PC 84-81,,""^, RESOLUTZON N0. PCa4-81 A RESOLU`i'TUN OF THE AlVf1HP;IM CITY PL~P,Nf~ING CUMMTSSION 'PHAT PETITII~N FOR VAFtTANCE NO. 3392 }3E CI2ANTED WHERLAS, th~ Anahein~i Cily P.lanning Commi.ssion did rec~ive a verified Petitian tor Variance from HOWARD W. ATWELL I~ND LESL.IE J. A'rWELL, ].917 SundoF~n Lane, Anaheim, Ca.lifornia 92807, owciers o1~ certain reai pr.aperL•y sikua~ed in thE Ci":y of Anaheim, County of Orange, Stat~ ~f Calif_or.ni~~ describea as: LO`l' 3~ Gf `.~RACT 4693~ AS SHUFIN ON A MAP R~COI2DED IN BOOK 313, PAGES 49 AND 50 0~' MISC~L1'.,ANEOUS MP.PS, RECORDS nF ORANGE COUNTY, CAL:IF~~NIA. 43HEREIS, the City Planning Comniission aid hold a public~ hearing at the Civic Center ir- the City oF Anaheim on April 30, 1984, at 1:30 p.m.~ notice of said public hearzng h~avit~g btEn duly given as requir.ed by 1aw zn~3 9.n accordanc~ with the provisians oL- the Anaheitn Municipal rode, Chapl•er 18.03, to h~ar and consider Etridence tor and against said proposec1 variance and to investigatE and make findings and Lecommendations in connection therewith; and WHERFAS, s~id Commission, after due inspection, invc~Stic~ation anci study macle by itself acid in its beh~lf, and aPter due consideration of a11 evidence and r.eports offered at s~id hearing, does find anc~ determine the followirig facts: 1. That the peti.tioner pr.oposes a waiver of the following to cor~struct a room addition to a single-family resider... SECTION 1a.27.U62.020 - Ma~.imum lot covera e. (35~ permitted; 40~ proposed) 2. That 'che above-mentioned waidpr is hereby grar~ted un the basis that khe petitioner c7ein~~n~trated thar_ a har~ship exists in that the waiver is minimal arid that there are special circumstances applicabl~ to the property such as size, shape, topoyr~phy, location or surrounciings, which do nnt apply to ol-her identically zoned properties in the vic:init,y, ar.d that strict app:lxcation of the 2ox~ing Ca~e dF~~pri.ves the property oi privileges E~r.joyed ~y other pz~pertiPs in idEntica]. zor.~ing classificacion in the vicini'ty. 3. ~1'hat there ar~ exceptional or extraordinar.y circumstance~ or conditions appl.icabl~ to the properfy involved or to the intended use of the properky that da noL• appl,y gerierally to the praperty or class of use in the same vicinity and 2~n~. 4,. ~rhat the rev,uested variance is necessar~ ~or ~he pres~rvat.ion and enjoymerit of a subs~antial property right poss~ssed by otiher ~ragerty ia•i the same vi.ci~ity and zone, a:~d denied t4 the property in question. 5. '.Phat the requ~sted vari~znce will nnt be macerially dPttimEn~al to t:~e public welft~re or injur.ious to r_he ~~roperty or improvements in such vicini,ty and zone in which ~he property is :loclted. 6. That opposition; ~nd tha petition. no onE indicated their presence at said public hearing in t no cor.respondence was rec~ivec3 in opposition to sebject- ; ;'~ #U210r PC84-8]. ~~ ^~ ENVIRUIJM~NTAL zMPACT FINUING: The Planniny Directc~r or his authorJ.ze~9 representative ha~ dPtermined that tl~e pru}~osed project Fa11s withzn the definition af Categor~ ~~xempti~ns, Class 5, as aefined in the State Ei.li Guidelines arxd is, ~refore, categcrically exempt ~rom the rec~uir~ment tu ~?rep~re an EIR. NUW, THEREI•'ORE, F3E RL~SOLVED thai: the Anaheim City Planriing Commission does hereby yrank s~ Ject Petition for Va~iance, upon the [ol.'owing conclitions whic:h are hereby ound to be a necessary prerequ?si~e ta the proposed use of the subjec' pr.operty in order to presprve the safe~.~ ancl general welfare of the Citiz~.~~ oE the Ci~y of Anaheim: 1. Th~t subjact properly sh~.ll be developed suUstantially in accordance with glans and Np~cificat:ians on fzle with the Cil•y of Anaheim marked Exhibi.t Nor. 1 tl~rough 3. 2. That prior to £inal building and zuning inspections, Condition No. 1, abav~-tnentioned, shall be complied wi~h. BF I'.I' FU~2'I'IiER RESOL'~'~D that the Anatieim City l~lannir~g Co~.;mission d~es hereby f.ind and determine i;hat adoption of this Re~olution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance v~ith each and a11 of Lhe r.ondition~ herFinabove set forth. Sk,ould any suc:h condition, or any part ther.~of, be dealared invalid or u~ien~orceable bv the final judgment of any caurt of com~etent juris~iction, then thiis Hesolution, and any approvals herein co~ntain~d~ shall be ~e~m~d nu11 and void. THE b'OftEGOING FtESOLUTION is signed and appraved by me this .30th day ~i Apri.l, 1984. ~, !~~L~ ,~ ~~ 'J^''~..G~! ~-' CHAIRWOMAN, ~~IM CIT~ I~LANNING COMMZSSZON ATTP:S7.' : ~ _. ~ ~•~c..~ ~.. - E L~-c. SECRE'.PARY~ ANAFiEIM CI7'Y PLANNING CUMMISSION S2'ATE OF CALXFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE j ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, ~eGretary ot the Anaheim City Planning Comr~ission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopt2d at a mePCinq of the Anaheim City Planning Commi~sion helc.9 oa P~pri1 30, 1984, Liy the followzng vote of the members thereof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORr, FRY, H~RBST, K7NG, LA CL',AIRE MC BURNEX NOES: (:OMMISSIONErS: NONE ABSEN'1': COMC~IISSION~RS: N~N~ IN h'z`i'NESS WHERLOF, I have I-~ereu.nto set my hand this 30th ~ay of Ap;.il, 1984. ~~ ~~ - ~ SECRETARY, ANAHE]:M CTY.CY PLANNII3G COMMISSION -2- PC84-81