PC 84-78. ,: ~ I 7•; ~~ , RE;iOIaUTTQN h0. PC84-7a A RESOLUTION Or ~i'ElE ANAHL]:M CITY PL~ANNTNG COMMISSI~N '1'i-{AT PLZ'ITT.ON FOR CUNDITIONAL USE I~GRMIT NU. 2568 BE C,RAN~lED °:, WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning ~ommission did receive a verifi.ed '~ ! Petition for Condi.~ional Use Permit from PLGGY LAXNL E'ALKF~iBERG, ET AL., 2169:1. ';,':':.,, Wesley Arive, SouL-h Laguna, California 9'L677, owner~ arid DIVERSIFIED EDUCA~ION ;~":;; COMPANY, 1670 Wilshire B~ulevard, Los Ang~les, California 90Q1'7, ag~.nt of '~``~ certaxn real ro ert~ sit~ual:ed in the City o£ Anaheim, County uf br~;nge, State ka,': ; ~ P 1 ~;:~,, of California, desc;:i.bed as: PARC~L l: '.PH~ NORTiiW~S'tFRLY 120.00 FrE`.P UE' TEfA.T PORTTON O,F LOT G6 OF ANAT~I~T.M T' NSION, 1.N TH~ CZ'.['Y ~F ANAHEZM, COUNTY OF ORRNGE, STATE UF ~.LIFOl2NIA, RS SHOWN nN A MA.P O.F SURVGY MADE BY FJILLIAM HAMEL AND f'7LEll rN THE OFF'ICE OF TkIF~ COUr]TY RECORD~I~ UF LOS ANGEL~S COUNTY, CALIFORNTA, A COPY OF WIiTCH IS SfiOWN IN DOUK 3, PAGE 153, EZ' S~Q., ~NTITLED "I.,US ANGELES COUNTI' MAFS", TN 7"rl~ OFFTCE pT TH~ COUNTif R~CORDER OF' SAID ORANGE COUt~TY . BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CURNER OF SAID LOT; ~'HENC~ NORTHEI2LY 503.,19 i~FET ALONG 'rHG EASTERLY LTNE OF SAZD LO'P TO THE SOUTH~ASTEIt1~Y Ct7RNk;R OI' THE LAND CONVEYEU TG O. A. MULLINEX DY DEED RECORAED JANUARY 25, 1924, .IN BOUK 50Fi, PAGE ~56, OF DGEDS, IN TEI~; 0~'FYCE OF THE CUUNTY RECUI2DER 01~ SAID OKANC COIJNTY; TFiGNCE 6VES'i'~RLX 612. ~9 FEET AI:,ONG 'rH.E SOUTHERLY LIN~ qF SATD LAND CONVEYED TQ MULL:[NLX TO A POIN'I' ON THE W~STERLY LIIVE OF SAID i,0?', NORTHERLY 331.89 PEF.T FROM THE SOUZ'HWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT, THENCE SOiJTHERT~Y 331.89 rEE`l' ALONG THE SAID WESTERLY I.INF. TO SA:1D 50UTKWE:TFRLY C;OKNER; `1'HENCE EAST~RLX 633.60 rBGT ALUNG THE SOUTHERLX LTNE OF' SAID I~OT T(,~ ~.CHE POINT OF BFGINNING. EXCEAT THE SOUTHWESTERLY 227.22 FEET THEREOF', MEASURED FHOM '.tHE CENTER LINE OF LLMON STREET. WHL•'REAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at tt~e Civic Center in the City of. Anaheim on Apr.i.l :30, 1984~ at 1:3~ p.m., notic~ of said public hParing having been duly giveri as r~quized by iaw and in accorda.nce wi.th the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chaptcr 18003, to hear and consider evidence for ~anci against saa.d ~rop~sed conditional use permik and to investigate and m~ke findingu and recommenda~iuns .in conncction therewa.th; and WHEREAS, said Cornrn:~ssion, after du~ i.nspection, investigah_ior~ and scudy made by itself and in its beha].f., and after duz consideration of a11 evidence ~~nd rep~rty offered at saYd hearing, does find and determine L•he Eollowiny Facts: #U207r PC84-7~ ~ i.. That the proposed use is proper.ly ~c1e for which a cor~ditional use pe~:mit is authQrized by Ar-aheim Municipal Code Section 1~,UG.080 & 1a.45.050.240 to wit: to nerm.it a privute educational institution with c~~ait~er of th~ f~llowing: SF,C~~IOtdS - Minimum number of par.kinR ~aces AND 18.U6.05U.0261 (2d7 s aces r.equ~r~d; 88 s~aces pruposed) 2. That L-he proposed use cor~sisting ~E a technical schoolr Telephone 7'echnology School, is her.eby granted for a period of six (5) year.s, to expire Apr:il 30, 1990. 3. ~1'hat thP reguested w~iver :~s t~~reby granced on the basis that the parking varianr.e will ryot c~use an increase in tra.f~ic c~~ngestion in the immedi.ate vicinity nor adversely aff~ct any a:~joining land uses, and that the grantin9 of the par.king variance unc]er th~ conditions i.mpoaed, if any, will not be detrimental to the pea~e, health, saiety ar gnneral welfare of the c:~tizens of the rity of Anaheim. A. That the proposed use is hFCeby granted subject to the pet~itioner's ~tipulation tl:at if parking becomes a problem, the total enrollment would be cut to 88 studer~ts or addikional off-sit~ parking wi11 be acquir~d. 5. That thE pro~os~d u~e wi11 not adverseJ.y affec~ t~,e adj~ining land use~ and the growth and development of the are~a in cahich it is proposed to be locat~cl. 6. That the size and sl~ape of. the site proposed .for the use is adE~quate to allnw the fu'li development of thc pzoposc~d us~ in a manner not. detrime7tal to the particular area nor to i:l~~ pear.e, healtti, safety ar~c~ general welfare uf the Cit.iz~ns of the Ci.ty of An~aheim. 7. '~'hat the grantinc~ of thp Conditional Use Permit und~r ~he conditions imposed, if any, will not be c~etrim~ntal to the peace, he~lth, safe~y and general wel*ar~ oF the Citicens o.f the City o~ Anaheim. 8. That the traff~c generated by the pr.op~sed tise wi11 not impose an undue burden upon t}~e str.e~ts and highw~ys d~sign~d and improved to carry the trafLic :in the area, 9. That no one indicated i:beir presence at said ~ublia heari.ng i.n opposition; ~~nd khat na corr~spond~nce was received in opposition ~o the subj~ct petition. ENVIRONMENTAL TMI?ACT FIND'ING: That th~ Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commissi.~n has review~d thF~ proposal to pErmit a private educational institution with waiver of minimum nurnber of parkinc~ spaces on a rec~angularly-shaped parcel oF land r.onsisting of approximately 0.92 acre, having a front~ge o£ approximately 120 feet on the west side of Anaheim Boulevard and fur~:her describeu as 1101 Sou~.h Anaheim Boulevar~~; and cioes hereby approve the Negative Dec:laration ~ipo~i fi.nding that it has considered th~~ Negativ~ Dc~claration together with any c~mments ~~~ceived dur.ing the public review proce:ss an~ ~urther finding on the basis of the iriiti.al study and any com:~er~ts received that there is no substantial evi~9ence that t-he project wi11 l~ave a significant effect on the enviror.meni:. ~. -2- _~84-78 ~1 NOW, `i'HEREFORF, ~E TT kGSOLVLD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does f~ereby grant su~jec~ Pe~ition L-or Conditional Use Permit, upott the L~1lowiilg aonditzons which are herehy found to be a necess~ry prercquisite to the pr.op~sed iise of the subject property in order co pre5~rve the safety and g~ner~al welfare of the c:itiz~r~s of tY~e Cit:y of Anaheim: 1. That i.n accordance with the reGOmmendation of the City Tra~fic Engineer there sha11 be a mi.nimum of one (1) hour between the Pnd of any classes and the beginniny oL- the next clas~es to prevent the overlapping oF vehicles enteri.ng aild exiting khe property, ?.. That trash storage areas shall be prcvide~ in accordance with apprnved plans on file witt~i the Street Ma.intenance arid Sanii:ati.on Aivision. 3. That subject proper~y :,ha].1 bp developed substantially in accordance ~rith plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim mar.ked Exhibit Nos. 1 anu 2. 4. That prior to commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution o.- final building anc3 zoning inspections, whichever occurs ~irst, Conditian Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, sh~ll be c~mplied with. 5. That the u~e is granted for. a period of six (6) years, to expire April 30, 1990. Bk~ TT FURT'rIER RGSOLVED that the Anaheim Cit}~ P1ar~ning Commissi~n does hereby fin~ ancl c]etermine that adoptiot~ o£ this Resolution is expressly predicatiecl u~on ap~licant's comp.liance with each and a11 of the condi.tions hereinabov~ set £orth, 5hould any such conditions, or any part thereof, be r]eclared invalid or unenforceable by the Einal judgment of any co~.~zt of campeterit. jarisdici:ion, then this R~s~lution, and any approvals herezn contain~~~, sha11 be deemed nu11 and voici. THE FURErOiNG R~SOLUTION ~,G signed and. approved by me this 30th d~~y of Aprii, 1984. J/, t c'~/ ~ e/L^ F ~''~ ~~ L-~ ~1 ~ -~' ~!~~ CHATRWOMAN .;~1NAHEIM CI`~Y PLANNING COMMISSTOrI r G~ ATTES7.' : .. ~ '~ ~ ° _,v ~~.~L- . SECRE;TAR , ANAHETM CI7.'Y PLANNTNG COMPQTSSIOtd -3- PC84-78 .. . . , ,~. ,.~,,, _ S`.CA`P~ OE' C1ILSFORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGE j ss. Ct7'X OF AN~,HEIM ) ~.r Ldi.th L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannir?g Commission, do hereby certif.y that tht forPgoing resolu~ion was passed ~nd ado~~ed at a~nee:.ing of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 30, 1984, by th~. following vote of the members thereof: AYES~ COMMISS~ONERS: BUUAS, BUSHURE, FRY, HER~3ST, KING, LA CLAIRE MC BURN~Y NO~S: C01~3MISSIONERS: NONk; ABSGNT; COMMISSION~:RS: NQN~ zN WI'I~NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~o ~et my hand this 30th day oi' April, 1984. . '' A < ~ ~ ' ~ ~~"~ -.E%,~~'~.'r.~ ~ SE~ :RETI~RY, ANAHGTM CITX PLANNING CON~MISSION ~~ EI -4- PC84-7£3