PC 86-105~t~'1 RLSO[,U'['JON Nu. Y!'8Fi•-105 A RLSOT~U'PiQN UE' 'I'Hr AtdAHF,J.M CI'PY PI~ANNING COMI~1IS520N '1'I~A'P FH`CI?ION L'OZ CONUITIODlAI, USF PGI2f9IT N0. 2781 BL. GRANTED W~1~3RE:AS, rhe Anaheim CiL-y P.l anning Cnmm:i::~ion did receiv~ a ver.ified Peti".ion t~r Condi~ional Use Permit Lrom f:UCL'[D CRL;;CENT CENTLR ASSOCIA".'~S, 3151 D-.l Airw~y AvF;nue, Cost~ Me.~a, Cal.iforniza 9?G7.ti, owner., an~' W.l'LI,IAM R. l~OAi'MAN, 397). West Seyerstrom Avenue, Santa Ana, California 42704 , agent for certai.n rea:1 pr.u~~erty sit:uat~d in the i:ir.y of Aaaheim, County ot Grange, 5tate of Calif ornia, des^ribed a:~: LO'r 70 UI~ 'rRAC'P NU. 7.517, IN 'PFIE CI`i'Y QI ANAHE:f.P4, CO~JNTY 0!~ ~)RANGE, STA`I'E OC c:ALIG'ORNIA, AS ~I:bWN ON TFI6 MAP Rr,CiiRi?TaD 7N QOOK 133 PAGF.S 40 TU ~'r2 INCI.USIVF' OF M:[SCI:LLANI?OUS MAF'S, Rk:C!~RDSi OF ~JRANGE COUNTYi CALIl.~ORNTA. WkiEREAS, lhe Ciky P.1~t~J11'~Iq Commi.ssion did tio.id a public ne~arin~t at r_hF_ Civi.c C~~nter i.n the C.ity of Anaheim or, Apri1 14, 1~J86, at 1:30 p~m., ~;okice ~F sai~i public hcarinc~ f~aving aeen au.ly g~ve~~ as required by law and in accordancc: witn the provisions ot ttie Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1£t.03, ta hear and consider evidenc~ [ur and against sald E~rcpcsecl condit~ional use permit and to invest~.gai:e and make f:indings and rec~mm~ndations in connection therewiCh; said ru!~lic tiFacing hav.ing aeen rontinu~r3 to the Pla~niny ;;ommiasiori meeting of l,pril 28, 198h; and WHLR~~1,S, said C(JRl[illSulnll~ afcer ciue in:,pectinn, inve~tigation and study made Uy i.r.se.lE anci in ic;. beF~alf, and aEter dt:e r.onsideratian oE a].1 ~~vidF~~;ce and re~portS OEi'NCcCI :~t :•aid hc~aring, do.,s find ~~nd determine the following iar.t.s; 1. TF.at ~he ~~rupo ~ed usr~ i~ f~ro~,erly une Eor whicn a canditionaJ. use ;~ermi.~: is aiakhorized by Anaheim td~micipal Code Sectiun 18.44.05~.^10 ~o wit: to pc~-mit an ~nr.loscd r.~staurant: w.itn on-sala beer. and winc. sc<;rz~~ra~ 18.06.Q5Q.U2~ • tdinimum number of E~ark?.ng spaces. ~.18.G5.05C.023., ' l~58 Uarl;ing ~.~~ces required; 72b ap rkin•q_ 18.~6.OSU, :~aces uro~osed) ~~ 18.49.Ob6.U5C p.tar~ 18.4,,066.05U 2. Tl;at ~he above-ref~~~renc~~~d waiver is hereb,y granted on t.he basi.s Lht~t l•he parking waiver. will nu~ caus~ ~~n increase in tcaf.[ic conqestion ir~ tht i.mir.er,'iate vi:;inity nor advr-_r. ~ely r_;f°~ct any adjoining land uses and gcanling af tt~e Facki7y waiver ~!nder the condiCion:; imnosed, iE an.y, will not be detr.itnental to the pr_acc, :~ea1L-t~, safety and genera.l we.If.are of. the c.itiz~.~n~ oC ~he Cily ot Anaheim. 3.. Ttiat khc E~ropar'~ed t,sc will ncC adver:sely affect the adjoinfng i~~nd u~es and ~he ~rowth and devt~l~pment ~~E t;~e ar~a in which it i~ prop~~ed Lo be .located. 4. Thr~ti Che si.lr sn~:l :;hr~~e Uf the ~;ite E~CO~ C~er2 ~or thE u~e i:s ade~uate co alluw t:ie full aev~•loEsmenL- aE t.hr~ ~,r~po: rd u:3e .in a mannec not det.rimental to the ~~~articu.lar area nor l-o ~he r~aca~, hea.lth, saCety and gcneral welf.are oE che Citi~~~n~ oE the Clty of. Anatiei.m. U78Er PC86-105 T _ Yj . ~ . .. ... . . . , . . . . . . . ~a...,,~.rr~ 5. imposecl, i.L Phat t:hc any, wi.i] gr~~nr_Li~~~ oF thc~ Condit.ion~~l Use PermiL under the not bc delrim~nt~~ l t • conditions welt•~~re of the L1 ~7 "LQ . o L he peace, health, safety I1S of thc C.iLy o.f Pnal~ieim. and general. 6• unuue burde That the n upon th tr.alEic generatera ~~y ~F1e ~r~ osed ~ti e n trafL•ic in ~h sLc~c~ts art~l highways ~i~signed and n ~ e e area. provea to car y the 7. opposi~ior~; Th,~t no and L-hat one inclicat:ed Lhr,~ir pr~.;F,i~ce at saic3 public no c ht:a i pet~kion. r ng ;~n orre;;pondenc„ ~vas r~ceivecl in opp~sir inn t:o th _ e suk,ject ENVIRONMLNl~AL I~MPAC~~ NnINL. That the Anahe.im City Plannin h~~ review~d the propasal to ~ermi*_ an enclosec] re,t,~urant with on-sale b~ersand wine ~~nd with ~aaiver oE minimum riumb~i- of.' ~ar.k.ing spaces on ~in irre ularl ~ parcel. of 1-~nd consistiny ~f ~ g y-„haped rcrner ot C!-e~• •~ l~~r~ximately J.1 ac~ ~s localed ah the northwa~c ,,c.cni_ Aver,u~ and Euc.lid Street, and further described as 67'1 Notth Cre~cent Nvenue, #8-17; and do~s hereby approve the NeS~~tive Dec.laration upon Pinding t;}7a~ it ha.~ consiciared t}ie Neg~ri~~ p~~lara~.ion ~ogeL-her with ~ny cornment~ received during thc. public review ~,rocess al~d furth~ r f.inding on the }~asis o~: !:ht .initial study a;~d any c~mr:ents rece.iv~d l.hat thare is no sub:,tar~tial ~~v.id~nce i:hat the ~roj~ct will t~,ave a.~ignificank ef•fect on thc envzronmettt. r~~~W, `1HERFEOIli., 3F.' I7' 12ESOI,V:;D rh~t t}~~a Fnaheim City P.lann.irg Commiss~on does her.eby granc s~:b~e~t i~zt:itiun fo: Condi~ional Use 1~ecmit, upon th~ F.o.llowiny conrlit.ions whic}; are hereby found to bG a ne~t~.,sar.y prer~c~uisitE to the use of the sur~~ect properry in order to pr.~?:;tCV~ the saf-et• ~ PtcPosed of t;he Citi?ens oE Clie City oi: Anah~irn: ~ ar,d ~ener~i welfare ~•• That trash storage arec~s sh~3.i1 be providec] a;~d mainta.ineii in a~cordance with a~prove~ pl~~n, ~n g~~~ WLtII thE~ ,treet ~laintenance and Sanitation Divi.;i.o~t, 2. ~hat ~ubjecr.. ~roperty shal.l be ~3evelop~~ subst~~n~ially ir. accordance with nlc,ns and ;;peci£ic~ations c~n f.ilc~ wi.t:h the Cil.y c~£ 1~r~~-~he~m marE;ed k:xhi.bit Nos. 1 tnrc,uyh 4, ~:: IT EUI2~PHLIt RF.SOLVE'U thal- the Anaheim CiLy Planning l;ommission doea hereby E:.nd ~and deter~tiine that adopr_inn of thic; Resolut.inn ~ ~redica~ed upon aE,pl ir~~~nt'~ r.r,~E~liance w~th each 1~ expressly t~creinabovr~ ;;et Eortl.. gf,~~u,l,~ ~.~n ,„ ~~n~ a.ll ~E che r.ondi.tinns dc~clared invaiid o~ S ~~~'h conditions, ox ar~Y p~r~ ~}~~zC~F, be / un~nf.orc~aat.>Ie oy the fina.l juc9yment of any court ut competent juri:~dicr_ion then L•hi:; ft~~soluti~,n, and an~~ approva~:; her~~in containn~~ sha11 be dE~Pmt~.? null and vui:l. TEII: FUREGUIfv'G I2C:SOLUTIC)N is signed anc) a~nrover] ;~y mf. L•h1.s 2£-r.h d~ay of i1pr. il, L98G. , i •; _ ~: " . l~ ~ ,;:., ~~~ . '~,~/'~~ -~_ CHAI- RWO°~A~a~ ANpE~F~jy~ ~; rY ~;,ANIvTNC: CO ' G A'PT~S'i': ' MM~Sti70f1 - _ ~ /.~.~~ ~ ~ ; ' S~CRF,TAK , ANA[iEIhJ CI'i'Y .~ ~ *~~ __ ~ LAN ~ NG (' .UMMISSION -2- PC86-105 T . . i. l~'.~: i r'1 T . ~~!~~~~~~ F ~ s~r.ATr oF CAL'!['ORN:I'A ; CUUN'xY OE ORAfdGE 1 ss . CI'i'Y UF ANAHGIM ) i, ~ditP, L. Eiarris, Sei:retary oE the Anuheim Ciry Planr~ing Commission; do. hereb,y certi~y that tl~e [oregoir.g re~o.lution wa:~ p~ss~d and adopted at a meNting of the Anahaim CiL•y Planning Comsnission held on Apri1 28, 19QG, by the fol.locoing voL•e ot the members ther.ea£: AYES: COMMTSSIONHR:;: ~'~OOr1S, FRY, F1PF2BST, 7.,A CLAIR~, LAWICKI, MC [3U.RNEY~ ME.SSE NO~S: COMFITSSIONERS: NONE ~ AHSENT: COMt9ISSTON::RS: NONI: ~' IN WI'1'N.~SS WHGREOF, i l:ave h~reimto ~~ei: my nand this 28th da~f of April., i 1986. ~ ' d ~ ---r ~_~~~+!'~-~'+t~.. ~ SGCRI:TA Y, ANAEIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON , :, 4 ~r ~ ;;, ~ ,. '/ : { ,~ ~, f~ ,t t- : u~'. ~ J."_.t `7~'- `i - 3- PCL'6-105 ,~~r. y;;'~; ~i , , ~ , ^'r~~ds.iYl~f~