PC 86-103~ G~~ i ~, , ~hq ( ~1 S~jftl'~ t,f• ~ . . . ~~.~.5,~,~ , . . . ~ , ~.!~.,"1~..~: ,. =';~ ' RLSOLUTTUN N0. PC86-lU3 ; A 12ESULU'PIUIJ Gr ~l'H,L ANAH[;IM CITY PLANNINr, CpMMI55I0N 'PERMINATING ALL 1~ROCEEDINGS IN CONNECTIU^: FJiT[•1 VARIANCL ~10. 3141 WHEI:EAS, on ApriL 7, .19~U, Variance p1o. 3.141 was granted under Resoi.ution ~,`. Nn• PC80-61 ~y the Anaheim City PlZnniny (;orn~nission to petmi't waivers oF ~,;. y' r~qu.irtd lot Pr,~n~age and minimurn landscaped ~etback to construct an inaust.r. ia.l co,n~~:~ax on an irreau.la:-1y-shaped parcel ei land consisting og ~ approximate.ly 6.3 acres lacated ak ttie suu~heasc cerner of G1~ss~.l.l Street,:, ~na further aescribed as 3.lOC L•'ast Frontera StrQ~r ontera and WEiEREAS, Mich«e.l R. Gree~~wa.l.d (~iice president ot Unlted Su:tes Develor~ment Coroorahion) nas ;u~~~ir.r.~d a letter requestiny kecmination of Variance No. ;il~~). in sati.sta~tiai; o~ a con~.lition oL- the granting of. Concl.itional Use PErmi!: No. 25Jy, NuW, ~.[~Hr12EFGRE, [~E I~1' RESGLVE;D ~r,ar. the Anaheim Ci~y Plar.niny Commissi.on ao2s h~reby t~rmina!:e all proceedings in connE~tion with Variance No. 3.141 on the basis ut F.ne foreyoiny tindin~,s. ^.`HE~ I'O12L•'G~ING R~SOLU2'IUN is signeU and a~~roved by me this :14th c~~y at Apri1, 1986. ` t ' ~~'~~~^~--c__ ~~~ ~`~ --_.~______ ~~~ ~~ CH~12I2[JU.9At~, ANAFIF'IP9 C!'PY PLAP7NING COMMISSTUN A'1".CEST: ~~ . - ~~~ ~..~^ :~ uLCl~E,".L'r~..lY, ANAHI3ZM CIi'Y E~LA[J I~IG Cph1MISaTUN S~PA'1'E OP C:Ai~IFURNIA ) c:UUN'i'Y OI' QRANGL•' ) ss, CT'i'Y OH ANt\H~.iM ) I, Eai~h L. Harris, Secr~~h.ary oE the Anahc:im ~ ~ornmiss.io~i, r.~o hereby certi.fy th~~t t;t,_ ~l•Y Planning ~ foregoirig re~olution was pass~d and auoN~ed at a ineetiiia of tr~e Ar-a,~eim City p.ianning Commiss,on held o~~ A~ri.l 14E •ly~b, by t.he kol~owiny vo*.k of t;,e members thereoE: A~'~%`~~ ~;OMM:(SSIUN~kS: k30UA5, LA CLAIi:~~ LAWICKi, M(: BURN}:;Y, M~'SSE NUf~S: CUMMISSIt)pdEiiS: PdUNL ABSE~JT: COMMISSIONEI2S: Pt?t, hERgS~P Apri.?, ~,yyb, 1VZj't~~;y ~HLfZLOE~~, I hav~~ hereunto set my hand this 14!-h <9ay oP ,~~' ~,.u~, ~ . SF.CRE~AN.Y'; ANAh,~:IM C:I'i'Y k'LANN.LNG C0~_•~ SbTOy ` U783C ~i' . PC86-lQ3 r°~;; ~ ~ ~ US`.:..