PC 86-113~i~~rtmrJ.Yw..:.~,,,~ .. ~- '.. . . . ~ , i ~ . __' ,:. ~ ..., ..,, ., , r.~. ~. ~ . . , _.._ ,,.. - ~,: _ , ,.. ,... c~ x ,. .,,,. ,, . ,, ,,; : ;~ ~ ~ ~. _ + , ' , ! i i RESOLUTION N0. PC86-11.3 A RESOLU'1'JON QF THB ANPHEIM CT'1'Y PI~ANNING COMMI5uI0N ~'HA'P YETI7'ION rOR CONDI'i'IONAL USE; pr,HMIT NU. 2782 AE GRANTED WHE;REAS, the Anaheim City Planning Cnimni~sian did receivc a verifi~d `~ ~'eti~ion for Conditional Use PecmiF Y.rom EU(.LTT~ CRESCENT CFN'1'FR AS;'OCIATES, ~~ 3].51 Airwuy Av~nue, Costa Mesa, Calii'ornia 92626, ownFr, and SCOTT McKFKNAN, '~'~. 202 Camin~ :~rroyo, Anaheim, CA 92807~ aqFnt [or c~~ in th~ C'ily of Anaheim, roiant;y .,t' Urange, State of_' c.'a~lifornfa,bdescrib~di~sated ' LOZ' 70 UF 'PRAC`P N0. 2517r ]:N 'IHE CI'PY Oe ANAHEIM~ CfjUNTY OF URANGI:~ STATG QF CAL_T['ORNIA, AS SIiOW[J ON THF MAP RECORDEU IN BOOK 133 PAGES 9Q TO 42 INCLUSTVE JF MiSCGLLANEOUS MAPS, RECURDS GE GRANGE GOUN7'Y; CAL1:E'ORN:IX1. WEIER~AS, the Ci.ty Planning Commission did 'no1~3 a public hearing at tl~e Civi;: Cen4er in ~he CiGy of Anahaim on April 28, 19H6, at 1:30 g,m~, notic~ of said put~l.ic hearing havi-•~g been duly g.iven as rec7uired by .taw a~ld in accordance ;~i~h tt~e provisions of the I,naheim Munici~aal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons.ider ~vi.~ence Eoc and against aaid pcopo,ed cunditional use permit and to i.nvestigate and make findin.~:; and recurnmendations in connection therewith; and WHEKEAS, said Commis:;ion, aL-t~r due inspeci:ian, invesL•.igation ~~nc~ study m~de by .itselE and in its behal.E, and aE'ter dsr~ consideration of all evi.dence and reporL-s Of~~P.CE.C~ ar, :;~id hearing, does L•ind at~d determine thp fc~llowing f•acks: 1. 2hat thE pro~osed usc is pro~,er2y une For which a conditional u,te nermit is authorized by Anaheirn Municipal Cod~~ Section 18.44.0~0.010 ~~ wit: to necmit on-s~~le beti~r and wi~c i.n a proposed resLaurant with waivcr aE• ::~'C'PION 1Q.06.(15U.U232 - hlini~nurn number ~f Parkinq Spaces 1F3~06.Ua0 and (1258 parkiny spa~es requir.ed; 726 space~ and 18.4~.p6G.050_ existi.ng), 2. Thak the proposed waiver is hereby gran~ed on parki.ng waiver wi11 not the basis that Ehe cau~~ immed:iate vicin.ity no: advc:rsel }~ an in~:rcase in tratfic afEecc con~estion in +:he . of ~he parking ~,~aiver under Lhe ariy a~lj~in.ing land cond~tions tm os~d i - uses and grant.tng detri-nental Co the neace, healtt~, . p , L saFety and general wel=a any, will r f not L-z oE ~he Ci.ty ~f Anaheirr., e ~ the citizens 3. That the propos~d u~e w.ill not ac9~~ecse].y afEer.t t:he adjoining land u~~as ~nd the growth anc! develonm~~n.: oE thf~ arcaa ;.n w~hich it is proposed to be .located. 4. 'I'hak r,he ~ize and shaE~e of the si.te propo:,er~ `~~ th~ use is ~dequate to allow tl~e fuli development of r_}~e prop~sed use~ in a manner ~~ot d~tri:nental t~ r.he ~arti.cular area r~cr to tlie peacc, health, sa:'ety an~ general we.lfar.e of the C.itizena of the City of Anaheim. 079Gr Pc86-113 ;;y -,' .,~ ~ ~ ~ t 6 ~. `~'Fiat tt~~ grantir~g of. the Conditional Use ~ermit under the cond.itions i.mpos~d , if any, will n~t b~ de~ri.mental to the peace, hea.lth saFety und general welFare oE t.Y~e Citl'l,ell^a of the CiGy , of Anahc~im. 6. That the traftic generat~r~ by the pr.oposed use will riot impose an undue burden upon t.he ~L-reeL-5 and h.iyl~ways de~ig.zed and imp[uved to carry the traLfic in the area. 7. That no ~ne indicated their presence at said public tiearing in opposiri~n; and t:hat 7o correspondence was r.eceived in opposition to the subject petii:ion. EyVTRONMFt~'.~AL IhiPr1CT FTNUTNG: That. the Anahei.m City P1«nning Commission has reviewQcl the propo,al to permit on-sale be~r an~i wine in a pro~osed cestaurant ~uith waiver of minimum number of par.king spaces on a re~tai7gularly-si~aped ocircel of land consisting of a~proximately 10.5 acres located ~t the noCthlrn~C corner of Cr.escei~r_ Avenu~ ar-d Euclid Street, and L~ir~her described as 613 North Euclid SL-r~et; and does hereby approve the Neyarive ~eclar.at.ion upon f.inding that. it has considered the NPgative lleclar.atiun together with a~1y co~nmcnts received duri.ng the C~ublic review process and furtP~~r Einding on thc bas:is of the initial study and any comments received that there is nn substanti.al evidance that: the project will have a signiEicanL- eEfect on the environment. `, NOW, THEP.G['ORE, t3E 1T RESOLVED that the Anaheim C.iky Planning ~ Comrnission d~es h~reby grant subject Pet.~r_~~n for Conditional Use Permit, upon ; the following conditions whi.ch are hereby found ~o b~ a nec~ssary prerequisite to the pro~osed use c:: th~ suUject property a.n order to preseLVe l-he saiety and general we..[ar.e oE L-he Cit-izens of ~he City of Ar;aheim: ; 1. 2'hat the cwner of subject pr~~perL•;~ sha11 ~ay L•o ~he City o£ Anaheim a f-ee Po~ F~lanting purposes along ~uclid S~reet and C~:eseent Avenue i.~ ,~m~unti as datermined by l-he Ci.ty Council. Z. Tliat ~~rior to is~uance of a building permit, the appro~riate traEfic signal c"IuSPSSment f~e shall k~e paid ta tlie Ci.ty oE Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council f.c~r. ne~r commerc:iaJ. buildings, 3. Th~~r. subject properl-y sha11 be developed ~ubstantia.ily :in accordance with ~,].ans an~ specif.ica~ions or~ [ile wit-h the City of. Anaheim m~~rked Exhibi.r. ~Jos. .i ar,d 2. 4• 'I'hat prior to is~uance ~F a Uuildiny permiL-, or within a Feriod nf one year fram cPie date ot tfais resolution, whichever occurs f ic~t Conditiori P~os. 1 and 2, abuve•-me~~ioned, . , shall be com~lied with r:ctensions f.or fucther ~i me L-o cornplete . said ccnciitions may be granl-ed in accur.dance with SecL•ion 18.03.~90 oE ~hn Anaheim Municipal Code. 5. '.chat prior L•o Einal buildi.ng ard zoning insr~eckions, Condition No. 3, above-mentioned, shaJ.l he com~ii~d wi~h. 6. `1'har. no alcoholic beverayeti, Axcept beAr and wine shall be sold or consur~~ed on ttie premiser of thP subjecC cond.itional, use permit. ~2.. Pc86-il's ~ . . ' /:~;'~~ (~~ ~ '`~ ;j. P ,,'. ~ ~;~t,~ ~"+" ~ ~ / ~ s ~ ~~;fy,7'. . . . ` 1. ~'; [~ 8 ,•,T . ~ ;~'''r~~ . . ~~.~.~r..i ~ ~ ~~~1,'~';:~ ry~I , .~~,(".:~F-'. BE IT L~UR'PHE,R RESOLVEll thak the Anarieim Citk~ Planning Commis~ion does ?`'~ l~erek>y find and determine ~h,~r adoption oE this Resoluhi.on is ~xpressly ';;; predicated upon aE~plicant's compliance w.ith each and all oL• L•he conditions he.reinabo~~e set L•orth. Should z~ny sucl7 conditions, or ~ny pa;,t the.reof, be d~clared inv~li.d or unenforcQ~ble by the final judgment of any court of competent jur.isdiction, tP,en this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed nu11 an~ void. TEIL FO.R~GO7:NG Rl~SOI.UTION i~ si ned and a ~ ~~: 9 ppr~ved by m~, this 28th day oP ApCil~ 1986. ~ ~ (_.~•'~~C~t--~~L-~•-c., v~~ ~~ Cr_.~. ~~ ,. CHAIRWOMA[d, ANAHEIPI CITY PLAIvhING C,ONIMISSION ATTEST: ~ ~• ' ~ ~ ~~~.sti . -~_ SLCRG'tARX, ANAHEIP4 CITY PLAhN:CNG COMMISSTON STAT~ OC CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ur QI2ANGG ) ss . CITY Ok' ANAHc.IM ) 1, Edith L. Harr.is, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do her~by ccrtify L-tiat l•he L•oregoing ~~so.lution ~~aas passed and adopl-ed at a me~t:ing of tt1~ Anaheim City Plannina Commission he7.d ~n April 28, 1986, by t:he tollowing votc~ of the mamber.s knereof: AYES: COMMT5SIONL.RS: k30UAS, HG;RAST, LA CI,A?HF, LAWICKI, MC BURNEY, MESSE [d()~;5: c;pMMISSIONF~R5: NONE AF3SLNT: COMMISSIUNGRS: F'i~Y IN i•IITNf355 WIIF,RL•'UF, I have herei~nto ~et my hand thi~; 28th day of April, .198F. _, - ,C,1~~ ~ . t .r ~ ~., SCC1tETARY f ANAE[~7M CITY PLAN. ING COMMISSION ,: ,: •, ~ `~t ;; '~ ~,~ ~ '~;.~ ,:;, ~ '3' PC86-1].3 ;; °a ~:`; ,._,._~;.c.~.