PC 84-96~ ~, .~*. RESOLU~.CIQN NO. PC84-96 A 12ESOLUTION OI' THE ~NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMIS;~TON THAZ' P.G'i'ITION rOR VARIANCE NO. 3396 B~ GRAN'1'En, IN p~R~ WHEREAS, khe Anahezm City Plann:ing L'ammission did rec~ive a ver. iFi~d Petition for. Variance from PURUSEIOTTAMUAS R. PATEL AND N]:LA P. PATEL, ;~p~,7 South Har.bor 33oulevar.d, Anaheim, Califor.nia 92802, owner.s, and JOHN F. SWINT, 707 Weai~ North Str.eet, .~nat~eim, Cali.f.or..nia 92805 & JGEJN L. SCHMITZ, 718 North Ar~ahe~m Boulc~var.d, anaheim, Calif.ornia 92805, ayent ot cer.tain real prop~r.ty situated in tt~e City of~ Alzaheim, County of ~r.ange, State of Califa.rnia desc.ribec] as : PARr;;L 3 Qr ~~HA'.I~ rERTAID] PAR~.EI, t~1AP RECORDED IN BOOK 17G, PAGE ~7 GF PARCEL MAPS, RECC~12llS OF OKANG~ COUNTY, CALIFUFtNIA. 6VFIEREAS, the City P1ant~ing Commission ciid hold a the Civi.c Center .in th~ City of Anaheir~~ on hlay 1~, 198~1, at p`~30tC heazing ~t of said publxc hear.iny hav~,ng been c1u1 P•m•o not.i~e accozdance wxth Lhe pr.ov5.sions of the Anahe m eMuni cipa 1uCode, b hapter 18.03n to heaz• and consider. evidence Lor and aga.ins~ said pr_oposed var.iance and to invesl-igate and make findings and r.ecommenc~ations in r_Q,~nection thexewith; and WH~REAS, saia Commission, a~te~ du~ inspecti~n, investigation and stuc7y made by itselF and in its behalf, and af ter. due cons:~c~exation of a11 evidence ar~d r.eppxt;; offer.ec~ at s~id hear.ing~ does Lind and deter.mine the foliawing facts: •1 • That t~e petitioner pznpo,;~s Waivey-s o.E t,~e fo1loF~ing to conUtr.uct a f r.eestanding sign and an i.llum:nated r.~of sign: (a) SE,C7.~I0~1 1~.05.093.022 - Maximum ar.ea of. freestanding siqn ~'~0 Sauax~ feet per.mitt~d; 185 sguar.e f_ee~ pr.oposed) (b) SECTION 18.U5.093.0?.3 - (c) SECTIqN 18.p5_093.032 - (d) SEC7.'ION 18.i15.093.033 - ( e ) SEC;TION 16.05.093, , p341 _ #0222r. Pexmitted location of Freestandin sictn (8 feet t'rom s~ukh pr.operty li.r~e r.equ rx' ed; 5 feet pzoposed} Maximum ar.ea of roof' sian (40 squar_e feet per.mitted; 120_~quare f~et proposed) '- Per.mitted location of r.o~f sian (109 f~ grom north p~oper.ty li.ne z•equired; 0 feet proposed) Ma_xi~ mum heighh, of i1lum:inated r_oo~ (30 feet high per,mitked; 41 feet, 8 inches propo,sed ) PC84-96 ~415Yl~Y.i.l .l' r . . ... . . ,: u~~,. i` , 2. That the ab~ve-mentioned waiver.s (a) and (b) per.taining to fr~estanding Ga.gns ar.e hereb1~ grantccl on the basis of the unusizally riarr.ow Pr.ontage and the shape of subject proper.ty, and subjecl. to the ~ond.ition that no si.gns of any ty~e ~ha.l1 be per.mitted on i:he wall or r.cof at the r.ear. of th~ mo4e1 facing Convention VJay or the Hilton a.nd Marriott Hotels (no.rth and wesi: si.des ofi builcl:ing ) . 3. T?~at t.h~ r. e~uested ~aaiver.•s ( c~ ( d), anc~ ( e) ar. e hereby denied on tne bas.is that th~~r.e are -zo s~aecial ca.r~umstances applicak>1e to thE proper.ty which ~o not apply to other. :icientically zoned proper.ties in ~he v:~ci.nity; and strict appl:ication of t;ne Zoning Code oiou].d nat depr.i.ve ~h~ pr.ope~-~y of. pr.ivyl2ges en;joyed by othex. pra~er.i:ies i.n ider~tical zoning classification in l:h~ vicinif:y. 4. Tha~. ther.e az-e exceptional or extr.aor.dinary circumstances or condition s applicable to the pzoper.ty invol~~ed or. to the .~ntended use of the proper.ty that do not apply gener.al~.v to the pr.oper.ty or cla;~s of. usE in the same vicinity a nd zone. 5. Tr.at the zeque:~ted variance is necessazy for the preser.vation and enjoymeiit of a substanta.al pr.oper.ty right possesse~ by other proper.ty is~ the same vxcinity and zone, and deni~d to the pr.oper.ty :in question. 6. That the requested variance wi11 no~ be mater.~~l:ly d~crimental to th~ pu.blic welfar.~ or injur.i.~us to the ,proper.ty or. impr~vements in such vici.nity and zone a~n which thP pxoper.t,y is locak:ed. 7. That no one :indicat~d their. presen~a at said public hearing in op1~osition; and that no correspondence was r.ecel.ved in a~aposition to subject petit~.on. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDIN~; The P'lanning DirecL-ur or his authorized repr.esentatave has dekc~rmined that the pr.o~osed pr.qject fa11s within t.he defi.nition of Categor..ical Exemption~, ~,lass 11, a~ defined in the State EIR Guic~elines and is, tner.e~or.e, categozically exernpt fr.om the r.equa.r.ement to prepare an ~IR. NOW, 'PHEREFORE, BE T`.P RESULVED that the Anahei~i Ca.ty Planniny Comm:ission does hereby gr.ant subject Petitiail Poz Vaziance, upon the following condit.fons which axe her.eby found to k~e a necessary pr.er.equisite to rhe pr~posed use aE ~he subject pzopexty in order to pr.eserve the safety and general welfar.e of the Citizens of ~he Ci.ty of Ana:leim: 1. That subject proper.ty shall be developed substantially in ~ccor.clance ~ith plans and specifications on file with the Ciky of Anahei.m marked Exh.ibit Nos. 1 thxough 3; pr.o~~a.ded, however., that (a) ther.e sha11 not be any r~of s.igns, (b) the propased ~reestanding sign shall be located a minimum of eight (0) feet wester.ly of the east pr.oper.ty line ad;jacent to Harboz f3oulevar.d; and (c? ther.e sha~.l be no sign:~ of any type permiLted on the north and west ends of. th~ pr.oposed motel bui.lding fac:ing Conventiun P7ay oz the Hi.].~on ar.d I9ar.r.iott Hotels. 2. That pzior to final bui.lding and zoni.ng lRS)JPCtlOlla~ Condition P7o. 1, above-mentioned~ shall be camplzed with. -2- PC84-96 ~; ~ s iiL IT hUR't'HE2~ RESpLVLD th~at the Ana'rietm City Plann.tny Co~nrnissfon doe~ hereby £tnci and ~leter.m.tnc that 4~doption oC thts ~tesolu~,ton i.s expr.essly ~r.ed:tcated upor. ~~~licant's r;ompl.iance with euch and ~i.L1 of the condittons her.efnabove set Poxth. Shau:ld any such condttion, or. an,y par.t ther.~c;~, b,~ c]ecl~r.ed invnli d ur unen~:orceable by the ~inal judgmt~7t of any . . cour.t of comp~~ent jur.isdtction, then this Resolution, and any aaproval5 her.ctn contatneci, sha11 be deem~~d nu11 ar~d votd. THE k'ORGCUiNG f2E5ALU'PTON is signed ~nd ~ppr.oved by me thiN 14th day ~f M~y, 1984. .___-~~'L_._.t2`' ~ • ~~......:_.. CHATRWO , ANAfiFIM CTTY 1?LANNING COMMISSJ.ON ATTE5'L' : -----~~~c..~LGc.. ~( • ~ !, _ ~Y~Q SECRE'i'P.RY, ANAHEIM CITY YLANNIt~G COMMISSION STATF OF CALIFOR[3IA ) (:OUNTY QF ORANGG ) s~. C1TY Or' IINAHEIM ) I, Cd.~th L. Harr.is, Secr.etar.y of the Anahei,n City Planr~ing Commission, do hereby cer.t.ify that the for.egoing r.esolut.ton wa~ nasse~ and adopted at a meeting of r_he Anaheim City Planning C.ommiss.ian held on May 14, 1984, by tha followtng vote c~f the ~~ember.s ther.ecf- iIYES: COMMTSSIONERS; BOUAS, BUSHG::::, PR.', HrF.BS'C~ KING, MC BURriFX NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSCNT: CUMMISSIONEFtS: LA CLAIRE IN WITNES5 WHCREOF I have hcr.eunto set m~ hand this l~th day oE May 14, 1989. ~ ~t/ ; _ .. /~~~ „ • S~CRETARY, ANAHE.T.M CIT'f PLANNING COMMISSION -3• ~ ~i ~I i PC~i~I-96 i ; C~ ~.J