6351 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 �21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 ORDINANCE NO. g A�'� ORDINANCE r�F T" -.?E CITY, coull,CIL Or THE CITY 0'F . ANAHEII�� CR.E,ATI F•,?� A FUND FOR OAK"" yL G'TTmL�„�Y�u' FGR F??BL IO I .rr��OVFT �1'3TSO `P7�E u IT"I C0'J t CyTJ' ' "'_.: :�' Y CF A.:;TAHEIII DOES CRDAIN AS FOLLOWS: A fund 19 hereby created for capital outlays for t_►upl.ic im orovements u:"lder tine, ,.)rov1signs of that certain Act �f' t�F Lw°.la.ta.�r� o.' of California entitled: "An Act tR% ,rovlde for thr-, lev`y c�cllect" on of taxes and assessments for t ---ie -) r-po se of creatin-: a. fungi. fcr ^a;-51t.al outlays by cities, counties, cities a1 -'id count -les or dist-riots, " a.oproved July 1, 196?j a gid. C_..apter '(17 of. the Statutes of 193'7. S-PCT:0�-= II. Su c--1 i fund shall be known as "Special Fund f1a C�.�Lt::l C=ut ,�a;7sa az 16. it s�� 1i rc�-a.if� inviolate for the mdkinc 4 y of a.ny outlays for )ubZ i s improvements and no moneys slaall be disbursed t��erE-fro: eY.cE ti.r� r s:'.-�r suc^ t� ouroose, excepting , r. -. ,..}.. , Ll,���r .. n C�: t ,�� t �_e J,ecti:_:rs o -t�n ined as provided in said Act. Ii?, iri-xes 71 ?-tay - levied unon the taxable ox'ooert;Y in. saii a. C i tJ Cheof moneys for said fund but qo levy Lo r_1 :.de g? X11 exceed t'':cs imitation fMnosed by the r��ener �l la—e of the `:tc_t;e :7''°)41'] of said catty to impose taxes ;pt,hc�ut #,e c' i.�;�=�r1 of two—tilirc.s (I3) of t-hle qualified electors of sasid. :ri y v^tin _- r,.t any rener� �. )r s-oecial election at which such -oropo s i ti on rna.y be sl ub-mi t t ed, SECT:701,41 Tv. Tie City Council may transfer to such fund any unincumbere� s--ar-..lus funrd s r,13:-1aining on hand in the City C� t ti-lF end �f any fiscal -.r -a,r. SECTIUDN V. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (3J) da�,Ts after t:f:_G r ,.te �f is a" o tlon�c�.izd prior to th-e expira_ t .on r -)f +'ifteen (113 ) days frol:: ��..e..�ass�-��;e hereof shall be publish at 1 e-" s t or, -.(-.%,e :. t..ie ,- a weekly newspaper, -oublicshtndl a,�Zct. ^ . rc� ale t a� 1 t - }e ci wy -,f Ara.r-ieim, and thenceforth t --e-eafte-L .;Ie sa.rle S.A"U 1 1 be In full force and effect. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 L 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FRIIS & SCHUTZ ATTORNEYS AT LAW 402-404 BANK OF AMERICA BLDG. ANAHEIM. CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 3456 Ado- P, n o-oted. and. approved this day of July, 1940, A&­T_ay6r oT the CYty of Anaheim I At nest 4-1 .i ty lerk of --t-lie—ZRY of Anaheim %T STATE OFOVALITORIUA) f.)OUIRT1 C -T O]OLANGE 68. CITY OF ANAHEI1171 %al.ARLES E. GRIFFITHt City Clerk of the City of An-lnelm, lcic hereby cert-lfl,r that t' -:e forel;,ping Ordinance was Introduced at a meeting of the City Council of !,fle City of Ana'! --,.e ft z? -i on day of 1940 -:md t_-iat t ---.e scv-:.-.-e vias -1)a-sed Pand-, r--t'ooted at an -ie e i o -PL p a .1 c t y -"'cluncil. on t",ip, l d of 1C)4" ne fo'I.Ioivink' vot-es., :W .6 Is �kYEG: flo' 1j"11" TLI' c. C ou N C 1 1) IJ4 V :.ESTA EJ S E71, T. 'OUITCM1 And 7 1J - art `.-!-'!r the I?Ayor of the City of rq., vr-, acaj .i.c., a-p--ro dinance on the 0 day of An a... -i e 1. rp. Ist!!:ned P40, have he, ^eunto set my hand and a C f i x d.. th e oor. orate F, 1 of s i C"t Ci ty this n day o 190. 4 4 f;0�106 erk of t1cle GTV'jr of Anaheim Affibauff of 1jubit-ratiou S _._. u ----------- _ I llffldemY of �udlatinn of------------------------------------- ------------ . .. ....------------ ...... ..... -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------­---------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, LEGAL NOTICE County- of.-- QZ%X1 F • ORDINANCE NO. 635 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY h e Od O r m $ , Ruchel COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF A,1ITAHEIM CREATING A FUND of the said County, being duly sworn, deposes sFOR CAPITAL OUTLAYS FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. and says: THE 'CITY COUNCIL OF THE That he is and at all times herein mentioned was I CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- DAIN AS FOLLOWS: a citizen of the United States, over the age of i SECTION I. A fund is hereby twenty-one years, and that he is not a party to, I i created for capital outlays for nor interested in the above entitled matter; that ; public improvements under the . i provisions of that certain Acct of h ' the Legislature of the State cf Cal- -----------------•--------- a is the ------------------------------------------ t ( iforni.a entitled: "An Act to pro - publisher of the Gaz V _e_ _____ _ _ i vide for the levy -and collectian of 1 --- takes and assessments for the r ' a newspaper of general circulation, printed and ! pu'p's -of creating a fund for capital outlays by cities, counties, j published '* p _�=- ;r_____in said County, and which j cities and counties -or districts," newspaper i5 i approved July 1, 193 7, and being published for the dissemination of ;. .. Chap --'Ler 717 of the Statutes of local news and intelligence of a general character,' 2937. and which newspaper at all the times herein SECTION Il. Such fund shall mentioned had and still has a bona fide subscrip- be known as "Special Fund 'for �� — Capital Outlays and it shall re 4j tion list of paying subscribers, and which ' main inviolate for the making of newspaper has been established, printed and any capital -outlays far public im- � published in the said County Qf-------------------------------- provements and no moneys shall bedisbursed therefrom excepting I ,. for such a purpose, excepting .u�p- fog a period exceedinfg one on consent of the electors obtained year; --.-. &r'• -'u____._ _that the notice, of which as provided in said Act. SECTION III.. Taxes may be � the annexed is a printed copy, has been published Ilevied upon the taxable property in said newspaper on the following dates, to -wit: in said City for the raising of ! moneys for said fund -but no levy ir so made shall exceed fthe ' limita- +: :�.,•:.�►_.•--------- ' tion imposed by the general laws of the State upon the right of said ' . -. ----- ---- ----- ------------------------------------------ City to impose taxes, without the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the -- ------ --- ------_ i qualified electc�-s of said City -v..-.)t- ing!. .at any general or special ..- ----------------------------------------------•---------•------- election at wlti;;.h such pr•oposi- . .--------- --- t may be submitted. --------------------------------------------- SECTION IV. The City Coun- ci1 -may transfer to such fund. .... .............. • ....... -------------------------------------------------------- j any unincumbered surplus funds r fh'Tiehd 6ining on hand in the City at ........ ..............--..------------------------------------ of any fiscal year. SECTION V. This Ordinance --------------------------------------- ------------------ shall shall take effect thirty -- ---- � y (30) days , after, the date of its adoption, and - ----- -- ------------ -....... ,----.....-------------------------- --•- .. - ---- l prior to the expiration of f�Fte¢n _. hereof �. - .... (15) days from the passage her ...-------- ------------------------------------------------- Publisher. shall be * published al, least on. -_,e in the Anaheim Gazette, a weekly newspaper, published and c�rcu- Sul�scribecl and •,S�vor to before me thi z___o__.._ _ -I loLted in the City of Anaheim, and - ] Ithenceforth and thereafter the day' ot'. * - ------------------------------ 19��-�G i same shall be in full force and . � 1 effect. ...------ r _...----- - ___ _______ __ _ �- -- -------- ------ --_ __ .Adopted and approved this 16th • day of July, 1940. ..--------- -- --- -- - - CHAS. A. PEARSM'-4 , Mayor of the - - -----. -- _l. - ---------- � - -�5 City of Anaheim. �. 1 A:f iti:vit :Publication—Arah '. G z Attest: i CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. as3 .4 - -Ame M. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) = COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY, OF ANAHEIM. } I, CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, rity rr1P:-1r raf flip rc+., „F LEGAL NOTICE ORDINANCE NO. 635 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY" COUNCjL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM CREATING A FUNP_. FOR CAPITAL OUTLAYS 'FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. THE CITY COUNCIL )F THE CITY OF ANAHEIM DOES OR- . DAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. A fund i� created for ,capital outl:1 V � r, f public improvements under thv provisions of thatcertain Act, ,),• the Legislature of the Sibate of Cal- ifornia entitled: "An Act t;) f.�l•:;- vide for the Ievy -and ct�lle_�tion oi' taxes and assessments for thc purpose of creating j, fund fol capital outlays by cities. counties. cities and counties crdist., icts," approved July 1, 19-37, :end being Chapiter 7171 of the S l a to tf%i 1937. SECTION I1. SuCh fund shall be known as "Special Fund fol. Capital Outlays" and it �:liall re_ main inviolate for the n-Ijiking any capital outlays for Pu-bl.ic im- p13ovemc%nts -and no imoneys shall be . •disbursed therefrom exr. ^piing I for• such a purpose, excel-Aing up- on consent of the electors ohtainE as provided in said Act. SECTION III. Taxes mzl.y► be levied upon the taxable p.rcperty in said City for the r�jising of moneys for said fund but. no ho so made shall exceed I'lie limita- tion imposed by the generallaws of the State upon the right of said City to impose taxes, without the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the I qualified electors of said City � ling at any general i election at whivh shell }r. oposi- tion may be submitted, SECTION IV. The C'i i y (;9un_ cil may transfer to :;u":•;:; ft..'ad any unincumbered surphtL, fund:- Y•emaining -on hand in the city ihe end of any fiscal year. SECTION V. This ()•":i i r�:�n :r shall take eficct; thirty (:1(i) after" the date of its adoption, an.1 prior• to the expiration of fi f (15) days from the passage hc..•eof, ' shall be. published at le:�;t in the Anaheim Gazette, newspaper, published and Ilated in the City of Anaheim, and Ithenceforbh and therea f; r r the same shall be in full force and effect. Adopted and approved t«i6 16til day tf July, 1940. CHAS. A. PEARSON, Mayor of -the Attest: City of Anaheim, i CRARLES E. GRIFF I T F f , City Clerk of the City of Anaheim. STATE OF CALIF'ORN I:1, COUNTY OF ORANGE, CITY OF ANAHEIM, I. CHARLES E. GRIFFITH, City Clerk of the City of ?,nabeim, do hereby certify that the forego- ing Ordinance was intrcdu;;cd at it regular meeting of the City (;oun- cia of the City of Anaheim, held on the 9th day of July, 1940, and I that the same was passed and adopted at an adjourned c-egular l meeting of said City Council hell on the 16th day of July; 1940, r)y the following votes: AYES: COUNr'ILMEN son, Yungbluth, Marterfet. j r., Sheridan. l NOES: COUNCILUIEjN NONE. ABSENT: CONCILM,.,N v�,n Wagoner. And I further certify t,h.jt th � V Mayor of the City of Anaheim signed and approved said Ordin- ance on the 16th day of July, 1910, IN WITNESS . WHEREOF,... I �h e'!'-hbre;.uhto set any hanri� ax�� .adi�074 the" corporate seal of °__yid City tlils`1�6 day of Jccly, 1340, ( SEAL ) CHARLES E. GRIFFITH.