PC 84-85„i' c i~~~~ ,~ ~ r~„ :ii.,:.... ~ . ~ ' ~ I~ kESOL~U`i'ION N0. PC04 85 A RF.SOT~UT:LON Oi ~rHE Af~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMM7SSIQN i" ADOF`t7NG ANU R E C U M M G N D I N G T O T H E C I' I' Y C OUNCIL QF THE CI'I'Y OF ANAHEIM ADOPTTON OP' AN P.ME~NDM~NT x0 THE LANll USE ELEMFNT OF THE GENERAL PLADI DFSIGNATED AS AM~NDMi~N`.~' N0. 188 WHEREASr the City Counci3. of the City oi Anaheim c~id adopt the Canyon Area General Plan by Resalutiocl r1o. 77R.-168, showing th~ yeneral description anci extent of possible future dcvelopment ~aithir- the City; arid WHEFtEAS, pursudnt ta a req~~e~t fr~m the property owncr fc~r a GeneraJ. Plan Amendment Study, CiL•y staff pr~par~d a General P7.an Amendment for an area consisting of approximately 600+ acr~s boun~ed on the north by the Wa:11~c~ Ranch, west by Texaco--An~heim Hi17.s, Inc. property, and south and east by the Irvine Ccmpany property; and WHEREAS, the Planiiing ll~partmar-t c~eemPd it ap~,ropriate, pursuant to the provisions of the California Lnvi.ronmental Qualit;y Act, tk-at an envi1'onmeni;al impact report be preparecl and Er~vironmental impact ~teport No. 265 has been submitted; ~nd WHERFAS, the Anahe.im C:ity ~'lanniiig Commission di.d hold a public hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center, Council C11amY~er, ?.OU aouth Anaheim Boulevar.d, or~ April 3Q, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of said gublic hearing havin~ bPen duly given as r.equired by law ancl in accordance 4~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and consicler evidence for and ayain~t saic~ Am~ndment tc~ the Anaheim Gen~ral Plan, Land TJse ElemenL-, atid to inv~stigate anc9 make Eindings and recommendata.ons in connection therewiL•h; ar,d WH~KEAS, said Commission, aft.er_ d~z~ cor~si~~ratian, inspection, investigation and study rrade by itself, ~nd after due consic~eratiun of all evidenc~ and reports ~ftered a!: s~id public hearin~3, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1. '.Chat one (1) per~on indicated his interest in the amendment ai: the public hearing. 2. That evi.dence was presented whic:h suUstantiiates the r.eed f.or an amendment to the Canyon Area General Plan, and it is deemed appropriate i:t~at "Exr~ib9.t A" be adopte~3, desiynatiny thP property as Hillside ~sl-.ate Density Residential, Hillsid~ Low Uensil-.y Residential, Hillsi.de Medium UF:nsity Residential, Gener.al Commercial and Gener~l Ope:~ Space. 3. That the appro~~al does not automatic.ally guarantee the d~avelopmQnL• of a rnaximum of 2,400 dwell:ing units. Ucider the aoprov~d General Pl.an desa.gnations, the numbex~ of developable dwelliny units would range f.r~m 0 t~ '1,400 uni~s. PC84-85 ~1115I ~~ NUW, THERGeORE, BG IT RESUI:,VED~ that aftFr c~nside_ing Arait Environmenta:l Imp~-~ct Report No. 25, tor the ~roposed annexati~n and developtnPnt of: Oak Hills kanch anc] reviewing evidence, b~th written and oral, presented to supplern~nt llraft E:IR No. 265, the Planni.ng Comma.ssion finds that EIR No. 2G5 is in comp].iance with L-he CaliForni.a Enviror~mental Qua.lity Act anc] the CiLy aild State C~QA Guideline~; ~hat econom:~c, sor.ial and physical considera~ion^ r.:;.e it inf~easible to eliminai:e a11 of the siynificant environmental impacts of L•he project which have been id~nta.fieu i.n EIR No. 165; that it will be nec~ssary to compl~te planning and provid~ for fundin~,~ ot a system of arterial highways f~aving adequate capaci.ty to serve thiu proiect and other future developments in i~l~e region prior to approval oF zo~ling th,e pznpErty for develo~ment. Ho~~aever, i:he benefits of ttic project have be~an balanced against the unavoidable environmental impacts and, pur.s~ianh to th~ ~rovisions of Section 1.5093 of th~ State CEQ11 Guidelines, the uccurrence of ~he significant envixonmenta7. effects ider,ti~ied ir. ETR No. 265 and as set forth ab~ve may be permi~t2d without further mitigatian due to the following overriding considerations: 1? the project wi].1 provide a balancec9 resident:ial community to fill a need for h,~iUSt!'1C~ an increasing population; 2) tt~e projecL- is compatible with surrounding land uses; and 3) mitigai:ion measures h~ve b~en incorporated inta ~,h~ project to rzduce the envir.onmental impact to an acceptable ievel; ther~for.P, the Planning Commission recommend~ that the Cit;~ Council c~rtity EIR No. 265 for the annexation and Ranch and adopt this St.atement of Ov~rriding Considerations~ pxan af Uak Hi17.s BE TT FU~t'rH~R FLSOL~I~D that, pursuant to the foregving findings, t~e Anaheim City Plan-~ing Commission does hereby adopl: and recommer,d to the City Council of ~he City ~~f. Ar~ah~im acloption of General Plan Amendment No. .188 - Land Use Element, Exhibit A, with emphasis on the permitted number 4f developable dwelling units ranging from ze.r~ (0) to ?,400 ur-its, with th~ actual riumbe.r of implementab.le units to be aul-horized by the City at the time of approval of Plannec~ Community t.PC) ~voning and subdivis~i.on appr~~vaZ~, THE; P'OREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approv~d uy me this 30th day of April, 1984~ ~~''!~ ~ e/! i. . " n ~lG~ ~-~ ; ,'~'__,~,~,, CEIAIRW0~9AN, A~CI:7.'Y .PLANNING CONriyISS:ION i4'i"I'EST : , ~r v 1.~. ~~~.~ ~~ ~ ~i'LiC.c.Q.~ SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITY PLANIvING COMMTSSION ` PC84-t35 ST~T~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF pRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAEIEIM ) I, Edith L. Har.ris, Secrc;tary of the Anaheim Cit•y Planning Commiss~ori, du hereby cc~rtify that the :Eortgoir.g res~luL••iun was passed and adopted at a rneering of the Anak~eim CiL•,y Plan*Zing Commission held on Apri1 30, 198~~ k~Y the f~llawing vo~.e of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, rRY, K:ING, LA CLAIF~ NOES: COMMISSIQN~Ra: BUSHORE ABSF.NT; CQMMISSTONERS~ HERI3u`.P, MC BURNLY ItJ WITNI,SS WHEREOF, z have hereun p set my hand this 30th day of APril, 1984. ~- n %~ , ~~. ,~ ~ ~`/ '~'~-1-~~.. SECRETARY, ANAT~IEIM CIT'.I PI~F1NNIr~G ~OMMISS70N -3- PC84-85 r,; ~ ,~~ ~,~.:,; ~., •.:~~ ~ ~ ,, . _ ~.~ ,,,