PC 84-88~°"1 fZE,SULUTION N0. I?CII4-$8 ,~., A RL''SULUT.iUN pL' 'I'FIE ANA[~ETNi CI~'Y PLANNING COMMISuION THAT 7CZ'I'T'ION ! UR CUNUI'1':[UNAi, USf~:, I~}~ftMl`1' N0. 2570 E3E GRANTCU 6V.HGlt~AS, th~ Anah~.im C:ity Plannirag Commisston d:id receivc a ver. if ied PetiL.ton Eor. Cund.ition~ll Gse Perm.it fr.c7n GL,SNN F. LUK~NBTLL F1Nll JQAN M. LUKENI3ILL, G307 ~ast A:ldcr.d~-~le, Anr~heim, Cali~or.n:ia 92807, owner.ta o.E cer.t~in r.eal pr.oper.ry situat~ed in the City oF ~naheim, County oC OYanye, State oP CaliCvr.nia, descr.ik~ed as: LO~.r 39 UE~ ~i~HACT NU. 5409, z~S ~~LEt M~P RLCOR~En r.N f300K 217, PAGCS 45 Tv 4~3 TNCLUSIVE GF MISCELLAN.EOUS h1APS, RECORDS U1~ SAIll UItANG~ CUUNTY. WfiERGAS, the Ci~y Planning Commission did hoJ.d a publ.ic hear.ing at the Civ.ic CenL-ez in the c:ity oL Anai~eirn on May 14, 1984, at 1:30 p.tn., notice o~ s~id pub.l.ic hear.ing having be~n duly given as r.equir.ed by law and ~in accor,dance wi.th the pr.ovisions oC the Anaheirn Mun.i,cipal. Code, Chapter. 18.03, ta hear. and con:~ider evidence Eor. and against sa:id pr.oposed condirional use per.mit anc] to investigate and makn [.ind:ings and r.ecommendations in connection ~:herewa.th; ~nr] WHERFAS, said Comrniss:ion, after. c.3ue inspect5.on, i.nvestigatinn and stud~ made by itself and in its behalt, and after. d~:e consider_at.ion of all evidence anc! r.~pU!-ts ~ffPr.ed at said hear..ing, does f.ind and determine th~ follow:ing Eacts: 1. That. the proposed u:~e is pr.oper.ly one F.or. which a conditional use pez:mit i.s authorized by Anahe.im t~lun.icipal Code Sections 18.06.080 and 18.2E.050.020 ~o w:it: to exptlnd a day car.e cent~~.r. to per.mit a maximGm of 12 children with wai.ver, c~E i:he following: SFC7'ION 18. 06.050. U268 - Requir~ed .loadina and unl~~ad inq ar.4a for. ~AND 1~.26d0E6.010 childr.er,. ` + (on-site vehicle loading and unloading a>~ea r.equ.ir.ed; off-site pr.oposArl) 2. 'I'hat tt~~: pr.oposed use .i.s her.e~y gr.anted f.or. a per..iod oC one (1) year, to expir.e May 14, 19a5. 3. 'rhat the r.eque~tNd ~Naiver. is her.eby gr.anted on ~he basis thak the City Tr.aff:c Engi.neer. has appr.oved an on-str.eet loadinq and unloa~ling ar.ea on Alde.rdal~ Averiue in L-r.ont of subject pr.oper.t•.y, pr.ovided ti~at said ar.ea is pr.oper.ly designated w.ith sign.ing, and sub;ject r_c. th~ ~ppr.oval arid adopti~n of a City Or.dinance establishing ar. ~~r.ea r.estr..icted to passenger. loading ancl ~inload.ing between the h~~ur.s of 6 a.m. Co b p.m.; and Lur.~her. on the basis that the par.kiny var_ianr.e w.ill not cau~,e ~n i.ncr.ease in tr.aEfic congP~tion in the immediate vicinity nor adver.,ely aEfect any adjoining l~nd uses; and that th~ granting of r.he par.king var.iance under. the condir_ions impoued, if any, w•tll not be detr.imtntal to the pe~ice, hea.l~h, s~f:ety or gener.al we.lfar.e ~f the cittzens of the C;ity of An~heim. 9. That the propos~~ ~.ise will nat zdver.sely affe~t the adjaintng lancl uses ar~d the yr.oM~th arid ~evr,~;~oE~menL- of the ar.ea in which it is proposed t~ b~: located. #0215r. PCB~-8~ ~'' ~p~;~ `°f"'~ ! ' ~. That L•he si.ze ~~nd shape oF ' rhe ~~ite pr.oposed f•or ~17e use i ~ ;: ' ~ ' ~~' ' ~ a~~ •qua~e to a.llow the fu1:1 devel~pm~nl-. oC . LhP ~~r.oposc~r~ us~ in a f~ manner : not - ~ '~'`' ' d~:tr.iment~l to ~he ~ar,ticular ar.c~.~ nc~r. to ~he peaCe~ health, . safety and ~ t. gener.al welfar.e of the Citizens oL- ~.h~~ City oC 1~n~h~i.m. ~,~'`'~: r ' ~` 6. 'I'hat t:h~ gr.anti.nc~ o~ th~ Conditioital Use Per.mi.t under the . . ! conditi~ns i.m~osed, if any, wi.ll noL• b~ , detr.amenL-al to the peace, heal th ;:;, s; saEety and gener.~Zl welfar.e ot the C~it.izens oE tf~-e ~:ity of Ariaheira. , ,;_,. :''.;- 7, 'i'hat t:hP Fr.a~f.ic yener.ated by t:he pr.oposed use wi.ll not impo~e ~~~( ! ~n undue bur.dec'i upon the str.eets and highways des.ignec~ and improved tu carry ~~'' the tr.ai`fic in L-he area. t;~A!~-' 8. That no one indic~ited thei.r. pr.esence at said pub~.ic hear.ing in uppositicn; ~nd L-hat rio cor.r.esnonden~e was r~:ceived in apposition tc khe Gubject pet.it.ion. . ENVIi~ONMEN'.CAL IMPACT k'TNDING: Thrzt the Anah~i.m City P].anning Commiss.ioi~ has r.eviewe~ the pr.uposal to exp~nd a da~ c~r.e center of per.mit a ! max3.mum ot 1'l children with waiver. oF the --equired on--si~e veh:icle loadi.ng and , un.Zoadi.ng ~r.ea fox ch.ildr.en on an irr.~gularly•-shaped par.cel oE l~nd consisting ; of appr.or.imately 69 feet~ on the nor.tl~west side of A.lder.dalP Avenu~, ~nc~ ~ ~ur.ther. descr.ib~d as d30% E:ast A?derda.le Avenue; and docs h~r.eby appr.ove ~he ~ Neya~ive Declar.at.io:i ~:pon L-ind.ing that .it has co~lsidQred L-he Nega~ive ~ Aeclaxakipn together. w.ith any comments r.~ce.ived dur.ing ~he public re~~ie:~ ' pr.ocess and further. finding on the basis oF tl-,e initial s~udy and any camment~ ~ r.~ce.ivec~ rhat thez~ is no suk,stant:ial evidence t:hat the pr.oject will have a ; signi.ficar~t ef.fect on the envir.~nment. NOF/, 'I'H~;REFOR~, 13G TT RLSOLVED thal-. the Anakieim City Planning c:ommi.~sion does her.eby gr.ant subjecr Petition f~r Cond.itional. r~se Per.tnit, upon tt~e tollowing cond.i~ions 47~1LCh ar.e her.eby fo~in~ to be a necessar.y prer.equ~isite to the propose~ use of_ the sui~ject pr.oper.ty i.n or.der. to pr.ese.r.ve l:kle saFety and gener.al w~lfar.e of the c'itizens oF thc Cit,y of Anat~e.im: ., 1. That subject pr.o,per.ty sha11 be dcveloped substantially i.n accor.d~~nce witr~ plans and ,pecifi~at.ions on fi.1e with thc Ci.ty ~f Ariahea.m mar.ked Exhib.it Nus. 1 thzaugh 3. 2. That a designated, clear.ly i.dentifieo~ on-str.Pet passEnyer. loading and unloading ar.e~~ ,ha11 be pr:ovided on Alcler.dale Avenue adjacent to subject pr.oper.ty in a manner, :}atisfactur.y to the City ~1'r.af~ic ~ngin~er. and subject to ~hF~ approval and adoption of a Ci.~y Or.pinanr~ esl-ablishing a:~ ar.~:a r.estr.icted t~c~ passenger. loading and unloadir.g between L-he haur.s of 6:00 a.m. anc3 G:00 p.m., Monday ~nr.~ugt~ Fr. iday, 3. That pr..ior, to the commenc:ement of the activir.y ~~.tthor.ized under this r.eso.lut.ion, or within a per.i.od of one y~ar. fYom th~ date of thi.s r.esolution, whichever. occurs fir.st, Conr7ition Nos. 1~nd 2, above-mentioned, sha11 be compl.ied with. Exrensions for.• Eur.ther. time Co complete said conclitions may be gr.anted in accordance w.i.th Sec:t.ion 18.03.U90 of the Anah~~m Mun.ici~al c:c~de. Q. That the r~c~ue:t a, authorized by thi.s r:~solution sEiall be lim.i.ted to a total maxi.tnum o~ twelve (12) childr.eii. -'"- 6~C84-88 ~~~ 5. '1'hat the use is h~>>-eby gr.anl•~~l Eor. a per,ic~d of one year., ro expir.e ~9ay 14, 19a5. B~: I'1~ EUFtTHER 12[;SULVrD that I:he Anaheim C.i ty P'lar~nine~ Comm:issi~n does h~r.~:hy .Eind ar~d determirie that ada~tion oi~ thi.s Resol.ut:ion is ex~r.essly pr.edicaLed u,~~an applicant's compliance witl~ each and all of t:he conditions her.~a.nabove set for.Lh. Shou.ld any ~~ach con~ii.tio~~s, or, any par.t ther~of, be d~c.lar.ed invalid or. un~nf-or.ceable by the Pinal judgmen~ oE any co~!r.t ot campeter-t jur.isdi.ction, thpn thi.s R~so1t!tion, and any appr•ov~ls her.ei.n cnntainEd, shall b~ deemFd ttull and voicl. TH~ [`OREGO:~NG RESOLU'I'IUN i.s signed and a~pr.ov~d by me this 14th day of rt~,y, ].9a9. t"` A7"i' G S T; :~~. ~ ~ 't'~'' ~ d ~.L - ~ y~; v / ' ~ ~L j~~';`- SECRGTARY, ANAHEIM C.ITY PLANNTNG COMMISSIUN STATk: OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGG ) ss. CTTY CF ANAEIh'IM ) z, Edith L. EIar.ris, Secr.etar.y oF the anar,eim City PXanning Commission, do her.eby cer.tify that the for.egoing r.esolution was passed and adopt~d a~ a meeting of thz Anahe.im City Plannia~g ~.amm.is~ion held on May 14, 1y84, by the Followi.ng vote oE the member.s th~r.eoF: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FRY, Ei~RBST, KING, MC BURNLX NOb;S: COMMI,S',SIONERS: BOtT(1S, $USH012E ~1aSF.NT: COM~lISSIONERS: LA CLAIRE i~~~~' ~ ~O't~~c-*-° CHAIRWqMA~, ANAHE;iM CITX }?LANNING COMMISSION fn""•~ tN WITNESS WIiEREOE', T t~ave her.eunto se~ my hand th.is 14th day of May 14, 19~4. ~ ~ ~ _~~ ~ ~~. ~ ,t.~_: SFCRETAf2Y, ANAHETM CI'.PY PLANNING COMMISSION ; I : z. Y ;. -3- PC34-88