PC 84-79It~SOLU'1'tpN N0. PC84~79 A R~SULU2'IUN UE' 'I'tlE ANAHLlhf C;t'~Y I~LANNING ~.:OMMI::SIUN 1'E~A`.[' 1~L`1'I`t'IGN F'QR CUIJUI`.['IONA1.~ U~iI: PLRMI'1' I~U. 15G6 t~3~. E CiRAN'1'ED WHE;RI;~1S, tt~e Anahe:im City P1~nning Commi:;siun di~i receive a vFr9.fiec7 Pet.iLion Eo[ c;anditional U:;e P~rmit from M[LLE;R STI2EE;'1' 1.,IM.T.TfD PARTNERSHIP, J.7711 Mi1-.nhel]. North, Irvine, ~aliEarni.a 9i714, A~I'7.'N: nAVZI) P. PItIZIO, owneC, and A1~I.-MET LIh1ITF~D PARTNERSHIP, 812 Sai~ Diego Lane, Placeiikia, Cali:toa-ni~ 9267U, agent of cerrtain r.ea7. propert.y situated i.n the City ot.' An~hpim, Count;~• of. Urarigc~, State of ~'aliforr.i~-:, de:scrib~d as: 'i'HE EAS`i'ERLY 3:3U.00 i EL'1' UF THE SOUTH 10 ROUS Of~ TFfL•' NURTH 70 RUDS OC 'i'HE WESZ' 4G P,OllS OF LOTS 2~ IN BL(~CK "K" OF THE I<RAEMER 7'RAC'1', IN 'I'EIF: CITY O[' ANAHEIM, AS S:IOWN QN A MAP RECORDE;D 7N 300K 12, 1~AGE (5) 87 ANA 88, PIISCELLANEOUS RE;CURDS OP LOS ANG~LE:; COUN`CY, CAI,I FORNiA . WEiFRE:AS, the ~ity Pl~~nnin~,~ C~mmission did hold a publi.c he~r.ing aL the Ci~~ic Center in the Ci.ty af An~hei.m on April 30, 1984, at 1:30 ~,m., notice of said public h<~aring I~aving beeu ~~3uly given as reguired by law and in accor,-~ance with the provi~iuils of the Anaheim h!unic.ipal Code, Ch.apter 18.03, to hear and cons.ider evidence tor and agai~i:t said prop~sed conditional u~e permit and L•o investigate and maice Cinc;ings and r.ecommendations in conntction thezewith; and WHERF.AS, sair3 Commiss.ion, atter due inspecLion, investiqat:~n an~ sl•uciy made by it~elf and in its bel;alf, an~l aEter due cnnsidera~ ,n cf all evidenc~: and rep~rts oPFerea at sai.d hea.ring, does Eind and determfne the following facts: 1. That the oroposed use is Prc~perl~~ ane for which a conditionai use permi~ is auChorized by Anaheim ~9unicipal c:ode Sect.on tc wit: ro {~ermit a non-ferrous recycling facility in the ML (7nd~stria.l, I.imited) 'Lone. 2. That t:~e propc,secl ~~~e wi 11 not adversely affect the ad join~ ng land uses anci the growth and deve].oprt;ent uf the ar~~ in whi~h ir. is proposec3 to be located. 3. That Ctie size and shape oF tr~e site prnposed icr the use is adequate to a11ow the fu11 development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimcntal to the ~,acticul~r arPa nar to the peace, hf~alth, ~aLFty and general welfare of. the Citizens of -:he C:i.ty o£ Anaheim. 4. Ttiat the y:anein<,~ oC the Cordi.tio~al Use PPr~nit under the co~ditions imp~~sed, if any, wil.l not be dttrir:rntal to the pE~ace, healt•h safety and yeneral welfare of ~Ize Citi2en~ of the City , oC Anaheim. 5. Th~t t:~e tcafEic c~ener.aeed by the prap~:;t~_d u?e will not im~ose an undue burden uE~on Che rCCC:r~ts and highw~yc; ~r~ ,igned and im~?rnved to carry rhe ~raEf;.c in ~:h~ area. ~0208r PC84-''~ ~ r~ 6, ThaL unE per~on indic~~keci h~~r. prAs~~nce ah. said ~uhlic hearinc~ .~n oppos.itian; and ~li~-t nu <.orres~~on~lence was receivFd in opposition to the subjecL• p~L•ition. LNVIRONMLN'!.'AL Ih1PAC'~l' L'INUING; ~l~r,at the An~~he.im Ci.ty Planning Commission has reviewed ~t;hc~ pro~o,a:l L-o ~~ermxt a non-terrous recycltng facility in L•h~ ML (.[nc~u~tria]., Limlt~cl) zone un r~ rectangularl.y-shaped pdreel o~ land consist~.ng oF a~,proxitnately .l.1 ~~cre, having a frontage of approximtttely lf~_~ F~ar on the west side o~ Mi.ller Strett, and furthec described as 14U1 ~o'r_h hliller Street; and doFS her.eby approve the Negakive Declaratiun upon findi ng that ? t ha~ considered the NP.t~cl(,1VP. Declarati.on ~.ogether wilh any comments received dur.ing rhe public r~view ~,rocea~ and further finding on L-he basi. ~f the inil:i~al study and any comment~s received that thern is no subs~antial evide~nce that the project wil:! I~~ave a signific~rit el~fect o~i t.he cnv~rorimant. tJOW, THEREFORE, BE i7~ RESOLVED that the AnaP~eim Cit,y Pl~nni.ng Commission coes h~reby yrant subject Petiti.on f~.: Conditi~nal Use Per.mit, upon the Eollowiny conditi.ons which are hereby found to b~ a n~~ce~sar.y prerequisite to the propo~ed use oE L•l~e subject proper~y .in orcter to pr~serve the safety and gen~:ra:1 welf.ar~ of L•t~e Citizens of the City o~' Anaheim: 1, That prior to i~suance o~ a bui].di-~g permit, priniar}~ water main feez~ shall be paid to the rity o F Anaheim, in ar- amount ~is deterrnined by ', . the O£Eice ol: the Ut~i.liri.e~ General htanayer. Y,~ ' ~, ~; ~~`' 2. That prior to issuance of a buildin g permit, the appropriate traffic ;,~, ' signal assessment fee shall be paid to the City of Anaheim ir. an ~: , amount as r~etermined by the City C.o~~ncil iar new industrial ,','~ building.;. ~. That trash storage ~reas sha11 be provided in accordance with approvc~d pl~ns cn file wi,th tt~e Street Maintenanr_e and Sanitati.on Aivi~ion. "'~ 4. '~~ That, in accordance with the recommenda`ion of the City Tr~~fic ~~ Engirieer, the existiny southerl J.b-fout wide drzvewa a y Y pproach sha11 be relocatEd ten (10) feet n~r.the;:ly to acc~mmodake 10-fo~t radius curb returii~. In additior~, tk~e north~cly driveway sha11 alsn be recon~tructed to a 24-ioot minimu~n width with 10-fcot radi~iv curb ratucr.s. 5. Tnat r~ignage prohibiting vehi,cular .ngress into the ~ou~herly driveway sha11 be installed and maintained to thE satisfaction of the City 7'ratEic Engineer. 6. That a"7~x box" de~~ice .ha.11 be installed ~.~t the v~hicular acc~~~ gates to the satisfactt~n oF the ~ity ~irQ Mar~hall. 7. That the traffic cirtu.~atiori pattern Eor Vehic:lE+S delivering salvagable material.s ~h~ll L•e clearly i,ndicated c~n the site. 8. ; •Phat no *_rucks, co~t~iiners or. other vehirJ.es l-hat delivEr, h~~ul, or ' store materials shull ae permi~r~d to b~: packed outsiue the ; perimetPr of the fenced yard. ' -2- PC89-79 ~ .~;.,: 9. Tk~~al•. a11 mel-a] separation and storage shall takE place within th~ ienced y~ard. 10. ThaL rhe op~rati~n :;tlcllt noL- be op~n to the gcnera.l. public. 11. That ~he rec:ycling yar.d anc] opEratian sha11 be eti-ective]y visually screer~ed from acljoininy strrets and properti~s. ?'l. That no storaye shall be permittecl above the heiyht of the enclosure £enca.ny . 13. That: suUject facilily be limil:ed to the ciel.ivery, separation, cemporary storage, and clistributio~ ot non-£f~rrou~ met.als. 7.h. Thar. the proPusal shall comply with a11 siyi~in5 requirements af the ML Zune, unle» a variance allowiny sign waivers i.s approved by the Planning Commission or City Council. 15. 'rhat subjpct property sr~a:ll be developed substantiall,y in accord~ance with plans and speci.f icatioti~ on File with the Ci.ty o.E AnahPim markeci k;xhibit Nos. 1 an~: 2. 16. That the vehicle acc:ess yates sha11 remain open duri~~g regul~r business hours. 17. Ttiat prior to commencement o£ the acti~ity author.i.~ed under tha.s cesoluti~n oc final building anc] zaning inspectiuns, ~vhichever occurs Eirst, Conditions Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 15 and 16, a~ove-rnentioned, shall be complied with. BE I~' FURTH~;R RES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herebX f ir~d and cletermine that acioptic+n of this Resolution is ex~ressly pcedicated upon applic:ant's comp~iancF with each and all of the ~onditions hereinabove set forth. Stiould any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared in:alid or anenforceable by the final judgtnent of any couct of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and ar.y a~proval~ t~erein contained, shall be cJeemed nu11 ~nd void. THF. F'GREGc~ING RESOGUTION is sie~ned and approved by me this 3or.h day of A~ril, 1984. _ ~ ~ ; ;.:: ~G;/ '"L~1~ '~`-Ct-~.~ - --~---~~ CEIAIRWOMAN~~ ANAFICIM CITY PI~ANNIN~: C~MMaSSION /~ p~•l"rE;S2': ~ . ~ v ~.' ' ~ ~ - , ~ _ ~ ~.~~~- SECRETAI2Y~ ANAEiEiM CT'PY PLAtJ Ir1G COMMISSION -3- ~CS4-79 ~ :... CT''.':' ' ~~'~;'' ~,i~ J4 ,•"~, . . STA~E OE CALIl~ORIJIA ) COU:V7'Y 0~' OT2ANGE ) r~s. CI7'Y OF ANAHEIM ) T, Ldith L. Elarris~ Secretary oE the Anaheim City Planning ~ Commission, do herel~y certity thal the faregoing rtsalution was ~assEC] and aclopted at a rnr:eting of L•he Anaheim City Planning Commission helc~ on A~ri1 3d, 1984, by ~he following vote aL tl~e members thereof: A'Y~S: COMNISS:CONGRS: BOU11S, I'RY, KY~1G, ?.,A CL111RE, MC BURNCY ~ IJOES: CUMM7'SSiONLRS: BU:iHURE, HER~IST X~BSGNT: COMM:CSSIONP~RS: NONL e IN WITNEaS w~icR~;oE~, I have hereunto seh my h~nd this 30th day of April, ].984. ' _ `" . SECRGTARX, ANAHExM C'ITY rNNING CpMMI~SiON -4- ~:.84-79 ~: