PC 84-99iZE50LU`.CION NU. .PC84--99 r1 RE,,.r~OLU'!'ION OJ' '1'I•IE ANAHLIM CiTY PLI~NNING CGMA1TSSIOI~ 7'HA'.~' PETiTION 1'UR CUNJ)T`i'IONAL USG PC;RMT`1' NO. 2583 BE GI2ANTGI? Wf-tEREAS, the nnaheim City Planning Commission did r.~ceive a ver.ici.ed i'etit.ion tor. Condit.ional Use Per.mit Erom ROYAI~L GUrST HOME OF ~NAHEIM, c/o GOLDRICH, KES'.P A1JD ASSOCIA~.I~E;S, 15:'.33 Venttzr.a }3ou].evar.a, #816, Sher.ma~i Oaks, Cali~or.nia 91403, ATTN; SOL I<GST, own~~: of cer.tain r.eal proper.~y situated in t.h~ ~i.ty of Anaheim, C'ounty of Or.ange, State of Califor.nia, described as; PARCE;LS 3 AND 4, IN THE CT`1'Y STATE Oi' i:ALIFOT.'tN2A, AS SHOWN 52 ~'~GE 41 OF PARCLL MAPS, .RECrJRll~R U~ SAI~ ~UUNTY. OE ANAHEIM, CUUN'.rY OE OKANG~, ON A P;~RCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK IN TEIE UFFICE Ol~ THE (.OIJPITY WH~REAS, the City Planning Cc~mrnission did holr~ a public hear.iny at ttie Civic Cer~ter in the C.ity of Anaheim on May 30, 1984, at i:30 p.m., notice uf said public h~arin<; having been duly gi.ven as requir.Pd by law anc~ in accordance w.ith the pr.ovisions ~z the Anahei.in Muni.cipal Code, Chapter. 18.03, to he~r and cons:ic~er, evidNnce tor. and against said proposed con~iti~nal us~~ per.mit and to inv~a:~t.igate and m~~ke finc9inas and r.ecomm~nd~ations in connection tlier.ewith; and WHEkE~S, saicl Commission, aEter. due inapect.ion, investigakion and study made by itse.lF. and i.n i.ts behalf, and a.fter due consider.ation of a.11 evid~nce and r.epor.ts ~~f.fer.ed at sai.d ~•.:aring, does i"-ind and detprmine the follc~wing facts: 1. That the pr.oposed use is ~r.operly one for. which a conc7~.tional use per.mzt is author.ized by Anaheim Municipal. Coc~~ Sections 18.06.080 and to wit: tc: expand an existing Sen.ior. Ci.tizens Ret•irement Facili~y with wai.ver of the tullowing: (a) SECTIONS 1a.06v050.(i13L_ - Minimum number and tv~e of parking 18.06.~720.04U ~t~aces. AND (.106 non-tandem spaces r.equir.ed; ~ 36 spaces •dith 6 tandem pr.ooosed) (b) SECTION 18.44.0G3.04G - Minimum .landscaped setback (IO .fee~ r.equired Fr.om adjacent RS-A-43,000 zon.ing; none proposed) 2. That lhe requested wa:~ver. (a) is her.eby yr.anted on thE bas9.s that r,he par.king var.i.ance will c~ot cause ar~ incr.easz irt traffic cong~e.stion in the immediate vi.ci.nity nor ad~~ersely affect aiiy ad join•ing land uses; and that tt~,e granting of the pac~ki.ng var.iance under. the conditiuns imposed, if any, wiil nok be cletrimpntal to the peace,, hea1L-h~ aafety ar gener.al welfare of the citizens of the City of Anahe.im. 3. 'rha~ the r~que~ted waiver. (h) is hereby granted on the ba~is that ther.e ar.•e specia~ cir.cumstances applicable to the proper.ty such as size, shape, topography, locatior- oi: s~r.raundin~3s, whict~ dc not apply to othPr. ident.ically zoned pr.oper.ties in the vici.nity; and that strict applicati.on of #0226r PC84-99 ,~.,-.,, ~he Zoning CodE clepriv~s the pr.oper.i;y of pri.vilege~ enjoyed by other pzoper.i;ies in i.~ientical zoni.ny classifi.cation in the vicinity; and that the setback beiny ~vaived :is adjacent t~ a paxee.l with a r.~soiuti.ol~ of intent to Cammer.cial, Limited ZQning. 4. That tl~e pr.qposed use wi11 not adv~r.sely af.fect the adjoining land uses and the c~rowth and clevelopment ox tt~e are~a in which i.t is p~•apose~i to be located. 5, Tk~a~ the sxze and shape of. the site pz'aposec7 for. the use is adequate to allow kh~ £ull develo~m~nt of the pr.opos~d u~e in a mar~ner not ~et.rimental to the par.ticular, ar~a nor. to rhe peacP, hea.lth, safety and genezal welfar.e of the Ci.tizens oE the City oi Anaheim. ~ 6. That the gr.ani~ing of the Condi.tional Use PEr.mik und~r. ~.rie conditions imposed, if any, wilJ. r~ot be detrimental to the peac~, health, safety and gene.ral weifare of kh~ Giti.~,ens of the Ciry oF' Anah~im. 7. That the tr.afL•ir. gener.ated '~y the p~roposed use will not i.mp~se an undue burden upori the str.eets and hirhways designed and improved i:o car.r.y the traffic in the area. 3, That no onE indicated their. presence at said public hear.ing in opposition; and tt~at no cur,respondence was r.eceived in opp~sit.ion to the subject petilion. EiJVIROt~MEN`.PAL IMPACT PINDING: That the Anatzeim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposai ta expand an ex?.sti.ng Senior Citi2-~ns' R~ta.rement Faci..lity with waiver.s ox minim~im number and type ~f par.ki.ng sp~ces, and minimu,^ landscaped setback on a r.ectar~gularly-shaped par.cel of 1~1nd ~onsisting o: afiproximately 1.35 acres having a ir.ontage of appr.oxim~tely 310 feet on the north ~ide of La Palma Avenue, arid fur.ther descri.b~d as 52~ West La ralma ,Avenue (La Palma Royale Guest Hflme); and does hei:eby appr.ove the Ncgative D~claxation upon finding t;hat it has consider.ed the Neg~tiv~ ~eclar.ation together wzth any camments received during the publi.c review process and fur.thec findinu on th~ bas.i.s of i.he ini.tial study and any comments received that thexe is no substantial evi.dence that the project wil]. have a si.gni.ficant efFect on the envir.onment. NUW, THLREFORE, BE 2T nFSOLVED ttiat the Anaheim City Planning Commiss~on does hereby grant subject- Petit.ion for. Conditional UsP Permit, upon ti~~ fallowi.ng condi.tions which are her,eby found to be a necess~r.y prer.pquisite ~o khe praposed use of the subject proper.t.y in arder to preserve the sa£eky and gener.a? weltar.e of the Citizens o.~ the City of Anah~im: 1. That cur:bs and guttPr.s shall be r.emoved and/or r.~econstr~irted along La Palma Avenue as r.equired by the City Engineer and in accurdance with standar.d p1~1ns and specific~tions on File in the Office of ~'h~ City Engineer.. 2. ~rhat pcioz to the issuance oE a bui.lding ~ermi.t, the exiGt~tng undergr.ound utilikies and utiliti.es easements ~hall be r.eloca~ed to the sati.s~acti~n of the Electrical Engi.neer.ing nivi.aion. 3. Thai_ the existiny east:erly driveway on subj~ct pr.operty shall b2 relocated to the satisf~ct.ion af L-he City Tr.afLic Engi.n~er.. -2- PC84-99 ;;~, 4. That prioz to the issuance of a build:ing ~er.mil-, an on-site vehicular. cir,cu:lation plan sha11 be appr.oved by the Fire Marshall, City 'l~r.affic Lngznter and the Streets ~nd Sanitat.ion Department. 5. T'r~at the dr.iv~way shall be r.edesignccl to accommodate terl (10) foc~t r.adius cur.b retur.ns as r.equir.ed by the Cihy Tra.Ei'ic EngZC~eer, G. That subject proper.t-y s:~ali be devEloped substantially in acca.r.•daric~ with plans ~~nd ~pecif.icatians on file with t~h~ City of Anaheim mar.ked Exliibit Nos. 1 thr.ough G. 7• That pri.or. L-o finaJ. buildin~ anc; z~nin~ inspections, Conditio~i Nos. 1, 3, 5 ancl G, above-menl:~oned, sha.ll b~ compl.ed with~ 13E I.T I'UR`i'ElE~ RF.SOLVED th~L t.he Anaheim City P.lanning Commission does her.eby ~ind and de4ermine that adoption of l-his Resolution :is expr.e~sly predicai:ed up~n appl ir.ani:'s com~7.iance with each and a11 of l;he conc~.ition5 herPinabcve set F.orth. Should any such conditions, ,~r. anx parc thereof, b~ decla~ed invalid or, uner.tor.ceable by th~ f~inal judgmeni: of any court of competeni: jur.isdiction, then this Resolufion, and any appr.ovals herein ec~nta.ined, sha11 be deem~d nul.l and voi.d. THE ~OREGOING RESOLUTION is siune~d and approv~d by me th?.s 30th day of May, 1984. 7/~ ~ ~ ~ . i //~ •~`' „ - C~i'..~.-sv'` CH~,IRYdOMAIV, A EIM CITY i~LANNING COMNiISSICN ATTEST: ~~ _ `~ ~,.~.=~. ~ _ . SECRETP.RY, ANAHEIM LITY. PLAN~INU COMMI~SION uTATE OF CAi,IF'~URNIA ) COUN~'Y OF OItANGE ) ~5. CI7.'Y OF ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L. Harr,is, Secretar.y o~ the An~heim Ci.t,y Plann.ing C~mmission, da r~ereb,y ccrtity that the foregoing r.esolution was passed and a~opted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commi.s::ian held on May 30, 19l~4, by the following v~te of the members ther•eof: AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOl1~S, EU5HOP.E, ERY, HERBST, KII~G, LP, CLAIRE NOES: COMMTSS.InNERS: IJONE AfiSEN?'; COMMISSIUNERS: Ml: BURNFY 7N WITt~CaS WHL•'REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 30th day of. May, 1984. ~ - `~~:L~-~=_~ SECRFTARY, APIAHEIM CITY ?LANNING COMMISSION -3- PC84--99