PC 84-98•-'~ kt~~ULU`I.'ION 1~0. PG84~-9Ei A RE50LU'1'ION Ut Tf~L~ ANAEILIM C.C'PY ~'LANNING COMMISS:[ON '1'HA'l PE'1'I`1'IOIQ LOR CONDI'i'IONA1. U~E: PERMI'i' NO. ?.~)7~~ BE GRAN'1'GD WHER~AS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did r.eceive a ver.i.f~ied Petitinn far Con.diti.an~a1 Use Per.mit Lr.um c;ARIaOS R. COrJAN~i' AND LEONOR CONANT, 1321 Nor.th Mor.aga, Anah~im, CaliFor.nia 92801, owrer.s af cer.tain r.ea1 pr.aperty situated in cne City o~ Anaheim, County of Orange, Statc~ of Californ•ia, descr.ibed aa: I~I~T G6 OL' TR~1CT 228$ AS I?LK MA~' RECORJ)CD '!N i~00K 6~ PAGES 2G - 28 INCLUSIVL OF .MISCE,LLANGOUS MAPS, IN TFIF~ OFFSCE OF THE C'OUNTY RFCORUER UF SAIU CnUNTY. WHEREAS, tt~e City Planning Gommi.ssion did hold a public: hear.i.ng at l-.he Civ9.c Cent~:r. i.n the City of. Anaheim on May 30, 198~, at 1:30 p.m., i~oti,ce of said public hearing having been duly giv~n as requiced by l~w and in accordance with tt~e provisions ~f th~ AnaheiRi Municipal Cod~, Chapter. 18.03, to hear an~~ consiGec ev.idence .Eor. and against said proposed conditi.onal use pezr~it and ~o investigate and mal:e L~inc9ings and r.ecommendati.ons in connectior~ ther.ewith; and WHEk2EAS, said Commission, after. due i.nspection, investigation and study nade by itsEl.f and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all ~:vi.dence and repo~:ts offer.~d ~t ~aid hE:ar.ing, d~~es find and r~ei:er.mine the .Eollowinc_, facts: 1. That thc: proposed use ~s pr.o~er.ly ane For. which a cnnditional ~tse permit is authorized by Anahc:tm Muniri.pal Cude Sections 18.06.080 and 18.26.U5U.020 to ~ait: to expand a d~~y care center. to per.mil a maximum of 12 childr.en with wa:tver of the following: SE~CTIONS - Requi.r.ed loadincLand unlo~din~are~ for AND 18.26,066.010 chi..idren. ~ (on--si.te reguir~d; of~-site pr.oposed) 'l. That the requeslPd wai.ver. •is her.eb,y gr.anted on the basis that the par.king vari~nce will n~t cau~e an inrrpase in tr.af.fic congestion in thE~ immediate v.icinity nor adver.aely aPEect any a~joining land use~; and that the gr.anting ~f the parking vaxiance uncler. the conditions irrposed, if any, wtll n~t be dekrimental to the peace, health, safety or. gerier.ax welfare of the citizpns oE the City of Anaheim; and that an on-str.eet pa~senger. loading and unloading area will be pr.ov.ided. 3. That the ~r.opo:~ed ~sc is gr.an~:~d xor a per, iod of~ one year, to expxre Max 30, 1985, 4. Tha~ ~.he pr.opu~ed use, as gr~inted, wil'_ riol- adver.sely a£fect the adjofning land use~ ancl the gr.c~wth and ci~velopment of the ar.ea i.n which tt is pr.oposed to be loc~ated. ~ 1~ ~0225r. PCEi4-98 '"""\ ,.... , ~ 5. '1'hal• thc size r:~nd sh~~pe ot Lhe s.ite ~r.opus~r~ ~or. trie use, as gr.anted, i~ aci~qu~ite ta rallaw thc Eall develcpmer,t of the ~r,o~osed usP in a 1~ manner, not dGL-r.imental to t:h~ p~r.tic~alar ar.ea nar, t~ the + and c~enF.ral we1f.are o£ the Citizens of thc~ City ot Anal~i~tm ~aee, health, ~afety ! ~ F~. 7'tiat the c~r,ant.ing of lhe CondiL.i~nal Use Pcr.mit under. the I CUIIGjLttO11S irnposeci wi.li not be d~triment~l to the pe~zce, heal~h, safety and '; gener.a), tYelfar.e of th~ Citizens of Ct:e City oi Anaheim. ~ ~ 7. That. tht~ tr.aft-ic gener.ated by i:he pr.o~used use w~ill noL- impose .I an tan~iue L~ur.den ~apon the str~~ets and highways des.ign~~ and im~rovFd to car.r.y the tr.aft.ic in :he ar.ea. 8. '.i'hat thr.e~ per.sons ~~ndicated their. pr~sence aL said ~ub2tc hear.ing in oppusiL-ion; and that no corr.espondence was r.eceived in opposition to the subject pet.ition. ~NV:IRONMEN'.PAL TMPACT ~'TIJ~ING: That the ~lnaheim City Planning ~~ommission has revi.ewed the propasal tv ko e~;pand a day car.e center. to per.trti~ a maximum o~ .12 childxen with waivPr. of the requir.Ed on-s.itP passenger laading and unl.oading ar.ea or~ a zectanyu.larl,y-shaped ~ar.c~l of land ~onsisting of approximately 647) squar.e feet, naving a fr.or.tage of appruxima~ely 62 £eet on the west sicle oE Mo.raga Street, ancl furkher. described as 132.1. Nor.th Moraga Street; and does hexeby approve the Negativp Derlar.ation upon find.i.ng t:hat i.t has considered the Negative Declar.~~tion toyether. with any commeilts r.eceived dt~ring the public r.evzew pcoc~ss and itirthet tindin~ on the basis of the i.r-.itial study and any Gumments r.~ceived that ther.~ i.s no substanti.al evidence that the project will have a~ignificant ef~er~, on tl~e envir.onmettt. NO~V, THEREFO1tE, BE I'I~ x~SOLVCD that the Anaheir~ City P1ann?.ng Commissinn doe5 hereby grant subject Yetition f~r. Cond.Ltior~a.l Us~ P~rm.it, upon ttie followi:~g conditions which ar.e h~r.eby foun~l to be a necessar.y pr.er.equisite to tk~e proposed use oi: i:he sub~ect proper.ty in ord~r. to preserve the safeL-y and gener.al we1£are of the Citizens of the City of Anahe.im: 1. Thal subj~ct proprt~ty :hall be developed substantially in ar.cordance with pZanS and specificati,ons on file wttY~ the City of: Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 7.. 2. Tha~ a clesignated clear.ly-identified on-street ~assenyer. loading and unloading ar.ea shall be pr.ovided on Mor.aga Str.eet adjacen~ to subj~ct property to t•he satisfaction of the City Traffic Engineer, and subjcct to !•he approval and adoptian of a Ci.ty flrdinance restrict;ing passenger. loading and unloading ar.~as. The r.estricted area stiall be in effect frdm 6:00 a.m. t~ 6;00 p.m., [~londay thr.ough Fr..iday. 3. 'i'hat pr.ior, to the commencernent UP the a~tiv:ity author.ized under ~his r.e~olutiott or withzn ~ per.iod oC one year. from rh~ date of. this resolution, whict~ever. occur.s tir.st, Conclitiun Nos. 1 and 2, abnve-rnentioned, shall be compl.ied with. Extensi.ons fur further. Lime to comp.lete said cunditi.ons ma}~ be gr.anted in accordancP wi.th Section 18.0'?.090 of L-he Anaheim t~1unicipa 1 Code. -z- PC84-9a ~ ~: ~ ~..~ ~. That tl~e r.equest, as author.ized by thi;; r.esolution~ sha.ll be .1imiC~d ~o a maximum oC twelv~ (12) c.hildr.an. 5~ 2'hat the ~xisting 6-Fo~,t l~iyh block wa1J. located acljacen4 to L-he narther.ly, wcsterly ~nd soutl~erly pr.op~rty 1inES shall rEma:[n foc khc d-aration of this condilional ~ase per.mit. 6• ~k~at the use is gr.~nted for a ppr.i~d of. ane y~~~, ~o ~xpir.e ~1ay 30, i985. 1~F. I'i' rUK7~HER RESOLVED that the Ar~ar~eim City Plann.ing C~mmtss.i~n does her~by find and deter.mir,e that adopt.ion of kYiis PrPdt~a~°d up~n appl.irant's campli.ance with ~ac11 and Rall~ of ~~heJcond~.t$anG hereinabovt s~~k forth. Should any such c~~nditions, oz an declar.ed invalid or unenf or.~eablP by th~ final y p`~rr ~h~r~of, be corr,petent ju~•isdiction, then this Reaolut•ion, Zd ~man t a~ rany court of ~onta.ined, sh~;.l be deerned null and vo.id, y ~'p~~~dls her.ein TfIF. rO.~~EGC?ING .RESOt~pTIpN is signed anc~ approved by me this 3Uth da,y of May, 1984. ., ,/J~~ ~---~------._....,rc'~ ~/ iJ•L "~ ,~ ' / ~ ,~ .+~G~ (~L_<-:.7,~ CHAIR~niOMAN, .~. EIM CI-~ Ty pj,1~NNING COMMIuS20N ATTEST: • ___ `~~~-~- ~- ~ SECRETARY ANAr~--`--'~~ ° . ~ EIM CITY PLANN.~~,., CQMMlSS:ION S'.PATE UF CAL~FOkN7:~ ) CpUNTY. OF ORANGE ) S~. (:ITY Ob' ANA[iExM ) z~ Edith L. Hazris, Secretar.y of the I~nahe:~.rn City Planni.ng Commi ~sion, do h~7•eby cer,tify that the ~or.eyoing r~solution was ~.~a~sf~c~ and ~a~A~~ d a a. meeting o£ the Anahein~ Ci.ty Planni.r~g Commi~s:ion li~Ld on rlay 30, 1984, ~~ ttae fo.llowing vote Uf tne memt~ers fihereof ; AYES; COMMTSSION~RS: FRY, HERBST, KTNG, LA CLAZRE NOES: COMMTSSIONGRS: BOUAS, BUSEiORE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MC BURN~Y tN W'lT~1ESS WHERGp~, T have her.eunto set my hand thi.s 30th day of May, 1984. ~~ ~ ..,2.~-.~~~. ,~ ~ '` . SECRETARX, ANAHETM C:ITY PLANNING COMMISSIt~N -3- PC84-98 ' ~_ . ,,.,,