PC 86-112RESULU`l'ION N0. PC$6-112 A RGSnLU2I0IJ UH' 'i'll,E ANAIiEIM CI'PY PL,ANNING C:JMMTSSTON Z'HAT PETI`I`ION FUIt t:UNllITIONAL US!' PERMIT N0. 27t39 I3F. GRANTE;D WHGREAS, the Anaheim City l~l anning i.otnm.ission dic~ receive a veriEi~d P~.tition fur Condi~ional U:;e Pennit f.rom I,UDW:fG i. SMEE'i'S, 2719 c~aronado brive, Fu11Pr~on, Ca7.ifornia 92635, owner, and ~IAqI M. TARATAAAEE, 15935 Avenu~, San Migu~l, La Mira~~a, Cal ifornia 9~638, a c3ene Eoc certain real pror~FrL•y sit.u~~ted in t-.he City of Anaheim, County oF Orange, SL•~te ot CaJ.ifornia, d~scribed a:; Lollcw:~;: 7'EIE WES`PERL'. 73 H.~'.ET U[' 'PfiE EASTRRLY .179 I'EE'P OL' TEiE SOJTEiL•'E2LY 180 ~'F'i;''i OF ' OT 11 Or h1ILES ItANCHO, AS PGR MAP :~ It,1~D IPl BOOI: 4, PAGEs 7 OF MISCEL~,ANEOUS MAPS, RSCORDS OF ORANG~; CQUN'i'Y, CALlFORNCA. ~~HEY,rAS, th~~ Cit.y ~~lann.ing Commi.sian dir~ hOlr3 a public hearing at the Civic Center in ~h~ c:i~y of Anaheir,i on Apr.il 28, 1986 at 1:30 p.m., notice oE said publi<: hearing having o~en du.ly ~iven as rLqu.ired by law and in ai:cordanr.~ witn the pcovi:~ians a` the An~iheim Muni.cipal Cod~. Chapter 16.03, i.o htar anc~ con~ider evidence tor. and against said pro~csed cundil-io~~al usP permil: and to invt~stigate arid makE Eindings and :ecommendation~ in connection thecewith; and WfiEREAS, said <:~mr~iis.aion, a.fteK duc~ II7S~RC~LOfI~ investigation and s+~udy made hy iL-s~lf and in i.r_s behalf, and after due consic]~rat;.ion of ~~ll evid~nc~ 3nd re~orts afEcred at >a~.d hearinci; dors find an:i del•ermine the tollow°ing f~i<;ts: 1. That lhe pr.opos~d use is pcoperl~ one Eor which ~x conr3itiena2 uae permit is at~~hori2ed Gy Ar.aheirn t4unicipa.l Cr i~~ S~~cti~n 18.44.0~0.7.~0 to wit• to permit a.14-un.it irotel with one manager':~ ,;~it:. ~ 2. ~l'Ildt the proposec~ use r~ill not adver:ely a[fect the a~joinin~; land iise:;~ and th~~ growth an:: d~~ve.l~pir~ent <~c ~:he area in w'r~ich il i~ Prr,posed to be l~~car_ec:. 3. 'Phat l-hc: size and :~ha~e of thr-. ;~ite [IL'U~US[?G Eor Che ~~se is ader~uate t~ al.l~w th~ full developm~nL of.' t;ze pr.o~o~ed use in a mnnner not: detrimen~a). to the p~::f:]CUldC area nor Co the pea~~+~, hc+~l.th, safety and yenFral •.,lf.are of the Citiien^ oE the CiCy of Anahelm. 4. 'rh~it r.he granr.~ng of Cne Conditional U:F~ F~ermit under the condi.tions irrpo~ed, ii any, will. noC be d~tri.men!al ~o the ~eace, healty, safety anci ,en~r.~~_1 wcl:`are of. the ~:ir_izens uf thc~ City of Anaheim. 5. 'I'hal• l•he traffic g~n~cpr_E~d by tne pranosed usa wiil not imFose an unduc burden u~or. the ~treet:, anc~ hiyhw~~ys desiynud 37~3 im~rovecl to earry the tr.a~f.ic i~: chc area. 6. 7`h.:~t unF intereste~.i ners~~n ind.i~ar~d hi:s r~rer~cnce ~t said ~uulic ;~~arin~; and that no ~.orrespoitclenr.~~ was raceivecl in o~~posieion Lo the ~ubject p~tltlo~l. ~t ,, C i k 0795r PC86-112 ~.... 9• r;~.',.~.i.~. . 9... .. , ~ `3NVIR~NMEIdTAL .CMPAC'P FS.t~UING: Th~1t khe Anahei.m City Planning Commission has reviewed ~he ~roposa.l t~ Cec.lFlSSi~,y aUI.~7PCt property from th~ Rrt~-1200 (Residential, Multiple-I~amil.y) 7or~e to the CL (Commercial, Gimited) 'I.on~~ to permit ~ lA-unit motc~l. wit~~ one mana~~er's unit on a ~.~ct~ingularly-sha~ed parcel of ].and c~.~~isting ~E a~proximar.ely 0•2 n~lma haviny a Erontar,e oE ~ip~coximately '13 feet on th~:; nori:h side of La Avenue, and ;urther. described as 72'J West T,a Palma ~venue; and does hereby ap~:rove the Neg~tive llec~.aration upon Finding L•hat it ha:, considered Che Neyative Declaration together with any comments recPivc-d dur.ing L•he public review proce~~~ and further findin~ on th~ basis of. the it~itial study and any commt~nt:s r.eceiva.d that there is no sub.~tantial evi.dence tha~ the project wil..l ,z;~~e ~. aiyri.iEicant eft•~act ~~n the environment. NUW, 'TH~'RLFOP.I;, -3F 1'r RESOLVED that thr~ Anaheim City Planning Cn-r~mi.s~i.on does hrrek~.y grant subject peL•il.ior For Conditi~nal Use Pecmit, upun the following conait~ions whzch are her~~by £ound to be a nece~sary prereyuisite to the E~r~posPd use of th~ suuject property in ordec ku ~reser.ve the sa£ety and general welfarc of. L-he Ci.tizer.s of t:ie CiL•y of Anaheim: l. 'Phat ~~~ i.or tu :ssuance ~f a building pe~'ir::tl, the lppropriate traEfic signa.l assess,nent fee sh~il]. be ~aid to l4ie Cily of Anaheim in an amount as dc~t.ermin~d b~~ the City Council Eor nerr commercial buildings. 2. That a.ll dr.iveways sY,al]. be contitr~•~+:ed to a~:commodate ~en (10) foot raciius curu re~ueizs a.s r.eqi:ired by the City Traffic Enyir.eer. 3, 1h~-t d-:ai-t~~ge o[ suhje<:t ~ropert:y ~ha11 be disposed oE in a mann~r sacisfac~~~r,y ~u the City (ingineer.. 4. 'Phat subject ~coper~y shall !;e ser~ed bY underground utilities. ;. 'Ihat prior to ~:ccnsnenr.err.ent of struc~:ura7. Eeaming, fire hy~]rants shall be installed an~:l c:hc~rged as requiced Znd determined to be necessary by the Ctiicf of the :~ir.e 1)epactment. 6. ThaL• rra~h sr.oca~e ar~~~s shall be provided and maintained in accordance with a~~proat~ ,~lans on file with the Street Mai.ntc~nance cir~d Sanitat;iun Division. 7. That gate~ shall. not be instal.led across any ~lriveway i.n a manner ~~ahtch may adverrniy afEect vehicular. tratEic in the ~zdjacent ~ublic streets. 'Insta:ilation oE any yate~ :;hall. be sun jecF. L•o the ~eview :-nu a~prova:l oE the City 'rraElic k;nginver. a. 7'hat r.hi~ Co~ditional Use Permit i~ ~3r.anted sut~ject t~ th~ adoption of ~h~~ Zoning Grdinan~F in c:vnnec•`.ion with Re~lassification No. 25-86-3:., now E~end~ ng. 9. q';~~ic subjec~ propert,y ~hall be developed s:bstanL•i~.lly i.n accordanc~ With ~latl~ and spc~c:if:c~.~tian: on Ei.lc with tt:e City c£ Anahei.m mar.kF~7 Exhi~it No.. 1 and 2. -- '~ lU. Ttiat prioc to i:,~u~~nr.e of a builditi~~ ~er.mi.~, or withtn a pOClOd oE one year Ercm thF aa~c uf this r-:solu.tion, whichever occurs firs~, ' Condition No~. 1 S-nd 8, ubove-r~~entioned, ~ha.tl be ccmpl.ied with. Cxtengions Eoc Eucther time to con~plete aa.i~1 condir,ions may be gran~~d in accor:lance with Secl•ion 18.03.090 of the Anah~~im NSunici~al ', ' Code. PC86-112 -2- : ~ ;; ,,..,. ~ ~ r ~r~r;,t'r~ ,~ ~ „~r,~s ,',} s;; ~ . ;~~~:..i: 11. ~1'hat prior to finn.l building and zoning ins~ections, Condition N~s. 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9, abovc-mentioned, sha11 be compli~~d wi.L-h. TEiE EQRGGOING {E;SC7L,U!'ION is signed and approved by mP tP~.i.s 28~h day ~i: Apr.il, 1986. ~~l •~' ,~ ~/Y %. % "'1 ., /~. I r. , .l"Z.L_'~-__..'~l..L~~~f`C~-C__~',_~1 CFtAIR4~~GMAN, ANAHC:[td CITY .PLANNI:t~G rOMMTSSION IiE IT CURTHL'R RESUJ~VGD thaL the Anaheirn CiLy P.lanning Commission does hereby finii and determine that adoption u_f tt,is Kesolution is expressl;~ pre~iicated uuon appli.cant's ~omgliance with each and a].1 0~ rhe cc+ndi~ior,s i~ereinabove .~et torth, St~ould any such condit.ions, or any part thezeof, be declared i.nva.l.id or unenfocceable by the Einal ju~.~gment of ~ny court o~ cc~tnpn~ent jurisdiction, tfien r_his Resolut.ion, and dny approval.s herein aontained, ~hall be de~med null ~ind void. ATTES'I': .-, / • ~ 1 • ` ~'n , ^ ~ "~+-^ r~ SLCRETABr , NelfiElM Ci'i"i PLANidING COMhlISSTOP7 SZ'A'PG OE CA'L'I['ORNIA ) CUO~TY OF ORANGE } ss, CIT'1 UF ANAt•iGIM ) I- EdiLh L. liarris, Secretr-tr.y of the Anaheim City Planning ;. Cornmission, do h~~reby cerEi[y that tr e for~~going reso.lution ~~as p~s:~ed and i', ado~t~d at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssi.nn held on Apri.l 28, 1986, by the Lollowing votn oE the membecs theceot: ;`: ,~~ AYL•'5: C:qh1M~SSION~RS: ROU~S, FRY, HL;RRST, LA CLAI}2E, I,AWiCKI, MC kiUftNBY, ML•'SSE NOF'S: COtdMISSIONEItti: L~~ONG /,B5EN!': COMMISSIONCRS: NONF, IN WI'.l'tvE;SS WHERECF, 't have hereunto :,~L- my hand Lhis 2H•"_h ~a,y of Apri.l, 19t36. ~) ,; ~ `~ ,--~ ~~ :~~ ~-.~~~.~._ •~ SE;CRE.CAkY, ANAF sIM CI'PY PLAMNING COMMISSION -3•- P~SG-112 ~.~ i~.. ;i~ ~~ ; ~, ~:~~ ,~ `;