PC 84-71.,,., RESCIi,U'I'ION ~lp. PC~34•-7]. A NGSULU'PTUN Ok' T1~IF ANA}•IEiM CITY PLAN[~lNG COMMISS:CUN 7'I~IA`.P PL`1'I~l'IUN 1'OR RECLASSIEICII`I'IUN NU. a3-a9-24 i3G GRAN`i'EU WEILRLAS, the Anaheim City Planniny C~mmiayion did receivc a verified petili.on for R~:c.lassif.ication fc'om PE~NIMAN & COMPANY, 5031 L~irch Stre~t, c ~7.~~1'N: RUSSEI,L S. 1?~NNIMAN, own~:r., and Newport li~ach, Ca'li.f~r.nia ~26G0, RICHARD G. OGLESBY, 17631 ?itch~ Irvine, C~.lif'ornia 9271~}, ag~nt~ oP~~Cer~ aU~ real ~roperty situated in tl~e C:i~y oF An~~heim, County of C~ang_, Ca].iiornia, d~:scribed as f~llow~: TIiOSE POFtTION''i OE LOTS 6 ANll 7 OF `:CHE TRAVTS `PRACT, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RF.(:UItDED TN f~00K 5, PAGE 120 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF '.CHE CUUDITY kECURDER UI~' I~OS ANGELES CQUNTX, C:RLTFORNIA, DFSCRIB~U AS P'ULLOWS: BEGINNING A`i' 'I'HE INTERSEC`1'IJN O[' TH~; NO12TElERT~Y LTN~ Ob~ L:~Nll DESCRII3ED IN `i'HL', DE~ED TC 7.'IiE AT~HI50N TOPc~Y.A AND SAiVTA FE I2aILWAY COMPANY., FORMEItLY TH~ CAI~IFURN:Ia CE~N2'RAL RAILWAY, RECORDGll MARCH 26, 1886 IN Ci00K 4U7, FAGE 120 UF DEEDS, RECORI)S OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY F!I`i'El TEIE WES~i'ERI~Y LINE OF TI~E LAND DESC:RIBED ZN 'i'HE DEEU RECURDE:ll IN BOOK 265, PAGE 2 OE 17EEBS ~ P.ECORDS OI ; AI ll ORAtdGE COUN'I.'Y ; TE?ENCi~ NORTH O° 52 r 56" EAST 531.72 FEE7' ALONG S.AID WESTF;RLY L1NE TO A POINT ON A NON-`I'ANGLN7.' CURVE CUNCAVE SOUTH~AS'.l'EFtLY ~ HAVING A RADIU:i OF 940.00 E'EET A RADIAL 'PO SATD POINl BrARS NOKTH 2~° 30' 48" WES~'; `!,'HENCG NORTk1EASTERLX 85.23 rEE'1' ALONG SAID CUFtVG THROUGH A C~;NTRAL ANGLE OF 5° 11' 42" `1'0 THB WEE'i'GRLY CORNER p~' ~'HE L~AND D~SCRIBED IN `1'f1E U[;ED RGCQRD~D NOVEMBER 1, 197~} IN t300K 11279r PAGk; 449 OF OhFICIAL RE;CORDS; THEN~'E EASTERI,Y AND SOUTH~AS7'ERLY ALONG T~IE NOFt`rHERLY ANn GAS'PLRL~'Y BOUNDARY pF ~AID D~ED `L'U 5AII) N(iRTi~iEFLX LINE OF TH~ RAILFtOAll; THENCE WE;STGRL`.f A~,ONG SAID GINL TU `PHT' PUINT UE' L3EGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Planrliny Commi.ssion did hold a pub.lic hearing a. ~ ~ the Civic C~ncec in the r.ity of Anaheim on April 16, 1982 at 1:30 p.m., n~tice ~ l,~en duly given as required by law and in i of said public hParing having ' accordance with the provisions o~ tiie Anahei;,: Municipal Code. Chapter 18.03, ; to hear ~nd cansider evicienc~ for dnd against said ~roposed rec].assificaLion ~nd L-o invesligate and make findinga ~nd recommenc~ations in cor.nection therewith; and WHEREAS, sai.d Comtni.ss.i~~n, afte~ due ins~:ecti.or~, ~:nv~stiyat.ion and study rnade by itself and in iCs b~Y-alf, and after due consi~'~rati~n of a11 evidence and reports oftere~:3 at said hearing, ~1oes find and d~termine the tollowing ~acts: ~. That t;he petitioner ~~rapose:; reclas5if ication of subject pr.o~erty Erom the h1L (Industri.al, Limited) Zone to the C-K (Commercial, Recreati.on) Zonc. 2. '.l'hat khe Anaheim General ~~lan designates s~ib~ect property for ccmin~rcial rr:creatianal lan~i uscs. ~U199r PC84-71 ! ~ ,~~. 3. 2'hat L•l~~e ~roposed rec:lassifica~ion of stabject }~rop~rL•y is nc:cessary and/or ci esirable Cor the ord~rly and proper dFVelnpment. of the community. q, Tl~at the pruposed reclassificaLion ~f subj~cL• property does ~~roperly relate to tl~ie 2one~ anci kheir permittFd uses loca7.ly estab.l.ished in r•1~se proximity ~o sub jec.t properL-y ar~d ~o the zonns and tl~eir p~rmittPd u:aes generally establish ed i.hruugl•~out the community. 5. That no one iridicat~~i their preser~cE at said ~ualic hearing in apposirion; and that no corresp~nclenr,e was received in opposition to subjact petiL•ion. ENVIRUNMENTAL IMPACT FINDING: That the Anaheim C:ity Planning Commission do~s hereby find alrer. cansidering Dr~af.t Envixonmental Impact Rc.port No. ZbG ior l•.he pro~osed Katel.la }3usiness Cc~nter and after reviewing evidence, both k~zitten and oral, presFntecl to supp:Lem~nt Dra:Et GIR No. 266, that EIR No~ 'L66 is :in comp:liance with the Califorriia Lnvironmental Quality Ac~ arid th~ City and State CEQA Guide:lin~~• that economic, social and physical coilsicler,~tions make it feasible ta elin-inate all o` thc significant environmental impact~ ot the projec:{:, which have been identified in EIR No. '166; h~wever, ttie benefits of the project hav~ been balanced against- the un~voidable environrnental impact and, pursuant to the provis±ons of SecL-ion 15U93 of the State CFc~A Guideli.nes, the occur.rence of the significant en.vironmenta.l effec~s ic~entified in EI:R Na. 266 as set forth abov~~ may be permitted witheu~ further miti.yation due L•o the following overriding considerai:ions: ].. The project wi.ll provid~ employment ancl eco~lomic benefits to the City and to the citizens and Uusiness activities in the area. 'l. 't'he project is com~atible wiL-h sur.rounding ~rid proposed lanc1 uses. 3. Mitigation measures have been incor~~urated into the project to reduce tne environmental impact to an acceptabl~ level. There.tore, the Planning Commission cert.if:ies EIH No. 266 and adopts this St~tement of Overriding Considerati.ans. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gCan~ subject Petition for F<eclassif.ication and, by so doi.n9, that Tille 1f3-7oning of the Anaheim Mu-lirip~l Code be amended to ex~luc1e the above-described property Lrom tt~e ML (Indu~tr.ial, Limited) Zone and to incorporate said c?cscribed ~r.upert~~ into the C--R (Commercial, Recreati~n Zone upon the E~17.owing rcndition~ H~hich are hzr.eb~~ fuund l•o be a nec:essary preceqtii~ite to the ~~roposecl use of subjrct pro~er~y in order to I~reserve tt~e safety ancl gtineral welfare of the Citi.zens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That compleL-i~n oE th~,e r~classification proceedings ~• contingent upon the yranL-ing o~ Cnridi.tional Use Permit No. 2550. 2. That L-he owner oE subject property shall subr~it a lettec r.equestiny termiriation ~f Conditional Use ~~ecmi:: Nos, 1~82 and 2534 l•o the Planning Uepartment. _2_ Pcs~-~~ { a n4,: ,'. ~ ~~;, r ~~~'•~~~~~ i~~~~~' 1 k,,,,' 1 h ~~l' I ,_ ~,i,., 1 E.: ,~ .~'~ ~i:.. . 3. 'i'hat th~ owner(s) o£ subj~ct ~roperty shal.l acquire a recorded aovenan~ granl-ing an acr.~„s ~~asement Prom the propeztY owner iinmed.ial:ely west n.f subject property for .in7re ,s ~~nd egre~s purpos~s ti~ s~ibj~ct ~~roperty. Sa.id c~ascment shall be designed in a manner sa~is.t-acL-ory t;q the Ci.t.y ~1'ra.[fic Fngine~r and said co~~~nant shall be in ~Z fonr; I.o bc satistac~_ory l:o L-he City Attorney. ~• Thar th~ vehicular access ric~hks, ~~xc~pt ~it ~~ ~ to Kal:el7.a Avcnue shal.l be (~nC~].Ccll:ea to trie ~x y LoF Anaheim S poinfis, 5• That subject property sh~ll be d~velop~d substanti.ally in accorc~anr,e with plaris and ,pecifications on Fi1e with the City ~F Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 thruu~7h 6. 6• That witr,in GO days of the date hErein, the owner oE the subject ~~roperi:y ;~hal]. fund (or participate in the fundi.ng of) a campr~hensive land use stud~~, to b~ directed and controlled by t;he Ci.ty, at a cost not to ~xceed $7U,OU0 for the St.adium Industrial Area ~o identify the estimated ~xtenl- arid intensity of deve.lopment and service constraints ar-d opportunities associated therewith including infrastracture ancl circulation. In th~ ~vpnt sucl~ stucly has be~n f.unded b pursuarit to a similar condition of ~ Y another party project, developer sha.11 PP~•aval attached to a different pay L-o the City i:hir~y-six percenL (3~~) ~f the cosY. of such study, or $25,000, whichever is 1es~ i_ssuance oL" building r~ermits, which sum sha11 b~ in piQUr F~h~ requirement For tunding suc~h study contained in i;his condi+~ion and which sutn sha11 be reimbursed by the City to the funding such study. In the ev~nt the developery islttheing and initiatiny and fun~ing~ such stud Party developer any arno~xnl: collected fr m~ anye o h~iy s.haJ.l r.eimburse to Pdr~Y's share of the cost of such study. The eq irem~nks c ntained herein relatir~g to the f.unding of said land u~e study, or k~~ participation in a purtion of the cost thereof, shall not apply i.n L•he event subject property owner had funded said study or parti.cipated in che cost thereof, I~ursuan~ to a similar conition contained in any o~hPr zoning ac!~ion upon other prop~rty also owned ~y subject proper~ty owner. In arder to achiev~ timely com,pletion of imp:overnents which may be foun~ reasonably necessary by the study, the owner of thP property sha:il, prior ho the introduction oF an orclin~r~ce rc~zoni-~g 1:he subject- pruperty, record a c~venant r~gainst the praper~l in a~'orm approved by tne City Attorney agree.ing that in the e4ent such sttady result~ in th~ creatior~ o~ an i.mprov~mer~t clistrict or ben~~fit area which includes such property and which r~culd othcrwise require the paymerit of a fee as a condition o~ building permit issuance Fc~.r the coi~struction of public im~rovements oC benefit to, or reasonably nec:~ssitat~d by, such developmc~nt, the owner shall pay to the City, upon d~manc~ theretor, the apNlica~le P~e o~:h~rwise payable as iLs fair Uhare of khe cost of s~~ch impcovem~nts notwithstanding the prior apprc~val of building r~ermits for su~h developments. Said covenant shall cont~~in a waiver r~f t•he right to r.ont~st the creation of a~~y such improvement district or b~neFit ar~a but r~•~ithe: l-his condi.t.ion nor said caven~znt sr~all constitute a waiver by tr,~ otoner oF any right such owrier wauld ot:herwise havN had prior to issuancc~ ~f building permits t~ conLest (i) the aetFrmination of benefit of such -3- PC84-%1 improvemeni:s to the ~ubj~~ct property. (ii? th~ propertic~s included in sai.d disi:rict or area, (i~i) khe rianner in which said f.~e is del.ermined or (ivi the mar.nec~ in which said improv~ment cos~s are Sp~.•eacl. Tn the ~v~nt l-.he subjecL- property is her~inafter includ~d a.n any such district or area, any cosL-~ of the ~L-oresaid stuciy paid by the wnEr and nat otherwise reimburseci to owner l•.~gether with th~ costs of any off-~ite improv~ment-s required i~o b~ m~de b,y the owner he~ eo.f, ~hz:11 be cre~i9.tecl to owi~er's oE~ligai~ions und~r sucY~ district or arEa to th~ extcnt permitted by .law. 7. That t:~~ owner(s) of subject }~roperty sha11 ex~c~te and record a cover~ant in a for.m approved by the City Attorney's Oi:fice wherein such awnPC(s) agree not to con~.esk L-he formatian of. any assessm~nt d?~t.rict{~) wriich may her.eafter be form~d pursuant to ttie pco~~isions af r~evelopment AgreemEnt No. 83-01 between the City cf Anai~eim and Anah~im Stadiu?n Associatcs, which clistr.ict(s) could include such owner's propFrty. In the event the subjecL- property is her~inafter included in any such assessment district, any costs paid by the owner pursuant to Conclition No. 12 above, and not otherwise reimbursed to owner, sl7ali be credited to owr_er's oblic~~tions under such assessmerit dis4r.ict, to thc extent permitted by 1aw. 8. That prior to the introduction ~f an or.ditiance rezoning subject .property, Condition No:~. ?., 3, 4, 6 and 7 abovc~•-menl-ione~, sha11 be completPd~ ~'h~ provisions or rights granted by thi.s resolution shal.'1 become nul]. and void by acti.on of the P1ann.ir;y Com~aission uriless said conditions are compii.ed with ~aikhin ona ye~~r f.rom the date of this cesc~lution, or such further l:ir,e as the Planning Commission may grant. 9. 2'hat prior lo fin~1 buildiny ~nd zoning inspections~ Conc~ikion No. 5~ above-menti:ioi?.~c], shall be compl.ied wit;h. BE IT EURTHER RESOLVED c:hat the Anah,eim City P'lanning Cr~mmiss.iori does hereby fin~ and determi.ne thak adoption of t:f~i.s Resolution is ~xpressly predic~ted upon applicant's compliance wil•.h each and a11 of thE conditions l:ereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any va.rt ther~of, be dFClared invalid ~r uneri.f.orceable by the firia.l judgment aL any court of competent jurisdictic~n, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, sha11 i~e deemed null and void. ~'E1L k~OT2EG0I[~G RLSOLUTION is signed ~~nd approved by me this 16th day of Apri.l, 19~4. ~y ~] , j~2 ~ ~% s./J~'~'~~~ CHA:IRt^JUMANr~ NAHEIM CITY I~LANNING ~OMMTSSION ATTEST ` /) ~ / , ' i ~~ iQ ~~~ ~ /•'1/!./~~t~~a.-~ SECKETARY, ANAHGIM CITY PLANNINt; COMMISSION -4- PC84-71 ~S rj ~$ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ~,,.> ' , STATG UF CAi IFORI~IA ) CpUNTY UF URANGF: ) ss. CITX OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Ariaheim City Planning Commission• clo hereby certify that tt~e foregoing .resolution was passed and a~Apterl at a meeting of ~he Anaheim CiL-y Planning Commission held on Aoril .16, 1984, by the f~llowi7g voke of the members therea£: AYES: CQMMISSIUNERS: IIOUAS, EiUSHOlZE, ERY, HERBST, RING, MC BURNEX NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE AASEN'P: C.OMMI~ SIONERS : LA CLA.iRE IN ~nTTNESS WHF~RFUF, I have hereunto ~et my hand thas lGtt~ day oP April, 1984. ' _ ~~C~~ J.~%',~____~ .: __ ~ECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -5- FCb4 ~ " ;. ~ f" . , _ ,.y' ~ ,~. i ( i ~, ~ ~