PC 84-62RESOLUTION N0~ PC84-G2 A RGSULU`I'TUP; OF THL AfdAF1GIN1 C:LTY PI.,ADINING COMMISSTON THA'1' PGZ'I~'TON TUR CONf~T'1'IONAL U;;E I~ERNiI'.I' NC1. 2549 BE DGNIE~ WHEFt~AS, the flnaheim City P:lanning Commission did receive a verifiFCl Petitio[1 For Conditional Usc Permit Erom W. (;. ANll PHYLLIS E. MC CALL, 1120 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, CaliFornia 92301, owner oC cert.ain real property :ituatecl in the c:ity of Anaheim, County of Orange, S~ate o~ California, descr.ibed as: LOTS 41 AND 42 :IN HLOCI< I3 O[' ~.P[•IE [~AIRU SUI3UIVISIO~' AS PLR MAF Rf'CORn.ED :[N L~OOK 6, PAGc, 12 Ok' MISCEI~LAN:~OUS MAPS, RECORna OL' UIlANGE COUNTY, CA.LIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City PJ.anning Cammission did hold a pub.iic hearing at the Civi.c Cen~er in the City of Anaheim on April 16, 1A8~ at 1:.i0 p.m., notice o~ said public hearing having been duly given as r.equired by law and in accordance with the pr.ovisions of the Anan~im Muni.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to he;~r and cunsid~r evidence for and against said proposed conditional sse permit and to invPStigate ana make finding~ and recommendatinns in connection ther~c~~ith; and WHEREAS, said C~mmi~sion, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ancf after due ~~onsideraiion oF all evidence and reports offereci at said hearing, does find and detc~rmine khe following iacts: 1. Tha* the ~~ropos~d use is prope:ly one f.or which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Mur~icipaJ. Code Section to wit: ta permit a 6-unit senior citizeras apart~nent complex in the RM-1200 (Residential, t~u.ltiple-Family) zone. 2. That the proposed use is hereby dec~ied on the basis ~hal the location is not suitable for senior citizen housi.ng since t.ransportation tacilities and shopping and rnediczl services are not in close proximity, thereby requirin~~ tenants to ~ither driv~ or wa.lk at lcast two blocks to a bus stop. 3. That the proposed use ~i11 ad~ersely affect l:he adjoinin7 land u~es and the growth and develo~ment of the area irt which it is propused to be located. 4. That thv size and stiape of the sitie proposed for the use is not adequate to allow th~ Pull developm~nt of tha pr.oposed use in a:manner not detrimenta:~ to th~ particular areci nor to the peace, he~lth, safety and yeneraJ. welfare of the Citiceri;~ of the City of Anaheim. 5. That th~ granting of the Conc~ilional Use Permit will be detrimental t•o the peace, health, saPety and genera2 we.lfare of the CitizPns of the City oE Anah~im. 6. That no one in~ic~ted th~:.~ir presence at saicl public: hearing in op~osition; and r.ha~ no correspondence was xeceived in opposition ho the subject petition. #U190r PC84-62 ''~, . ENVIRONMLN~1'AL IMPACT rINDING: Th~~t. the Ar~ahe9.m City P.lanning Commission has reviewed Lhe proposal. to permit a 6-unii: s~nior citi~ens apartment complex in the Rl~1-1200 (itesidential, Multiple-Fami1~%) Z~ne on a rectangti:lar.ly-shaped ~:,arcel oL- land consisting oC ~a~~pro;cimately G3"i5 square fee4, hav~ng a front~ye of a~p~ cimately 50 feet on the west siele of Kroegpr. Street, and Fur.ther described a~ 514 Soutt~ Kroeyer Street; ancl does tiereby appcove the N~gative Declarati~n upon Eindi.r~g t:hat it has conside~red the Negative Declaration toy~ther with any comments rec~~i.vc:d during lhe publia reviPw process and .furthex finding on ttie basis of the initial study and any comments rec~ivecl that ther.e .is no subsl:antial evidence that tF,~ proj~ct will h~ve a siynificant ~f_fect on the ~nvironment. NoW, ~HP;R~FOitr, fiG IT 12ESOI,VED that th~ Anaheim City Plann.ing Commission does h~reby deny subject I~etition for Conditior.al Use Permit, on the basis of the af~r~mPntioned findings. ~F1E Ft~ItrGOING RFSOLUTION is signecl and approved by me this 16th clay af Apr~l, 1984. ~ ~Z'~~ ,-~/. /,~,N. ;'G .ll.~ CHAIRWOM , ANA:IEIM (:I'1'Y PLANDIING COMMISSION AT7'EST : c_..~ . •, / '~",~~~.c~._ L . SECRE`PARY, ANAEiETM CITY P. NNING COMMISSION S~'ATE OF (;ALTF'O1tNIA ) COUNTY UF ORANGL ) SS. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, EdiLh L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~ti, do kiereby cer.tify that the foregoing resol.ution was passFd and adopted at a meetiny of th~ Anaheim City Planning C~~mmission held on April 16, 1984, b~~ the following vote of the memb2rs thereof: AXES: COMMISSIObIERS: BOUAS, I3USHORF., FRY, HERRST, KING, hIC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS; NONE ABSEN7': COMMIS:~TONERS: LA CLATRE IN WITNESS WHE~EUF, T have hereunto set my hand this 16th da,y of April, 1984. , C,'~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~~' ~~~~r S~CRETA~~:, ANAHEIM CITF PLANNING COMMISSTON -2- Pr84-62 , .ti . _ _ _ :~