PC 84-73HE;SULUT'ION N0. PC:$4-73 A!'tk;SOLU7'IUN Uf' 'i'Hk' nNAF1GIM C.T`1'X PI.,ANNINr COMMISS:CON THA'1' PG'1'I:l'ION i~UR VARIArICE t~JO. 3391 I3C GRAN'1'~,ll Wkil.b:LAS, the AnahF.iin City P:i.anniny Commission d:id receive ~a ver. i£ied Petitic~n f.or VariancF~ Erom ~n'ARh1INGTGN HOMI:;S, 309U Pullman Street, Cosla Mes~, CaliEornia 9267.6, owner, and PSOMAS & ASSUCIA'I'ES, J.50 "A" Pc1~lZdCll10 Avenue, Co;;ta M~s~, Cali fornia 9262(i, A'C"I'N: JUE~N 5'1'GVEN50N, agent of. certain r~al properi:y situated i,n the City of Ana}~~eim, Counl-y of Grange, Sk.ate oE CraliEornia describtd as: GOT 1 Oi' 7.'RACT PlU. 10976, AS S~iO~aN UN A MAP RECORDGD IPd fi00K 4ii4~ PAGES 45~ ~6~ 47 AND 48 OE' M1:SCFL: ANLOUri MAPS~ l2ECOItDS Or ORANGE COUNTY, CALIEURN7A, WHEREAS, the Ci~y Planning Comtnission did hold a public hearing at the Ciuic C~nter. in the City of Anaheim on April 16, 1984, at 1:30 p.r~., notice oF Uaid pubiic heariny having been duly givEil as rer.,uired by 1~w and in accordance with th~ provisions of the Anaheim Municinal Code, Cha~~ter 16.q3, to hear aizd consi.d~r ev~ dtnce for anc~ aga:inst said proposed vaciance and to .inveshigate and make fir,aings und recomirendatioils in car~necti.on therewith; and Wli~t~E;AS, said Commissior~, after due ins~ecl-.i.c,n, invesL-igation and study made by it;s?li and in i~:~ behalf, and after due coiisideration of alJ. evicience and repor~s offered at s~id ;~n~r.ing, does ~ind and deter.mine the followi.ng facts : ~. That the p~~titioner proposes waiv~rs of the following t~~ establish a 6-lot, 95-unit, 12h1-:i00U (Residential, Multiple-Fatnily) Zone condominium sttbdiviszon: SECTION Z0.31.061 - Minirnum lot width ~ (70 feet required; 3 lots with widths af 15~21 ar,d 25 feet proposed ) 2.. Z'hul. l:he above~mention~d •aiver is her.eby granted on the basis that there are specizl circumstances apNli.cable to the property ~uct~ as size, shape, topography, location and surrouildings which da not apply to uther idpntica.Lly 2oned property in the ;ame vi.c:inity; ~r~d ~hat strict application of the 'Loning Code deprives the property of privi.lF~ges enjoyed by other properties in the id~ntical zane and classif:ication in the vicinity and subject to Interciepartmental C~mmi.tteE recommend~tions. 3. That there are e:ccepl•iona.l or exrraordinary circumstances or c~ndi.tions applicab.le to r_he prp~ert;y iiivolved or to ~he ~intended ~_se of the ~roper~y that du not apply gencrally Lo r.he prupe~ty or C.13JJ oF use in the s ~i~ie vicinxty and zone. 4. That the reque~ted var.iance is neces:;ary Lor. trie preservat ion ~,nd enjoymen~ uf a substantia.l property right ~OJ~~~NS~~A by other propecty in the same vicii ~ity ana zonc, and c~enied to L•he propccty in queskion. ~02U1r pCa4-73 5. That the r.equ~sted v~,r.iznc~ wi1l. not be mat~rially d~trimental ~o the public welEar.e oc: injurJ.ous l-o lhe pr.operty or improvemwnt~ in ,uch vic.inity and zane in wtiich the prop~rLy is lor.atecl. 6. That nc.~ o»e inciicated thc~ir. ~.~r~.senre a~ said public hcariric~ a.n o~po~ition; ~~nd th<7~. no correspond~ncc: wr~s r.eceived in op~c~sition to suaject p~titi.on. ENVIRONMLN'1'AL IMPAC'1' FINDING; Lnvircanmental Ir~~pGct P.epo: t No. 27.3 was previouslx approved ( under R.P.C.~dSa1f 1Cr.lt 10I1 No. 78-79-2G, Var i,~nc~ No. 3U%1 and 'i'ent~tive Ttact No. 10~l76) for subject prop~!:L-y by t.he ~7lanning Commission on Jari~zary 29, 1979. NOW, THGREFOFtE, 3E ZT RFSOI,VE1) tha~ the Anah~im City Pl~nning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Vari~nce, upon the following conditinns which are~ hereby iound to be a necessaxy prer~guisite ta Fhe pro~osed use of the subject property in order ko preserve th~ safer~ anc yeneral w?lfar.e of the Citirens of t.h~~ City of~ Anah~im: 1. Thah all lot., wit,-in this tract 5ha11 be served by unc~erground utilities. 2. ri'hat ~~ir.air~age of _~ :I,ject property sha17. he disposed of in ~t manr~er satisfactory to the C:i ty E;riginc~er. 3. That ~rior i:o Einal tr~.~ct map ~p~~roval, apprc,priate park and recreation in-lieu fees shall be pai.d to the City uf Atiaheim in ar~ amount as cleterrn~ne~l by the Ci ty C~~unci 1. 4 Thal• aIl priva~e streets sha.ll be developed in accordance with th~ • City oC Anaheim':; ~,tandarci I)etai.l ~lo. 122 for priva~.e ::treets, including instaliation o~ sl-reet name signs. P.I.ans for the private streer lighting, as r~equired b~~ the standard deta.il, shalJ. be submitted to the Builc]ing Divisi~n for approvaJ. and incluc3~~9 with the building pl~~ns prior to the issuance oP bui.:lding permits. (Private streek.s are those ~at~ich provir.ie primary access and%or. circulation witl~in l•he proje~L-. 5. That if permanent :;treet name signs have not been installed, temporary sL•reet narae s.igns sha11 be insta.l.led pr.ior to any occupancy. 6. '~['hak prior ~o issuance of a buildir~g permit, lhe apprapriaLe traffic sig~sal as~essmei~t fee shall be pai.d to the Cit}~ of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Counci.l Foi: each new dwelJ.ing unit. 7. That ~riur to commencemcnt oF stxuctural framing, fir~ tiydrant~ ~h~~ll be insralled and charged as required and dctermined t~ be nece.~sary by tl~e Chief of t1~c F`ire nepar.tm~nt. 8. Tl~ak tra;,h storage areas shalJ be provi~3eu in ac~ocdancP with ap~ioved plans on E~ile with the Street Maintenance and Sanit:atiiun Divislon. -2- PC84-73 9. 'i'hat prior to issuanr.c n1 building permits, the anpli~::an~ sha11 pr.~~ent evidenc~ sa~isLactory to tk~,e i:hi~i F~uilding .[as~ector that ~hc~ resid~ntial ~.~nits will be in conformance with Noise Insu].atian St.~ncaar:ds spcc:iiied :in thE+ :.'aliforn.ia Admini.strative c:~de, Ti~1e~ 25. 10. Tl~iat, pc.ior. +~o issuance ot• bui.lcli.ng perm.its, ttie app7.icant sha11 present Fvldence sati.sL-acl-.~ry to th~ Chief: Bu:ildiny Inspector that the proposed ~roject is in conEorman~e with Cour~ci.~ Pulicy P;umber 542 "Sound F..~tnr~uati.on iri R~sidential Projects". 1.1. 'l~hat the owner of subject praperty shall submik a letter reque~ting terminatior~ o~ Va~: iance Nu. 1764 to i~he P.l«nning DeparLtner~t . lz. Th~~t subject property sha1:1 b~ cievel.ope~ substa.ntially in accordance with plans and specification:s on Ei:Le with t:~~ Ci.ty of Anaheim :narked Exh:ik,it No. 1.. 13. 2'hat Mira Court sha11 b~~ inst~~lled ~~nd i.m~~roved pr.ior to ocrupancy oY Phase 1. 14. 'i'hat vehicular cirr.ul.ation plans shall be s~.~b~ritt~d and ap~roved ay the City Traf:fic ~~.neer, t}-,e Cily Fire Marshal, and the City Sanitation Division prior to occupar:cy ot each phase. 15. That. gates sh~.ll not be inst~.lled across any drivew~~y or. private street in a mannar whic'~ may ~~versely ~~fect vellicuiar tra~fic in ~:t~c adja~ent public streets. ~nstallation of any gates t~ithin a distance of forty ( n0 ) feet-. f rom s~a.ia ~ublir. s~reet righl•s-of-way shatl be subject to the re~~iew a7ci approval of the City Traf.fic Enyzneer. 16. That prior to thE commencement of. the activi.ty authorized under this res~lution, or prior to the time th~t a t~ui.lding p~rmit is issued, or withir, a p~rio~ of one year Erom the datt of this resolution, ~rhictiever. occurs fics~, Condition Nos. 3, 6, 9, 10 and 11, abov~-mentioned, shr~11 be complied wi~h. Extensions for further time to c~mplete said conditions may be granted in ~ccordance with Sectic~n 18.03.090 of- the Anaheim htunicipal Code. 17. Tl~at prior to final I~uilding and zoni.ng i-1~pecL-i.ans, Condition ivos. 1, ?., 4, 8, 12 and 15, above•-menlioned, shal.l be contE~lied wil-h. E3E IT F'UI2'I'HE12 RESULVED that the Anaheim C'ity Planning C:omrnissiun does t~ereby find and det;~cmin~ tha~ adoption oF this kesolution is expressly prc~dicated upor. applicant's complianc~ with each and all of the conditions lzer~inabove set forth. ~huuld any siic.h condition, or ar~y part thereo£, be dec.lared invalid oc~ unenforceabl.e by the final judgmEnt or any courh of competent jurisai.cticn, then l:h;.s Resolut.ion, and a~y approvals hccein cunrained, shall be dr-.emed nu1.1 and void. -3- T?C8~-73 '.PE~E FURIsGOING kESOLU'i'ION is s.igned and a~pcovec~ by me this :16L-h d~iy of. Apcil, 1~a9. ,'.%"4 ~~ ~ `~ f _ ~.~.-.y~_~ .~1 ~~ ;; ~_~.r~~,r , . P~AFIFJM CTTY CHA7ktWOMA[V ~ 'PL7IN~ING COM~IZSSION AT'i'E S'.I' : 1~ , ~ ~ `" Y ~~ ' ~~ `" . . ;1~ ~.~~ ~ C= _ /, . __ ~.~~~~~.w- __ ~ ~_ _r._ SECRP:TARY, ANAEIGIM CI'1`l' r PLANNTNG COMM:[SSIOr! S7.'A7'E OF C:ALIFORNI;\ ) CDUNTY Jf' ORANGE ) ss. CI`t'Y OF AN~HEIM ) T, Edith L. Harris, S~cretarX of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission, do nereby c~rtify that the Eoregoing resolukion was passed and adopted at a meeciny oC the Anaheim City Planniny Comrfii:sion held ~n Apri1 16, 1984, b~v the ~ollowing vote af the members ti~ereof : AYES: COMM:[SS:[UNL''K5: BUUAS~ BUSHORG~ FRX~ I-IERT3ST~ KING~ MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSTQN~;RS: NONE ~1BSEN`.1': CUMMTSSIONLRS: LA CLAIRE IN WI'PNL: S WElEREGL', I have hereunro set my hanr] this 16th day of April, 1983. ~~~ ~ .'~.iLc~~ ..~`.~ ~~,~I ~_,~.~., SECRL•'~1'ARY, ANAHG~M CZTY PLANNING C,OMMISSION _4_ PCB~}-73