 'lnd I984 at 1:30 p.m., no~ice of said puk~lic hearing haviny been dull given as re~uirc~d by 1~w and iri acc~rdance with the provisions oF Lhe Ariaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1a.03, to tiear and r.onsider evid~nc~ for Gnd against said proposed varianc~ and ta investiyate and rnalce f ,it~gs and recommend.~tions in conn~ction th~~rewith; and WEi~HEAS, saicl c:ommission, aFter due inspection, investiyation and study mc3de by itself anci in its behalf, ~xnd after due considerati~n of all eviclence anci reports ut-fer~cl at ya.id hear.ing, does f.ind and det2rmine Lhe followiny facts: 1. That the petitioner propo:;t~s waiv~rs of the following Yo retai.n an illegal apartmcnt unit: (a) 51sCTTGN 1F3.:i4.U61.OlU •- Mi.nimum sit~ area per dwelling unit ~ (120~-square fEet r.equi.rec]; 1150-squace~. f.eet existing? (k,) SF;C'PIQN 1~.34.06?.032 - Minimum floor a:rea of dwel7.ing unit ~~ (700-~c~uar~ Eeet r~~quired for a 1-bedroom a~artment; 555-square .feet existing) (c) SECTIONS„18.34.OGG.O].0 - Minimum nurnber and type of purking spaces AND 18.~)6.050.U1'll (43 ~ accs (39 c~vered) required; 19 spaces i (18 ~ncloy~~d) exis~ing) 2. That the above-mentioned waiv~:rs (a) and (b) ar~ r,ereby grantcd on Ehe basis that th~ p~rking va:iance will. not cause an incr.ease in t.rafiic congestion zn th~: immediate vicinity nor advPrse7.y aE~ect any adjoining land uses; and that the gcar~tirg of. clie parking var iarice under the conditions imQos~d, if any, wil.l not be detrimen~al to the peace, health, safet,y or o,ener~Y welfare of the citizens of the Cicy oi: Anaheim. 3. That. thE above--mentionecl ~oui.ver (c) is h~:eby ~~ranted on the basis that tt~ere are spec:ial circumstances a~plicanlc~ to the property such as size, shape, i:oX~ography, locatien and surroundings whict~ do no~ appl.y to other ~0.89r PC84-59 identically zon~d property zn L-h~ same v:iciniL-y; and l-hat sL-rict appli.cati~n of the Zoning C~de ~~epri.vc:; tihe property of privileges enjoycd by oth~r pr.operties in the identical zone and classifir.~l-.ion in the vicinity and sub~ect to Tnterdepartm~~~ta1 Committ~e recommendatic~ns. 4. Thal- sub;ject variance is he.reby g.ranted subjec~ to the petitioncr': sti.~~ulation at thn pub].ic hea.ring to execute a~~:a r~cor.d ~ covenant on subjecr pr~perty within sixty (6U) c~ays requiri~~y that the illegal apar,tmc~nt. unit will be c~onvertFd back in~o a garage ir. conformance wi.th thc~ origina7. plans ap~:•roved for sut~~eci: aparLmer~t comple~; wzen the property is s~ld. 5. Th~t ther.e are excc~ptional or extraocdinary circ:umstances or condiL-ions applicabZe L-o rhe pr.opprty involved ~r t.o the intPnded use cE ~he property thaC do rioL• app].y yenerally to l:h~ property ar class of use in the same vic.inii.y arid zune. G. 7'hat the r~qitesl:ecl variance :is nece:;sary for l-.he preservation and enjoyrnent o~ ~ substantiul pr~perty riyrit possessed by ol-her propertX in the same vi.~:i,ni.ty ancl zon~, and denied to thE prope;:i:y in quest•.ion. 7. That th~ reyuesi:ed v;arianc~ wil.l not be materially detrimental to t:h~ ~ublic weltare or injurious ~o the ~roperky or improvements in such vicinity ~nd zone in which the property i~ located. Q•. That r-o one ind.icat.ed thezr presence at said publi.c hearing in opposition; and thaL• no carrespondence was received i~l opposition to subjec~ petition. ENVIRONM~NTA~L TP9PACT FINDING: That the An~~heim CiEy Planniny Commission h~s reviewed th~ proposal to retair- a!i illegal apartment uni~ T~uith waivers ai• minimum site area per ~wel.li.ng unit, rninimum floor area of dwelli.ng unit, and mi.nimum number and type of parking spaces cn an irregularly-shapec~ parcel of lan~ consisting o~ approximately 0.45 acre, having a frontagP o£ approximately 50 fcet at the northea5tcrly terma.nus of Glencreyt Avenue, and f~:rthEr dESCribe~] as 1777 4vest Glencresc. Avenu~ ; and does hereby approve the Neytltive Declaration upon finding L-hat it has considered the Negative Declaration r_oyerh~r r~ith any comments received during L•he publ.ic review process and further finding on the basis oL- the ini.tial study and ~~riy comments recei.vEd that there is no substantial evic9ence~ that the project wi].1 have a signi£icar-t effect on the environrrent. NOW, THERP:r'O:RE, E~L IT l2ESULVED that the Anaheim City ~lanning Commission does hereby gr~nt sub;ect Petiti~~n f.or Vari~~nce, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a n~cessary prc~er~ ~isite to the proposed use oL the subject property i.n ozd~~i tc prt~serve sa£ety and gener.al wul£are of the Citiz~ns of th~ City of Anat~~~im: 1. Trat subject pcoperr.y shall be developed su~atanti~lly in accordance with plans and speciticat:ions on fi.:~e with the City af Anahei.m marked Exhib~t t~s~ 1 ttirough 3. 2. That L•h? exi.srina ~;onversic~n sha11 be brought up to the minim!am standarc~s of the C'.ty of Anahei:~, incl~.cding the Unif~rm Buildinyr Housing, Plumbin~, Electrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as adoptAd by the City of Anaheim. -~- PC84-~59 3. That this variance shall aulomatically expi.re upon ~he conveyancF of own~rship o~ the subject pcoperty by the owncr t.hereof at any tirne Collowing the effective dat~ of th~s variance; thak th~ owner o€ subja_r.t~ property sha11 execute and record a covei~~nt on suhjec:t property within sixty ;GO) days of the effective dar.e of this var.iance req,ui.ring that th~ i'llegal apartrnent unit wi.ll be converted back into a garage in canf.ormance wi~:h i:he original plans appxav~d for subject apartment com~l~x wheri thE property is sold. Said covenant sha].1 be approvEd by ~he Ci.ty Attorney's OiEice ~~rior to r.ecordatior. at the Orang~ C;ounty Recorder's office ar.d proof of sai~d recordation s~all be provided to the Planning DepartmPnt. 4. T:.at a11 ~f the abovr:-mentioned C~nc3itions shall be cempliecl wirh pr.ior to final Auilding and Zoning i.nspection:~ or wilhin a period of ~zxty (GO) Gays fzom Che date of ~his resolution, whichevEr ~ccurs first. BE 7:T FURTtiER P,ESU.LVED that the Anaheim City ~lanning Commissio-1 does hereby find and d~t~cmii~e that adoption o~ this r~esolution is expressiy predicated upon applicant's com~liance with ear.h and all o~ ~ha c~nditi.ons her2inabove set fori:h. Should any sur.h conditi~ci, ~r any part thereof, be declared invalid or unen.forceable by tl~e final judgment of any court of campetent jurisdiction, then khis Resolution, and any Gpprovals herein contained, shal]. be deemEd null ar.d void. 7'HE FOREGOING RESCLU7.'ION is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of ApriJ., 1984. ~~~.~u W:~~ fl~'-~''`--~--- CHAIkWOM}~N' ANAHEIM CITY YLAP~NING COMMISSZ'~N ATTEST: ~, L~~ ~1 -~ifit~L-~-~v SECRGTARY, ANAHEIM CI'.CY PLANNTIJG COMMISSIQN SxATE OF CALTFORNIA ) COUTI~'X UI' ORANGE a ss. CI'PY OF NNAH~IM ) T, Cditra L. Elarris, Secre~ary of the Anaheim City Plann~ng Co.mmisainn, do heceby cer.•tifx thaL thP Faregoing r~solution was passed ~nc~ adoptecl at a m. ~Ling of the P.naheim Ctty nlar~ning Corrmission held on Apri1 ?, 1984, h~~ the rollowing vote of th~ mtmbers ~hereof: AYES: COMMISSIOP7GR~; BOUAS, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIR~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: BUSHO~~E ABSENT: COMMISSIGNERS: FRY, MC f3URNEY IN WITNESS WE~EREOF, I t~ave hereunt_o ~et my hand this 2nd day of April, 1~E~1. _ ~ ~ ~.. .~`J .~!~L'~.-.~. SL;CRF:TARY, ANAHEIM CITt PLANNING CGMM,.I ~~ION 3- P~.g4--59