PC 84-75I~l:~SUL~_1'.1'ION Nq_ l.~l';~34-7`i rl TiE.SULUT:CON UF' 'i'fil: ANAHGIM CI'1'Y PLANNLNG Cnh1Ml;;S.ION 7.'E~AZ' 1~G,"1'I'1'.ION I~OR VAftIAML'f.; N0. 3:3£38 ~il; G11AN'I'E.~ tiv~~-r.tt[:AS, t:he An~h~im City E~lanninc~ Cc~rnm.ission ~iid reet~i~~e a verified P~tition Fc~r. Variance trom D1E;.,VlN I.•;. NUWLTN, JFt. AN1) ~JUllITH G. NOWLTN, ]31 Soutk~ ~iatnpton 5treet, An~heim, California 92BU4, own~rs of certa.in zeal prop~r~y situated in che C.it.y o[ Anah~im, Coun~~y oL Or«nge, State of t;alitornia descrit~ed ~:;; LUT 73 UF TRAC'1' b6~1, IN 'IE1L•' C.TTY O,~ ANArI't?TM, CJUNTY nr ORANGE, STATL UE CAL:[l~Of2NIA, A~ PI:1~ MAP ItECOIlllE;D IN k30C~K 25p, ~'AGF:(S) 2U ANU 2.1 OC MISCLI~I.,AVTUU~ MAPS, IN '.PI{L•' pI'L'ICE OF THE COUN7'X AECUI~l~ER OE SA I U CUUNTY . WHI:RL•'AS, the City Plann.ing Comrni~si,on did hold a pub].ir. h~:aring at L-he Ci.vic CenCer in the City oL Anaheim on Apri.l 16, 1984, at .1:30 p.m., notic~ uL ~;aid put,lic h~aring havzn~ t~een du.ly yiven as reg~ai.red by law anr.i in accorcianc% with th~ provisions of the Anaheitn hluniczpal Code, Chapter .18.03, to heat and consider evidcnce ~or and ~~gainsL- sa.id ~~roposed variance anc~ to i-lvestlgate and make findings and recommendations .in rqflllErtlOtl therewith; and WHE1tEA5, suid Commi~sion, after d~e inspection, i:-vest.igation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aFter c9ue c~nsider~tion of all evidence and r.eports oEtered aC sa.id heariny, does Eind and ~.~etermine the f.ollowing facCs: 1• That the petitioner pr~poses waivers of thr~ follow~.ng to construct a r~om u~dition to ~~ single--family residence: SEC'1'I~N 18.27.06'1.02U - Maximum _2~l cov_ eracie ~ (35$ permitced; 47.~ pro~oyed) 2. 'Phat tt~e abcve-mentioned rlaivers are hereby yrant~~c! on r_he basi.s lhat there are special circumstance~ anplicable L•o thc pro~ert.y such ~a, size, shape, tvpogra~t~y, lucation and surro~nd.ings whicl} c9c~ not apply lo other identica:,.ly zoned L~roperi:X ir. th~~ same vicfnity; anci thar. sL:i:.t application o.f the Zoning Cod~ depriv~s th~~ propcrty af privilege, enjoyed by other ~ properties ir~ ~he id~ntical 2,r,tle asid classiL-ication in the vicinity and subject ko Intercle~artmental CommittF~~ rF~comr-endat`or~s. 3. 'i~hat tl~ere ~re txceptionai or ~x~raordinary circum3trances or. conditions applic7bla ~o the ~,ro~:~rty i.nv~.lve~] or r~ ~he i.ntended u~e of ~he ~rcpECty that do riot apply gener.ally to the ~roperLv or c.l~aJJ of uae in the same vi.cinity and zone, 4• 7'hat th~e re~.~u~:;tc.~d vari~~nce iz; nece:;sary and enjo:ment of a sut~st~,ntiai property right ~o:~sess~d r_}~~ 3~mQ vicinity and zone, an~3 denzed ro th~ pro~,erry i.n 5. 't'ha~ tl~e rrquesked variailce wi.l.l nat b~ n tu the public w~.1Ea:~ oc irtijuriou;; r_o r.h~ E;.•o~er.ly oc vicini*~ ana z~nc in whict- t.he pcop~rty is loca~ed, ~U~~~3= for Lh~~ preservation by oth~er pro~er~y in yuesti~n. iaterially detriments~l improvemenls in suct~ f~C84-75 ~ 6. :1'hat no unc~ in~.i.tcated their ~~r.~~sc:i~ce al: said ~,ub.lic Il~c1X.111CJ in op,~osil•.ion; ancl th~t na cut~rr~;~pc~nrlc~nce wa:.; rtc~.i.vcd in opposition to suhjec~ petil.ion. ENV1ltU~Jt4r~N'.PAL,~IMPAC~l~ E'~LJI~ING: 'C;~e Y1ann.~ng I)irecLar or hi~ au~Piorized r~f.~r~~::en-,~±t:i~~e P~:~s cl~~terrn~.,i~d t:haC the pro~osc;d pC0]~Gt falls within tne dcitnit.~on c~L Cal.e.~yoK~ica.1 EX~m~~t.tqn~, ~lass , a;; ~ , Sta1:F: E1F2 Guidc.lin~~ an~i is, t.heceL'ore, ~at:cagoric ..11y ~,x m`~ tirl COfiR the requir~~u~nt to prepare an Eitt. NOW, TFiLR1.E'UFtF., F3L I'1' 12f;C,OLVE~ t-h~t ~he An.~he.im City Planniny Canmission does ht~reby yrant aubjrct .Petitzon tor Vari4nce, up~n the .fol.lowing c:nnditio~s which ~-~re iiE~reby .[ound t:o i~e.~ a nece:;sary pCeC~qUiSl'.r~ l:o the proposec! use of the subiccL prop~rLy in arder to preserv~ the saf~ty ar,cl yeneral welEar~ of rt~e Cihizens ~~L th~ c;ity af J~naheim: .l. 'I'hit suuject ~r.operty sha.11 be developed subst~~r~tially .in accordance with plans and speciEi.catic,r~s qn file with L•he City of Anaheim marked Exhibit [dos. i ar~d 2. 2. 'i~r~ar priur to Fina). building and zoning inspections, Conc~i.tian No. 1, above--ma~ltioned, shall be complied with. BE I'1~ hURTHLk 1~ESOLVG~ ~hat ~h~ ~naheim City P2anning Commission does t~ereLy fi.nd and determine ~hat a~~~tion of: this l.e:olut.ion is expre::sly pradicated upon ap~licant's compli~~nce with each and a7.1 of ttiE~~ conditions hcreinabave set torth. Should any such cond.ition, or. any ~ar~ thereof, be dPClared invalid or ~~nc:nforc~able by ~he f.inal judgrnent of any court Qf competent juri~diction, th~-~n this Resolution, and ~ny approvals her~in con,:ained, sh~711 b~ deemed null 7~tr.i void. TH~ FURE<;OINC~ ItESO'LUTIUN is signed and a~,proved by ,ne this 16r_h day of April, 1984. ,~~r~~ u ~~_ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ CHATRWpMAN~ NAEIEiM CITY PLANNING COMMISSI4N A'1'TFST ; ~~ - ~~ ~ C..~~ ~~> ~/K-sG ~ r. SECRE'PA:ZY, ANAE~EIM CI`CY I'LANNING COMMISSION STATL•' OF CALIFORNIA ) CC)UN'1'Y nI' nI2ANG~ ) ~~. CI'i'Y 0~ ANAHEIM ) I, Euith L. Harr.is, Secretary of r.he An%~heitr. Cit,y P.lanning Co~nmission, do her~~by certity t.hat the Eor~going resc~.l+~ti~n was passed and adopted a~ a meetin~,~ of the Anaheirr City Planning Commission held on J1prf1 15, 1984, by the fol.lowiny vot~ of ttie r~embers thereof : AYE~: C~MMISSIUNEI"t5: QUUAS, BUSyOFZL•', E'RY, HERI~S~1~, KING, MC BURNCY NnEu: CUMM7SSIUNER5: NuN~ A$SENT: COMMiSS:I~NERS: LA CLAtRL•' IN WITNESS WtiEftEOt, I have hereuntU ~et my h~ind lhis 16th day of A~ril, 1984. ; , ,:~ -~ - ~ l~ i~~~.~ . :iECI2E2'ARY,, ANF~HriM C!'rY e;.',NNING COMM.ZSSION -2- PC84-i5