County of Orange )
t,t' raid county, N'rIrj ,� first duly sworn, says ---that he is a
mall• citizen of the United States, and of the State of Cali-
fornia, over the age of eighteen years; that he has no in-
terest in, nor is he a party to the matter herein mentioned:
that he is the
...----•-----•-....... . ..... _ of the
............. . ..... ..... ..... ....... ..
newspaper printed, published and circulated
in the said County of Orange that said
., r ,�....... `�`.�l............ �ri
._ "
is a newspaper of general circulation with a list of paid
subscribers, and is published for the dissemination of both
local and general news and intelligence of a general char-
acter; that it is not devoted to the interests or published for
the entertainment of a particular class, profession, trade,
calling, race or denomination, or of any number thereof;
that it has been printed and published in the City of Ana-
heim, County of Orange, State of California for more than
one year next preceding the first day of the publication
hereto attached; that the
........................................ 1.C.Li'd.. �........ � J................................ 0.......................
of which the annexed is a printed copy, was published in
said newsernper at least...._
rnn„ ir1,r•n(in.c on tite ''".. ...t9,,y of
19 ' . „ and ending on the ...._...... _day of
19 and that ssid
<<tis puhlisliod on the, following iNvs:
�sebsc -ih,-d :incl., su,nr•n to hefnr•e me this day of
.. ' • ' � yr __ 10 .... 4 . ..s'.
Nntary flublie
I lashed and.. circulated in the City and the Southerly right-of-way
of Anaheim, to wit: THE .AN- line of Crescent Avenue: thence
HEI;1i BULLETIN of Anaheim, Southerly along said Easterly
ran*&e County, California, and also right-of-way line of Euclid
in a newspaper of general circula- Avenue .a .distance of 1800 feet
tion printed, published and circa- more or less to a point on the
lated outside of the City of Ana- :North line of the Southwest 'k
helm, but in the County of'Orange, of the Southwest us of said
in which is - located the territory Section 9, said point also being
hereinafter proposed to be annexed. -on the existing City Limit
to the City of Anaheim, to wit: Line; thence easterly- along said
THE PLACENTIA COURIER and City Limit Line and the North
CITY OF ANAHEII%l DOES OR- directing that said publication be line of the Southwest % of the
SECTION 1: That the City Coun-
completed at least twenty (20) Southwest 4 of Section 9 a
days prior to the date of hearing dista-nce of 124 -feet
cil of the City of Anaheim. did. on
the 19th day of August, 1952, re-
-1 more or
hereinabove rnentioned. And fur- I less to A point, thence continu-
ceive a written petition asking that
certain new territory described in
ther directing the City Clerk of the ing easterly along Faid North
'City of Anaheim to cause written line - of the. Southwest 4 of 'the
said petition. be annexed to the
notice of such proposed annexation Southwest 1a of Section 9 a
to be mailed to each person to distance of 506 feet
City of Anaheim.
That before the filing of said pb-
more or
whom 11rd. within the territory less to'. the East line of the
tition, the proposal for the annexa-
roposed to be annexed is assessed Nest 4 of the Northwest U of
n the last equalized county as- the Southwest 4 of Section 9:
tion of .the territory hereinafter
described to the City of Anaheim
. . .
sessment roll available on the date thence northerly along said
the prQctedings were initiated, at East 1•ine of the Nest the
was submitted to • the Boundary
Commission of the County of Or-
.% of
ike address shown on said assess- Northwest ua of the Southwest
ahge, State of California, and re-
ment roll or as known to said City %'-of Se.ction 9 a distance- of
Clerk, and to any person who has 1300 feet more or lees to the
ported upon by said Boundary
Commission with respect to the
filed his name and address and Southerly right -of- vay. line -of
the designation of lands in which. 'Crescent Avenue.
definiteness and certainty of the
pro osed boundaries.
thence west -
he has any interest, either legal or. erly along said Southerly right -
That said territory proposed to
be annexed to said City of - Ana-
equitable, with said City Clerk; of -wad► line of Crescent Avenue
and that in -the • event -that land a distance of 6:30 feet more or
heim is situated in the County of
Orange, State of California, and -le.
within the territory proposed to be less to the point of beginning.
annexed to the City of Anaheim is is' hereby approved and said ter.;
contiguous to the City of Anaheim,
and is uninhabited territory. That
owned• by a county, that- the -City ritory is hereby annexed to -and
Clerk shall cause written notice incorporated in the City of Ana -
said petition contained ' A descrip-
tion of said territory in words and
of .such proposed annexation to be heim, County of Orange. State of
mailed - to the Board of Supervisors California, and is hereby designa-
figures as hereinafter in thin... Or-
dinance. described.
of such county and directing that ted' .as the CRESCENT AVENUE
-such notices be given not less than ANNEXATION to the City of - Ana-
That the City- Council duly as-
"116mbled at 'an' a•djouirned regular
twenty ('20) days before: this first heim.
public hearing on the proposed an- SECTION 1: That from and e.ftsr
meeting of said City Council held
nexation. the effective date of this Ordinance
on the 19th day of August, 1952, did
That on. 'the hour, .day. and at and the filing ofa certified copy
find that said petition •.'s.t. the time
it was Piled and received was sign-
the place specified in said Resolu- thereof with the Secretary of State
tion No. 2010. - to wit: On the 2.6th of the State of California, the &n-
ed T9 � owners of not Iess than
day of Bepteinber, 1952, at the hour nexa•tton of the territory hereln
one-fotxrtFi of the are of "tfie land
such territory, an
of $:00 o'clock F.M. in the City described shall be deemed to be
Council Chambers in the City Hall and shall be complete and thence -
. representsd
not less than one-fourth' ' of the,
-in the' City of Anaheim, California, forth ' such annexed territory shall
assessed value of said territory
fropos.ed to be annexed according
the City Council of the City of be, to all intents and purposes, a
Anaheim did meet and. assemble to part of the City of Anaheim, a.nd i
o the last preceding equalized
hear and pass on all from and after t.hQ effecth a date
protests .fi1Fd
sessment roll of the County- of Or-
of Ftl�'h etinexat.ion, sill p
or received up to the hour of 8:00 property
ange, State of California, in which
Q clock P.M. syn' said date and the therein shall by :Fubje•ct to taxation
said territory is situated and that
City Council did find that the Res- equally frith the property, within �
:said tetritoryr did not form a part
olution. fixing the time and place the City of Amthei,n and shall be
- any municipal . corporation ...and
did find that said territory it ooh_
of said hearing was published bytaxed to ray- its Proportionate ;
the 'City Clerk as therein directed, �'sha.re of the Rxistinar trtclebtadnees �
•riguous to the City of Anaheim and
and, that written notice of gilch and liability of paid +_'its• of Ana -
is uninhabited territory.
proposed annexation was mailed to heim evnt.r: l';= -•ted i,-vr tc, or *?xist-
ThA•t on the 14th da .y of AuguBt,
each person to whom land within Ing at the t inrp .,f :,,�•t, a.nnplation
1952, at an adjourned, meet-
the territory proposed to be an- pursuant to the written consent ,
Ing of 'said City Council of the City
, of the Owners of � '
nexed is assessed, or in which such property in said
of Anaheim. Resolution ted 2410
was duly passed and adopted � spec-
Person has any interest. by the annexed territ�r�• filers with the
City Clerk as directed in said Res• Clerk of the Cita •�f 1t,aheim prior
ificalllt describing the boundaries
olution. That written to the adoption of this Ordinance.
protests were
of the territory so proposed to be
SECTION 1: '1'hp t''it C s
riot meds by the owner or owners lark kali
annexed to the City of Anaheim
of one-half •of' the value of the certify to the passage of this Or- .
and designating such territory as
territory proposed to be annexed din•anc_.e. and cause the same to- be
according to the last equalized Publis�he'd once. in the ANAHEIM
TION and giving notice each
assessment roll of the County of ]BULLI?:TIN. a daily newspaper '
annexation and fixing the 36th. da
of September. 1951, at the hour of
Orange, State of California, not. .printFd, rmbti%-b-rd and circulated
were protests made by public or the City �f Ana.;,pi,». (7cl lnt , of
8:00 o'clock P.31 a.t the City Coun-
private owners equal to one-half n,,angF rtat�. •,r �';:,iifo,llia, and
cil Chambers in the City Hall in
of. the value of the territory prn- thirty ( .30) da x, f,"+:•m and after iia
the Citi of .tinaheirr,, a.s the. day, posed. to be annexed as determined tial -age it. sha-1l be in full
hour and place for hearing
g Qf writ-
by the City Council. , foand cffed t.,
tto s
En• protests' aid annexationand,
TF SECTION 2: That the a.nnf:3a- F"I> Ff Ifl; F�.;C1IN-., ul�nTN, A:�CF
s.F %+t�f��'�=�i't?di and signed h;• me
when and where any peragn ovrn- tion .of. the territory included ��±th- this ^Stir
dad of October. 19,by
ins real property, within auch. ter- in the boundaries of the CRSS- �;H;�S.
ritory no proposed -to be -,.annexed :CENT AVENUE ANNEXATION and ("ra.•or
and having objections to thea, pro-
cg the Cit,- of Anahritn
more particularly described as fol- ATTEST.
might appear be- loo's, to wit:
(REAL fors the City Cour_cil of the City . A tract of land lying within_ the CHAR% F's m � IF'F!
of ,Anaheim, and show cause- 'why West % of the Northwest !4
of the City Clerk
such territory should not be annex- Southwest 14 of Seettoir 9. Town- By: DENT -3i, IvILLIAN.t.-;
ed to the .City of Anaheim. and di- ship 4 South, Range 10 • West. San
Deputy- City Clerk of the
resting the City Clerk to. publish or Bernardino Base ,and Meridian, City ^f Anaheim
cause to be published a copy of said
County .of Orange, State of Call- STATE OF C a i_IFORY-IA :
;Resolution at les.e+ f-wice, but not fornia, more particularly describe$ COUNTY 4F' r.)r-�ANr
E as
oftener than once a week, for two as follows: CITY OF ANAHEIM
successive weeks prior to the date Beginning' at the point of in. CITY
ei' said hearing in a newspaper of
general circulation
terseetton of the Easterly, right. Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do
printed, pub-
of -may line of Euclid Avenue hefeby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance was ir_trodttrpd ott an
s _iDJOURNEp RE(4-171-AR meeting
of the City Council of the City of
Anah.'eim, lipid op the 25th da.y of '
SoptembP..r, 18:i? �,,1 7 h s t th aarrke
'l -ow ressed and a•)rige,'j %+'. st. REG-
l'.`!,,AR ntee.tine_ :,f amid , i, ; Colin.
Gr, tl?r k:►*h da,y of OC`td-
RFs. t ^,�?- r• h!�F following- votell
of the mern1,,_, thereof
Al".l;US: Pearson, s
Wieser. Hey-inf- and Boney.
ASfi.E T: COUNCIL31EN: Van j
r t1i� 1j;, •,+ n� tide 1 -it... of ,Nnalleim
a.prreovpri. ;int•! ig-,,,--d pail fTrdi-
( naric.e on the 206th cia.y of OCTO-
/: nT AM r A in
.: llss a. �..� a� •
SFCTION 1: That the City Council of the City of Anaheim did
on the 19th day of Auguet__�._ , 195, receive - a written
petition asking that certain new territory described In said petition
be annexed to the City of Anaheim.
That before the filing of said petition, the proposal for the
annexation of the territory hereinafter described to the City of
Anaheim was submitted to the Boundary Commission of the County of
Orange, State of California, and reported upon by said Boundary
Commission with respect to the definiteness and certainty of the pro-
posed boundaries.
That said territory proposed to be annexed to said City of
Anaheim is situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and
is contiguous to the City of Anaheim, and is uninhabited territory.
That said petition contained a description of said territory in words
and figures as hereinafter in this Ordinance described,
That the City Council duly assembled at a nadjourned
regular meeting of said City Council held on the WAM19th day of
AAMet , 19 52 , did find that said petition at the time it was
filed and received was signed by the owners of not less than one-
fourth of the area of the land in such territory and represented not
less than one-fourth of the assessed value of said territory proposed
to be annexed according to the last preceding equalized assessment
roll of the County of Orange, State of California, in which said
territory is situated and that said territory did not form a part of
any municipal corporation and did find that said territory is con-
tiguous to the City of Anaheim and Is uninhabited territory.
That on the 19th day of &Must , 1.952 a t ea
adjourned regular meeting of said City Council of the City
of Anaheim, Resolution No. 2010 was duly passed and adopted spec-
ifically describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be
annexed to the City of Anaheim and designating such territory as
ANNEXATION and giving notice of such annexation and fixing the 26th
day o f September , 1952 , at the hour of 8#900 o'clock
' .L&Mo at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall in the City of
Anaheim, as- the day, hour and place for hearing of written protests
to said annexation and, :when and where any person owning real proper�---
within such territory so proposed to be annexed and having objections
to the proposed annexation might appear before the City Council of
the City of Anaheim and show cause why such territory should not be
annexed to the City of Anaheim, and directing the City Clerk to pub-
lish or cause to be published a copy of said Resolution at least
:jwice, but not oftener than once a week, for two successive weeks
-,prior to the date of said hearing in a newspaper of general circula-
tion printed, published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, to
wit THE ANAHEIM BULETIf of Anaheim,
Orange County, California, and also in a newspaper of general circu-
lation printed, published and circulated outside of the City of Ana-
heim, but in the County of Orange, in which is located the territory
hereinafter proposed to be annexed to the City of Anaheim, to wit
and directing that
qid publication be completed at least twenty (20) days prior to the
date of hearing hereinabove mentioned; And further directing the
City Clerk of the City of Anaheim to cause written notice of such
proposed annexation to be mailed to each person to whom land within
the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed in the last equal-
ized county assessment roll available on the date the proceedings
were initiated, at the address shown on said assessment roll or as
known to said City Clerk, and to any person who has filed his name
and address and the designation of lands in which he has any interest,
either legal or equitable, with said City Clerk; and that In the event
that land within the territory proposed to be annexed to the City of
Anaheim is owned by a county, that the City Clerk shall cause written
notice of such proposed *nnexation to be mailed to the Board of Super-
uper---visors of such county and directing that such notices be given not
less than twenty (20) days before the first public hearing on the
;.proposed annexation.
That on the hour, day, and at the place specified in said
u s o 1 ut i on No. Q1 ? , to wit: On the 26th day of September
19 52, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. in the City Council
Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim, California, the
City Council of the City of Anaheim did meet and assemble to hear
and pass on all protests filed or received up to the hour of 8:00
o'clock P . M. on said date and the City Council did find that the
?esolution fixing the time and plane of said hearing was published
:Dy the City Clerk as therein directed, and that written notice of
such proposed annexation was mailed to each person to whom land with-
in the territory proposed to be annexed is assessed, or in which such
person has any interest, by the City Clerk as directed in said Resol-
ution. That written protests were not made by the owner or owners of
one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed accord-
ing to the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Orange,
Plate of California, nor were protests made by public or private
.%ivners equal to one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be
:Tariexed as determined by the City Council .
SECTION 2: That the annexation of the territory included
within the boundaries of the CRESCENT AVENUE
ANNEXATION and more particularly des-
ribe d as follows, to wit:
A tract of land lying within the west j of the Northwest
of the Southwe6t j of Section 9, Township 4 South,.
Range 10 West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, County
of orange, State of California, more particularly described
as follows
Beginning at the point of intersection of the Easterly
right -of -gray line of Euclid &venue C....nd the Southerly
li-.e of Nirescent .venue; thence Southerly
along said. Easterly right -of -:-ray line of Euclid Avenue
distance of 1300 feet more or less to a point on the
forth line of the Southwest ql of the Southwest 4 of
said Section 9, said point also being on the existing
vity Limit Line; thence easterly along said City Limit
Line and the North line of the Southwest + of the South-
Ydest �. of Section 9 a distance of 124 feet more or less
to a point; thence continuing easterly along said North
line of the Southwest j of the Southwest + of Section 9
a distance of 506 feet more or less to the Bast line of
the West I of the Northwest j of the southwest + of
Section 9; thence northerly along said East line of the
:gest 2 of the Northwest + of the Southwest j of section
9 a distance of 1300 feet more or less to the Southerly
right-of-way line of Crescent Avenue, thence westerly
along said Southerly right -of -wap line of Crescent
Avenue a distance of 530 feet more or legs to the point
of beginning,
is hereby approved and said territory i s hereby annexed to and in--
corporated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Calif-
ornia, and is hereby designated as the CRESCENT AVENUE
City of Anaheim.
SECTION 3: That from and after the effective date of this
Ordinance and the filing of a certified copy thereof with the Secre-
tary of State of the State of California, the annexation of the
territory herein described shall be deemed to be and shall be complete
and thenceforth such ann1exed territory shall be, to all .intents and
purposes, a part of. the City of Anaheim, and from and after the effec-
i ive date of such annexation, all property therein shall be sub jest
o taxation equally with the property within the City of Anaheim and
shall be taxed to pay itis proportionate share of the existing indebt-
edness and liability of said City of Anaheim contracted prior to or
existing at the time of such annexation pursuant to the written con-
sent of the owners of property in said annexed territory filed with
,..ie Clerk of the City of Anaheim prior to the adoption of this
f )r dinance .
SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of
:Jiis Ordinance and cause the same to be published once in the
ANAHEIMBULLETIN a daily newspaper
, yprinted,
published and circulated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of California, and thirty ( 30) days from and after its final
passage it shall be in full force and effect.
THE FOREGOING ORDINANCE was approved and signed by me this
28th day of 00=ZR. , 1952
i i'T 'ST : CEI LES R. GRI TITS, City Clerk
f fel •�
- 5-