ORD N.0CE NO, 626
JF ANAHEI%�_, DEFI '� I iG ITS P(�? _-.:R�� Ai *'0 P "",ESCHI"6I G ITS DUTIES CREAT -
tf�Svri.TE.:i�I:.��: I;r DUrt'Ti,�c f PHGVIi IiG ''HL;::ETLC�D FOR ESTABLISHING RATES
rv-up � rn ``�"t�;_'R VF- i-AVING A -PLIC._ I "NS AND
11D 0rP, T. --TK v��.-�_:.�: ` 3 PECIF`.I:':.� .E T:=A�ti_..__ '?'
DEr S i �� .�.._ 5 C il F X,AiuT .i..: I �D141 }I NQ),%� �;:�JT PAYT� - NTS
LT C E!:1T.=:I R?..7L J S A . It, T LATI�:31 r5 Gt���E�.INI�,r�� THE INSTALL�TI Td
� � , r._,. �T E '�',,, _ ; �� . �;,�, :�'i'��V�: "4'��; A i;� ��"IXI q PF SfALT.i�'S %'Ott
`' iE �iI''' `�r CUUVC II.� k:iF Tn.� C `r CSF A?�Tp.I3EIP.: Du �S ORDAIN AS FOLLOW, S:
SECT1_01. 1: That the Publ-ic Service De-p=Jrtment of the
City oJ.
f Anaheim is herr. � care:,.t pd.. The Public Service De-partment
s:gall mainta l -n a.r office in the City Hall of the City of Anaheim
and shall receive= a.n,olicp tions an" de nosi-s for the installation of
electric and service; it shalt' read all electric and water
r:eters anot. co;-- �= ~.nc record all charge, egrainst consumers for
such electric a.nc u�c t ar service; it shall render all bills due
and oayabLe to the said City in t1'e _latter of the inst&llation,
consuMotion, de_L�uercy.A., disconnection and reconnection of such
electric and - .ter service, and attend to the collection of such
bills; it shill (3 tsirith the City rea.surer of said City all
moneys collected y it, and. mare monthly re _)orts to the City Council
of all transact;.ons ac riereinaf ter provided; and it shall do and
erfarri all c)':.I' e ca ts, not inconsistent
with general Law nor
the Ordina.neec of "Che Citjr of Ana. e i.r��, whY_ch may become necespary
or expedient for the-oroDer functioning and efficiency of said
Iden€.rtment, the safe-rr�J= rc9.!_rig of the revenues of said City and the
convenience of the consumers.
I SECTIC 9: That the office of Controller of the Public
Service Department Is her eb r created and_ such Controller shall
have- direct eha.rge of such Public Service Department • The Control—
ler small be annoi.nted by t�1e City Council and shall serve at its
30 BECTIC--i 3: Within ten days after receiving notice of
31 :Clis anoint:meat as Controil.:r of said. Public Service Department,
32 such -T)erp on so G-000inted s nall file with the City Clerk of said
City, an official bond in the sum of Five J.
Thousand ($5,000.00)
executers by at least tro good p.nd. sufficient sureties or a cor.jorate
suretl , which said bond. shall be conditioned upon the faithful
oerf ormanc e and d. is charge of his duties and shall be subject to
the approval of the City Council of said City.
T I r
4: Said Controller shall deposit all moneys
4 received or collected by him.. with the Treasurer of said City of
Arvthelm, not later than the d�.y after the same are collected by
hire, except aS nrovided in the follollring sections:
SECTION 5: Said Controller shall maintain and he is
hereby authorized to maintain all times, a fund, in cash, in
an amount not to exceed. Five Hundred Dollars (J500.00) for the
'Durpose of making change,.
SECTiC`' 6: At the firHt regilar meeting; of the City
Council of the sa.i - City of Anaheim, in each month, the said
Controller shall present to G -.id City Council a rritten report
of all moneys collected by him in the discha.roe of his official
^;.ut i els , incyud-Inw, all Jeno si ;'s , �enalti. es and other charges of
v.rhatever nature collected by se ld. Pl-1 fb>_ is Service Department,
to et ger tnri th Vine amours;s 1oaid out to consumers on refuncs of
de�osi t s , the amount s de'_ nqu ent in the payment of rates and
^harges for electrLe and z-�ater service, and all other accounts
and. transactions of sc;.ic�. DeY)a rtmen t. durin - the preceding calendar
.month. Said re. - ort shall shor trip. total nur ber of r�eterc in se.rvi ce
for each co.T!TE,.odity and. the number of such meters installed and dis-
connected durynp.- tl�e .o --ecedin;� calendar month. Said re-oort shall
set f orth a mon thl cr, . a. �ni son Oet*���-_ r=n thp. total amount of electric
anergy furni shF,? at the main switchbonard at the -roow. er house of the
'Cit: of Am.heim ani, the to - --.' amount of such energy sold to consumers
as rerlresented by. the sure of the readin.crs. of all electric meters
Rurink-.- the cor�iesnond.i n�-, rip.r. l.oc-., P.1 -so a siml.lar comparison betj�reen
`he total vol=e of ,err t er nur red and. delivered into the mains from
the several sources of water supply and- the total volume of mater sold
to consumers as »eDresented by the sum of the readings of all water
meters during the corresponding period.
SECT ICIN 7: The Controller of the Public Service Depart-
ment shall once each month examine ann reed, or cau:=.e to be exam -
fined and .read, the r -eters of all consumers of electricity and we -ter
furnished by the City of Anaheim, and ascertain the amount of elect-
ricitr and «m -ter so furnished by said City to each consumer and
s'nal 1 coconut e the amount due or the amount to become due to said
City for such electricity or vva.ter according to ordinances of said
City, resolutions � �-�
1 . olution_. bS the City Council of said. City, or contract
by which such electricity or vrater is furnished or delivered to said
conSurrer. U,Don a.acerta.ini n; the amount due said City for such elec-
tricity and water furnished said consumer, the Controller shall
charge the amount on an a.noroved ledger and render the consumer a
bill for the amount due, w1 ich amoun . shall become due and payable
u., -,on the date of the reading of the meter.
ryhe handing of the bill to such consumer in person, or the
placiner of the bill in an envelone or noon a. postal card addressed
to the consumer at r -lis street and. house number as furnished by him
to the Controller, a,ffixin� the nroner nost�.,�
_ . e and. mailing in the
United States host Office, shall constitute "rendering a bill, a
Neither. the non-recei-ot of any such bill nor its mis-
placement, loss oil destruction before payr,►ent, shall constitute
a cla ; m b 1 or in :: ehalf of such consumer for any extension of
time in w=sic", to -mai e payment thereof.
In ca. -:,e of such non-recei lot , misplacement, loss or d estru -
tion duolice.te, hills will be furnished consumers upon application to
the Public Service Department anj the payment to said Department
O'f' a book eex� n:r charge of ten cents ($.l') for each such duplicate
SH;CTIIJ-1."? 8: For the purpo� e of complyinlicr with or enforci
any of the nrovisi.ons of +1:119 Ordinance, or .for reading any meter
testing, changing, repairing, connecting, or
disconnecting a.nv electric nr water Yr.eter or service, the said
1controller. or other officer or employee of. said Public Service
'er_,a rtmer. t , or any �:�t�� er d e-oa.rtment of the Cityof Anaheim, is
hereby Puthorizer..j r n enter upon private property any day between
he fours of eight o t olock , M. a.nd. five o'clock P . M,
eF01rTnTi, A.11 bills of electricity -and water furnished
t y +hie said City shall be ;i n. are hereby d-eclared. payable at the
,office ot'Lie Controller of the Public Service Department in the
`�, uala -7f' the Ci ty Anaheim POh East Center Street in
said city.
SECTION 10: The -fo j.10wi� g terms wherever used. in this
IOr_d.i.na.-Lice, or In resolui:ions -)f the City Council adopted pursuant
, ec�t a. r��herwige snecif'ically i.I1d.icated by the context,
s►�a l ire :gee ne, `o -'r.kave an('. s call- have the meanings respectively
se+-rorth in t w section, to—wit:
"Consiuner" : Ary person, co—partnership or corporation,
•'phether owner, Lessee or renter of real ^roperty, using electricity
r)r 'water Furnished. by the City -�-�' Anaheim through meters or by
n n+racl .
"Kilowatt hours. The Standard unit of measurement of
electrical cvr�rk fir enerwy.
"Standbv charge": A minimum charge to be paid regardless
=f #rye arnount electricity --)r electrical energy consumed.
rse-now1.ni.t ,)f horsepower shall be determined
by :-he amount -)f electric current necessary for the continuous
o oera.t i.or, Of any electric equi-Pment for orte hour, based upon the
c onsump tion rif 74-6 watts Der hour.
1111.«nth'' : That, r;e ri.. )d. + i,me which shall elapse between
i-ae successive mw-n.t".1ir
. n .:�
mead i.. '
:,f meters by
� . � 4, 1
duly authorized
R�"ents or officials
whether the
shall be more
r less than e. calendar month.
"Insta2la.t,ion charge" .- The charge made by the City of
I Anaheim as compensation to it for all labor and. material furnished
2 in r: akin - connection with any eliectric , ine or grater main in said
3 City, -PO-"e�.�ct'";�_c tir Or •'`rc.tP,'" to be f_l?rnished to any conswer.
4n -L..- :r Cram: e" : A rate fixed by this Ordinance, or by
5 re,soiuti^-n� of T.'1).E- C'..ty Coi..;ncil, a.s co-��:.,Pn_ss.tion to said. City of
6 Anahei,i, _r'or ma.1.r aAn1n(-, its Errs ter a--i(-/or electric service and
7 hol:�-in}.: i`se .f in r. .
ead ness to serve, and. s'nall be the least
8 amount of money, charged by the City for water and./or electricity
9 j'_irn shed t �,�a;�y1� rneter��, tF►i:�F-.G, or _�i-oes of the sizes specified by
10 ordinance or resciution of sa.iu CI ty Council.
11 "Size of Pil:}e" : Then any size of nipe is mentioned in
12 VAiis o:L,d.inance, or in any reVc,lution ccid canted pursuant hereto,
13 the srrie sba.11 be -understood to r.ean the nominal inside diameter
14 of s tan- derl d :)i cue, r''easured in inches and fractions thereof.
15 SECT1,:11 11: Any owner, lessee or occupant of real
16 ronerty w-Ithin t"fze City of Ana..hei.r►,, s- Cm ie �.esirous of purchp sing
17 siectri.ci ty for �_ight or power or i s c _esi.rous of purchasing vrater
l8 -Pro- tr_e raid_ Cit. to be d eli..vered cr_ such :property, w1flich property
19 Shall be nro-ocrj.y inn -recd for electric '-_i_:=.ht -r T3ovrer, or equipped
''• V -oroner -llur:.bin�r- for the deliver of il►-.ter thereon, as the ca.ee
r'►' torr �"'r� va � �• � •
21 may re, in a.cc orda.nce _ o_. o.1.ia.ncps of the s:�id Cit -v of Anaheim or
22 resolutions of the City Council thereof, shall make application
23 e»pfPr tr, the P b,� i'.e Seryee Deo? rtr. ent. Each such applicant
24 v7ill be re -Wired to enter I ntc3 an agreement Tx►ith the City of
Ana It'zeir: t. pay t? -.e constituted rat ee for such electric or water
26 s r: r v 1- c a.: d to be governed. by the rte 1 e e a.nc: r egula t Ions of the
Public SP-rvic e �e oa rtm �ent , ad.c of ed by the City Council of said
CJLt y. If
bn tr e owner
of said
Mperty said
�reeme i±
c ;ntain
a Traiver, that
if the
for such rates
Is not naia in accordance wi t1i the orovisi.ons of Section 14, of t'n is
Ord -1. ria.ce, t;.�e o�r�77Pr s�.al�_ rr 1in(7u' Gh "t.i r i.hts as provic'�ed by Law
w ou?it of said. b-1 11 shalI becoi-ne a. lien, u -)on said proerty
and. I-- coi lected at the same ti.r.-ie and in t'ne came manner as all taxes
^n real. rrorier+ ,; -i.r. the. (6`;ty r.f Anaheim,
`r'?'T!" After said owner, lessee or occupant has
complied -tvi th `.jhe provisions ..)f this Ordinance, the Public Service
1epa.rtment shall - ereuron cause connections with the electric
�:vs,.ems �:.a.
.at,�.r mai.n.: to be made
to the said
lessee's, or
occj,t-nant' s
premises, al1 of which
be made *,?_jr0u�;h Y:,r. -er meters.
SPOTION 1�: The Public Service Department shall require
each c(Jn�:urner, except where the consizier ; s the owner of the real
[oroner-I!Y to -e served., to Cleposit with said Department a surd of
m. ine � e � r i.al 4- t ,-.e : ire: ;��:: i. � ,�:1)'.�:� t a � e = t i mat ed by said Department
"Al o montrl:' lr)il 1.`: �r. e cmmnd.ity to be supplied by such
iether electri ^ t �.rfa�t:2r,.no' no electricity or water
s=1al.l 1,e c ,un-nli.er, t.-lro-agh any se.rvl.ce after this ordinance takes
e:=feet �.�r� �..es.~ suc ;- .ears i.t has been so made and remains in the hands
>f said Public Service T_?e-oartment un. Bimini shed.; provided, however,
:la. nk-) (�e-pos l + "or either corn=-i,odi+'.y c hall be less than Two and. One-
ri. ::f a. n v bill�. forr electricity or water sold,
. 1rn-z shec or GUTOP l i ed. t r) such consumer shall not be paid on or before
"� �' " s herein provided the
-- f �' � �' n �. ��) C':. A. • .. r .L� t E? ? � i 1 E� same c� i�'! �: 7.. ;� �.'.I a 8..r-`
a-!�ount -)f such bi.' l shall be deducted .from and paid by the Public
S'ervi.ce Pe.aar.t .ier_tt"
:ut ,-).f the,
de;pos.it so
by suc-n. consumer.
Sa.i,�. Publ i_c Serir- c a
shall.. have
right to increase or.
!�Eecrease ;uc � d.e :��sa.t
as the
Controller shall
deem necessary.
-�n:� :w,,r:_r�es
for electricity and
r,t; er :sol. _ . , :fi-�.rn- J SrIed . gun-ol l �,r �-1 el vered by the City of .Anaheim
~kali ^e Elie {end ).iron t"ie "ate of meter reading, and if
r :jt _a�_d wit`,ain JL10teen. ria:ys *=her.eafter shall be deemed delinquent
janc the service ,�f electric. I t�v ^r wa.t��.r to the installation for
Ruo r i 11 s gelin�Nuent sha,11. thereupon be subject to dis-
%)nnec �i )n fan.d r� .` sc i)ntinuance with,)ut f_ur t��er notice. where such
erv. �.ce a4s beer s- 1. .�-�. sconnecte, or non-x)ayrnent of bills, it shall
I not be reconnected or revered. for the sane consumer nor sha1.1 such
2 consumer be furnished electric and/or crater service elsewhere except
3 upon pe-ymen t of tie whole, a.r.ount of the d. P . inquent bills for. electric
4 1ty or iw t.er previously furnished. to such disconnected installation,
5 together with a reconnecting- charge of One Dollar 41.00) for each
g such service so disconnected.
7 SECTION 15: Should any ourner, lessee or occupant be
8 desirous of having the service of electricity or water disconnected
9 from his -.premi�e�-, he shall so notify the Controller, who shall
10 immediately caul E- the electric or r-E.Aer meter to be read and removed,
11 and the service to lbe disconnected from said premises. The Con -
12 troller shall then render a f i nal bill to such consumer, which
13 bill steal?. :e and is he1�eby declared due and payable upc;n the date
I 4 of nieter .reading, and. any balance of the sa :ta. consumer's deposit
15 remaining in the hands of the said Department after all bills for
16 electricity and in ---ter supplied. through said. service ha.s been paid.
17 will be returned to the -oe.r son by whom such deposit was made.
18 Reinstatement of electric or Trra ter service to such premise
19 shall in all respects be treated as herein provided for new
20 appl 3. ca. t'.c� ns andnP t a.l :,. a t ions.
21 16: It shall 'he the duty of the owner of premises
22 on which electricity or .rr . ter furnished. by the City of Anaheim
23 is used. to notify the Pu -1. i_ c Service Department immediately upon
24 said pre�i se s b: i nc vacated, so t rn at Ga id Department may disconnect
25 such service. Electricity, and iva.ter .rates will be charged for
26 premise e vacated in every i -, ta.nc e until the City shall have been
27 notified. of VAe d1 sc-)nzinuance of t e use of such electricity or
:ra. -er and to disconnect such service.
Any owner of such premise failing; to give such notice
30 cor►i_pelled to pay such rates for, electricity and wcter due
31 and unsaid. from the date of the vacating, of such xr emises until
t �j e said. no t i c r- is ,_-; ven , and no electricity or water will there -
3 2 I
ftF!r ba fl..wnJ_shen sF;.id -prem seF until all .rates and all penalties
rlr rec:un,',iecting ona.:rge s! i.f ariy, as -:rescr1bed by this Ordinance,
-,r r-:reut- , n o-' +he C .t -,r Counci.I, have been a.id.
S'R'(';n' T 1' 17: When any consumer shall request the public
�-e.ry ice repartment to tem,porar-ily f.' .sconnect his service of. elec-
r *_�.: + -� -r zea' er -�� : t' ,�n�r re��,sr� �:;•sever, such service shall not
°:,n:surner slliC,-,,)aid have into the public
-er ,r. ce erar t.rne �t the s -um „f One nn�_ la.r ( 1.00) as a reconnecting
.� �.r - e ; `�-3r e�� c'r.: : �.��f�a �r:�rvIc e so disconnected.
SECTION 18: The City ;)f Anaheim reserves the right at
rin T +i me to shut off t0he electric =r water service for the x;ur :Nose
f E,�a. C :..r;:;� eaten �� i ; Tep� ..rs r. or other -pur��oses. ?'he City
f Anahe ifil may d scon-4.. rue water �� ��c�..r,�r electric service to an
� � Y
-.;recra ses wh " ch i L heir-lg. n-sef:"" ; Y_ violation O f any Ordinance of the
k lits :.tf Anaagein^, -.:3r )1 Rny Taw iaf t= he State of California or of the
}n�i.� e^ S;-a.tes P.n,.: shall not ---e requ-.re. to .reestablish such service
.intil. lU r.t.in .awful.. iiige c -eases an6 :dee for -reconnection has been
+..a: 0h��u -J +he City of Anaheim fail to furnish
elec t,r ic i. ty or urea t er "by reason Of of a.ny wire, pipe or
mac�-ii ery or fry. rn any cause '17,eyonti� its rower or control, the said
,.'i i -y 1-.r s:nv � S em,-"'1(,yees shall not be held responsible for
-,.ny c�::,mares �.� �� t'=nor �'onsurner houl'e.il to pay his bill within
he - a..��e soecif i - ed n the ►�rc,ViSi .•n.s of the Ordinances of said
4`ity P,Y'L0 any of t'l e ema-plovees o," the sa7.:w Ctty disconnect the said
e1eti tr L -r v►p-ter ervice colmo Lia,nce with the Ordinances of said
~i. r L} ,-I.-:,ie sa.-� d' ci t �r n �� i �, ` errrpol _�yees shalt rent be held responsible
*'or exile --r a ma.ge s +..qa#.t m. -1 mt- res --a'... t f rom sixc'l (( i sconnecti on.
PC): 'n �;:�e case ,��, weldi.�g transformers, neon
lam',os, rr;ercury v -scour iamns . f,"luorescent '.am -os and other gaseous
*:u^e l.a�.rr��s ��r. ::F�y ices havI 1_o��F --ower factors, served on general
service scheol..i.le..7. +11e 'I1 Anf t1e ..!m1 mr-lT require the consumer t'-)
� L �T1.C, e a t n s rvrn exnr-.,n-se, �o,�er fe.ctc�r c°orrec rive et ui�ornent, to
increa,7e the power factor of any such. transfrrrner� , lamps or other
devices to not less than 90 per cent. Such equipment shall be
subject to the a.p-c►rova..l o-,' t;'?e Superintendent of Light, Poorer and
;.,,.ter of J4—nali-teiri., and s"'Ciall be- of suc'"1 ty)e as not to interfere
V.ith rad' s .� or w1.reless broadcast i ng and/or receiving apparatus.
The Cit;:,. of Anaheim shall not be compelled to furnish electricity
for the oDer'..tivr- of any- such transforms-ers, lamps or devices unless
succi €gyp-oroved equi pri!ent has born Installed and is used.
SECTION 91: Circuses, shows, exhibitions, contractors oni
construction work and. all s iti1i. lar transient consumers, and all
ner�ons� desiring- ser. vice out -'side of tE'le City limits, desiring to
bF. Earn; shed �+tith. electricity or Tater bar the City of Anaheim, shall
make applic�:_tion for such service at the office of the Public
Service Department.
Each such a,,,) -P1 i ca.nt will be charged for all labor, and ex-
-jense i_ne _�.rred by t _e City it makin;- such connection, also for the
u' .-.e and. deprec.iationof all wire, ripe, hope, meters and other
er1ui-::;ment furnished by the City, an( such applicant shall deposit
with the Public Service Department at the time of making; application,
a sum of rnion ey sufficient to cover all of said charges.
1n the ease of transient consume ris, each applicant will
also be re(I.;uIred to d.enosit ��ri t sa id Department, before service
Is installed, a sum of rione:� sufficient to pay for the amount of
electricity and rater to '� e used tr:Irough such service, as estimated
lbv, said department at the estn b" ished rate; any balance of said
depo sits remain np:- in Vile hands of the Department after all proper
ratites and charr.;ec have been deducted therefrom, shall be returned
oto saic apnlicant w"Ien such service is discontinued.
SECmI�-�T 22. No grater slia.11 be furnished for irrigation
�-our-DosC r. inside of the City of Ana.'-:; ejm except for irrigation by
means of overhead sDrink _inc,.
Such service shall be permitted only through 11- inch met
1 and thrcugh 2 -inch meter connections; provided, hors: ever, that no
2 fc-f:ruicE shall be criven through the connections aforesaid, or for
3 irrigation purYaoses above vent'_ caned., excel►t when such water may
4 oe -furnished without interfering ri th a, sufficient supply of water
5 to the consume' -s for doar-:..e:ctic ourooses.
6 Service above provided fc;r shall be granted only upon the
7 np ica tion first ha vine been made, and. ha.vin .._- been connected to
8 the 'ity mains. Such ap-olica tion for use of ?' . ;er a aforesaid
9 shall = nad.e to the nuc eri.n tend ent of Light, Foix:er and dater of
10 the City of Anahe-JI—m. If said apyos_'!.ca.tlon be�;r'anted by the said
11 uoerint.;endent, sai d Su-r;,Prl ntend en t sl al 1 allot to the consumer a
12 Specific t Lme, and ezaid is;a.ter shall. be used by the consumer
13 at such time.., ae Is s-rPec1J'1ed bV the said Superintendent, and in no
14 P g !�•1� sa .d. O .iErinte-ndent pPrr:�i t said consur_,er to 1)se water
15 f or the -purposes aforesa_ld except between the hours of eight (9:00)
16 ' cloc'- U, i::. t� ^i_Y (6:0 ci oclr k of the folio Ti a
A. n, day •
17 Said consu mer ~may termincte said service at any time noon
18 L 'Tl Y`"'+ =ofiic e to sa.i(l. SuY)=r int.ent s.nry..rta� such notice said
19 E". ;.ce will no+ 1.:. e rec^nnected until, an additional service fee
-PTtiRro (��'`� P. .) Dol la. � p shall have been oaid..
N T�,�a_ -e r. shall be f i 3 �
21 a arn_�shec�. for �.rri�;ation purposes out -
22 1 -de of said '0it-:T.
SECT:'::: PDQ fire line s'qa?_i be used for any purpose
24 Cher than for the exti npfi:ti shment of fire, unless the same be
25 u-opl' e ' t11-roua c._�Ph meter, in which event ;she regular rates shall
e cher rhe(, togeVr1.er iFvI"Uh s. ch..r:-r si)ffIicient to cover the cost
27 D.
' sl -,ch mater and insta�.lation. TYhe.:re any fire line is used for
'111ve pur'po esz only, the owner and/or consumer shall pay the cost
29 A
inst=�.l?_--t�i 0n, ' nc_1.ud in - the coF- t o ' a proportional meter and/or
30 etector check deter and snail pay for all repairs to or necessar`
31 hangaz-s in such service from the City !lain to the premises served.
'hovil.�3. the orner f c�.il to nay for Quch .repairs o�-.� charge within
I fif teen (15) days after the rendering; of the bill thereof, as
orovided in this ordinance, such fire "Line service will be dis-
connected by the City and shall riot be reconnected extent as provid
In 6ection 13 and 14 of this Ordinance.
SECT101 04:
No Fire Hydrants
be opened
or used
except b;.:- the public
)5ervi ce, Fires and
ower and
De:.�=:.rt:•►.ien ts, c:» .�y such Der,. -ons as may 'eE authorized to do so by
' said Pub Ic Service De-oa rtm- ent. Any person or corporation desiring
to us a ixur ter through any Fire Hydrr,n or other Hydrant owned and
controlled by the City of. Anaheim will be reauir. ed to make applica-
t ion and de oo s i t therefor as -orovid. ed in Sect ion 21 of this Ordinanc
SECTIO ''5: In the case of a fire necessitating the use
o f r. ter from the Ci t'y it shall be unlamr-f ul for any person
cr oer.c,�ons to uf� e vu --.ter from said mains for any pur7)ose what -so -
ever exce-)t for the extingulshment of such fires or the saving of
adJoining oroperty. Any pc ^:,on viola,tins-- the provisions of this
section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
n .c tion Vier-eof sha".l be fined in a. sum not less than Ten Dollars
nor more than One '=undred Dollars ($100,00) or be
i-nprisoned for a oe-r l_od not to exceed thirty days, or be both so
f ined and imprisoned.
SECTIt No per = on sn..a.l 1 place on or a'oout any
Hydra-ri t, P. Siamese or other Fire ho e connectyon, or curb -cock
connected with r, ,,ipes of the Wa.tfPr Department of the City of
Anaheim, anytmri? L or ~other obstruction so as to prevent
j�ree accec;s to such Hydrant or othte r connection.
SECT j07: (a,) Ther sh.a11 7.--,E a stop -cock in every Nater
service attachment on the sidewa.l k or parking space, just inside
the Curb, x.t a sic' -In:; to 'c;e designa ted by said City, which said
!?ton -cock to-cr(et.:?E'r !'tit'1 t'r ter fn Pter cnd i tG f70X, Srla•l 1 besuppli,.A
b�Y the Cit�,r and" she -11 i z:.e for Ita eyelusive uc a and under its ex -
11 c-)ntro?
V •
M The City will not be responsible for damages to buildings
for t Heir contents occasioned by any break beyond the street service
box; and v! Cater consumers are hereby _required for their own loro-
ectinn, to provide, at their own expense, another stop -cock to be
placed at the first sup. tab1P point beNrond the stop or service of
the C L ty
kc) When i'iior e t an one service pipe is supplied from one attachment,
1 -hershall be as manyprotection stop -cocks as there are service
(d) All consumes of. 4,reater must keep their service pipes, fixtures,
story -cocks and other anneratus (but not the service own
.. ed and out
in b::- tine City) in -ood repair and free f.roan leakage at their or��n
expense, and they will be liable for all dama�Tes which may result
from- tlheir fc '.lure to enrvoly VTi th t' section.
e) Where it is necessary to protect water meters from damage
bRT heavy;- +ruck .n • 31.11 drive*r-c Ts i�rl1P.Y''=' ? :�tP_rs a.re located, e. charge
of $15.00 wil-I be mai a to cover the cost of a. heavy cast iron
mg=t c- r box.
SECTIC-N ?8: All elect,, and 'fir.= ter Meters and all material
e nd. eauyn* ent ynstR.11ed by the rub:' is Service Department shall
remain at all times the prope:r°ty of the City of An&eim, and where
replacer encs, re ��i11 o» adju�=tm�nts of any Teter or equipment are
_-endered necesa =.r. y by the act, neirligence or carelessness of the
c^nsu:�er, any exp ens e caused the Department thereby shall be charged
ap-ainst anal collected from the consumer. If such consumer or owner
f,.).ils to oay such charges upc)n demand, the electricity or water
may be shut off until such c1largf are. -paid, as provided in Section
14 of this Ordinance. Lieters shall not be installed in series.
'EC`^�J Any person, 'J_rm or corporation by-passing
oz-- diver t ing_,- electr of t or vra.ter, so that the same will not be
.:V. tered, or break'.n the s P �-�.ls or c ir�n yin or tampering with the
c,,:nnect-.:"ns of an_, ^lectric or w.:iter meter owned and controlled by
the City of Anaheim without having first obtaining written per -
from tn�= Public Service Department so to do; shall be
"I.jilt;r of a r-As6ereanor and. ur).::-n conviction thereof, shall be fined
a sur:l not lees than Ten Doilar8 ($1-0.00) nor more. than Three
iunrPc. <<p5o( Dollars, or im-arisoned not more than three months,
or be botr-. so fined and im-orisoned.
SECTI .1 =p: Ajly consumer ria.., demand that the meter
t'.rou , irv!" 3.ch electrIlLcity or water is being furnished to :his
-)rem1sF=:c; be examined enr� te.�ted. by sa.i� Department for the purpose
of ascertainin�r vrhetner or not it is regi5-te_ring correctly the
a -mount of electricity or yr .tei'' �.s being de F_ivered thriough it.
Such demand shell ba made in wit n til the Public Service Depart-
;:?=:nt and shall be a.ccomnanied. by a deposit of the amount charged for
`he v ario _ s sizes, t.;o_urit
`or .-e, t �� � any electric r eter. .25
tee t; ng a. 5/ + x 3/4"'wate er ....................... .
1 25
r te^ tire; a l" ter ��eter..............................==X1.'75
�nr ,Fstin,,, a ���� 11�r;:tE?r r,eter� ............... . .......... ... '
li er e t r eye3.00
or t e t i n=r a. 4 �� �r.r�.; er rn e t Ar ............................... 4.00
te.,tin 7 a, 6 or la,,,� er ,.,v;t er, mete» .................. .
Leon receipt of s-t_c'h deme -n(". it shall be the duty of the
13bl i s Service Deoartr:en t to cGa.e.. t i P, meter to be examined. and {I
-ted. If on examination a.nc-. t,=ct, t:le meter shall be found to
-Dver T"Iree re'" cent more electric .ty or eater than actually
.O sbees ;hrougi it, anot�ie:.- MPter shall be substituted therefor
_nd "Ahr fee chP.rL7ed shall be rena i d. to the consumer making the
&--oplicr. ;ion and the electric. c,r r.' ter 'Dill for the current -L-)eriod
pu. juate0. In sU.-c' � =�. f:ianner. E.^ t�-le Pub-' is Service Department maty deem
fair a.rdgist. If the meter shall be found to be accurate, the fee
ao deposited s'llail i^r 'orfeited to U' -he City and the electric and
1,rater oilns -paia as rendered.,
Any consutier liesiring 'T"o change the location of any of the
s equipmenthat has already beep, installed. for electric or
., 1.
wwaterservice, snal'IL make ca -plication to the Public Service Denart-
nierit,, -ann
llnon 'n;Li-yment of the estima-ted cost- of same, the Public
,rC e T*%
V -
cause such change to be made, The City
shall Rave the ri;:rht. -t.o, r-'.% -
hange the location of any meters and/or
cervi ce eoui'r')men*f," iinon the property Occupied by any consumer.
SV,CT T v e, n t t n
tri t'he e shortage of water becomes
"%-L rig it- shall become necessary to
L mmivent , or it" for any -o-ItIner re'a,so'
ly curtail the sura-Olf' y oelectricity or water furnished by
e C ill t -,.r
the 'Public Service Department shall formulate rules and
regul,cat,ions p-,oveTninLr qi.gn nn- sbovi luirindow lighting, the hours and
nuan-C.ities of vrat.e r +o be lined ti..)r IRDrinkling, lawns and. gardens, and
P! uc h
AA %a..
:.1.1 es an_ regula+.
may be deemed requisite and
f'or oovernAint', 4he 1,se --,,f electril.city and waterfurnished.
-1 6 1
16 ttie Coit,,,Y2 that Ruclrules P-nd regulations shall be sulb—
t"-e appr.(%v
17 4eci a" o"" the City Council of the City of Anaheim.
18 For every violati,)n of the --jr,)visions of this sectiong,
19 e Public Service Department Is Ji-Lereby authorized to im,..ose and
20 c..')llect. ene penalty Of TNr%
0 ',0/100 Dollars (12.50) for the first
21 Offense ano' ri--,re T) o I
0) "Or each subsequent offense so
22 rIJ tt ed
23 said. penalty s _�';
'nail when 'Iemanded-q the Public
r �i i c
0 r
24 P, T)ezoartrment s hey e by H ut'�, f) r e 40 lisconnect the ele t ic
25 Dr water c-Irp-oly cr > -o -I- h,,
as `-ie ocase may be. from the premises Of
e e n:..' J rit.
2r. -OR'rty, and such ;ervice I;h,.-...11 not be reinstated until
27 e na. 1 t y h a 11 a, v e lb e e n
tifte a-dditional nenalty of
r re -cc ri-riect.ing, each quch service,
28 03k. I
CZ T T 7%.T 7Zp
29 e ty. 0 r) i.in c i 1 `le City ;,f. Anaheim is
30 lierebv n -.,.-A, 41-AhorizecJ_. and emoowered sell and aistribute any surplus
31 v
id 'he corvorate limits of
32 ..i,-
V q n
11 (1 rl
oamtint s, �n(",
suc-a mean ,-3 and tat such .-ates
%-ancii ray deem r r:D,D e r for the best interests of said City,
Ov, de.d,, t" iat t T'EL to kc: t,oe e(Ifo- OJL
.1. ?uch services shall be
1 fixed b;-ftesolutior of tr'o.e City Council, and. provided further, that
2 all such Inste.11r- tions an:' services shall in all other resr3ects be
3 r overned by the "ro'ris ' nns of this 0r. dinanee and by the rules and
4 regula tions estab'111shed b% the Su,;erintendentof Light, Poorer and
5 ': t Qr•
SECTI;.�The Superintendent of Li* t, Power and Water 3
7 r:;a`r make, fror.► time to time, males n.nc' rerrulations not in conflict
8 Tr1th t.:+,is Crdins.nce, �,-overnirjr iA, -ter and/or electric service,
9 subject to t",*ie a.);;rova l of the City Council, and all consumers
10 sn[ Tl observe the c- rite to the s mp extent as though set forth in
:ilia Ord' �1ance.
12 SECTIG41 34: The City Council shall, by resolution, fix
13 tale installatAon chargee, to ---.e collected by the Public Service
14 Det�`.rtr_le `' for eecr` electric -service to be connected. with the
15 d.i stril,ut ine- sysr..em of the Ci t-% of Anaheim, and establish in -
16 sta.11a.tion charge- for iF.n ter installation, and the City Council
17 call, bar e-sfa.b^.i 4h thF rr.tP-s to 'e charged by said
kliblic Service De-oe.rtrr.ent for electric energy.- ad u►�:-.ter furnished
1 *:r cn
9 nsumF-rs, an(', f -r all services rendered. in connection there-
here-7° th 1Ytc1'din ' - r C�
C� stand bsf20
char ..e
uEC1�� 35: That any -nerson, firm or corporation violat-
'Ing any of the -provie -,ins of to i s ordinance shall be deemed
r uilt;�, of a misdemeanor and u --..n conviction thereof, shall be
~)unished by afling of -riot 1Fsc than Fifty ($SG. 00 Dollars nor
'.:are t .an ''h"e ui,ndred (a -°. QO } Dollars or by imprisonment in
26 `.`'.e Cit. y " all for a oer ".o6of. not -,not -,more than Ninety (90) days or
be t1,. st1.cr. fine and JLMnrisonment,
28 Each sl c►-, perao-.r;, firrc. or corporation, shall be deemed
.ruiit,- of a sena rate offence for eacr}day during any portion of
irrldi cr any viols -tion of any orovision of this Ordinance is
cr'i,l",'. tt P6 , continue(' or nerriit ted, by sl.)c ". .oerso-= , f irM or corpor-
€:tion., and shall -^e ounisha►Dle a c o1-cyv in ed by this Ordinance.
k'FCTIc 36 ; ThFA Ordinances No. 4'76 N T
No. . 434, � o . 505,
514, _rn, SQL,, ?�.�-�, 5�?F� o. 530, Nr5 49 o. 584, fro. 593 of the
it; p f Ay,, r4,1 in �
cE r-, � _
�.. , a �.the s�:r„ ar:-. lereb,l,' r gealed. That all
-4 _V1 dina.nc- s, or .D its of 07,01. --a_nces it conflict with the pro.
sns of tj-,.i�,are renealeci.. Th_a.t notwithetrnCingan
_ Y
(-lthr.� rrovis1_ons of tr=_c Card '.nan.--a, all ra. �;P� , cha.rg;i-:s , a.nc. schedule
r nd c?-,�,r o rtc inln= tot},a instG.11ation and furnishing
alectr .01.ty-q,1'}r" 1}_..,1,er and al] standby ch,.. c s inc onnection
.-.. e evil. th, which ars.: nov, in force a.n. effect, shall remain in full
force and of -'ect until chan ced by the City Council.
SE"rni:- -.--TTL
37: he Cita- Clerk of the City of Anaheim, shall
certify to the -)assa.,;e of this 0rdinance, and cause the same to be
ORR/YGE (vil#ry he WS "
ublished once in thQii_ �; - Lam-- , a weekly newspa.oer of general
circu�la.tion , pr? ni;eif., iabl-Ashed. and c1 rcula.ted in the City of Anaheim,
end �:hirt�.T (30) days from anc: after i. to finalpas sage, it shat l take
effect an!": be In ful._l force.
The f ore wo inr Ordinance is signed and annroved by rile
clay of
-=i---.......�....�.._.., 1939.
.f ;7
ayor of the City of Anaheim
Amr''EJT: i
tT i erk of u �y of Anahei rr
11 II
' I
2 C Ir `Yr OF ANAHEI ...
4 I, CHARLrE:S E. � �=FF?'rN, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim
do hereby certify that the fore- cin :- Ordinance was introduced at a
reFrulatmeetin� of the City Council cf the City of Anaheim, held
)n the d a.r o 1939, and. that the same .�Yas
Yjac s ed and ado7it ed at a reg: --1 ar meet ink ; of said City Council, held
on the v� 03 deter of , 1939, by the following vote
AYES:: Councilmen
10E;5; Councilmen
ABSENT A.,-,, D , �� R�,I _IG : vounc linen
And I f. tirther certify that tide D.`ayor 'of the City of
Anaheim signed and approved said Ordinance on the P23 day of
16 W,/es-..
?N WI71NES ,j, _���j-- EOF, I have hereunto Get my hand and
affixed Vne cor:ore-to -es." of s- 11_5 City th s %3 ___g2 of
1939 .
City C rk of the C of Anaheim
30 i
Affidavit Of
(7017NTY OF, OItANG' E,
of said county, )wing first duly
Swc1•11. say ss that ;h(r is a. cit-
izen of the United State.A. and of
the Stag of Callfcll-Ilia, over the
Nc a of c-ighteen yeart; thclt slle-
has no interest fin, nor is she
a party to the matter herein
nientionc3(l: that. she is the Pub-
lisher of the ORANCE COUNTY
NEWS WS a weekly newspaper
printed. p'ubItshed allcl circulated
in the said ('•01111tY cf Orange
:11ci t. said ORANGE COITNTY
-EWS is a newspaper of general
circulation with -1 list. of pair] sub
-,c•rihers. and is published for t.l1N
dissemination of hoth local and
,-eneral new; and intelligence of
.i gene-ral character; that. it is
not devoted to tllc� interests or
I-tlhlished for the entertainment
of a particular class,
rl,ade, calling, race or denomina-
t i",11. M' of any nil Inber thereof;
that. it. has been ;printed and pub-
lishe,l ill the City of Anaheim,
t'ounty ��t Oran -e•. State of
Cali -rot. more than one year
11ext. preveding tile- first day of
IIIU- 11,11blication hereto attached:
1 hat the.
t`f whiell tile. 0,1111ex( i l.i ,] l'.'iI]tf"I
t (TY. w:'l; ill s.;lri ]letit•;-
!'.�1%E'r .11 least once
t'�'Il]II1� llc'llit; i):1 the 25t: �._ (lay
1� _.. ......
--------• allot
t ndin�; cil the ........................ day
..... 19 --------- and
I hat sa.i(1 _61.d y'1^ ^—
...... wa-s Published oil tilt'
i0ilowing clays:
................. .._..fi.._._....._.....
OUbseribed and sworn to before
.,lF this
.............. clay of
.--- - .. 19_.y_..
........... Notary Public. -
the corresponding period.
within the City of
SECTION 7: The Controller
is desirous of pur
of the Public Service Department
city for light or
O*dinanee No. 626
shall once each month examine
eirous of purchasi
i --_--._
and read, or cause to be exanin-
the said City, to 1
ed and read, the meters of all
such property, w
consumers of electricity and water
shall be properly
furnished by the Citi- of Anaheim,
tric light or power
and ascertain the amount of elee-
With proper plumb
tricity and water so furnished by
i livery of water tl
said City to each consumer and
case may be, in a
shall compute the amount due or
ordinances of the sa
the amount to become due to said
heim or r•esolutior
Cit%- for such electricity or water
Council thereof, sh
according to ordinances of said
cation therefor to
City-. resolutions by the City Coun-
Vice Departmelit.
cil of said City-, or contract by
Micant will be r•ec7
which ,tic.h electricity or grater is
into all agreement
turnished or delivered to said con-
of Anaheim to pay
sumer. Upon ascertaining the
ed rates for such el
amount due said City- far zucll
serviep. al"d to he e
electricitN- anti water furnished
rule, and rezu'atio
said consumer. the Controller shall
lie Service Depart
char's' the amount on an approved
by the Cita. Cotinci
ledzer and render the consumer a
If such applicant b,
trill fm, the ai ount due. which
said real propert.'
amount shall bek-onie dite and fray-
shall contain a wai,
abl*- ul.on the dare of the reacting
bill for such rates
OF. i
of the meter.
accordance with th�
The handing ()f the Dill to such
Sr'c•tion I.I. Of this
consurlel• in person, or the 131st-
[�S1Ilei• shall i•eliilclt
in Q of the frill -ill all elivelope or
as provided by L
S19CTION 1: That the Public �
ubon a iit-stal card taddressetl to
` moutlt of said hil
Service Department of the City
the coniumer at Ills street and
a lien, upon said p
of Anaheim; is hereby created. The
l0uSe number as furnisliet1 by l
collected at the sar
Public Service Department shall
hint t(i the Controller. affixinz the
the same manner c
maintain an office in the City Hall
proper hostage hilt] mailing in the
I•e`il property Irl tit
of the City of Anaheim and shall
sited States Post Office, shalt
receive applications and deposits
rort titute "rendering a hill."
for the installation of electric and
Neither the non -receipt of any
er, lessee or occu
water service; it shall read all
-mch bili nor its rnisplacenient,
11lied with the pro -
electric and water meters and
Ioss or destruction before pay-
Ordinance, rhe Pu---bcompute
and record all charges
merit, shall constitute a claim by
partment shall tit
against consumers for such elec-
or in behalf of such consumer• for
connections with ti
tric and water service; it shall
any extension of time in which to
tributing system, c
render all bills due and payable
make payment thereof.
to be made to the
to the said City in the matter of
In case of such non -receipt, mis.
lessee's, or occupy
the installation, consumption, de-
placement, loss or destruction du-
all of which connei
linquency, disconnection and re-
plicate bills will be furnished con—
made through prop
connection of such electric and
sumers upon application to the
water service, and attend to the
Public Service Department and the
vice Department
cc111ection of such bills: it shall
payment to said Department of a
each consumer, ext
deposit with the City Treasurer
bookkeeping charge of ten cents
consumer is the ow
of said City all moneys collected
($10) for each such duplicate
property to 'be sere
by .it, and make monthly reports
with the said Depi
to the City Council of all trans-
SECTION S: For the purpose
of money equal tc
actions as hereinafter provided;
of complying with or enforcing
amounts as estimat
and' it shall do and perform all
any of the provisions of this or-
partment of two ( 2
other acts, not inconsistent with
dinance, or for reading any meter
for the commodity
geitefal Law nor the Ordinances
or for installing, testing, chang-
by such .service, vv
of the City of Anaheim, which
ing, repairing, connecting, or dis-
city or water, and
mag , become necessary or expedi-connecting
any electric or water
or water shall
ent for the proper functioning and
meter or service, the said control-
through any service
effioiMy of said Department, the
ler or other officer or employee
dinance takes effei
safe=guarding of the revenues of
of said Public Service Department,
deposit has been sc
said City and the convenience of
or any other department of the
mains in the hands
the' consumers.
City of Anaheim, is hereby auth-
Service Department
TION 2: That the ofrice
orized to enter upon private pro-
provided, however,
o! 43 littoller of the Pdb2ic Service
perty any day between the hours
it for either comm
De tmeni is hereby created and
of eight o'clock A. M. and live
less than Two and
9" Controller shall have direct
o'clock P. M.
lars ($2.50). If an;
Chime of such Public Service De-
SECTION 9: All bills of else-
tricity or water s
#tai *ent. The Controller shall
tricity and water furnished by the
or supplied to i
be pointed by the City Council
said City shall be and are hereby
shall not be paid oI
sad:,shall serve at its will.
declared payable at the office of
teen (15) days afti
CTTOi�1 3: Within ten days
the Controller of the Public Ser-
sue as herein
aft. receiving notice. of his ap- 'vice
Department in the City Hall
amount of such bi'
VW*Meat as Controller of saut
of the City of Anaheim at 204 East
ducted from and -pa
14011c Service Department, .such.
Center Street in said City.
lie Service De part
ipel'sra so appointed shall file with
SECTION 10: The following
deposit so made by
t City Clerk of said City, an
terms wherever used in this Or- '
er. Said Public S
y,�41 bond in the sum of Five
"T"" .
dinance, or in resolutions of the
meat shall have th
'sand Dollars (=5,000.00) exe-
City Council adopted pursuant
crease or decrease
C"- by at least two good and
hereto, except a.s otherwise speci—
as the Controller s:
�> ient sureties or a corporate
art; which said bond shall be
ficallo indicated by the context,
cotWtioned topon the faithful per -charges
shall be deemed to have and shall
for electric
fO e
lil'liaance' and discharge of his
have the meanings respectively
gold, furnished, suer
set forth in this section, to -wit:
eyed by the City at
the corresponding period.
within the City of Anahelm• who iei•t .-+ . •''�.,,7,I ! ;
��.,o•; ;�,.,{t;�
SEC' MON ; . The Controller
1= desirous of purchasing electri- welter rat.t z w•`.11 1)1+ ,'liarzed for e vl ..,,,it v4 -h1 ,n i.{rb ;�• 'cur •r.,t
of the Public Service Department
= city for light or power or is de- 1 premise; vai.':. r,! : 1 ever; iii: tinct' 1 ;til:: ;la.-; %vithotit int►•I•tering
526 shall once each month examine
sirous of purchasing water from 1111til the V`-Lll- '11:.111 have !leen 1:•r- i :l DUMC '.'lit jt,t'ply'
and read, or rause to be examin-
the said City, to be delivered on tified (if the 6ii.,wolltinuallt't' of the l7l r - �nt �'+.1i1�1I[11E'1• ror• +l+)m
Alr1.0 ed and read, ;he meters of all
such property. which property i '.1-e (.!f or WLIte" S
1)Ul"D e;.
+:Y4iiT- consumers of electricity and water
shall be properly wired for eler i Ifni to +1 ..)tl'_:r+'i �,1; �, �f•T\•it'►' St- -viae a.bnvc- provid.:,l r„i• ,
ANA- furnished by the City of Anaheim,
tris light or power. or equippers � Aiiv r)',s ::}'r ,-,I : t(•'1 t;renij�t': , ':, I-311ti',.1 ottl11port Ilse �{p('
)`,�•M.K anda�t'ertairl the limotult of elee-
with groper plumbing for the de- t tail r#, ',.- -It+''': :1+)�.i('e ,:ill int• 11.+:1 il•s1 ilaRiil- 1le,y•: n1:t;le.
UTI i tric•ity ;ind w tter so furnished by �
livery of water thereon. as the � t•c)111t.)eII'?+l .. ;kl . : 'NCIi ;';l to ':t►!• I;l °• ::1:; l,r?li (t)li:if'c•t.',t to the
'F: �1.' j sail City to each consumer anti :
case may be, in accordance with ; elec�trit.•ity ,('.l�' W:)-:-•?• =VIt., :(!i!i 11:1- M;i:•.:, 'Srr('l1 applir:iri;)il ;ol-
int.,, 1 �ZI.11 compute the amount due or
ordinances of the said City of Ana- � 1►aid from *i::' :Alar..:;: ti14, V3CItt�I ,I � :(tilt LA. :,ir)I-P dill �,r:rli
}j1' the aniount to become due to said
City fol-
Reim or resolutions of the City ( ;►f Bitch 1)!'P w!s4-'.: irir:l tilt. ;ai-i 111:(''•• of tit”�11pf-'r..lit etl,i!7-il
Council thereof. shall make aotit.•tl is �'�i"JdI. % i.i.:i+r. 1'a)\\-F.�1•
lily such electricity or water
ri H E aCCor11hA1:; to ordinances of Bald
appli- mn!l no olevtrIril alid Water ,)
CatiDll therefor to tilt' Public Set'- < •)I• %va.te!. A-;Ili'1�{ `). ';11'T.t- i.'it+;Ad f
)�' file ti ltrl-
iSlll City. 1 eAolutio3i ; 1 ' ty Colin-
vice Department. Each C � is -,,ait, pr! -nu : _ ltnti ` :' 1+'- ' ):i 1.7•
h Sit 11 ap llc'il ti 6 ;� I .ill :i i :,I' ''1 )'. ';.• ::{lel
ijf(;ES: M cil of ;:till City. ()1• contract Illy
:)licant will be required to enter --mil all jt-T1;+':r:?� +a 1'.,1{;ill{E't'fi1t1� = Ij°; >'tl+Er tl' 1!1 t3F'rllltt'I1
(- tii( 1 :11{l et•t'fili(lty 1water i, +
ilt{al areenent tiltl the (it}
i „•• -1. I iill,+l tI.l.la
A\ 1) turni1 L err or delivered to gaid coil-
of Anaheim to pay the constitltt- rh , UI'�ii:'1:1:. )t i)\ 1'�'st)lllil+.!!_ � t ;...4
`iii-l('1•; "111 .9'. -�OIT ci Ct't'ta111131� rise
e[1 rates, ft1{• sue.h. electric or water' '•)f The t�i�•.- ;' 11'.. l.:t+..• �+NeI'l � i)t ::6+(1 1)\' the n31�1fillkjl' .It
31+:1.!\ _ :l ill (!1111 t. fill:? r;tiii t�lt�- for gL1C'll
service and to he governed by tilt' pai(1, � '''::. :1� i` :t'•'l"fl,'1� 1+\ ills'
' ; i ;
'St:lilY;- i•1*•(•il':(' I\- til:'+ «•Alltel' fi11'31iSlleti
rule• an,1 rel;ll•.atioIls of the 1''11b- �f''i'''I'1()\ Z1. 1 l i11\' (lE1 "iii
a ��• !': � 111,r-;1+Ir•:?1. ilii+; ;T1 11t)
1.) !f4.t;- .i ((]I1�1tI116?1', tilt, C'ontr•oller shall
lie Service Department, adopted :unser :11 11 .r X1.11)• ' i:lt '+-EE'I1' l)t'
THEm ('!1�'?•`- t'1r• ttl:+ttil , ) rovers
i .4 t )Il all a•1 'F
by the Citi• Council of raid City. ` :�Pr\•it'r 1)}'1: �? rl��-:. •'1:1 �: ,(r ;,_ -.+ c „�i. r- ,; .. 1 ,
! l' 1r']+ •) t\ -:i t 1'
,� {)�. ?•l ' •. a
:(,1,, I'Pt.,ler , h consLllller a
if SLL(•h a } )lic:ant tie the opt• 1i. )' ;: ] ,.• � � + 1
I l lltl' t)I 1}' �:'l ,1. : i :t' ,); '1 t,�{ )(il'1►+)ter-. ilii: t'::: , Pt( aIt•
R SER-'I:ll ;; ,11� .11llt)nilt du(-. which
real property said a-reement 'ri(•itr or w:, 1-t {;,. 1r''=�':1 ! .\\... 'il6• :1•"1•: i) '',lit (l,
I11r,11(111e 1I1 ;ll:;ll l�('c'+)1I1� Mid pay-
shall contain it waiver, that 11' the \\ (1:1rP\'Nl'. �•I :.s , ii.,. ,A t'
i,l-I}•.'.l�l•._ 311)j+, 111+•']1 Tilt- +l,,;e of the rpadillcr
11('11 raft?~ i not tllCl lit +� ;'t•ti!I{t16�•,', .i:lt: �l :? 1 ':' � '• 7 .
billfor s I} l('': ,� � !list' .�. ,.1, :►; 1116.' fnil w; I_ (l +\
(): 111 F• ,]1 F•;pI•
:1eC'OI'drince w1lll the 1a1'O\'1s10U ()i t1:il! 1aS" l�:t ,a a i''.'•_ li';))1i[ �; :l +{'.-11 :11l-'1' rT;;,1' jr:'Tlt1
11,+ *1•l.{l._ �I'i1i� }1:111,1111_' tri Ille Dill tl) sl1Cll
?C -Tion 1t, of )11s Ordinance. 11 ' `1'•':l'k' l�f 'S ;'. 1 ;
t< t t i 16: ►. (ci_ :I'1 ': -,1111 )i ��: �+-1'\ .t'- �[i li:E'.' tris,•'
ES 011 ('tI,ltitl• l• 1' lir ')+:!['styli, r)1' the pla -
+)WIier Shall relill(tili�il ilia {'j�!lt (.1116' I)o1j;11' + �i.ii' ' - =, ,){1;,,.L... ;\ .. � 1)1 i+' ' i6 ;:){1;.'l1;
,!1 .I1 c, ,)1!! lir :ill ('t1Yt'l) 1'
Cpe O
lirovide(l by Daw 'anti he I1'. a , 1-.;
('ll 1'� '-.t 1, �r 1 ,� : ,1' :li..: :(ir•'1' tilt's ''t7t:i
1�111)11C' '.T1;?11 ?i 11..:;:tl ['al'll cili(ll'p, etl t0
a111f)Itllt of said 1!111 shi!'1 become -i] ;1':,l not 11.) rK. ,:lilt=
11P ("W,j tilt (il!?:= r .
11I11£:l• al his s.lyet cilli!
it lien. upon -said property and 11e SEC I-lf'N •':I-• c�'i't'
"err. T +:' ! i!1;lISF• 1111I111)t'T cit fllr'IllsllE'li 1)y'
collected at the sanie time and in i •
it slltlll him t,) i.I1(-' Controller, affixing the
the same manner as all taxes pt] r 1
� '` iIne ► ;,? I+ '.). i I:t�• k'.e.i'II"
'its it li 111'+'1)r'i' 1)iytit;( +' Mid Itlalljll ill rise
r Pitl property ill the City' of Asia i1 r.�, .r'1'\ it r• i''' i .lr l;•!(l•17K).: ,,I 1 � :6 :t: ;4 . ?t' , 'Ic! ;; ttr ; •.l t'Il.�irr'+
. �r.
lid sllall i-]l.toil Lilt£'., Post Office. slut!
beim. ,J I, ,, ,, ,• in i��:itit�ll 1)llrry,)s "I=.
:mticinL� t:%t .iii T,. t6. 1'o, air ,o �•: t;i,3}' +!1
deposits i (on.-4titntt- �'reiiderinr a Bill."
SECTION 12: After said own- f,)l• oTho, Til,. cilt+t I
frit' .{11(1 \eit11N1• sire non -receipt ()f i{Ili'
er. lesser' of occupant has coal- i :)►[lade -ill nlil\' �j+:-�•)tllj1l1.1ry \:':lt ':' �:•:t'T!{�� '_11: N(; fil•t' lite
read all lll'll Dill nor it,4 nlisplaeenit'ltt.
i,lied with the provisions of this L;tl(1.:`01' ei;�t rI"..` ;•�"t"its•- tt) �llt}' i,e? '4st��i ;i:;' ;111\ 1�!l?',)os,' t
ers aim 1 1(l;s of destruction before pay-'
Ordinance. the Public Service De- rI- ill isPL4 \O1it-at',! ::I th.ial fol. clip ettin,uishmer
charzes ; nit✓Tlt. shall ( onstittlte a claim by
1)artnlent shall thereupon caust''i li)IatiC�Il +)t �i?'\' {.)l riiti.ilit t' Of tilt' fit's'. lunle;s tile' sanit•• be sill!
ch elec•- or sit hellalf of such congtimer for
connections with the electric dis- 1 City of Anaheim ;►r of any- 1_law ,)i ti11'011.411 d tlletel-, ill WhiCit. }
it sliall i 811y extension of time in which to
tributing systems or water main: the State ()f Calif„I•tliit tr,• Of tlli� 1 rhe re !liar rates shall be uha
paya5le make payment thereot.
to be made to the said owner's. E United States and shall not t)a re- ' t+ uedlej- \\'stir it ch ime ,-llffi
tatter of In case of such null -receipt, alis-
=essee'S, or occupant's pre mises. quired to tee talphsh !mch lerviep to cot ei, tilt• VOst of MU'll 11
riots, de- placement. lo,,.-; or destruction cru-
all of which connections shall be I until sltch ttlllil{ fill fist• ee.isk', all(l ailti irlstallatioll. %Vliet'E' slily
Hud re- ! plie:ate Dills will be furnished con-
made through proper meters. rile fee for reLminection has been line i, used for fire tntrpose
is anti sumer, uponapplication to the
SECTION 13: The Public Ser- ; paid. the owner and 'or consumer
I to the Ptlh;Ic Service Department and the
Vice Department shall require SECTIO` 1'): Sltctttltl the Citi_ pay the cost of installation
it shall navnient to said Department of a
each consumer, except where the s of Anaheini .:t,il to furnisll elegy'- � eluding the cost of 13 proport
reaslrrer bookkeeping charge of ten cents
consumer is the owner of the realE rricity o1• water 13y reason tai nlk'ter alid••'or a detector c
ollected ($.101 for t -at -h such duplicate
property to be served, to deposit ; breaktic'e o1tf .11L• wire. pipe or ilia- nlr.ler .l n,! ,}fall pay for all re
reports bills.
with the said Department a sum ' c•hitler • -or from any. r ---m se beti'und to or necessary changes in
SECTION 1,: For the purpose
of complying with or enforcing
any of the provisions of this or-
dinance. or for reading any meter
or for installing, testing, chang-
ing, repairing, connecting, or dis-
connecting ally electric or water
meter or service, the said control-
ler or other officer or employee
of said Public Service Department,
or any other department of the
City of Anaheim, is hereby atith-
orized to enter upon private pro-
perty any day; between the 'hours
of eight o'clock A. M. and five
o'clock P. M.
SECTION 9: All bills of elec-
tricity and water furnished by the
said Citv shall be and are hereby
declared payable at the office of
the Controller of the Public Ser-
vice Department in the City Hail
of the City of Anaheim at 204 Hast
Center Street in said City.
SECTION 10: The following
terms wherever used in this Or-
dinance, or in resolutions of the
City Council adopted pursuant
hereto, except as otherwise speci-
fically indicated by the context,
shall be deemed to have and shall
have the meanings respectively
set forth in this section. to -wit:
of money equal to the probable
it, power or control, this s aid C'it}•
= env ict' from the City main t;
amounts as estimated by said De-
or any of its employees shall not
prMlse; served. Should
partment of two (2) months' bills
lie held responsible for tiny dam-
owner fail to nay for such re
for the commodity to be suppliers
ages or it any consumer should
or charges within fifteen
by such service, whether electri-
fail to pay his bill within the time
ditys after the rendering of
city or water, and no electricity
specified in the provisions of the
bill thereof. as provided in
or water shall be supplies!
Ordinances of said City and any
ordinance, such fire line se
through any service after this or-
of the employees of the said City
will be disconnected by the
dinance takes effect unless such
disconnect the said electric or
and shall not be reconnecte
deposit has been so made and re-
water service in compliance with
cept as provided in Sectior
mains in the hands of said Public
the Ordinances of said City, the
and 14 of this Ordinance.
Service Department undiminished:
said City or its employees shall
SECTION 24: No Fire
provided, however, that no depos-
not be held responsible for an!'
rants shall be opened or use
it for either commodity shall be
damages that might result from
sept by the Public Service,
less than Two and One-half Dol-
such disconnection,
and lA ht, Power and Wate
Lars ($2.50). If any, bill for elec-
SBCTION 20: In the cane oC
partments, or by SUCl1 Verso
tricity or water sold, furnished
welding transformers, neon lamps,
may be authorized to do t
or supplied to such consumer
mercury vapor lamps, fluorescent
said Public Service Depart
shall not be paid on or -before fif-
lamps and other gaseous tube
Any person or corporation
teen (15) days after the same is
lamps or devices having low pow-
ing to use water through any
due as herein provided, the
er factors, served on general ser-
Hydrant or other Hydrant o
amount of such bill lahall be de-
vice schedules, the City of Ana-
and controlled by the City of
ducted from and 'paid by the Pub-
helm may require the consumer to
beim will be required to mal
lic Service Department out of the
provide at his own expense. power
plication and deposit theref
deposit so made by such consum-
factor corrective equipment, to
provided in Section 21 of thi
er. Said Public Service Depart-
increase the pourer factor of any
ment shall have the right to in-
such transformer, lamps or other
SDCTTON 25: In the cas(
crease or decrease such deposit
devices to not less than 90 per
fire necessitating the use of
as the Controller shall deem nec-
cent. Such equipment shall be
from the City mains, It sht
essary. I
subject to the approva•1 of the
unlawful for any person of
SUCTION 14: All rates and
Superigtendent of Light. Power
sons to use water from said l
charges for electricity and water
and Water of Anaheim, and shall
for any purpose w'hatsoeve
sold, furnished, suplAted or deliv-
^-era U.. at.•. &M -i_ —0 A-_..1.•.2— �_..
be of such type as not to inter-
sept for the extinguishme
.irpo es above mentioned, protect water meters from dam-
fending part-, and such service
when such Rater mai- be. ase by heavy tracking in drive-
Rhall not be reinstated until to{,'i
eel without interfering with ways where meters are located, a
penalty shall have been paid and
--:ent supply of water. to the I charge of $15.00 will be made to
also an additional penalty of Or p
consumers for domestic i cover the cost of a heavy cast iron
Dollar ($1.00) for reconnecting
?s. meter -box.
each such service.
ice above provided for shall SECTIO` 28: All electric and
SEMON 002: The City -Coune l
:Meet onl%- upon the applica- water meters and all materials
of the City of Anaheim i hereby
:'st having been made, and and equipment installed by the
authorized and empowered to sell
been connected to the City l Public Service Department shall
and distribute any surplus or ex
Such application for use ` remain at all tinies the property
cess electricity or water outs'W"
er as aforesaid •hall be of the Citi- of Anaheim, and where
the corporate limit; ofsalt] t:'Ity.
in the Superintendent of replacements, repairs or adjust-
in such amounts and I)y otic:
1; ow'Ll• and NVater of 1lie ments of any meter or equipment
means and at such rates as :.lis±
Anziheini. If said applies;- are rendered necessary by the act,
Council may deein propel- rot-
1 -anted }) the said Sill)- negligence or carelessness of the
best interests of jai{i City. pry
dent.. SAd 8nlleri►itendt"It consumer, any ext)ense caused the
vided, that the rates to })e
liol To the c onsnliler a spe- Department thereby shall be
for such servic—s shall 1)o r:�r.►
int+.•, awl said water shall E charged a rahist and collected
by Resolution of the City
it by tllr constimer at sm-11 i iron the consumer. If such con-
t:nd provided further. that all rile•::
i� 141)Q('if}t',l }fv the STiEi suI ler of owner fails to pad- such
installations alit.] services 11iCa11
atend+'iht. allil ill 110 {•ose a harges upon demand, the electric-
11111 other respect, lie ;;overnr•(i 1);'
;aid 1uperilltentlent peritlit ity or water may be shut off until
the provisions, of this 01-,lini,:114'.•
oius trier to itso water for sued charm -es are paid, as provided
and bre the rules and regulation.,
rPo�E-,•s afnre�;.tirl exce-pt be- in Section 14 of this Ordinance.
established by the Sup:-±rilltenoeiv
rhfk ,10,111'? of Pi'.;ht i1R:(±±.1► f Meters ,hill not be installed in
of Light, Power and Water.
SECTION i:i: The Stlilo1•intoa,;
of t11e following 11;1y. SECTION 29: Any person, firm
ent of Light, Power tilti ll-_;i.t
c;,nsliluer inati• terihilil;ite', or corporation b,% -passing or di-
mai- make, from tinge 1„ 13;lh:-.
pI'V;LCF:' ret nilly 011ie 111::131 vertiilt:;' electricity or water, so
I rules and r•e;rl:l;±tion: not i'.t col.
]loll, tn8"Perilit";l't- that the sFaine will not be metered.
flict with this ortlinam.,P. 'zio rc.
Id after :lull tltotic i► :;::+t or hreakin tike seals or changing
ing water anti: -',,r elec i riE t•rt ;� -
will not or tanlperin . with the connections
subject to the iip.proval of the c.'i:;.
ii1 ll�litinilal .t'r•1-1c a feo Of of any eievtric or water meter
Council, anti al, c(,l1suiner s11Ft'1
shall 1±;t1 -e ; OWIW(1 ante] controlled by the City
observe the sanio to the smil-- t'°.
}sirs. i of Anaheim without having first
tent as thotiali ,rt rortll 311 -.1-i
obtaining written permission from
iOtl }ltil'j11,sPs rtl.lttilEle 01 the Public Service Department so
SEICTIO 114: The ('i.tv uo.1;1.::1
to do, shall be guilty of a misde-
shall. by resolution(, fis, the ilisull>.
TION 22: No firt� line ll til meanor and upon conviction there-
ation charges, to he collecte,1 )y
'A bw any l;urpo.Ae ()tiler : of, shall be fined a sum of not
the Public Service Departmen-, .foti
dor tl1t: ettingui:ihment of less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor
each electric -SF�I-t-ie•t' to l)e -•0.•
ries., the same be supplied more than Three Hundred ($30o,-
neeted with the distributing
1i a nieter. in which event (10) Dollar`, or imprisoned not
tem of the City of Anaheim. atl,►
,tela r rates ,hall he charged. inure than three months, or be
establish installation charges ri)1'
er with a chzrge sufficient i both so fined and imprisoned.
water installation. and the Cary
er the vast of such nieter ; SECT'ION 30: Any consumer
Council shall, by resolution, estab
astallat.ion. Where any fire may demand that-, the meter
fish the rates to be charged c,Y
used for fire purposes oily, through which electricity or water
said Public. Service Department
vner and/or consumer shall ' is being furnished to his premises
for electric energy and water fur. -
he cost of installation, in. be examined and tested by said
nished to consumers, and tot- atl
g the cost of :l l)ropoi•tiollal Department for the purpose of
services rendel•etl in collneCtiM
aad.'or a detector check ascertaining whether or not it is
therewith including stand-by
and shall p=,y for all repairs registering correctly the almount
necessary; chanes in such of electricity or water which is
SECTION 35: That any persm-t,
,e from the City main to the being delivered through it. Such
firm or corporation violating any
se; served. Should the demand shall be made in writing
of the provisions of this ordinance
• tail to pay for such repairs to the Public Service Department
shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
arges within fifteen 115) j and shall be accompanied by a
demeanor anti upon convietiot1
after the rendering of the ' deposit of the amount charged for
thereof, shall be punished by a
.hereof, as Provided in this the various sizes, to -wit:
fine of not less than Fifty ($50.04))
a.nee, such fire line set -vice For testing any electric meter.
Dollars nor more than Three Hun-
ae disconnected by the City $1.25.
dred ($300.00) Dollars or by im-
thall not be reconnected ex- For testing a %" x %" water
p•risonment in the City Jail for a.
as provided in Sections 13 meter $1.25.
period of not more than Nlnery
L4 of this Ordinance. For testing a 1" water meter,
(90) days or by both such, fivae
CTIO:\- 24: No Fire Hyd- $1,50,
and imprisonment.
shall be opened or used ex- For testing a 1;'2'• water meter,
Bach such person, firm or cor--
by the Public Service, Fire. $1.75.
poration, shall be deemed guilty
1,1zht, Power and Water De- For testing a 2" water meter,
of a separate offense for each W
raents, or by such persons as $2.00.
.during any portion of which any
be authorized to do so by For testing a 3" water meter,
violation of any provision of tela
Public Service Department. $3,00,
Ordinance is committed. continued
person or corporation desir- For testing a 4" water meter,.
or permitted, by such person, firm
D use water through any, Fire $4.00.
or corporation, and shall be pun --
ant or other Hydrant owned For testing a 61' or larger water
isha!ble as provided by this Ordta-
aontrolled by the City of Ana- meter $5.00.
will be required to make ap- 1: No.i i e�,• �,t .o; such d. -Mand it
SUCTION 31: T_la.t Ordinances
tion and deposit therefor as shall be the duty of the Public
No. 476, No. 484, No. 505, No. 514,
lded in Section 21 of this Or- Service Department to cause the
No. 525, No. 526. No. 530, No. 564,
ice• meter to be examined and tested.
Nd. 584, No. 593 of the City of
1CTION 25: In the case of a If on examination and test, the
Anaheim, be and the same are
necessitating the use of water meter shall be found to register
hereby repealed. That all other
the City mains. .it sha 11 be over three per cent more electric-
Ordinances, or parts of Ordinates
ivful for any person or per- ity or water than actually .passes
in conflict with the provisions of
to use water from said mains through it, another meter shall be
this Ordinance are repealed. That
one rtnnnnas nv- ___t. - _% .L.- ___ s -__ A .• .
eat for the proper functioning and
meter or service, the said control-
through any service after this or-
of the employees of the
efficiency of said Department, the
ler or other officer or employee
dinance takes effect unless such
disconnect the said e
safe-guardirrk of the revenues of
of said Public Service Department,
deposit has been so made and re-
water service in compli
said City and the convenience of
or any other department of the'
mains in the hands of said Public
the Ordinances of said
the consumers.
City of Anaheim, is hereby auth-
Service Department undiminished;
said City or its emplo;
SECTION Z: That the oftice
prized to enter upon private pro-,
provided, however, that no depos-
not be held responsibly
of Controller of the Pufflic Service
gerty any day between the hours
it for either commodity shall be
damages that -might re
Depta,rtment is 'hereby created and
of eight o'clock A. M. and five
less than Two and One-half Dol-
such disconnection.
such. Controller shall have direct
o'clock P. M.
]ars ($2.50). If any bill for elec-
SECTION 20: In th
charge of such Public Service De-
SECTION 9: All bills of elec-
tricity or water sold, furnished
welding transformers, nE
trarheat. The Controller shall
tricity and water furnished by the
or supplied to such consumer
mercury vapor lamps, f
be appointed by the City Council
said City shall be and are hereby
shall not be paid on or before fit-
lamps and other gale
and shall serve at its will.
declared payable at the office of
teen {15) days athe same is
1a.mis or devices having
SECTION ": Within ten da�-s
the Controller of the Public Ser-
due as herein providedfter
� the
er factors, served on ge
after receiving notice of his ap-
vice Department in the City Hall
amount such bill shall be fie-
vice schedules, the Cit,,
pointment as Controller of said
of the City of Anaheim at 204 Fast
ducted from and paid by the Pub-
heim may require the cc
Public Service Department, such
Center Street in said City.
tic Service Department out of the
provide at his own expel
person so appointed hall file
e e w
SECTION 10: The following
deposit so made by such consum-
factor corrective equip:
the City Clerk. of said City, an
terms wherever used in this Or-
� er. Said Public Service Depart-
increase the power fact
o[ticial bond in the sum of Five
dinance, or in resolutions of the
ment shall have the right to in-
such transformer, lamp;
Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) ese-crease
City Council adopted pursuant
or decrease such deposit
devices to not less th;
cuted by at least two good and
hereto, except as otherwise speci-
as the Controller shall deem nee-
cent. Such equipment
.sufficient sureties or a corporate
ticall•v indicated by the con text,
subject to the apFi'ova
surety, which said bond shall be
shall be deemed to have and shallSuperintendent
rates and
of Ligh
conditioned upon the faithful per*
have the meanings respectively
charges for electricity and water
and Water of Anaheim,
formance and discharge of his
set forth in this section, to-wit...
sold, furnished supplied or deliv_
be of such type as not
ditties and shall be subject to the
,� ,,,.
Consumer Any person, co-
Bred by the City of Anaheim shall
fere with radio or wirer
approval of the City Council of
Partnership or corporation, wheth-
be due and -payable upon the date
c`ayting and/or receivin
raid City.
er owner, lessee or renter of real
of meter reading and it not paid
tus. The City of Apar
MOTION 4: Said Controller
property, using electricity or water
within fifteen days thereafter shalt
not be compelled to fur
shall. deposit all moneys received
furnished by the City of Anaheim
be deemed delinquent and the ser-
tricity for the operatic
or collectedby him with the Treas-
,through meters or by contract.
vice of electricity or water to the
such transformers, lam
tlt•er of said City of Anaheim, not
"Kilowatt Hour": The Standard
Installation for which such bill is
vices unless such a.ppro
than the clay after lite same
unit of measurement of electrical
delinquent shall thereupon be sub-
went has been installs
are collected by him, except as
work or energy.
jest to disconnection and discotl-used.
Provided ill the fallowing sections:
gig Standby charge„, A minimum
tinuance without further notice.
SECTION "I: Circus
SECTIO` 5: Said Controlte>a
charge to be paid regardless of
Where such service has been so
exhibitions. contractors
shall maintain and lie is hereby
the auinunt of electricity or elec-
disconnected for non-payment of
structionwork and a
,++ithorized to maintain at ail
trical energy consumed.
bills, it shall not be reconnected
transient consumers, an
t --nes, a. fund, in cash. in an
s�Horsepc;wNr„, A unit of horse-
or renewed for the same consume'
sons desiring service i
aitiount not to exceed Five Him-
n:�wet• shall be cle. ” r-Wined by the
nor shall such consumer 'be fur-
the City limits, desir�
a'-•ed I>wltars ($5t)+).0t)) for t!1$ pit,
,jmotlnt of electrl., current neves-
Wished electric and,,/or water ser- I
furnished with electricit;
o of -making change.
� �,1rr for the contittuotis operation
• vices elsewhere except upon Pa Y-
by the City of Anahei
ACTION ti: At the first t•c�t;•
I Of atti• Plectr•ic. equipment for one
went of the whole amount of the
make application for- site
��,?qtr meetirr� ��i tile City ('uttttcil
; 11rn1r. l.la5ecl upon the c^nsump�tion
delinquent bills for electricity or
it the office of the P
t the said (ttv of Anaheim. 1n
of ;.i4; watts )ler hour.
water previously furnished to such
vice Department.
+•itch month. tho ;:tics Coiitr•:+,ler
"Month": That period of time
disconnected installation, together
Each such applicant
:,11,411 lyresettt to ,aid Cit;• COMIC-71
I whirls shall elapse between the
with a reconnecting charge of
charged for all labor, an
:t written report of all moneys
,ltccessive monthly readings of
One Dollar ($1.00) for each sitctt
incorrect by the City i
{•++elected fiy him in thi - discharaP
I meters b,• tile, dilly authorized
service so disconnec:tecl,
such connection, also fc
or his c>~ffi��l tl clu: �.. itt c�citn:� :� it
,+,r11t : or i1r`t'it•i�ils of Anaheim.
SECTIO` 15: Should any owu-
and depreciation of all
,lc.z►t>it.:;, llc�nait` •: .c��tl c1t,. °r
,"]!�,itPr tile =ante shall be more
er, lessee or occupant be desirous
liose, meters and other
Charges ol, vt� ha' :•rt•,• :t�ctEtre COI-
or less than :l � -.' .tr month.
of having the service of electric-
furnished by the City.
:c:Ac+:ed by .s;ticl i'c. ►. ;ikr t'ict� Ilk-
"Instal�atiutt (;i.:il'at'": T h a
ity or water disconnected from
applicant shall deposit
llartniettt. tt,t;a,titer With tile
charge made try the City of Ana-
his premises, he shall so notify
Public Service Departm�
:i:tu,unts paid clot to consttnter` oil
beim as compensation to it for
.the Controller, who shall immedi-
time of making applic•ati
rebinds o deposits. the a�niount-
; all labor and material furnished
a.tely cause the electric or water
of money sufficient to ct
d-linqueni in the- lfttyulent of rates
.n Winking connection with ani-
meter to be react and removed,
said charges.
qit,t charge,. for electric anis water
electric line or �1 aier main in said
and the service to be disconnect-
in the case of tran
- r vine, and all t► her ac•c ottIIts .ttrd
City, for electricity or water to
eel from said premises. The Con-
sumer,, each applicant
t..�:t ,4(•t.ic+�� of swirl Department
11e furnished Eo any c;ousumer.
troller shall then render a tical
be rerittired to deposit
c{Urina t;1= t�rt•t"atiirtg calendar
"'Minimum Charge": A rate fix-
to such consumer, which bill
Department. before seri
'"1111th. 5ni,t t•+�t►+art shalt show tate
tit by this C)t•clitlance,. or by resp-"
shail bbill
and ihereby declared
e s erey
;t,4llecl, a stem of money
t,+`,cl number of tnt�ters it1 service
lutioti c7f the City Council, as
dire and payable upon the date of �
to pay for the amount c
t +. each c:.rtnntodity aticl Elie aunt-
c.om'nensation to said City of Ana-
meter reacting, and any balance of
its and water to be use
of stu.1h tlletel.S it1.it«19c-,t and
helm, for maintaining Its water
the said consumer's deposit re- �
such services. as esti
�'•.,+►ort?ct� l �iitrui� t.hc• i}receciitt
and,--or electric service and holding
maining in the hands of the said
said department at the
V.t 1•c1liat, rrc14tlts't. Said roport shalt
holding itself in readiness to
g' I
Department atter all bills for e1ec- �
ed rate: any balance a
ttlonthlY t•trn parison
;erre, and shall he the least
tricity and water supplied through
posits remaining ill the
}�•,r.-.ec'r: s',•. to*.t! :1111011-LitOfel Pt'
ainC)rltlt of iliotlPy charged by the `
said service has been paid will be +
the Department after ;
t; i^ c her w >ctn•ttiRhecl at r.he mails
Citi fol- water and/or electricity
returned to the person by whoM '
rates and charges have
., xk ich-board at the power house of
furnished through meters, wires.
such deposit was made �
ducted therefrom, shall
ri!p City c�i .�naireiui unit tisk total
,.+r p lis of tilt. `izey specified by
Reinstatement of electric or !
Pit to said applicant a
'411:,ttrtt t,• itt+'.t t'ilt't•g:.- .old to
ortlittance or resolution of said
water service to Stich premises i
service is discontinued.
+'on1 .ttmens as represented by the
t,ity Council.
shall in all respects 'be treated as 1
SE'C'TIO` *22- No w
.'..'.1t of ttlr' rP:t�fings of all :•l�•etric�
":size of pike"; When any size
Herein provided for new applic:c-'
be furnished for irrig
metF:•rs dur-ng the corresponding
of pipe i3 mentioned in this or-
tions and installations. 3
;poses inside of the Lit
Isorind. ats.+ a similar comparisou
dinance, or in any resolution
SECTION 16: It shall be the I
heim except for irri€
betw o,en the total volume or water
adopted pursuant hereto, the
duty of the owner of premises on I
means of overhead sp;
s .,iltt,e+.l acid delivered into the
same shall be understood to mean
which electricity or water fur- (
Such service shall be
tuains from the several gources of
the nominal inside diameter of
nishecl by the City of Anaheim is
only through 11,4_ inch i
water supply and the total volutne
pipe, measured in inches
used to notify the Public Service �
through 2-inch meter co.
a-+? Witter s.►td to eonaulaers as rep-
+nd fraction: thereot.
Department immediately upon t
provided, however, that
Pleated by tiro sum iq the read-
SECTION 11: Any owner, les-
said premises being vacated, so �
sball be given th:•ougt
.,ig:4 oe ai! w%,er meters dur,up,
see or occupant. of real property
that said Department may discon- i
nections aforesaid, or
,e taKe` e[Lect uLiLUbb Stic+A
.t has been so made and re-
in the hands of said Pu -bile .
:e Department undiminished.
led, however, that no depo.�
either commodity shall be
han Two and One-half Dol.
(tEsconnecc We 64Lu eLeUL114: ul
water service in compliance with
the Ordinances of said City, the
said City or its employees shall
not be held responsible for any -
damages that might result from
such disconnection.
$2.50). If any blit for etec• SECTION 20: in the case Of L
t or water sold, furnished welding transformers, neon lamps, s
p -plied to such consumer mercury vapor lamps, fluorescent
not be paid on or before fit- lamps and other gaseous tube
(15) days after the same is lamps or devices having low pow- i
as herein provided, the er factors, served on general ser-
nt of such bill :shall be de-
vice schedules. the City of Ana- '
d from and paid by the Pub- heim may require the consumer to l
irvice Department out of the provide at his own expense, power
;it so made by such consum- factor corrective equipment, to
Said Public Service Depart- increase the power factor of any
shall have the right to in- such transformer, lamps or other
a or decrease such deposit devices to not less than 90 per
* Controller shall deem nec. cent. Such equipment shall be
'Y. subject to the approval of the
iCTI4N 14: All rates and Superintendent of flight, Power
;es for electricity and wa.tet' and Water of Anaheim. and shall
furnished, supplied or deliv- be of such type as not to inter -
by the City of Anaheim shall fere with radio or wireless broad-
ue and payable upon the date casting and/or receiving appara-
reter reading, and if not paid tus. The City of Anaheim shall
in fifteen days thereafter shad not be compelled to furnish elec-
eemed delinquent and the ser- tricity for the operation of any
of electricity or water to the :such transformers. lamps or de-
cllation for which such bill is rices unless such approved equip-
iquent shall thereupon be sub- ; ment liar been installed and is
to disconnection an+l disc•on- used.
ince without further notice.
SECTION 21: Circuses, shows.
ire such service has been so + t•rhibitions. contractors on con-
onnected for non-payment of struction work and all similar
it shall not be reeonnec•ted transient consumers. and all per-
enew ed for the came consttmet sons desiring service outside or
shall such consumer be int'- `
� the City limits, desiring to be
red electric anc1- or water ser- f„ruished with electricity or water
rs elsewhere except upon P111Y- i by the City of Anaheim, shall
it of the whole amount of the ; niake application for such services
nquent bills for electricity or ! .It the office of the Public Ser-
er previously furnished to s"cil vice Department.
,onnected installation, together' Each such applicant will be
h a reconnecting charge of � charged for all labor, and expense
Dollar ($1.00) for etich -1101 f incurred by the City in making
trict? so aliscutln+'rtecl. ti;;('lr (ot1111?etioil, also jor the. use
ECTIO1 15: Slioltict ally own- and depreciation of all wire, pipe,
lessee or occupant he desirous flo e, metwri and other equipment
having the service of electric- fut•tii lit'd by the City, and such
or water disconnected trona :tplrlicant shall deposit with the
premises, he shall so nntity i'itltlic Service Department at the
Controller, who shrill imniedi'- , time of making application, a ,rim
ly cause the electric or waters of money sufficient to cover all of
ter to he read and removed. said charges.
i the sers•ice to be ciiscou:sect In the case of transient con -
from said premises. The Con— : •umers. each applicant will also
ller shall than render a final t)e rNctitired to deposit with said
I t!, sucli collstimer, which bill D+: pa r-trnent. llefore service is in-
n•id be and is hereby declared Mailed, a stmt of money sufficient
e and payable upon the frits cit TO pay for thµ amount of electric.
,ter readin„ ;end any balance of 1 it� .and water to be used through
said consumer's depo:si; re- such sery+re, . crs estimated b%
Hilitis iu the hands of tilt= sails said department a.t the establish
partmeut after all bills for elee'- ; ed rate: any balarice of said de
city anti water supplied Through ; posit, remaining in -the hands o'
ill service ha,:- been paid will be the Department atter all propel
turned to the person by whorii rimes and charges have been de
eh derpozOt was made ;lucited therefrom. shall be return
Reinstatement of electric of ed to said applicant when sect
iter service to 'aitch pre.tnises R service is discontinued.
.ill in ;,li restlects bt• tre,itad its : SECTION 22: No water sisal
rein provided for of -w :;3rplic'..t- be furnished for irrigation put
}ns anti installations. � poses inside of the (`sty of Ana
SECTION 16: it shall t►e the i beim except for irrigation b',
ity of the owner of premises on ; means ori overhead sprinkling.
hich electricity or water fur- Such service shall be permitte
:hecl by the City L,f Anaheim is oniy through 11,4 inch meter ata
ted to notify the Public Service through 2 -inch meter connections
epartment immediately upon provided, however, -tha.t no servlc
lid premises being wa.c:ttQd, so shall be given thiougli the cot
tat said Decraxtmeat may ;+iscon- i nections aforesaid, or for irrigi
Vt as provided in Sections 13
d 14 of this Ordinance.
SECTION 24: No Fire Hyd-
nts shall be opened or used ex -
pt by the Public Service, Fire,
A Light, Power and Water De -
artments, or by such persons as
ay be authorized to do so by
id Public Service Department.
my person or corporation desir-
g to use water through any, Fire
ydrant or other Hyd�nt owned
id controlled by the City of Ana -
4m will be required to make ap-
lication and deposit therefor as
rovided in Section 21 of this Or-
SECTION $5: In the case of a
re necessitating the use of water
rom the City mains, it shalt be
ulawful for any person or per -
ons to use water from said mains
or any purpose whatsoever ex-
ept for the extinguishment of
uch fires or the saving of adloin'-
ng property. Any person viotat-
ng the provisions of this section
hall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction
hereof shall be fined in a sum not
ess than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor
more than One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) for be imprisoned for a
)eriod not to exceed thirty days,
or be both so fined and imprison-
SECTION 26: No person shall
place on or about any Hydrant, a
Siamese or other fire hose connec-
tion, or curb -cock connected with
the pipes of the Water Depart-
ment of Ithe City of Anaheim, any
building material or other obstruc-
tion so as to prevent free access
to such Hydrant or other hose
SECTION 27: ('a) There shall
I)e a stop -cock in every water ser-
vice attachment on the sidewalk
or parking space, just inside the
curb, at a point to be designated
by said -City', which said stop -cock
together with water meter and its
box, shall the supplied by the City
and shall be for its exclusive use
and under its exclusive control.
(b) The City will not be res
ponsible for damages to building
or their contents occasioned by
any break beyond the street ser
vice box; and water consumer
a.re hereby required for their ow
protection, to provide, at their ow
expense, another stop -cock to b
placed at the first suitable poin
beyond the stop or service of th
(c) When more than one se
vice pipe is supplied from one a
tachment, there shall be as man
protection stop -cocks as there ar
.service pipes.
(d) All consumers of wa.t
must keep their service pipes, ti
tures, stopcocks and other appa
atus (but not the service own
and put in by the City) in good r
pair and free from leakage
their own expense. and they w
he liable for all damages whi
*nay -result from their failure
comply with this section.
(e) Where it is necessary
meter $1.25. pe
For testing a 1" water meter, (91
$1,50. an
For testing a 132'' water meter,
$1.75. po
For testing a 2" water meter, of
$2.00.. du
For testing a 3" water meter, vii
$3.00. Oi
For testing a4" water meter,. or
$4.00. or
For testing a 6" or larger water is
meter $5.00. atc
UA -;0:1 1.c_rt of suC:l U,Zmanit
shall be -the duty of the Public N
Service Department to cause the N
meter to be examined and tested, N
It on examination and test, the A
meter shall be found to register h'
over three per cent more electric- O
ity or water than actually passes it
through it, another meter shall be ti
substituted therefor and the fee n
charged shall -be repaid to the a
consumer making the application c
and the electric or water bill fbr a
the current period adjusted in s
such a, manner as the Public Ser- tvice Department may deem fail' c
and just. If the meter shall be v
found to be accurate, the fee so S
deposited shall be forfeited to the f
City and the electric and water
bills paid as rendered.
Any consumer desiring to
change the location of any of the t
City's equipment that has already
been installed for electric or water 1
service, shall make application to 4
the Public Service Department, t
and upon payment of the estimat- I
ed cost of same, the Public Ser-
vice Department ,hall cause such
change to he made. The City
shall have the right to change tae
location of any meter anis/or ser-
vice equipment upon the property
occupied ,by, any consumer.
SUCTION 31: in the event that
a shortage of water becomes im-
minent, or if for any other! reason,
it. shall become necessary to tem-
porarily curtail the supply of elec-
tricity or Rater furnished by the
City, the Public Service Depart-
ment shall formulate rules and
regulations govertting sign and
s show window lighting, the hours
• and quantities of water to be used �
for sprinkling laNviis and gardens.
and such other rules and regula-
tions as may be deemed requisite
n and equitable for governing the
e I nse of electricity and water fur -
t nished ,by the Vt3•, provided, that
a I such rules and regulations shall
tie subject to the approval of the
r- Citi• Council of the City of Ana -
t: heim.
y For every violation of the pro -
e visions of this section, the Public
Service Department is hereby su-
er thorized to impose and collect a
x- penalty of Two and 50/100 Dollars
r- o$2.50.) for the first offense and
ed Five Dollars ($5.130) for each cub-
e- sequent offense so committe a.
it if said penalty is not paid when
ill demanded. the Public Service
ch Department is hereby auttiorized
to to disconnect the electric or water
supply or both, as the case may
to be, from the premises of the of-
city c
1939, :
ed ant
ing of
the 22
AY 1
4 son,
i Sheri
' ` •'• area ( X300.00) Dollars or by im
11 not be reconnected ex- ` Fbr testing a %7P x %"'
provided in Sections 10meter $1.25.
prisonment in the City Jail for a
period of not more than Ninety
of this Ordinance. For testing a 1''
water meter,
[ON 24: No Fire H d-
y $1.54)•
(90) days or by both such fine ..
and imprisonment.
gall be opened or used ex- For testing a
water meter,
the Public Service, Fire. $1,; 5.
Each such person, firm' or cor-
potation, shall be deemed
ht, Power and Water De- lty
For testing a 2"
water meter,
ts, or by such persons as $:'.00.
of a separate offense for each
E .during any portion of which any
authorized to do so by For testing a 3" water meter, violation
blic Service Department. $ ;,00.
of any provision of this
Ordinance is committed, continued
,son or corporation desir- For testing a 4"
water meter,.
3e waterthrough any. Fire $4,00.
or permitted by such
i person. firm
or corporation, and shall be pun-
or other Hydrant owned , For testing a 6" or Zarger water fishable as provided by this Ordin-
rolled b4- the City 0f Ana- meter $5.00.
.l be required to make ap- L-
•,:� ,•c_�:;,t Oi :iuc:1 u2::l:1u1 it SECTION ��:
and deposit therefor as . Via-t Ordinances
shall be the duty of the Public No. 476, No. 484, No. 505, No. 514,
in Section 21 of this Or. Service Department to cause the No. 525, No.
526, No. 530, No. 5649,
meter to be examined and tested.
ON 25: In the case of a if
Kip. 584, No. 593 of the City of
on examination and test, the Anaheim, be and the same are
ssitating the use of water I
meter shall be found to register hereby repealed. That al other
City mains, .it shall be If three l
for an per cent more electric- Ordinances, or parts of Ordinaces
y person or per- ity or water than actually in
:se water from said mains through it, another meter shall be
conflict with the
this Ordinance are reprovisions of
purpose Whatsoever ex- substituted therefor and the fee
the extinguishment
pealed. That
notwithstanding any other prov_-
of charged shall be repaid -to the
s or the saving of adjoin=
@ions of this Ordinance, . all rates,
consumer making the application
erty. Any person violas-
charges, and adkedules of rates
and the electric or water bili fbr
wovisions of this section
and charges pertaining to the in-
the current -period adjusted in
deemed guilty of mis-
stallation and furnishing of elec-
a ;such a manner as the Public Ser-
tricity and water and all standby
and upbn conviction vice Department may (teem fair
hall be fined in a suili not I
charges in connection therewith,
i.nd jiast. if the meter shall be
Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor found
which are now in force and effect,
to be accurate, the fee so
m One Hundred Dollars ; deposited shall be
shall remain in full force and ef-
forfeited to the
or be imprisoned for a
feet until changed by the City
City and the electric and water
)t to exceed thirty clays, gills paid as rendered.
SECTION 37": The City Clerk
h so fined and imprison- Any consumer desiring to
of the City of Anaheim, shall ce -
f change the location cif any of the
tify to the passage of this Ordin-
)N :116: No person ;hall City's; equipment that has already
ance and cause the same to be
or about any Hydrant, a i Been installed for electric or water
published once' in the Orange
it other fire hose connec- i Dery ice, shall make application to
County News, a weekly newaguper
urh-cock connected with the l.'ublic :service Department,
of general circulation, printed,
of the Water Depart- ` and uli-on payment of the estimat-
published and circulated in theF
he City of Anaheim, dny epi dust. of same. the Public Ser-
City of Anaheim, and thirty (30)
.iaterial or other obstruc- vice Department shall cause such
days from and after its final
4 to prevent free aceesa (.1►a lige to he niade. The City
age, it shall take effect and be in
4ydrant or other hose ` shall have the right to change the
full force.
1• 10CHtioil of a.ilL• n(eter and/or ser-
The foregoing Ordinance is sign.-
IN 27: i.a) There shall i vice e(titipment upon the property
ed and approved by me this 23rd.
cock in every water ser- ' Occupied by ally consumer.
day of stiles•, 1939.
-hment on the sweivalk SECTION tai: In the event that
•pace• just. inside the a shorta. a of water Becomes im-
Mayor of the City of Anaheim.
point to be designated 111iliPtit, or if for any other' reason,
t y. which said stop-cock it shall become necessary to tem=
C'itti• Clerk of City of Anaheim.
rith water meter and its ; porarily curtail the supply of elec-
°lie supplied by the t'ity` rivity or water furui lied by the
lie for its exclusive use � City. the Public Service Depart-
its exclusive control. tuent slicAl! formulate rules andI,
e City tis 111 not be re—i_ ' regulations, 'Oi i'Piliti- sign and
Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
:yr dama Ps to buildings :110'W willdOw U01ting, the hours
hereby certify that the foregoing
,ontent- oc-casioneti 1)y ' alid qu antirie= of water to be used
Ordinance was introduced at a.
beyond the street ser- for sprinkling la xiis and gardens.
regular adjourned meeting of the
and water consumers < and -such other rules and regula-
City Council of the City of
for their own tions :Amay tie deemed requisite
beim, held on the 16th day of May,
to provide, at their own :,,nd equitable for overning the
3439, and that the same was pass-
notiier stop-crock to he !ise of electricity and water fur-
eel and adopted at a regular meet-
the tit=t sttit:ible point : ;i,sheii by the t1it�•, iwovided, that
ing of said City Council, held on
SZ-11) ur Service of the _,eh rifles a.n:l reputations shall
the 23rd day of May, 1939, by the
.u:ijeet to tli approval of the
following vote:
k'ti :nota t�t,i :7 chit• mer- I City Council of the City of Ana-
41 E& Councilman Mann, Pear-
supplied from one at- { 3,eim.
son. Yung•bluth, Martinet Jr. and
there shall be as inane• ; For ever} violation of the pro-
stop-cock.4 x there are vision• of this section, the Public
:ti'OES: Councilmen—None.
e� �ervi�Depar#.ment is hereby au-
consuniers of water I rhorized to impose and eolleet a
their service pipes, fix- I penalty of Two and 50;'100 Dollars
And I further certify that the
-cocks and other appar- t -.32-50) for the first offense and
Mayor of the City of Anaheim
not the service owned � Five Dollars ($5.00) for each sub-
signed and approved said Ordin-
bti- the City) in good re- : -iequent offense so committe .
ance on the 23rd day of May, 1939.
Tee from leakage a t If sailt penalty is not paid when
expense, and they will demanded, the Public Service
have hereunto set my hand and
'or all damages which department is hereby authorized
affixed the corporate seal said
from their failure to ti► disconnect the electric or water
City this 23rd day of May, 1939.
h =hip section. supply or both, as the case may
ire '.t is uecessa.ry to be. from :he. premises of the of-
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim.