625Affidavit Of Publication SrrATE OF CALIFORNIA "IS. ('t)CNTY OF ORANGE ��argare:�__ S .r�r_ght of said county, being first duly sworn, says --that. she is a cit. iren of the United States, and of the State of California, over the age; of eighteen years: that she has no interest in, uor is she a party to the matter herein mentioned; that she is the pub- lisher of the ORANGE COUNTY NEWS a. weekly newspaper i.winted, published and circulated in the said County of Orange chat said ORANGE COUNTY \ E,WS is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid sub �c-ribers, and is published for the dissemination of both local and i eneral news and intelligence of general character; that it is not devoted to the. interests or i•ablished for the entertainment (11' a particular class, profession, I s-atle., calling, race or denomina- tion, or of any number thereof; that it has been 'printed and Pub- lished in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange. State of Cali- fornia for more than one year next preceding the first day of flM. c . P•ublica.tion hereto attached; that the Ordinance ..N4. &25_......... of which the annexed i, a printed c'()I'.. was .published in said news - iia per at. least c -;mniencing on the ...... day of January..... 19.39 and Ending on the ------------------------ day. c,t'--------- 19------- and that said Ord1.nanee .... _ ............. was published on the following days: ................. January 1939 9 3UNTY NEWS O R D I N A N,C E ' than pne-eighth, ineh per foot. NUMBER 625 5 SECTION 3: All ordinances 62 and parts of ordinances in An Ordinance of the City 01 Anaheim repealing Section 25 and amending_ fiction 23 of Ordinance No. 374,'9'the City of Anaheim, -entitled, 19AN ORDINANCE CRE- ATING THE OMC'E OF PLUMB- ING INSPOCTOR FOR THE CITY QF- ANAI d - AND DEFINING MS."DUTM AND REGULATING THE • COftTRUCTION AND IN- SPEICTION OF PLUMBING AND HOUsff b�ntAG ie wrmIN TIM SAID CI*TY.11 THE' (3iTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OAR'' ANAHEIM -DOES OR- DAIN AS. FOLLOWS: SECTION- 1: That Section 25 of Ordinance No. 374, entitled, "An Ordinance Creating the Office of Plumbing Inspector for the City of Anaheim and Defining His Duties and Replating the Con- struction and Inspection -of Plumb - Ing and House Drainage Within' the Said City," be and the same is hereby irepealed. SECTION 2: That. Section 23 of Ordinance No. 374, entitled, "An Ordinance Creating the Office of Plumbing Inspector for the City .of Anaheim and Defining His Duties and Regulating the Con- ,.struction and Inspection of Plumb- ing and House Drainage Within the Said City," be and the same is hereb3r amended to read as fol- lows". "S' E) TION 23: Every trap gba11 be effectively vented with an air pipe of a diameter of not less than ' that of such trap, except in case of a trap larger Chan two inches in diameter in which case • the air ,pipe : shall not be . less than two inches in diameter, provided that a: single pipe may be used to vent two traps' tarough the same fitting when such fitting has ef- 'ective mems to prevent the drain- age from one trap entering the other trap and is. made of one _0iece of metal without louse or attached pasts. All separate vent pipe within a radius' of twenty feet; may con- verge Into, one pipe :the size of which shall be governed by the provisions. of - Section • 27 and 93 of this ordinance. All vent pipes shall - terminate directly from the ..fixture, - and above all windows, air shafts or other openings in any building, and prgvide further, -ne vent pipe shall be less than 8 feet from any opening and shall be further removed if the in- sPector considers- it necessary for aanitary. . reasons. Horizontal vent pipes above the fixture level shall not exceed twenty feet in length and shall have ray fall of - not less • 11 :onflict with the provisions hereof ire hereby repealed. SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be i mblished ante in the Orange ,ounty News, a weekly newpaper )f general circulation, printed, j published and circulated in said amity of Anaheim, an thirty days :hereafter it shall take effect and m in full force. The foregoing Ordinance signed ind approved by me this 10th lay of January, 1939. CHAS. H. MANN, Mayor of the City of Anaheim t.TTEST: j I, Charles E. ,Griffith, City Clerk I of the City of Anaheim,, do hereby certify that -the foregoing ordin- Lnce was duly and regularly An- troduced at the regular meeting', I the City Council of the City d Anaheim on the 27th day of )ecember, 1938, and passed on the .0th day -of January, 1939, by the b1lowing vote: kYE" : Councilmen: Mann, Pear-, son, Yungbluth, Martenet Jr., Sheridan. VO -19S: Councilmen : None. kBSENT AND NOT VOTING: Councilmen : None. I CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, i '31ty Clerk of the City of Anaheim ; 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 is 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ORDINANCE NU-WBFR (0,9S An Ordinance of the City of Anaheim repealing Section 25 and amending Section 03 of Ordinance No. 374 of the City of Anaheim, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE CREAT. ING THE OFFICE OF PLUMBING INSPECTOR FOR THE CITY Op ANAHEIM AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES AND REGULATING THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND HOUSE DRAINAGE NiTHIN mHF SATD CImY." ATF CITY COUNC I is OF Z'N-K CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 2: That Section 25 of Ordinance No. 3749 entitled, "An Ordinance .r Creating the Office of Inspector Plumbing Ins for ,_ p o the City of Anaheim and Defining ffis Duties and Regulating the Construction and Inspection of Plumbing and House Drainage Within the Said City," be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2: That Section 23 of Ordinance No. 374, entitled, "An Ordinance Creating the Office of Dlumbinp Inspector for the City of Anaheim and. Defining His Duties and Regulating the Construction and Inspection of Plumbing and House Drainage Within the Said City," be and the same is hereby amended to read as L 11SECTION r '4 : Ever.), trap shall 'be effectively vented with an air pipe of a diameter of not less than that of such trap, except in case of a trap larger than two inches in diameter in which case the air pipe shall not be less than two inches in diameter. provided. that a. single pipe may be used to vent two traps through the same. fitting when such fitting tting ha.s effective means to prevent she drainage from one tral; entering tfle other trap and. is made of one piece of I metal wi thout loose or attached -parts, All separate vent nice within a. radius of twenty feet may converge into one oipe the size of which. shall be governed by the provisions of Section 27 and PE of this ordinance. All. vent p3. oes shall terminate directly from the fixture, and above all windows, air shafts or otn-er openings in any building, and provide further, no vent pice shall art 'be Less than S feet from any opening and shall 'be further removed if the inspector considers it necessary for sanitary reasons. Horizontal vent pines above the fixture level shall not exceed twenty feet in � length and she.11 have �' , a a .fall o� not less than one-eighth inch per foot. SECTION 3: All orr innnees and -parts of ordinances in conflict with the provi si ons hereof are hereby repealed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 2.1. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 4: 'I,r.e.--Ity �'?.erk s1ha.11 caase tkis Ordinance to be puolf shed ince i t� .= O."Lan :�= !:oun t;� News, e. �eexitT ne�soen of genere,l circulation, a •cu. LF d n s,� .:... f.i U of Anaheim, and thirty days sria..' i t:.ace of;'ect ani be in Jr ---ail force TI -le. foregoIng Or..i inrince si,-zned a.n a a,p roved by mfg t1'li s 10th day of January-, 1.939, z'000" AL -jr"- MR--v-or o f. t h e City of ' Ana.he i m r�M, . l TI - 112j " - CI ..�47k i. �.v..�er o r City of Anaheim, do hereby f. - t'n t toff foreaoi.n--M ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at the 7 re ^d:.a.r m . ting of tnF: City Cc) -Li n i : t:Le City of Anaheim on the 27th day : f �ecF�moE-rr. 19: 9-, and. passed on t'.i.e 10th da.;•, of January, 1939, by the i 10 vy, i n T t•. 41.. AYES: Coimci lme a: _ MIa.nn, Pearsont_ Yuuier-bl tn.,_ Ma.rtenet Jr._,_ Sheridan. ik)-41e ABSENT ANLY NCR V-071`0: Counc;ilmern: None L Ci y CI r. of the Ci tt-v Anaheim. _�_